In the afternoon on Nansha Island, with the sea breeze blowing, Song Wen and Lu Siyu were standing at a fork in the island and talking to a small owner who set up a stall.

This is the end of the only street on the island. Going up, there is a blue stone cliff. The happiness hotel and the cake house are on the cliff. A short walk down is a beach.

Song Wen took another hundred from his wallet and asked the little boss: "What else do you know about the girl's disappearance?"

The boss saw the money and then continued: "Speaking of it, it's very evil... The girl liked to go to the Internet celebrity cake shop to eat cakes before she was alive. Soon after the girl died, that is, a month ago, the owner of the cake shop, He passed away.” He said here, and swallowed nervously. “Some people say that the missing girl is dead and turned into a female ghost after death, entangled the owner of the cake shop to death. "

Song Wen frowned: "Didn't the police come to investigate these things?"

"Here, whether it is the girl's disappearance or the suicide of the owner of the cake shop, I have come to check."

In order to get back the one hundred dollars, the little boss continued in detail, "After the girl disappeared, the police came to inquire and sent people to search the entire island in and out. The place where the girl lived was also checked. But there was no gain. As for the owner of the cake house, it is said that he committed suicide by cutting his wrist while taking a bath. When he was found, the body was cold. There were wind and waves on the sea during that time, and it took more than a day for the police to come over. Find out what's wrong."

Hearing this, Song Wen understood that this island is far from the inland, and it is not easy for a professional forensic doctor to come over.

And the employment of forensic medicine is the same as the employment of doctors and teachers.

The best students, the best elites, stay in the provincial capitals or big cities. The average students go to the grassroots cities, to remote mountainous areas, islands and countryside, etc., which are the poor students in the class at that time.

Such manpower, such environment, such conditions, what you expect to be able to find out, is rare.

Song Wendao: "It's very unlikely that there will be female ghosts. Does the boss have any other reasons for suicide?"

The little boss hesitated for a while, and whispered: "There is a saying, it seems that his wife was wearing a green hat, and he was so angry that he committed suicide. But this may be the villager's false transmission."

"What about the body? Is it buried?"

"It's been cremated long ago."

Song Wen frowned, "Why cremation?"

The little boss said: "You are not from outside. Although it looks like vegetation and sandy beaches on our island, the bottom is actually full of rocks. The carcasses are not buried deep, and it is easy to be digged out by animals. In the past. We are all sea burials here, and later they were not allowed, so we had to spend money to transport them out for cremation."

Lu Siyu asked again: "Now, is the cake shop still open? Who runs it?"

The little boss said, "Although the boss is dead, the wife is still there, and the cake chef in the shop is still there, so it hasn't been affected. Even the business is better, and young people continue to come here. But that place, be careful..."

Having said that, the little boss stopped talking.Song Wen asked, "Is there something wrong with the cake shop?"

The little boss waved his hands hurriedly: "No problem, we also bought the cake on it, it was delicious. Fortune Hotel does not have a restaurant, I guess you will have to eat in there."

I don't know if I really don't know the inside story, or because I'm all neighbors, the little boss is reluctant to say it.

"Thanks, we will be careful." Song Wen paid the money, and the hundred was also used as a tip.

After I bought something, I just walked out for two steps. Suddenly, Song Wen's cell phone rang and he opened it. Qiu Lan was playing him: "Song Brother, are you near the beach? Well, Jiang Jiang and I found it at the beach. I'm a little scared, can you come and take a look?"

Then she took a photo and sent it to him. It was a piece of white stuff stuck in the rocks by the sea...

Song Wen frowned and zoomed in on the picture. The white thing was mostly blocked by the reef, only some shapes could be seen vaguely.

Lu Siyu took his mobile phone and looked sideways in a small voice: "I can't see clearly. It may be the bones of large animals, or it may be...human bones."

Song Wen stood at the fork in the road and asked Lu Siyu: "We don't seem to be far from the seaside. Should we go around and take a look?"

Lu Siyu nodded.

Song Wen asked: "The tea egg..."

Ordinary people would probably say, go back and eat again, and don't be in a hurry at this time.

But Lu Siyu is not an ordinary person. He directly took one out of the plastic bag in Song Wen's hand, peeled the eggshell with his hands, opened his mouth and started eating while it was hot...

You have to be full before you can work hard.

Song Wen took out the tissues to prepare for him, then put other food in the backpack.

Lu Siyu ate very quickly. He ate two of them in a row. His face recovered some blood, and he wiped his hands and mouth with a tissue.

Song Wen returned to Qiu Lan and said, "Positioning."

Qiu Lan immediately posted the location. They were on the beach, about 800 meters away from them.

The direction of the seaside is well developed for the convenience of tourists. There is an asphalt road that leads directly to that side, and there are some free public bicycles that can be scanned freely on the open space at the end of the road.

Song Wen and other people like Lu Siyu rode one by one and went downhill, not far from the beach in less than five minutes.

There is a large area of ​​reefs on the seashore of Nansha Island. When the tide is high, these reefs will be submerged by water. When the tide is low, the large and small reefs will be exposed. These reefs have been washed by the sea and are very smooth and round.

Here is close to the seabird habitat by the sea. At this time, there are already large areas of seabirds flying low in the sky, some are looking for caves on the cliffs that can be avoided, and some are holding on to the strong and thick trees. nest.

Animals are much more sensitive to natural disasters than people. In many cases, earthquakes or typhoons are the first animals to discover.For this coming typhoon, those birds are naturally sensitive.

This place is near the sea, and huge swells have appeared on the sea. The circular wave is a full one or two meters high, and the rhythm is slowly surging over, making a heavy and heavy sound.

The darker the sky, the clearer all the distant scenes.

These are the precursors of the imminent typhoon.

At this moment, the two girls are standing beside a few rocks, and they can be seen from a distance.

Qiu Lan saw Song Wen, and then saw Lu Siyu behind him: "Hey, is Brother Lu too?"

Song Wen said: "We met on the road." Then he looked at Qiu Lan, "Why did you just send it to me?"

Qiu Lanyu squeezed, blinked his big eyes, and explained: "The teacher should have arrived at the hotel. It's no good to trouble him. And...this matter, we also want to ask someone to ask first, in case we read it wrong. Isn’t that a joke?”

She can't say that because she thinks Song Wen is more handsome and he feels bold and reliable, and she wants to ask him to come over alone...

Lu Siyu could not hear them wasting time by chatting, and directly asked: "The typhoon is coming, hurry up, what have you found?"

"Oh, here." Jiang Jiang pointed to them while speaking. It was under two reefs not far away. There was a piece of white bone-like thing stuck in it. "We used to shoot seabirds on the beach. At that time, Qiu Lan accidentally stumbled on the reef, and we did not expect that there was a bone underneath."

And the bones... if it is a small animal, the bone is not big enough, if it is a large animal, the bone is too small.After thinking about it, I think it might be human bones...

Lu Siyu skillfully took the gloves, walked over and squatted down to take a look. He first shook the bone-like thing, which was stuck in the two reefs, not moving. He raised his head and said to Song Wen: " lag."

"I'll try." Song Wen said, helping him move the reef next to him, and the two of them worked together and finally took out the thing.

Jiang Jiang and Qiu Lan were also interested at this time. They bowed and watched. They had studied marine biology and had a little understanding of the bones and anatomy of general animals. Only then can they make preliminary judgments, unlike the ocean Some bones.

Lu Siyu took the thing in his hand and observed carefully. The whole bone was moon-white with seams on it. The bone cavity was visible in the fracture. It was eroded by sea water for a period of time. The fish is clean.

Qiu Lan boldly asked curiously, "Is this human bone?"

Lu Siyu didn't answer her, turned his head and whispered to Song Wen, "It's possible."

"Really?" Both girls took a step back suddenly.

Song Wen ignored them, he immediately thought of the missing girl, lowered his head and asked Lu Siyu: "Then could it be the remains of the missing girl before?"

Lu Siyu stretched out his slender finger to measure the gesture and said: "This should be the human femur, which is the thigh bone, the longest tubular bone in the human body. Based on the length and thickness of the adult femur, the height of the deceased can be inferred. Judging by the thickness of this bone, it may be a female femur. However, it needs to be tested for details."

From mollusks to the emergence of the first exoskeleton organisms, to the evolution of exoskeletons into endoskeletons, mammals dominate the world.

Bones are often the last things left by animals or human bodies. Meat, skin, and internal organs will decay and deteriorate, but bones can last for thousands of years.

Bone is a mixture of living cells and minerals. It is hard to imagine that this kind of hard thing is a kind of living and growing tissue. It exists in each of us.

Some ancient peoples believe that bones have souls, are the blessings of heaven to all things, and are regarded as sacred objects.

Before puberty, there is not much difference between male and female bones. Once adulthood, due to hormones and growth, male bones will become longer, thicker, thicker, and rough, while female bones are short, slender, slender, and bones. The surface is smooth.

Although there are many comprehensive factors that affect the state of bones, such as region, growth environment, individual differences, hormones, drugs, etc., basic judgments can still be made based on general rules.

The bones of the limbs can determine gender and height.This bone looks like a woman, and it should be a small, tall, thin woman.

Song Wen asked again: "Can the time of death be confirmed?"

"It's been soaked in sea water, but overall, it's still relatively fresh." Lu Siyu observed for a while, and pointed a section of the bone to Song Wen. "The surface of the bone is like a bone. The mark left by the saw should be sawn after death."

"The wound surface is flat, not fractured or formed naturally, but sawn off. The surface cutting roughness of the fracture can reflect the size of the serration."

When I was in Lu Siyu University, I once did a subject, which was the inspection of saw marks on the cross-section of human bones. At that time, the instructor took them to saw several bones with various types of saws, and finally came to the conclusion that different saw teeth The saw marks left are significantly different in the microscopic state.

Although there is no better magnifying instrument for him to observe carefully, it is not difficult to judge the bone saw injury.

Fractures or sawing injuries caused before death will show signs of hematoma on the surface of the bones, but the corpse after death does not have this phenomenon.In the current situation, it is possible that the body has been disposed of.

A lot of clues can be inferred only by relying on a piece of white bone, which has not been tested and further microscopically observed.This is where the gap between good forensics and ordinary forensics lies.

Song Wen frowned when he heard here, the missing girl, the bones on the beach, the suicidal cake shop owner, and the prisoner who had been hiding for more than ten years. This small island seemed to have many stories.

Qiu Lan looked at Lu Siyu and said, "You can know whether it is a man or a woman based on a piece of bone. In fact, you are good at divination, right?"

Lu Siyu looked serious: "This is not mysticism, this is science."

Qiu Lan said: "Of course I know, I'm joking, but are you not a photographer? Why do you know so much about corpses, bones?"

Jiang Jiang looked up and down Lu Siyu: "Yes, you are not a forensic doctor, are you?" She was also shocked by the terms.

Lu Siyu shook his head: "I learned by myself in the past, and it is not necessarily accurate."

Jiang Jiang curled his lips. Lu Siyu used a very determined and professional tone just now, but now he denies it again.

The two boys have been mysterious since they got on the boat. They notified the person named Song Yu, but this person named Lu Siwen came together. These kinds of signs made her feel the relationship between the two people. It must not be as simple as they said.

Song Wen thought of what the stall owner had said before. Teacher Su had also come to inquire about the missing girl, and asked the two girls: "By the way, has Teacher Su been married? Have you had any children?"

Qiu Lan didn't know how to say to Teacher Su: "It seems that we were married when we were young, and then divorced. Since he taught us, we are alone, not sure if we have children."

Song Wen asked again: "Does Teacher Su always teach you?"

Qiu Lan continued to answer: "Yes, Teacher Su is very kind, knowledgeable and very patient. He is a good person who can give money to roadside beggars and donate money. He taught us marine biology. In the college, he Of elective courses enrolled the most."

While they were talking, Lu Siyu was still looking down at the bones, Jiang Jiang looked around and said, "Where did this bone come from? It floated by the sea? Could it be carried by seabirds? Right?" Then she looked at the size of the bone again, "but it's so big, it's probably more than the weight that a seabird can carry."

Song Wen stood up and looked around, "It doesn't look like the sea is brought over, it shouldn't be seabirds..." Then he raised his head and found a cliff not far away, that place was on this reef. On the top of the side, he stretched his finger and said, "It may be that it was thrown down from the cliff in this direction when the tide was high. The other part was washed away by the sea, and this piece happened to be stuck in the rock."

If it is high tide, these reefs will not be exposed at all and will be under the sea.

Jiang Jiang had studied the map of the island before. Hearing these words, his face changed slightly: "That place...not far from the Happy Hotel and the cake shop." They waited to get there.

Qiu Lan tightened her clothes, her braids were already a little messy by the wind, and her skirt was not so warm: "No one died on the island, right? The girl who disappeared before was killed?"

Suddenly, a section of suspected human bones was discovered on the island of this tourist attraction. This incident sounds scary enough.

Song Wendao: "There is something strange on this island."

In addition to the strangely missing girl, the owner of this island cake shop committed suicide not long ago.

Before Song Wen could say in detail, Qiu Lan's face was pale with fright: "This bone is enough to see people. There won't be anything unclean here, then... we night..."

Jiang Jiang has always been very sensible, but after all, she is a young girl. At this time, her expression also appeared panicked: "The most important thing is...the typhoon is coming, and there is no other place to live..."

Seeing how scared they were, Song Wen couldn't bear to tell the truth. He didn't tell them about the owner of the cake shop. He smiled and comforted: "There is no ghost in this world."

Lu Siyu stood up, blinked through the long eyelashes of the spectacles, and said coldly: "There are so many people, everyone has died, so many dead people are buried in various Place. The house you lived in, the school you went to, the road you traveled, even every inch of land you stepped on may have bones buried under..."

Human history is built on bones.

This is a scientific statement, and it is also telling the truth, but Jiang Jiang and Qiu Lan have obviously never thought about it this way.

The sea is rough, sea breeze hunting, the sky is a bit gloomy, Lu Siyu holds a piece of white bone in his hand, wears gold glasses, and his indifferent expression and cold voice are telling the same content...

The girls were even more frightened, leaning together and looking up at him, shivering. The comforting effect of these words did not seem to be very good.

Seeing the cold, Song Wen could only make a round for Lu Siyu: "If you could meet a ghost, you would have met it. Don't scare yourself."

Lu Siyu looked down at the bone in his hand, not knowing whose bone it was and what kind of story it contained.He took out a material evidence bag from the bag that Song Wen was carrying, wrapped the bone in it, and then said: "This thing has not been tested and is inaccurate. Let's go to the hotel as soon as possible and give it to the police when we have time. ."

Now, the wind on the beach is getting stronger and stronger, and the sky is full of dark clouds. This typhoon is really coming soon.

Song Wen agreed: "Be careful, everyone. Go to the hostel first."

Jiang Jiang hurriedly took out his mobile phone and looked at it, and he let out an ahhhhhh: "The typhoon is coming soon. Let's speed up."

The typhoon that was far away from them just now has moved to the big wind circle on the edge of the small island. On the map, it looks like a huge round cake with cream.

In a blink of an eye, the rain was about to drop, and the four people began to climb up the mountain quickly.Want to rush to the hotel before the rain.If the action is slowed by one point, it is likely to be blocked by the heavy rain.

With two bags on his back, Song Wen turned around and pulled Lu Siyu, still very relaxed.The two girls fell behind for a while, but fortunately they were young and did not hold back, and followed closely.

Jiang Jiang thought for a while, then turned to discuss with Qiu Lan next to him in a low voice: "I don't think I can tell the teacher about this bone thing. He can't help much, so I will scare him when I turn around."

Qiu Lan nodded and looked at the two people in front.

Jiang Jiang has a hunch that these two people seem to be more reliable than the teacher. Now that they know about it, the handsome guy with glasses also carefully put the bones away, obediently he meant to be handed over. What the police do for inspection, there should be results.

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