Create a swarm technology tree in Konoha

Chapter 714 The Supernova Explosion of Otsutsuki

The six ancient trees are all terrifying giants with a body height of one million meters.

They arranged themselves into a one-two-three triangular formation, with the treasure tree as the vertex of the triangle, and accelerated forward with all their might.

As the speed increased to the standard, Baoshu's body suddenly erupted with strong electromagnetic waves, forming a dazzling circular arc.

The electric arc quickly spread to the six huge lava bodies, and the next moment they entered the space interlayer and quickly slid towards the target star system.

The Baoshu people are old and sophisticated, and they have seen with their own eyes how Zhou Wenming's six planetary fortresses accelerated into the space mezzanine and launched a surprise attack on the Otsutsuki clan.

He actually learned it after seeing it once. Now, by following the operation of drawing a scoop from a gourd, he has exactly reproduced the precise operation of celestial-level existence and sliding into the space mezzanine.

The tree shepherd civilization received a lot from the living snakes, and even more from the Zhou civilization through the living snakes, but the ancient trees also made equivalent exchanges in various ways, so they did not have any psychological burden.

The electromagnetic force field is different. This is an important technology that is related to the future of the tree shepherd civilization and must be obtained. The ancient trees rummaged through everything they owned, but found that they couldn't come up with anything that could be the equivalent of an electromagnetic force field.

There is really no choice but to owe it temporarily.

With the help of the descendants of Zhou Civilization, after the six ancient tree avatars were freed, they owed even more debts. All the ancient trees were very worried about this and didn't know how to repay this debt. However, their leader Baoshu was calm and not nervous.

Who would have thought that Baoshu wanted to repay with his life.

After the shock, the ancient trees thought it was a good idea. Being trapped in the Tree Shepherd Galaxy, the Tree Shepherd civilization was very short of treasures and knowledge, and what could be exchanged had long been used to exchange various technologies and resources.

They really have no way to repay their debts, and there is no way to exchange money between different civilizations because their basic needs are different, and even labor cannot be equivalent.

Special heavy element minerals can be used as hard currency, but the ancient trees of the Tree Shepherds are completely unable to collect the quantities they think are sufficient, and they themselves also need these precious minerals.

In the end, apart from their own lives, the ancient trees really have nothing of sufficient value.

Through communication with Zhou Wenming, the ancient trees all knew that Zhou Wenming's biggest enemy was the Otsutsuki clan.

And they also knew that Aburame Tetsumaru and the others were bringing six planetary fortresses this time to have a final battle with their biggest enemy.

Therefore, in this critical battle, the ancient trees participated in the battle with all their strength and helped Zhou Wenming eliminate their biggest enemy, which was enough to offset the value of electromagnetic force field technology and help in the implementation process.

For the Tree Shepherd Ancient Tree, it is very important to be able to reach an equivalent exchange and eliminate the "debt" between the two parties.

Debt always makes people feel guilty. If they cannot pay off in time, the ancient trees will inevitably be burdened with a heavy state of mind.

Because the "population" of the Tree Shepherd civilization is too sparse, each member is an ancient tree with unlimited lifespan, and they have nearly infinite resilience.

Compared with various physical injuries, psychological problems that are difficult to cure and continue to accumulate are the injuries that really kill the ancient tree.

Another problem is that Zhou Civilization has risen too fast. Less than a hundred years after its establishment, it has already officially challenged the Otsutsuki clan, the most vicious clan in the universe.

Baoshu believes that if Zhou Wenming wins this battle, they will become a new generation of universe overlords within five thousand years.

Even if they lose, the overlord will definitely belong to Zhou Wenming, but the time may be delayed to about 10,000 years.

All the ancient trees also agreed with Baoshu's view, because the Otsutsuki clan could not attack with overwhelming force, so even if they won, it would be a tragic victory, and it would be impossible to destroy the foundation of Zhou civilization.

The tree herder civilization has been dealing with the Otsutsuki clan for a long time. The ancient trees know that this powerful nomadic race has poor resilience, and they have discovered over a long period of time that the overall strength of the Otsutsuki clan is actually showing a downward trend.

The strength and decline of Otsutsuki formed a sharp contrast with the flourishing Zhou civilization.

Don't say that they can't win. The Otsutsuki clan just can't win a complete victory quickly, so they lose.

After finally solving its biggest flaw and getting the opportunity to develop freely, facing the overlord of the universe who could reach the top in a few thousand years at the earliest, how dare the Tree Shepherd civilization owe their debt?

What if the Adventers use this debt as an excuse to make the Ancient Trees "sell themselves to pay off the debt" and forcibly annex the Tree Shepherd civilization... The Ancient Trees have no way to save their own civilization.

Although if Zhou Wenming is determined and strong, the tree shepherd civilization will perish no matter what, but when there is no excuse at all, the descendants should also have some scruples.

After all, Zhou civilization is not a single national civilization, and the current descendants include members of different civilizations. The source of future descendants will be further complicated. On this basis, it is impossible for Zhou Wenming to be completely shameless and forcibly annex the Tree Shepherds without any reason, otherwise they themselves will cause civil strife.

In short, as long as this transaction is completed, the tree herder civilization will no longer have any burdens and can embark on a new journey of expanding civilization with a relaxed mind.

The ancient trees sliding in the space mezzanine have made up their minds, and they are willing to pay the price with their lives for the freedom and future of the tree shepherd civilization.

As long as all six ancient trees are not killed in the battle, the tree shepherd civilization will have a bright future.

Even in the next ten to twenty thousand years, the tree herder civilization will have a population "big explosion", with the total population exceeding three digits. It will be a prosperity that is unimaginable.

After confirming his desperate situation, the God of Otsutsuki chose to self-destruct without any hesitation.

Consciousness civilization is the fateful enemy of Otsutsuki civilization. He understands that there is only one reason why these guys spy on the battlefield but do not join the battle, and that is that they are not at the end of the road yet.

In this case, let's give up most of the mass of Otsutsuki's star, keep the core part of the star, double its dangerous state, and force the conscious civilization to enter the battle.

When consciousness civilization suddenly joins the war, Zhou Wenming is caught off guard and will definitely be in an awkward situation.

At that time, the God of Otsutsuki would launch a counterattack with his remaining body, aggravating the embarrassing state of Zhou civilization, tricking the eukaryotic civilization into rebelling, and creating a situation where the three major civilizations besieged Zhou civilization.

When the situation is completely chaotic, the God of Otsutsuki can find an opportunity to escape with his core body.

That's right, He has completely given up the chance of victory and just wants to survive in the universe.

The advantage of the God of Otsutsuki is his longevity. With his endless lifespan, he can wait for Zhou Wenming, the overlord, to decline after a long period of prosperity, and then he will show up to pick up garbage and rebuild the Otsutsuki clan.

Or if the Zhou civilization develops, successfully advances to the next stage, and leaves this universe like the Otsutsuki civilization, the result will be the same to him.

If you can't fight, can't you still hide?

As for consciousness civilization and eukaryotic civilization, even if they join forces with the God of Otsutsuki, they still cannot defeat Zhou Civilization. It is even difficult to say whether they will win or lose this battle.

But what does their death or immortality have to do with the God of Otsutsuki?

The thinking of God Otsutsuki is not complicated for humans, but it is different for intelligent life. Because it is impossible to make a completely fuzzy estimate, all data and future trends must be calculated. The calculations and judgments involved are extremely complex, and the computers consumed are naturally massive.

Fortunately, after he gave up the idea of ​​defeating Zhou Wenming, he was able to free up huge computing power, and the complex evaluation and judgment were all completed in an instant, and the final decision was made.

After the God of Otsutsuki transferred the computing power, the four abandoned Otsutsuki successors immediately fell into a disadvantage.

Sensing that the situation had changed, Otsutsuki Kaguya did not hold back, nor did he hesitate. In the blink of an eye, he destroyed the bodies of Otsutsuki Shiba and Otsutsuki Anyao, and even carefully used the ashes of the co-killer to turn every cell into a flying weapon. Ash.

In Otsutsuki Kaguya's intuition, these two blood successors each hold terrible artifacts, and their power is quite terrifying.

In particular, Otsutsuki Shiba is in charge of three artifacts, one of which is called the Killing Sword, which can actually split the molecular structure solidified by the electromagnetic force field of Kaguya and the living dragon, directly damaging their bodies.

This lightning artifact can also retain power in the wound, preventing the regeneration of flesh and blood and the repair of the electromagnetic force field. It really has the possibility of killing Kaguya Otsutsuki.

After seizing the flaw, the first person Ōtsutsuki Kaguya killed was Shibaju, and then Ōtsutsuki Anyasu.

There are also three artifacts in Ankang's hands. In addition to the neutron star space gate, there is also a glowing right eye, which can borrow the magnetic field of the entire Otsutsuki star to directly confront the electromagnetic force fields of the two main forces.

The Brilliant Right Eye can not only directly weaken the power of the electromagnetic force field, but also hinder Kaguya Otsutsuki's movements, reducing her speed by 70%, creating a chance for the Killing Sword to hit.

After killing two Otsutsuki Blood Snares, Otsutsuki Kaguya seized six artifacts, especially the Sword of Killing. She breathed a huge sigh of relief.

In the short battle just now, Kaguya kept moving at high speed, leaving only seven or eight wounds on his body, which were not very serious.

But because the live dragon couldn't move at will, it endured hundreds of attacks, and one side of its body was cut to a bloody mess.

Because the power of the weapon suppressed the resilience, the injuries suffered by the living dragon were so serious that they might even endanger her life, so much so that she couldn't help but ask for support from Aburame Tetsumaru.

Otsutsuki Kaguya is preparing to continue her efforts to kill the remaining two Otsutsuki blood successors, and finally attack the ghost-like God of Otsutsuki.

At this moment, unprecedented pressure suddenly broke out. Even though Otsutsuki Kaguya had already experienced the huge pressure inside a star, her hands and feet could not help but feel numb, and her head felt dizzy for a moment.

Under the pressure of this explosion, the seriously injured body suffered even greater damage. He couldn't help but ask: "What happened?"

At this time, due to the huge pressure in the star core, the metal elements released free electrons during the squeeze. An electromagnetic storm rolled up in the entire Beilin Square, and all wireless communications were interrupted.

Except for the instigator, the God of Otsutsuki, no one on Zhou Wenming’s side knew what happened.

He performed the largest self-destruction operation, using the star core as the boundary. All members of the Otsutsuki clan outside this area were wiped out. The sacred tree retracted to its seed state and all the condensed wedges were recovered.

The energy released by the death of the Otsutsuki clan and the sacred tree, under the control of the God of Otsutsuki, served as an ignition trigger, igniting the high-density chakra in the mantle layer and the incomplete crust layer.

This is not a controllable technique, but a chain reaction of chakra squeezing, releasing all the energy contained in chakra particles at once.

The energy in chakra particles is contained in the gluons inside and is stored in the form of strong interaction. From full to full release, the energy is comparable to the annihilation of matter and antimatter with total mass elimination.

This was a chakra-led nuclear reaction, even at the cost of about 10% of the chakra destruction, instantly releasing the energy that Otsutsuki had accumulated for hundreds of thousands of years.

This is energy beyond human imagination, equivalent to the total radiation of the sun in 10,000 years.

As a giant planet, Otsutsuki's gravity field was meaningless under this energy, and the entire mantle layer was blown away into the universe.

Moreover, all material elements, from carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine and neon in the second cycle to iron, cobalt, nickel, copper and zinc in the fourth cycle, were crushed in the huge energy explosion, and then polymerized again due to high energy. Within a few seconds, a large number of sixth-cycle elements and seventh-cycle elements were born.

The heavy elements formed waves in the explosion and spread outward unstoppably. Zhou Wenming's four planetary fortresses were the first to bear the brunt.

Faced with such sudden changes, the descendants were dumbfounded.

But they were indeed the elite of Zhou Civilization. They calculated the energy level in an instant, confirmed that this was a supernova explosion without any falsehood, and also confirmed that the planetary fortress could not resist.

No, no one thought about letting the planetary fortress face such a natural disaster.

Now that things are coming to an end, we can only hope that the planetary fortress can withstand it. The descendants fully opened the electromagnetic force field, and then each used their own means to suppress the situation.

In fact, there are not many descendants who can participate in the defense. Only planet-level and above combat powers use various means to add layers of defense outside the electromagnetic force field.

In just ten seconds, the heavy element wave arrived.

The heavy elements reaching 90% of the speed of light instantly destroyed the fragile defense, and then slammed heavily on the star fortress.

At this moment, only matter itself can stop such a torrent of matter.

The collision of high-speed atomic nuclei creates more superheavy elements, peeling off the defensive shell of the planetary fortress visibly to the naked eye, and embedding countless heavy elements deeply into the depths of the planetary fortress.

After all, this supernova is not a stellar bandage. It comes and goes quickly. In only five seconds, the wave of heavy elements passed.

Among the four planetary fortresses, the one where Aburame Tetsumaru was located was safe and sound. The other three were almost turned into hemispheres, but they were shining golden hemispheres.

It turns out that in the supernova explosion, the molecular weight of gold and platinum was special, which not only produced a considerable proportion, but also had moderate penetrating power. They will not penetrate deeply enough like lighter elements and be re-evaporated in the subsequent process, nor will they completely penetrate the planetary fortress like heavier elements.

The three planetary fortresses were baptized by heavy elements, and 16% of the elements were replaced with gold and platinum, naturally making them sparkle.

The three planetary fortresses were a little in a mess, but overall they could maintain their spherical shape, while the Otsutsuki planet that caused the supernova explosion was completely destroyed.

Its diameter suddenly changed from 40,000 kilometers to 4,800 kilometers, and it was uneven.

A large number of heavy elements remaining in the explosion were forcibly condensed by the super pressure in the core of the explosion, and due to the stress of the explosion, they formed a branch-like hollow structure.

As a large amount of material was thrown out, the pressure suddenly dropped, and the remaining light elements vaporized and expanded, creating a gap similar to a sponge.

The mass of the star core is only 7% of the original large-tube wood star. The weak gravity cannot reshape the spherical shape. This loose structure with a thickness of about 400 kilometers has been preserved.

The remaining star core looked so dilapidated that everyone thought that this was Otsutsuki's star being shot into the soul, and that the Otsutsuki clan was about to be defeated.

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