Create a swarm technology tree in Konoha

Chapter 619 The Utopian Ninja World

The core logic of the God of Otsutsuki does not allow him to kill any member of civilization, even those whose will has been overwritten by wedge.

But this guy can use the rules to set up an "unknown" trap, and then "unconsciously" guide Otsutsuki Shiba into the trap and end himself.

Then he used the rescue rules to take over Otsutsuki Shibaju's body. As long as there was no problem with his life, he could maintain the use of his body for a period of time.

If it weren't for this critical moment, the God of Otsutsuki would definitely let Shibaju restart, but now he needs the combat power of this powerful blood successor.

The body of the God of Otsutsuki is the entire Otsutsuki star, which also makes it impossible for him to effectively use his power. In war, it is difficult to take into account life-level battles. He needs such a body.

After dealing with Noriyasu Otsutsuki's doubts, the God of Otsutsuki and the other five blood successors continued to pay attention to the changes in the target.

When the two sides got close enough, they cautiously began to contact each other. Then both sides found that they did not understand the other's language and that the other's various marks were completely inconsistent.

The God of Otsutsuki immediately understood that the other party was not a descendant of the former conscious civilization, nor a descendant of his own previous civilization, but a completely new civilization that developed completely independently.

After several hours of ineffective contact, the Otsutsuki clan sent an Otsutsuki body to fly across the universe, preparing for direct face-to-face contact with the opponent.

The posture of the Otsutsuki clan was seen by the eukaryotic civilization, and they quickly understood their purpose, and then sent a one-person spaceship, controlled by elite combatants, to contact the humanoid creatures on the opposite side.

However, the Otsutsuki clan did not expect that what came out of the opponent's spaceship turned out to be an insect.

Is the other party a swarm civilization?

The messenger of the Otsutsuki clan became nervous instantly, and the operation of energy in his body immediately aroused the combat procedures of the eukaryotic civilization combatants.

The two messengers responsible for contact between the two sides got into a tense confrontation.

Jupiter and the stationmaster discovered that there were signs of war in the star field they were paying attention to in the Otsutsuki navigation target.

They looked at each other, and couldn't help but feel happy: Otsutsuki's contact with an unknown civilization failed, and then a war broke out?

This is a good thing, but it’s a pity that we can’t see it.

The battlefield is several light years away, and light and electromagnetic waves that can carry richer information cannot be transmitted in a short time.

Zhou Wenming currently has very few ways to detect the distance. Apart from a few metamorphoses ascending to the dimension for observation, there are only longitudinal gravity waves.

However, the perspective after dimensionality is too large. The information received at that height also includes comprehensive information such as fate, space, time, etc. It can be said that it is difficult to accurately correspond to reality.

The information that gravity waves can transmit is so granular that it is impossible to distinguish it below 500 kilometers.

In fact, all the signs of war are just the results of various wild guesses made by Jupiter and the webmaster after analyzing the data. There is no reliable evidence at all.

This aroused dissatisfaction from Mr. Ba. He went to the webmaster and said, "Our external observation is too passive. This situation must be changed."

"There is really no solution for the lameness, but I think there is a solution for the blindness and deafness."

The webmaster suddenly became excited, and he couldn't wait to ask: "Excuse me, do you have any specific suggestions?"

Ba Ye said: "Send people out, send our people to every corner of the universe, set up cosmic intelligence stations one after another, and transmit the information observed nearby through the spiritual sea."

Suddenly, he looked at the webmaster and laughed: "Well -, I suddenly feel that now that the intelligence station system is ready, you can change the name. After all, there are so many webmasters under your management."

The stationmaster's face was full of black lines, and he said jokingly: "Haha, after setting up the big and small intelligence stations, I will indeed be promoted to the bureau seat. I wonder if Tetsumaru should change his name to the bureau seat?"

Ba Ye chuckled and said, "Then he'll have to be willing to have a full head of black hair, but I don't think he'd be willing to have a bald head."

After looking at each other and laughing for a while, the stationmaster said seriously: "This is a good suggestion. I have never thought of letting the children below take such a big risk before. This is very dangerous intelligence work."

"But in the past few days, politicians were moving around and informed us of the degradation of humanity in the ninja world. Later, I also discovered that the group of salaried workers was also ranked based on seniority, and even had a tendency to become a clan."

"Hey, people are just bastards. If they live in good times for too long, they will become corrupted."

Master Ba nodded and said: "Then let them take on responsibilities, take on dangerous work, experience, and take risks. This can also become a channel for courage to rise."

"Our current upgrade system is too safe and one-sidedly emphasizes the value of learning, which is biased."

The results of the discussion between Yaye and the webmaster were quickly reflected to Aburame Tetsumaru, and he suddenly felt enlightened.

Aburame Tetsumaru jumped up with great joy, and said excitedly to Otsutsuki Kaguya: "I actually forgot that the hymn of mankind is the hymn of courage. Yaye is right, courage should be the key to our Zhou civilization. The first element of accepting new flocks!”

"Human beings should take risks and fight for them."

"Zhou Wenming acted too cowardly and too quiet. This is wrong. This shouldn't be the case!"

"No wonder that from the ninja world to Callisto, from ordinary people to salaried people, Zhou Wenming's bottom and middle-level people have experienced widespread malaise. This is because our expansion has stopped and the demand for talents has dropped. The ladder for people's growth and progress has therefore become narrow and difficult to pass."

"Coupled with the great abundance of material resources and the lack of survival pressure in life, it's no wonder they lose motivation."

Aburame Tetsumaru unconsciously thought of the legendary "Experiment No. 25", which is the so-called artificial mouse paradise.

Social scientists used the power grid to create a limited environment, set an absolutely suitable temperature, and fed the mice enough and regularly so that they would have no worries about food and clothing.

At first, the rats happily explored and multiplied, and their number rapidly increased sixty times. However, when the total number increased to one hundred and twenty times, the rats showed various abnormal behaviors.

Killing each other, mother rats biting their own pups to death, same-sex relationships emerged, and became the absolute mainstream of rat society in a very short period of time.

By the 600th day, the number of rats in the group dropped by half from the peak of 600. This day was also the time when the last rat pup was born, and no new life was born after that.

Eventually, Rat Paradise extinct itself after twenty generations of absolute ease.

Aburame Tetsumaru looked in the direction of the ninja world and couldn't help but feel guilty.

He built a customs system to wrap up the ninja world airtight.

He completed the unification of the ninja world, completely eliminated war, and freed mankind from any threat of death.

In order to save trouble, he imported a large amount of material and monetary resources into the ninja world, making the entire ninja world in a state of great material abundance.

A perfect utopian paradise.

That is to say, there is a pole in the middle, and there is an examination system to select elite talents, leaving a promotion path for young people in the ninja world.

But as far as the proportion of the entire population is concerned, this upward channel is extremely narrow, and basically there is no hope for normal people to pass through.

The vast majority of people have no hope and no pressure to survive, so they will naturally choose to mess up. Anyway, the result is the same whether they do it or not.

"Fortunately, the politicians discovered this problem early, and it has not yet reached the stage where it is unstoppable and irreversible." Aburame Tetsumaru said happily, "The exploration proposed by Yaye and the establishment of an intelligence station is a good way out. "

"But first, we must tighten the resource investment in the ninja world. We can no longer allow them to enjoy excessive resources. The social security system can only guarantee basic survival."

“That is to say, we have plenty to eat, but the food is not delicious, and we have affordable accommodation, but the accommodation is very crowded.”

Kaguya Otsutsuki tilted her head and asked: "Is this really okay? Everything that we enjoy now is suddenly taken away. Can the people of the ninja world and Callisto accept it?"

"Of course it is unacceptable and there will be a lot of complaints, but the currency can be gradually devalued through financial means, and this cannot be done too obviously."

"By the way, we can increase the investment of consumer resources and increase the upgrading of various new functional technological products, so that the overall price will rise, but the price of all basic living supplies except housing will not be changed."

"I can also promote organic planting and organic breeding, and gradually turn meat, eggs, milk and fruits into luxuries. Anyway, adequate supplies of grain, oil, water and fuel can ensure life."

I don't know if it was because of the implementation of the capital system in the new world, but Aburame Tetsumaru couldn't help but have a capitalist smile on his face.

He opened his arms and said with emotion: "Do you want a better life? Do you want delicious and tempting food? Then work hard."

Aburame Tetsumaru's antics made Otsutsuki Kaguya laugh. She giggled for a long time. As a blood-successor snare, she almost lost her temper, which showed how happy she was.

But after Kaguya Otsutsuki had laughed enough, she still asked: "This is not the only change, right? I remember that you always like to exert force in several directions at the same time."

Aburame Tetsumaru nodded and said: "You are right. In addition to the construction of the space information station for salaried adults and masters among adults, I also plan to fully open the authority to develop the timeline."

"As long as we can successfully develop a stable timeline, I will hand over all management rights to the Trail Blazers except defense."

"All the key materials and information produced are purchased at high prices. This will be a purely loss-making transaction, but the part of the resources we have tightened can fully meet this expenditure."

"After all, what we really want is talent, talent with a firm mind, courage and fearlessness."

Otsutsuki Kaguya is now also a veteran in timeline development. She discovered the problem after just a moment of reflection: "In this way, the defense of the timeline will have a big problem, and the possibility of the Otsutsuki clan invading through time jump will greatly increase. ”

"It doesn't matter, this is a necessary price." Aburame Tetsumaru smiled a little reluctantly, but said firmly: "We were too demanding before, and we were too pursuing perfection in protecting Zhou Wenming. This is wrong, this is completely wrong."

"We Adventers should be the leaders and protectors of civilization, but we must not be nannies. Young people, including young Adventers, should follow us through the wind and rain."

"Even if there are casualties and losses, it is much better than locking them in a greenhouse and playing house games."

Otsutsuki Kaguya thought of Otsutsuki Hagoromo and Otsutsuki Hamura. She cared for and protected them in every possible way, and ended up raising two white-eyed wolves.

On the contrary, the third son who was created casually before being sealed by the two traitors obviously did not enjoy a happy life for a day, but in the one thousand years after his birth, he was determined to find ways to save himself.

This is the way for a poor child to become a master early.

Otsutsuki Kaguya thought of this and said hello: "Xiao Hei?"

Jue Xiaohei immediately meowed and jumped out of the opened portal, jumped into Kaguya's arms and rubbed her affectionately, enjoying her mother's touch.

After a while, Jue Xiaohei remembered and asked, "Mother, what did you call me for?"

Otsutsuki Kaguya looked at the two-headed little black cat and thought it was so cute that her heart almost melted. She smiled and said, "It's okay, I just want to hug you."

Jue Xiaohei's eyes immediately turned into love hearts, and happy snot bubbles popped up, circling around Otsutsuki Kaguya's feet, and her long furry tail swung like a windmill.

Sure enough, a child who has shouldered the heavy responsibility of saving his mother since he was born, a child who has not enjoyed mother's love for a thousand years, has very low requirements for happiness.

Obviously he can return to his human form at any time, but knowing that his mother likes his black cat appearance, he will never change into his human form again. He will wholeheartedly be his mother's furry child and bring happiness to his mother.

As long as Otsutsuki Kaguya praises him a few words, he will be so beautiful that he doesn't know the east, west or north.

Jue Xiaohei has done an absolutely perfect job in entertaining women with colorful clothes.

In contrast, although Otsutsuki Hamura is respectful, his closeness is far from that.

As for Otsutsuki Hagoromo, forget about him, he is a pure and rebellious son.

However, after being beaten by Hagoromo Otsutsuki in another timeline and reduced to being the only ego among all egos, his temper became much weaker and he fell into various depressions and silences every day.

In short, according to Aburame Tetsumaru, it is annoying to look at.

Otsutsuki Kaguya was stroking her third son. The more she thought about it, the more she felt that Aburame Tetsumaru was right. She should not take the young man too seriously.

If you continue like this, you will become a useless person if you don't become an enemy.

It is better to create a suitable platform for restless young people to accept the beating of wind and waves.

Speaking of which, he is not his own child. He doesn’t feel bad when he dies. When he grows up, he can join civilization. Why not?

Seeing that Otsutsuki Kaguya accepted his statement, Aburame Tetsumaru said with clear eyes: "Dear Kaguya, I need you to help me, I really, really need you."

Kaguya Otsutsuki couldn't help but blink curiously, pretending to be innocent and incomprehensible.

[Damn Aburame Tetsumaru, once you talk to me in this tone, you must have arranged a terrible job for me. 】

[This time, even if this queen is holding back and pretending to be dead, she will never be persuaded to help! 】

【snort! 】

Seeing the firmness flashing in Kaguya Otsutsuki's clear white eyes, Aburame Tetsumaru suddenly became interested, which was better than Kaguya agreeing straight away.

In the midst of all kinds of resistance from the white-eyed chakra ancestor, he used various conditions to seduce her, making her unable to restrain her greed, curiosity and other emotions, and finally reluctantly agreed to her request.

This is Aburame Tetsumaru's favorite game, it's so fun.

He unconsciously stuck out his tongue and licked his lips, smiling.

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