Create a swarm technology tree in Konoha

Chapter 623: Don’t play fancy, just go hard

Aburame Tetsumaru shook his head and sighed: "Finally, I won't die. This time I spent a lot of resources."

Gray Bones said happily: "Whatever, Orochimaru and Orochimai showed us a lot of secrets of the soul."

"A living soul slice, even you Aburame Tetsumaru can't show it to us."

The faces of Aburame Tetsumaru, Orochimaru, and Orochime turned black into charcoal strips, and Gray Bones blatantly called them two perverts.

Humph, as if he himself wasn't one of the perverted results of Aburame Tetsumaru.

[No, actually he knew, but in order to complain about Aburame Tetsumaru, even he said it himself. 】

Everyone present had one thought in their minds: This girl's mental problem is very serious.

Uzumaki gave Gray Bones a punch unceremoniously, telling him to shut up and stop laughing.

The descendants had a rare quarrel, taunting and complaining among themselves, which effectively helped Orochimaru and Orochimaru relieve their mental fears.

"Tell me the reason. Let me hear how you got to where you are today, senior."

Aburame Tetsumaru had enough time to pull up a high-backed chair from the rock floor, then sat on it comfortably, and supported his chin with his right hand, making a listening gesture.

Ashes, Uzumaki, and the doctor also used their own methods to prepare comfortable seats for themselves. The four of them sat in a row, neatly waiting for the two big snakes to tell their story.

Orochimaru was more proactive than Orochimai. He said in a hoarse voice: "I started the thing, so let me tell it."

Orochimai snorted softly, then sat down on her knees, acquiescing to Orochimaru's dominant position.

Orochimaru hissed a few times, then stood and began to tell his story without sitting down.

Ever since he helped Aburame Tetsumaru complete the Incarnation Locust, Orochimaru has been feeling as uncomfortable as being scratched by a cat.

At that time, his intuition was stimulated to the extreme, and he determined that the external incarnation opened by Aburame Tetsumaru was his path to immortality.

In order to protect this intuition, Orochimaru maintained his male identity for a long time and conducted sleepless research and experiments for several months.

The massive amount of information disclosed by Zhou Wenming, the long-term research on blood inheritance limits accumulated by descendants such as Ash Bones and Uzumaki, and the in-depth research on chakra by descendants such as housekeepers and teachers have all greatly promoted Orochimaru's research.

The resource allocation given to him by Zhou Wenming made Orochimaru extremely satisfied. He could carry out all kinds of research work luxuriously, and he could do whatever he wanted.

This kind of unfettered research work was an unparalleled enjoyment for Orochimaru, which greatly stimulated his research enthusiasm.

These conditions were put together, and after several months of sleepless work, combined with Orochimaru's outstanding "Anxunsi" power, he miraculously achieved the greatest result.

Orochi grew out of the locusts outside her body.

At that moment, Orochimaru and Orochimai were shrouded in the fear of death. Because the shadow of death was too huge, they both regarded each other as life and death enemies.

In a sense, this is actually true.

Whether Orochimaru kills Orochimaru, or Orochimaru eats Orochimaru, the winner can immediately get rid of the death shadow of soul splitting, although he will lose part of his soul essence, resulting in a discount on the final growth limit.

But none of them could succeed. The evenly matched fight aggravated the wounds in their souls and made the two serpents make the most wrong judgment.

【Create more of yourself and defeat the opponent with numerical advantage. 】

As a result, more and more big snakes were born from the locusts outside the body, and the situation became so out of control until the big snakes were born on the 14th and 15th.

These two angel snakes are not more advanced, but are severely disabled.

They can't even recognize their gender, and they seriously lack rationality and thinking ability, almost like two real basilisks.

At this time, Orochimaru and Orochimaru were vaguely aware of the problem, but their personalities and emotions had fallen into extremes and they no longer had the ability to save themselves.

The two of them didn't think too much about the issue of face. They tried to ask for help from other Adventers. As Adventers, they naturally received full help from them.

But what this guy has done is actually a serious misalignment. What he needs is not the treatment of the descendants of the medical system, but the guidance of the high-dimensional powerful metamorphoses who are the highest combat power part.

Just like this, even though the two of them swallowed other big snakes, the situation became more and more serious, and they even suffered from serious emotional loss.

It wasn't until Aburame Tetsumaru, who had all the abilities of Zhou Wenming, appeared that he could see the problem at a glance and stabilize the situation of Orochimaru and Orochimaru.

After listening to Orochimaru's story, Aburame Tetsumaru had already figured out the root of the problem. He smiled and said, "I have roughly figured out the problem, but the solution to the problem is not something I can do."

Orochi Ji asked: "What can we do to solve the problem?"

Orochimaru asked: "What exactly is my problem?"

They looked at each other out of the corner of their eyes, and then asked at the same time: "Why do you split your outer body like Tewan, but the result is completely different?"

Orochi even asked: "Yes, I heard that you have separated the fifth thinking core. It seems there is no problem at all. Why do I end up dead?"

Aburame Tetsumaru explained: "Because you are missing a core, senior."


Not only Orochimaru and Orochimai, but also Gray Bones, Uzumaki, and doctors also made sounds of surprise.

"Yes, the core." Seeing their puzzled questions, Aburame Tetsumaru said with a smile, "Oh, it seems that they didn't take the senjutsu training materials I submitted seriously."

"The golden elixir can be known, invisible, and sensed. It is a golden elixir that can be sensed and untouched. After the magic chakra is extremely condensed, the essence, energy, and spirit are highly unified, and the perfect round elixir is condensed. It has a tough and indestructible golden nature."

Gray Bones scratched his face in embarrassment and said, "Because it was invisible, I thought it was an unscientific thing, so I ignored it."

Several other people also looked thoughtful and nodded slightly awkwardly, indicating that they had also ignored the past.

Aburame Tetsumaru hated the irony and said: "Science should never be so rigid. Any phenomenon that can be repeated is within the scope of science, and any result that can be falsified is a scientific achievement."

"Zhou Wenming is not the only one who has condensed the golden elixir. How can you just skip it?"

"For me, the direct splitting of the reproductive body incarnation is based on a thought as the core and combined with chakra. It is stressful but will not directly split the soul."

"With the golden elixir, my soul is actually condensed in the golden elixir. The original soul has been reduced to a shadow. No matter how it is divided, it will no longer affect the integrity of the soul's existence."

Aburame Tetsumaru thought for a while and felt that the explanation was too abstract, so he gave an example: "Before I condensed the golden elixir, my soul was like a computer. Condensing the golden elixir was actually equivalent to building another central computer."

"Not only is the computing performance more powerful, but also with the ability to build a network, the original computer is actually just a node in the network that is subordinate to the central computer as the core."

"At this time, additional new computers inserted can be included in the network by the central computer. No matter how many, it will not affect the existence of the network, nor will it affect the functions of other computers."

Aburame Tetsumaru said seriously: "You must understand that after condensing the golden elixir, I am not the thinking core in the body, nor the golden elixir that is not in reality, but a higher-level existence."

"Just like after the original computer was upgraded to a central computer, neither of them represents me, but the entire network does."

At this moment, Orochimaru and Orochimaru understood that the two of them were equal, and without a higher-level soul that could unify them, they would face the problem of unclear priorities.

When the soul is divided without priority, the result is that it is forcibly torn apart by the two bodies, and even the self-awareness is torn apart.

There are two ways to solve the problem.

First, Aburame Tetsumaru and Otsutsuki Kaguya cooperated with each other to forcefully knead Orochimaru and Orochimaru together, and then forcibly performed the descending ceremony.

If successful, Orochimaru and Orochimaru, who have re-experienced the birth process, will naturally merge into one, and all problems will be solved naturally.

But the probability of success is very low. The advent ceremony itself is full of risks. Even if you want to make yourself perfect, there is a chance of failure, not to mention the current situation of Orochimaru and Orochimaru.

It cannot be said that there is no hope at all, but it is not much different from seeking death.

"Second, you should practice immortality!" Aburame Tetsumaru said. "Practice immortality and condense the golden elixir. The irreconcilable conflicts at this stage will no longer be a problem when you reach a higher level."

"Schizophrenia is nothing. I now have five thinking cores. It does not affect my existence at all. Even across time, space, and even different worlds, I will always be me."

"Of course you have to have enough ability to use the great magical power of external incarnation. If you don't have enough level to use the great supernatural power rashly, you are courting death."

Orochimaru and Orochimaru nodded at the same time and said: "We practice celestial beings, and this time we must master Ryūchi Cave sensual arts no matter what, and then advance to a higher level of life."

Slide through the space grid to Ryūchi Cave, help Orochimaru and Orochimaru establish a stable sealing array, and help them protect their severely damaged souls.

The two big snakes officially began to retreat. They put down everything and devoted themselves to practicing immortality.

After Aburame Tetsumaru helped Orochimaru and Orochimaru get into a state, their attention shifted to the new world. Now that the world has been at peace for two years, the situation is becoming tense.

The two-year-old Chi Dynasty occupies a quarter of the mainland and has a lot of sacred land.

As a "court", a true imperial system, the Chi Dynasty's control over local areas was simply not comparable to that of the feudal system.

What's more, Aburame Tetsumaru also released capital. Akasaka was actually a centralized capitalist empire. The greed and madness of the empire exceeded the expectations of humans and gods in the new century.

In just two years, the Akasa Empire has completed its internal integration. Although the thirteen chaebols themselves are a serious threat to the empire, the capital is still firmly controlled by Aburame Tetsumaru.

Aburame Tetsumaru shook the reins around the necks of these monsters, directing their attention to the other third of the land.

In more mountainous areas, deserts, and ice fields, capital completely ignores them. Capital only pursues one thing, and that is profit.

Invest, produce, sell, and finally make a profit.

This is the core logic of all actions of capital. When the investment opportunities within the Chichao Empire were exhausted in a short period of time, capital naturally turned its attention to other virgin lands.

Although these thirteen capital monsters were born less than two years ago, they have already grown sharp fangs and are thirsty for benefits composed of blood and flesh.

These simple guys in the new world actually realized in just two years that war is also a business.

And business can be used for investment and to gain huge profits.

As a result, arsenals were built one after another, mines were doubled, and steel plants were doing their best to replicate themselves and increase resource production.

The roads within the Chichao Empire are constantly being looked at. Wherever the hardened dirt roads extend, the rails carrying the steam trains are quickly laid in place.

All roads point southeast, and at the end and intersection of the roads is a fortress.

This is a fortress with more than two dozen noble castles as the core, connected to each other and built with multiple walls, complex fortifications and traps, to form an "impeccable" and "never fall" fortress.

Because the gods invested a lot of power in it, it was eventually named the Fortress of the Gods.

"This name is really unlucky." Aburame Tetsumaru curled his lips and said, "The nickname 'Never Fall' is even more terrifying to the extreme."

"It seems that this battle will definitely lead to a direct victory over this fortress."

But the officers of the Red Army frowned, and they said to the lifelong consul: "Sir, I have studied the structure of this fortress, and it is indeed impeccable."

"Yes, my lord. It took them two years to build it, and I spent two years inspecting it on site."

"I don't know how much effort they put into it, but now it seems that there is no flaw left in this fortress."

Someone made a new suggestion: "We can break through from the sea. As long as we build a steel fleet in a year, we will be invincible at sea and easily bypass the fortress of the gods."

"Steel Fleet? Do we have such capability?"

"Yes, I have calculated that before the establishment of the Chi Dynasty, the steel production was 6,000 tons. In the first year after its establishment, it increased to 35,000 tons. Last year, it reached 110,000 tons."

The officer became more and more excited as he spoke. His voice was as loud as a speech: "In the first half of this year, our steel production reached 170,000 tons!"

"Even if we build steel battleships that are twice the size of the enemy's capital ships, each with a weight of 5,000 tons, we can still build a total of thirty-four huge battleships!!"

"Dominating the ocean is easy!"

Aburame Tetsumaru poured cold water on him directly: "No, the navy is not a fleet of ships. The navy is the traditional accumulation, the accumulation of ships, and the accumulation of capital."

"Ten years of army, a hundred years of navy."

"Building a fleet to dominate the oceans is not a huge project that can be completed in a few years or more than ten years."

Aburame Tetsumaru stood up and jabbed his fingers heavily on the Fortress of the Gods, which was drawn in a large circle and stuck on the only hilly area between the mountain and the sea.

"We have been preparing for two days, and the enemy has been preparing for two years. They are fully prepared for war. Don't think about fancy tactics, just fight it!"

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