Create a swarm technology tree in Konoha

Chapter 615 A ​​happy life has nothing to do with gods

While the red-coated troops were working, they showed their contempt for the more than 100,000 prisoners of the noble army.

"These guys are really useless. They can neither fight nor work. They are really useless."

"What do these nobles do with such trash?"

"Haha, the nobles must have lost their minds. They are indeed not very smart. They can't even pick wheat ears well."

Amid the laughter of the red-coated soldiers, the nobles who were forced to work in the farmlands wanted to commit suicide to end their humiliation.

It's a pity that the nobles who can truly be ruthless are long gone.

At that time, many of the noble lords who were shocked by the dragon's fall and had no hope of escape committed suicide in various ways, and some of them also committed suicide after being captured.

Aburame Tetsumaru didn't bother to stop these suicides. In his opinion, people who want to die cannot be stopped. They are not his own people. They can die if they want to.

Aburame Tetsumaru tried to exchange these nobles for some money out of fun, but all of them were rejected without exception.

Nowadays, the aristocratic families in the new world are particularly strong. In their view, the head of the family is just a consumable. If it is lost, just replace it without any delay.

Families without such a mentality, as well as families that lacked sufficient reserves of family heads, were destroyed due to the death of the clan leader during the two abyss sieges.

Harvesting, threshing, threshing, drying, bagging, can't be stored because the warehouse is not enough.

This year's wheat harvest in the Chihe River Valley has been bumper, not only more than two months ahead of schedule, but the wood production has doubled compared to last year.

Although the new lord Aburame Tetsumaru kept shaking his head and sighing, saying that this output was really embarrassing, no one could care about this lord's Versailles.

Too much, too much wheat after harvest, all the lords' grain warehouses are full, and more than half have no place to store it.

At this time in previous years, there would be many grain merchants, especially some noble merchants from the mining areas, who would come to the Chi River Valley in large and small boats.

These people will use gold coins, ironware, porcelain, wine, olive oil, cloth, silk, armor and other commodities to buy food. They will buy half of the food.

But there will definitely be none this year.

The lords' warehouses were built for half the output, but now they can only hold a quarter.

So everyone started building the granary like crazy, and built a circular platform according to Aburame Tetsumaru-sama's suggestion.

Set up a circle of wooden poles around the platform, then surround it with a mat woven from wheat poles, and finally add a foot-thick thatch roof, and a simple granary enclosure is ready.

Although very simple, this cylindrical building is breathable, ventilated, dry, and sheltered from rain, and can meet all the needs for food storage.

Aburame Tetsumaru is very satisfied with this: "The only problem is that we won't last until next year, but we can build a bigger, better and stronger granary next year. This kind of grass fence is a temporary building after all."

The soldiers had no problem with this, but they couldn't understand the location: "Sir, why did you build this granary here?"

Aburame Tetsumaru asked, "Isn't this your home? Of course your food must be placed in your family's granary."

"The grain in this warehouse is exactly the harvest and salary of our platoon of soldiers this year, so I arranged to build this warehouse here."

"Of course, the specific amount of food per person is also recorded. For the time being, they will be mixed together like this. Next year, each family will still have to build a separate warehouse."

Aburame Tetsumaru was still mumbling explanations, but the soldiers could no longer hear her. All they could think about was: This is my food, mine!

As serfs, this was the first time they were told that they had their own property.

They had no property since birth, including the rags they wore, the sticks they used for farming, and the firewood they used to light the fire, all belonged to the lord.

Even the straw spread on the ground when they sleep at night is borrowed from the lord, and even their lives belong to the lord or a certain knight.

Serfs are real farm slaves.

The new lord promised to give them the guarantee of safety and freedom, and then drove them away from the old lord, taught them how to read, built them houses, and fed them.

The lord not only treated them well, but also repeatedly said that they were all free people, but no one believed it.

Until now, the lords made it clear that these houses and grain were their property.

Real granaries, full of grain, and four neat rows of houses. Real materials proved that simple words turned into an unparalleled impact.

Everyone was stunned. After a while, the soldiers couldn't help but stepped forward, touched the granary they built, and looked back at the house they helped build.

They finally recognized the fact that they were free people.

What started as the Red Army dividing houses and food eventually turned into a huge storm of faith, shattering the faith of the gods in the Chihe River Valley. Now they only believe in their own lords.

Therefore, when the lord said that beans should be grown on the harvested land, no one objected.

Go to hell with all the bullshit rotational farming methods, things that cannot be entered into the fields due to filthy feces and urine, and things that can only be harvested in the autumn.

That is just a fallacy of the evil god of agriculture. How can he be compared with the great lord?

Because of the fact of summer harvest, people's denial of the God of Agriculture is so firm that heretical thoughts have formed among four million people. Following the spiritual link between humans and gods, they have launched an impact on the specific thinking frequency band on the Star of Gods. .

The god of agriculture, a powerful god of moderate power.

As the backbone of the Goddess of the Earth, he was directly knocked down from his rank and demoted to a low-level divine power.

Under the impact of heretical thoughts, he could barely maintain even low-level divine power. The key was that his thinking logic was on the verge of collapse and it was difficult to maintain it.

This is not a problem that can be solved through divine warfare, because the facts are there, and people have proven that His understanding of agriculture is wrong.

Food production has doubled. Could it be that the fact that the god of agriculture launched a divine war and defeated the self-proclaimed lord can be erased?

In fact, as long as the God of Agriculture can accept these facts and modify his own teachings and canons, he can get rid of this logical collapse.

Unfortunately, the God of Agriculture cannot do that.

Every god is a stubborn one, the type who knocks down the southern wall and never looks back. Only in this way can he maintain his existence for hundreds of years and thousands of years.

If they could flexibly change themselves, gods would be no different from humans in that they would grow old and die.

In mid-September, when all the work in the Akago River Valley was temporarily completed, Aburame Tetsumaru issued a war proclamation and began to expand externally, the God of Agriculture fell asleep.

Wheat is harvested in the Chi River Valley in July, and beans are planted in the same month.

By the end of August, with sufficient irrigation, sufficient sunshine, and sufficient nourishment of green manure and manure, the newly planted beans actually caught up with the growth progress of beans planted in other areas in the spring. It seems that there will be no problem harvesting in October. .

The inherent logic of the God of Agriculture finally collapsed, and the core of his thinking could not function. The Mother Goddess of the Earth had to arrange for Him to fall into deep sleep, in order to speed up the renewal of logic.

This kind of thing has happened before. All gods who base their divine power on intelligent civilization will encounter this kind of situation more or less.

The gods are indeed stubborn ones who can knock down the southern wall, but after their inherent logic collides with the facts, they will eventually turn around.

Because if you don't turn around, you will die. No matter how noble a god is, he is also a kind of life.

Survival is the instinct of all life, and gods are no exception.

Fortunately, sleeping is not dangerous for a god. As long as he has the protection of the divine system and prevents gods with the same divine power from appearing, he can update his logic through a period of sleeping.

Over time, He will emerge in a newer and stronger form.

This period of time is not long for the gods. It can take as short as ten or twenty years, or as long as hundreds of years.

However, Aburame Tetsumaru would not give the God of Agriculture so much time this time.

After easily winning the second counter-encirclement and suppression campaign, Aburame Tetsumaru felt that things were much simpler than he expected. By September, he decided that the time was ripe for rework.

It's time to give the gods a real punch.

How could there be only one sleeping god? There must be at least a dozen or twenty gods accompanying the God of Agriculture.

To have such an effect, the area of ​​the Chi River Valley is too small, and the number of people directly affected by the Aburame Iron Pill is too small.

So, his next step is to expand.

Aburame Tetsumaru and his shadow clones issued a declaration of war to the Red Army who were loyal to him.

"Ninety percent of humans are treated like livestock. They don't have enough to eat, don't have enough clothes to wear, and even their own lives don't belong to them."

"The nobles take this for granted. They lie on top of the vast majority of people, suck the blood of their own kind, and feel proud of themselves."

"The gods have wiped out the evil gods after one divine battle after another. They are very proud of this and have built various temples and temples, promising to bring justice and light to the world."

"But they turn a blind eye to the suffering of the vast majority of mankind. Where is their justice, and where is the light they promised? Is it outside the 90% of mankind?"

"History has proven that human beings' happy life is never given by gods, but many of the disasters that humans encounter are caused by gods."

"So, I say: God has nothing to do with the happy life of us humans. We must rely on our own hands to strive for the greatest happiness and build our own heaven on earth!!"

"But the lords, nobles, knights, and their lackeys will not leave on their own and will not allow us to enjoy the fruits of our labor."

"They will also make up all kinds of arguments and reasons to prove that their enjoyment is legitimate and natural."

"They will say that because the land belongs to them, the fruits of our labor do not belong to us. Why does the land belong to them? They will say that it is inherited from their ancestors and given by the king."

"But how did their ancestors get the land? How did the king get the land? They will never explain it anymore, but will cover it up with sacredness and divine gifts."

"Actually, they all know that they relied on Hong Guoguo's killing and robbing with the most powerful violence."

"I admit that this truth is correct, but now the most powerful violence is not with them."

"Soldiers of the Red Army, now use the weapons in your hands to tell them that we are the most powerful force!!"

The whole army of red coats attacked, and flowers bloomed on all sides.

Crimson tide, this was the contemptuous name given by the nobles to the Red Army after their attack, but only seven days had passed, and the meaning of this word had changed.

Red Tide has become a synonym for an irresistible attack and an irresistible trend, a title that contains fear and awe.

Because the Red Army is invincible, no lord's army can hold out for an hour in front of the Red Army.

They actually drove the giant steel beast, which breathed billowing black and white smoke, carried cannons and machine guns that made even giants fearful, and rolled forward at a speed faster than the cavalry.

The magician saw the Red Army through the bird's perspective, and the image of the majestic steel puppet was presented by magic. Everyone who saw this scene was shocked.

"Speed, destructive power, and defensive power are integrated into one, but it can run faster than cavalry, has greater destructive power than a siege ram, and has defensive power comparable to that of a small castle. Alas..."

The magician who presided over the ceremony turned to look at his steel puppet and lowered his head in shame.

Except for the cost, nothing is as good as others.

The steam boiler steel chariot does not have any particularly advanced technology in nature. This great magician who is good at making golems understood everything at just one glance and estimated the specific cost.

Although he also overestimated the price several times, it was still less than one-tenth of the price of the steel puppet he made himself.

"Moreover, no magic power was found to be involved in the operation at all."

"Could it be the kind of power we can't feel? Like the meteor summoning technique that killed the king of Fran Kingdom?"

"No, I have made a rough calculation. Pure mechanical movement is enough to push this machine. No additional force is needed at all."

The great magician stared closely at the steam chariot in the picture and couldn't help but say: "Even if there is one, it is on some key parts to withstand forces beyond the scope of the material."

A noble noble collapsed. He suddenly hugged a clergyman next to him and cried out: "God is above, what is he thinking? Why doesn't he send angels to rain down divine punishment and kill all these despicable people?" ?”

"Shut up!" The priest was furious, kicked him down hard, and shouted angrily, "If you make such blasphemous remarks again, I will pray to God to punish you now!"

Then, he sighed and lowered his voice and said: "God said: This is not a rebellion, but a war within mankind, a war for mankind to fight for the dominance of its own race."

"As the continent's largest dominant intelligent race civil war, gods will not interfere."

Finally, he added: "At the very least, angels will not be sent to bring down divine punishment."

It is true that some gods have almost directly intervened. They are all in conflict with the red army in terms of divine power, such as the god of nobility, the god of knights, the god of agriculture, the god of tyranny, etc.

These gods provided help to the noble lords in various ways, first of all, a large number of clergy, and then also armed personnel, weapons and equipment, food, gold coins, etc.

However, it was still difficult to contain the Red Army's offensive across the mainland, and it was even difficult to obtain reasonable results.

It was not until the God of Assassination sent assassins to carry out assassinations that hundreds of officers were killed in a short period of time, which dampened the momentum of the Red Army.

For the Redcoat Army, which had a total strength of nearly 60,000 and a serious shortage of officers, this was a rather serious loss.

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