Create a swarm technology tree in Konoha

Chapter 647 Zhou Wenming’s plan to build the ancient continent

Zhou Wenming conducted a long-term analysis of the information carried by gamma ray bursts. There was only so much of the process that he could guess at, and nothing more after that.

According to so much intelligence, the war between the Eukaryotic civilization and the Otsutsuki clan must be over by now, because both sides have suffered enough losses.

In the universe, it is confirmed that the opponent's strength is difficult to deal with, and no one will risk everything to fight for it. There is no need.

Everyone is doing it for the continuation of the race and the survival of civilization. Why should we risk our lives if we are not forced into a blind corner?

The universe is so big, where can we not make a living?

All eukaryotic civilization needs are stars. After they leave their former prison, they are simply rats that have fallen into the national granary and cannot eat as much as they want.

The Otsutsuki clan is even more casual. These guys are originally locusts in the universe, nomadic gangs left over from the last civilized era.

The Otsutsuki clan really doesn't deserve to risk their lives with a stupid green civilization who dares to fight for their lives. It's not worth it.

On the contrary, the Otsutsuki clan should let the eukaryotic civilization leave. As long as they remember their location, they can sneak over to catch the autumn wind from time to time in the endless years to come.

In any case, the ability to build eukaryotic civilization is not comparable to that of other races, and it is not good at dealing with extremely powerful enemies like Otsutsuki.

This is such a good leek field, how can it be wasted?

Based on their own interests, both sides should retreat and end the war.

But this was contrary to the random prediction made by the dice, and the descendants couldn't help but talk about it.

The politician thought unspeakably tiredly for a while, but couldn't help but ask: "With such a clear and clear direction of interests, why did the subsequent development result that the two parties suddenly joined forces?"

The steward asked, "Don't you believe in the random predictions of dice?"

"Of course I believe it," the politician said immediately, with a smile that couldn't be hidden in his tone.

Several months have passed, but Dice's luck has not improved at all, and even the dignified descendants have encountered several life-and-death crises.

Now he has hid on Master Ba's Taihang Mountain. Under the watchful eye of this most thoughtful descendant, he is spending hard time and looking forward to the recovery of his luck.

Considering the changes in luck before and after the dice, no one could doubt his prediction.

The politician shook his head and sighed: "Well, seeing how unlucky he is, it's really hard not to believe it."

"Although facts are always more legendary and unbelievable than stories, they ultimately have internal logic, especially the interaction between civilization and large forces, which will never deviate from the guidance of interests."

Everyone was lost in thought and couldn't figure out why such a change occurred.

Thief Cao was thinking hard for a long time, and it took him a long time to ask a question: "If it were reversed and the two families joined forces, regardless of the driving interests, what would be the early steps?"

Aburame Tetsumaru said directly: "There is generally only one possibility. The Otsutsuki clan and the eukaryotic civilization have fought again, and each other's pants have fallen off."

"Because they fought so hard against each other, they all encountered a crisis that made it difficult for them to survive, and then they had to negotiate and form alliances..."

"There's no reason why you would fight so hard?" Aburame Tetsumaru's voice became lower and lower, and in the end he couldn't speak at all. Apparently he thought this possibility was too illogical in origin.

First of all, although the eukaryotic civilization won the closest battle, they actually did not have strategic offensive capabilities.

It can be seen from the analyzed intelligence that the attacks of eukaryotic civilization are all aimed at fixed points, which is strategically very clumsy.

Moreover, the points that eukaryotic civilization can attack are not ordinary. They must be very large, at least not giant planets like Otsutsuki.

When the Dyson Sphere occupied by the Otsutsuki clan was destroyed, the eukaryotic civilization no longer had a target to attack, and was in an absolutely embarrassing situation strategically.

Just like the ancient Central Plains dynasty, looking at the vast prairie, there is not even a city that can be occupied, and they don't know how to attack.

But conversely, the Otsutsuki clan also felt uncomfortable. Their six surviving Otsutsuki planets and a dozen rock puppet planets all fled far away before the third Dyson sphere appeared.

These large ladders must not appear within the range of the Dyson Sphere, otherwise they will be evaporated by the terrifying attack of the Dyson Sphere in minutes.

The firepower that this super-giant Dyson Sphere facility can project is so great that it is simply not comparable to the energy output of the Warhammer.

Even if there are several star-level combat forces now, they can't operate such a powerful force if they unite and go all out.

This is a metal machine with a mass of hundreds of billions of tons, and the difference between it and Zhou Wenming's seven or eight top powerhouses is no more than three hundred tons in total.

Just like the best aircraft engine, no matter how advanced the technology is, it cannot compete with the 10,000-ton heavy tanker in the steam era. The energy output efficiency of the two parties is naturally at a different level.

Aburame Tetsumaru and others thought hard and couldn't figure out the reason.

But Orochi Hime, the old god, had a cold light in her eyes and said a possibility: "Among the Otsutsuki clan, and among the top leaders, is there a huge deviation between the interests of someone and the overall interests?"

"He considered his own interests and made decisions that went against the interests of the Otsutsuki clan."

Politicians and others were stunned. This could indeed explain the previous problem, but this explanation itself was a problem.

At the top of any political power or organization, his interests will be tightly bound to the whole.

Even if there are many competitions for interests, it should be a competition for shares within the existing scope, and it should not be a competition that ruins the entire pot.

Aburame Tetsumaru shook her head and said: "Forget it, don't waste time thinking about this kind of problem anymore. Speculations without intelligence are too vain."

"We don't need to worry about what problems they have internally. We just need to treat the enemy as a whole and destroy or eliminate it as a whole."

"But if the two sides join forces, the strength of Otsutsuki's side can be restored quickly, and the Dyson Sphere Tianhe's attack on the other side is also very terrifying."

"Don't worry, our eighth master has completed the galaxy defense system, which is enough to withstand dozens of hours." The paratrooper said with a smile, "For such a long time, I believe that our star level can make the Dyson sphere understand To the passion of the stars.”

No one doubted the paratrooper's words.

The stellar cannon that the stellar class can currently use, the gamma ray burst output is not as powerful as the Dyson Sphere's Tianhe attack, but the gap between the two sides is not two levels.

Zhou Wenming will not be like the Otsutsuki clan, which only relies on planet-level weapons and can only withstand the attack of eukaryotic civilization unilaterally.

Moreover, the carrier of stellar combat power is human beings. Although after repeated evolutions, the minimum weight of stellar class will exceed ten tons, but this size is hidden in the star and is smaller than a grain of sand in the sea.

In other words, the Dyson sphere of the eukaryotic civilization itself has become a weak point that can be attacked, but the stellar powerhouse of Zhou civilization cannot be found, and there is no way to lock and attack it.

As for destroying stars directly, that is simply impossible.

Attacking and destroying a star is not as simple as blowing up a big fireball. In any star system, the mass of the star itself accounts for more than 99% of the entire star system.

Launching an attack on the absolute core of a star system would mean directly destroying the entire star system.

The eukaryotic civilization continued its attack for nearly a year and a half, destroying the Dyson sphere they built themselves. The attack power displayed was earth-shattering.

But it did not essentially affect the core star in the Dyson sphere, and it did not even set off a storm that truly swept the entire star. At most, there were several peak periods of prominences and sunspots.

Zhou Wenming was a little worried before, because the most terrifying thing is often not the irresistible enemy, but the unknown enemy.

Through gamma ray burst analysis data, the descendants saw the war scene between the eukaryotic civilization and the Otsutsuki clan.

No matter how gorgeous the river-like attack on that day was, or no matter how 20,000 Otsutsukis shuttled through space like locusts, the descendants of Zhou Wenming were confident in their hearts.

If it can be dealt with, the trump card revealed by the Otsutsuki clan is just that, and it is not as threatening as the newly emerged eukaryotic civilization.

Even if these two families join forces, Zhou Wenming will have enough ability to deal with it, and there will be no situation where he cannot bear it.

"If they become an alliance, we will have more time." Shengyangyu said with a smile, "The Otsutsuki clan is fast enough, but the Dyson ball speed of the eukaryotic civilization will never be increased."

"Although the Dyson sphere is extremely large, for the star, it is just a thin shell. When it enters the space interlayer, it will definitely disintegrate on the spot."

"And the center of such a large Dyson sphere must be a star. They have absolutely no power to pry such a massive celestial body, and they simply cannot meet the conditions for sliding into the interlayer of space."

Ba Ye said with a smile: "That would be great. Either the Otsutsuki clan, which replenishes chakra and regains its combat power, will arrive within a year or two, or they will slowly drift over over forty years together. .”

Aburame Tetsumaru also nodded and decided: "Then we will prepare two sets of plans at the same time to deal with the two situations."

"This is really great. It frees up a lot of manpower." Alchemy asked happily, "There should be enough manpower allocated to me this time, right?"

"My 'Prehistoric' plan has long been advanced to a critical moment, and it's my turn..."

However, Aburame Tetsumaru turned his attention to Candle Dragon, who had been silent for a long time, and asked: "Has the problem of time difference between the prehistoric and ancient times been solved?"

Zhulong nodded, but then shook his head and said uncertainly: "It has been solved to a certain extent. Now the dislocation oscillation of time and space can be controlled at 1.5 millimeters."

"In addition to being unable to pass through rigid materials, living things about the size of an aphid will also be crushed, but it has been confirmed that it will not cause harm to humans."

Zhulong raised his finger and said, "At most, it's just a slight dizziness."

Aburame Tetsumaru was greatly surprised and asked: "Is there really only this little danger?"

"Can confirm."

"Okay! That's great!"

Aburame Tetsumaru was not the only one who was excited, almost all the people who came were excited about it.

Prehistoric is a goal and a plan.

At the beginning, Alchemy proposed that he wanted to build a wonder that would connect the Ninja World, Purple Thunder Star, and Callisto through unparalleled infrastructure. Even if you walk on these planets, you can travel freely on these planets.

This idea quickly developed into a huge research and construction plan, and was also regarded by Aburame Tetsumaru and others as a direction to solve the short legs of civilization.

When Aburame Tetsumaru named this plan, he said: "In mythology, the saints shattered the ancient world. Even after they were put together, it was no longer a complete world, but evolved into three thousand worlds."

"And if our work can be completed, we can connect the entire universe into an infinite whole, and we can reach every living planet without going through a long space voyage."

"We can also approach dangerous celestial bodies at will, such as real black holes, such as magnetars that emit pulsed electromagnetic waves."

"Isn't this the prehistoric era?"

"Although there is no prehistoric world in this world, we can build a prehistoric continent on our own."

The Prehistoric Plan began to advance very quickly, because Zhou Wenming mastered a large number of space-based ninjutsu, divine arts, and immortal arts, as well as many industrialized equipment.

The descendants are very powerful in space, and they quickly solved the portal from the ninja world to the Purple Thunder Star.

The next step is to solve the problem of the stability of the portal, so that it can be made large enough, last long enough, and the frequency of two-way transmission is high enough, until people cannot notice that they are being teleported.

The problem encountered at this stage is that both planets are revolving and rotating at the same time. The two portals must constantly correct each other's spatial coordinates to maintain the stability of the transmission.

This is actually not a difficult problem. Although it is four very complicated formulas, the computing power of any mobile phone can solve this level of data calculation. Zhou Wenming can solve it without any pressure.

However, in subsequent actual measurements, the movement of the planets was not stable. The positions of countless celestial bodies in the entire solar system can affect the orbits of the two planets.

These are not just large planets, but also large enough asteroids and comets.

These small celestial bodies, which are about hundreds of kilometers in size, can cause planets like Shinobi to move by a few centimeters to several millimeters.

The impact of this scale is negligible on the operation of the planet, but for a portal that requires long-term stable existence, it is an irresistible destructive force.

Adding these variables creates a very weak version of three-body motion.

No, not the three-body system, which is a system of six large primary celestial bodies and thousands of secondary celestial bodies.

As more and more variables were added, the calculation requirements for relative coordinates increased geometrically, and soon exceeded the limit of Zhou Wenming's computing power.

However, Zhou Civilization is a dynamic civilization, and the descendants are rich in experience and methods of solving problems. They decided to build enough monitoring systems and update the data all the time, so that they can make short-term calculations with the latest data.

This amount of calculation has returned to the mobile phone chip level and is no longer a problem that bothers everyone.

As for systems that monitor celestial bodies, the solution is to use space grids to herd a population of space worms.

These bugs feed on chakra and are extremely sensitive to changes in space. They can sense changes in space compression and use this to instinctively judge the movement trajectories of celestial bodies within an extremely wide range.

The space worm will package the perceived trajectory information, transmit it to the nearest cocoon server through the space grid, and directly upload it to the Liuhe world, solving the problem of time difference in information.

With the information from the space worm, Alchemy built the first portal.

It was a huge door, comparable in size to the Dark Portal when the orcs invaded Azeroth.

Then, as expected, the transmission failed.

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