Zhuang Yi got up and zoomed in on the details of the picture: "It is not difficult to see that the victim has various scars, some of which are very cruel. To restore it, he may have slapped, kicked the suspect’s abdomen and head. Smash and so on."

He pointed to a picture again, "The scar here shows that the murderer used to drag the victim violently."

Speaking of this, Zhuang Yi zoomed in on several pictures of the victim's face: "But looking at this again, the makeup is painted very carefully, the foundation covers the scars on the face, and the lipstick is applied to completely cover the lips, and the inside is shallow. , Overly natural, I can say that most men do not reach this level of proficiency."

"And here..." Zhuang Yi pointed his finger at the detailed picture of the second case. "The murderer put on the victim's clothes and tucked it in carefully. On the victim's clothes, there were a few ropes. One bow tie is completely different from the others, so it can be seen that the murderer did it."

At this time, the face of the female corpse on the projection was exquisitely makeup, and the clothes on her body were neat. In answer to his statement, Tian Ming nodded slightly when she heard it.They have been investigating this case for some time, but many of the details have not been carefully analyzed.

As Zhuang Yi spoke, he circled some other details with a red pen: "These... and these, they may all be caused by the murderer... But isn't this strange? These behaviors are like a A perfectionist who pays attention to appearance will do it. A violent man, a brutal murderer, why would he do these things. What is his purpose for doing these things?"

No one answered, there was silence in the conference room, and the policemen present were all lost in thought. In the case, these details were indeed very strange and could not be explained by common sense.

Lu Siyu looked at the projection. He had noticed these details before, but he did not think of a good explanation for a while. At this time, he tilted his head and waited to hear Zhuang Yi continue.

"Looking at these pictures, it is not difficult for us to imagine a person sitting on her knees in front of the female corpses, helping them paint their makeup, and tidy them up carefully and cleanly... But before that, he had already completed all the criminal processes, normal. At this point, the prisoner either turned away contentedly, or wondered how to hide the body. What became the motivation for the murderer to make up the victim?"

"These are two completely different behavior patterns. One is rough and violent, and the other is meticulous." Looking at the projected photos, Gu Ju said.

He also felt that those pictures seemed to be unspeakable weird. Now that Zhuang Yi analyzes it, he finally understands the anomaly.

"About this case..." Zhuang Yi paused: "I have a bold guess. We may have two suspects."

"Two?" Gu Ju repeated these two words, frowning and embracing his arms.

This Professor Zhuang, as expected, did not stop talking, he threw such a terrifying theory as soon as he came up.But such a conclusion, under his previous foreshadowing, makes people feel reasonable.

"This theory was proposed because I found two contradictory behavioral logics in these scene photos. One is unscrupulous, unrepentant, and intensified violence; the other is regret, pity, guilt, regret..."

Zhuang Yikan talked, like a professor who lectured to students in a university. He walked to the front row and put his arms on the table: "It is true that these two emotions can appear on one person, but because These two emotions are contradictory. According to common sense, one should be strengthened and the other should be weakened. It's like the more sad a person is, it is impossible to be happier at the same time..."

Everyone at the scene looked at the photos of the three groups of victims. Sure enough, as he said, in the three cases, the girls were getting younger and younger, and the injuries they suffered were getting heavier. Correspondingly, their dresses were getting more and more serious The more refined.When I arrived at Wang Xiaopei, I was even more meticulous and spent a lot of time.

"But now, with the progress of these three cases, these two opposite emotions are progressing. The more violent, the more guilt, to the newest victim, the murderer even risks being discovered. , To add makeup to the victim."

Having said that, Zhuang Yi concluded: "That's why I came to a possible conclusion that there may be two murderers we are looking for."

Then he analyzed in detail, “From various details, we can know that the main culprit is a male, aged between 20 and 30. According to the shoe print measurement at the scene, the height should be about 1.75 meters, of medium build. His muscularity, his violent enough, broken ribs, bleeding eye sockets, and strangulation all show this well."

"The assistant may be a thinner woman or a man who is responsible for deceiving and letting the victim relax his vigilance. Or he did not show up at the scene of the attack at all and just waited for the end of the crime to clean up the mess. He may be weaker. Women cannot rule out the possibility of men. He should be coerced or semi-forced, not completely voluntary. He is careful, timid, and perfectionist. He is using behavior to compensate for the murderer’s harm to the victim. He will give The victim wears clothes and tidy up his makeup. He is compassionate and guilty, and will cover his clothes on the victim's face. He may have lacked the care of his parents since he was a child, unable to live independently, and has a dependent relationship with the principal offender."

Having said that, Zhuang Yi summarized: "These two people, one is active and the other is passive, like a pair of embarrassed combinations."

After he finished speaking, the expressions of Tian Ming and other people changed. Such an inference was a situation they had never considered in the past few months.But what Zhuang Yi said, but it seems very reasonable.

"Strikes and assaults are very private crimes, and accomplices rarely occur." Gu Ju's brow furrowed deeply, "Then why do you think this happens?"

Zhuang Yi continued: “People’s relationships are complex. Such a combination may be due to family affection or some kind of internal relationship. The son who controls his violence may even be a father and son..."

Zhuang Yi turned around and said: "If you find it unbelievable, I can cite some examples. In the past, there have been cases where a pregnant wife helped her husband hunt for sex. The homicide on a pig farm in Vancouver was done by brothers. As for parents helping There are countless examples of sons covering up the facts of murder."

Having said that, Zhuang Yi turned around and looked at the projection: "Of course, these are just my personal thoughts after seeing the picture. The theory is not very mature yet, it is just a hypothesis. The specifics have to wait for the criminal police to investigate. I hope There can be actual physical evidence, or testimony that can correct my theory."

At first, everyone didn't believe it, but after he gave those examples, several people nodded and accepted this possibility.This mode of behavior is understandable.

Lu Siyu kept silent and recorded Zhuang Yi's statement on the paper.

Song Wen lowered his head and pondered for a moment, but still felt that there was something unreasonable about the two-person crime. Suddenly, there was a flash of light in his mind: "That...Is it possible that the murderer of this case was a double personality?"

For a while, the meeting room became quiet again, and even Gu Ju frowned and thought. If the murderer had a dual personality, it seemed that Zhuang Yi's previous analysis could be satisfied.

Tian Ming's rectum felt that this argument was a bit weird, "Team Song, your situation is a bit too special..."

However, Zhuang Yi interrupted Tian Ming's words and cast his approving gaze at Song Wen: "This idea is very good, and I have considered this situation."

When Zhuang Yi arrived here, he turned to face the people and answered their questions: "Dual personality, the scientific name is "dissociative identification disorder". In fact, although dual personality is rare, it is never uncommon. Consider this situation. Going in is very comprehensive. It's just..."

Zhuang Yi paused and continued to explain: "Dual personality, you can't choose or switch personality at any time."

"Most of the personality transitions are carried out randomly. The regular transitions are closely related to traumatic events. When encountering big stimuli, stressful events, or extreme relaxation, For example, it is near sleep, after hypnosis, a fixed change will occur."

"In this case, the milder and guilty character appeared after the incident. If we assume that the murderer really has multiple personalities, then at this time, it is often that the mood has fallen but is not relaxed enough, and the nerves are tense. When I was in this place, I repeatedly reasoned and couldn’t find his personality stress transition point and the reason for the stress transition.

Having said that, Zhuang Yi pulled over the whiteboard and said, "I analyzed the psychological process of the murderer committing the crime. According to the psychodynamicist Lewin’s theory, we divide psychological motivation into six basic links: need, tension, valence, Vector, obstacles, balance."

"These six stages can be well applied to this case. Needs are physiological needs. Tension is internal tension. Valence is subjective experience. Vectors are a measure of conflict. Obstacles are our rule of law. , The law, the power to hinder behavior. In the end, there is balance, and the murderer is satisfied."

Zhuang Yi drew a circle on the whiteboard and wrote the six states separately.

"People's behavior develops from need to balance. I think that when the victim dies, the final state of balance is over. Only before the next attack will the next cycle occur. In other words, ordinary people Understandably, the murderer should be in the state of a sage at this time, and there is absolutely no reason or possibility for conversion."

"So I feel that this situation is not in line with the three cases that have already occurred."

Song Wen nodded and accepted this explanation. Without a stress point, a fixed personality transformation could not be completed. Without a fixed personality transformation, it would not be possible to create the characteristics that are formed in every case.The theoretical hypothesis of dual personality has obvious loopholes in this case and is untenable.

The analysis of the case was similar, Gu Ju turned around and asked Tian Ming: "Team Tian, ​​what do you think about this?"

Tian Ming said: "Although there is not enough evidence at the scene to prove that the suspects are two, I think Professor Zhuang's analysis is in line with the situation at the scene."

"Thank you Professor Zhuang." Gu Ju thought for a moment and said: "This theory is interesting. I think this analysis is reasonable. It cannot be ruled out that the murderer was two or more people. You will investigate the case next. At that time, you can take this situation into consideration and conduct investigations to see if there is any gain."

Then he looked at the people and said: "You are all elites of the city council. You must work together to catch the criminal as soon as possible. You must race against time to ensure the safety of the citizens."

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