Create a swarm technology tree in Konoha

Chapter 612 Magical devices and cannons, the faster wins

When fighting, you have to consider and help the enemy. Aburame Tetsumaru feels very bad.

But in order to annihilate the enemy in one fell swoop, he endured it.

Patience always hurts the soul, but when he saw the dense enemies, Aburame Tetsumaru felt that everything he had paid had been rewarded.

Of course Aburame Tetsumaru was not concerned about the mess of soldiers. The enemy's main force was of course the powerful kingdom's army.

The long silk flag is embroidered with bird-of-paradise flowers, displaying extremely gorgeous colors and brilliance in the sunlight.

The erection of the Bird of Paradise flag represents the personal presence of His Majesty the King of the Fulan Kingdom, and the troops surrounding him are naturally the absolute elite of the Fulan Kingdom.

At the forefront were the heavy cavalry, mounted monsters with white horns that weighed a ton and a half after being clad in metal armor.

The knights of the Unicorn Monster are carefully selected tall knights, equipped with ancient impact armor, a long six-meter lance, and a total weight of more than two tons.

Following the cavalry were giant soldiers. They stood on the ground and were a head taller than the knights. Each of them carried thick wooden stakes with iron hoops as weapons.

The essence of giants is that they are mercenaries, and they are more cosmetic in nature, so there are not many of them.

Walking behind the giants are heavy infantry, armed with halberds. They can not only form neat formations to resist cavalry, but can also break up formations and engage in single combat skillfully.

Behind the heavy infantry, following the king's flag, was a group of guards composed of noble children. They were very gorgeously dressed, but their combat effectiveness was negligible.

Further back is a group of elves wearing light armor and carrying long bows?

Maybe he is an elf. He has a good-looking face and a slender but not weak body. His body is similar to that of a triathlete. He is equipped with a long bow, long arrows and a gorgeous one-handed knife.

But their ears are not pointed, but long and angled, which Aburame Tetsumaru thinks is more in line with his aesthetics.

Therefore, Aburame Tetsumaru decided that they were elves, so they had to be.

Following the elf were a group of humanoid lizards. Aburame Tetsumaru did not observe them carefully because they were very ugly.

In addition, there are barbarians covered in oil paint, dwarfs with big beards, green-haired monsters with horns on their heads, and centaurs who deny biology.

Aburame Tetsumaru was so dazzled by what he saw that he couldn't help but feel evil in his heart. Bah, it was a protective heart.

He decided that the firepower to be waited for would be directed towards the front, and would stop at most under the King's Bird of Paradise flag.

The number of these strange humanoid intelligent creatures is not large, and the total number is less than 2,000. It is obvious at a glance that they should be a protected species.

We must not wipe them all out here. It would be bad if they become extinct.

Immediately afterwards, something that attracted Aburame Tetsumaru's attention even more appeared.

There were six huge carriages in the middle that were heavily protected by heavy infantry. The things on the carriages were covered with thick curtains, making it impossible to see what they were.

When both the enemy and ourselves were able to see each other, a loud trumpet sounded under the king's banner, and the curtain on the carriage was opened.

Aburame Tetsumaru recognized it at a glance. It was a magic weapon, a magical magical device with an ultra-long-range attack range and the ability to emit large-scale magic.

In the past second abyss siege, this thing performed well, causing considerable damage to springtails and hydralisks.

The magic device was placed on a huge flat carriage, pulled by sixteen strong pack horses, and rumbled forward.

There are more than a dozen magicians standing on the huge carriage. They are maintaining and debugging the magic device to ensure the normal operation of the magic device.

There are two types of magic weapons in the Kingdom of Fran, six in total.

The most numerous are four silver-gray pillar-shaped magic tools. The pillars have dense patterns of order, and are flashing with silver-white spiritual light.

As the magicians operated, especially when a large number of luminous gems were stuffed into the grooves at the bottom, the cylindrical magic guide began to erupt, and lightning bolts were peeled off from the lines.

The dense lightning gathered upwards and poured into a group of dark clouds. The brilliance of lightning burst out densely in the dark cloud, obviously accumulating huge energy.

Another magic device that looks like a crystal cluster emits white mist, and the mist sinks slowly like ice cream that has just left the freezer.

There are three blue auras emitting around the two crystal cluster magic tools. The nearest magician wears a thick fur coat and thick gloves to perform various operations.

Even the packhorses pulling the carts had thick blankets draped on their backs.

Obviously this is a frost magic weapon.

These magic instruments are made of steel, with fine gold as the frame, and a large amount of mithril to outline the patterns. They are the national treasure of the Fulan Kingdom.

Since all the losses in the last abyss siege, so many have been built in total. Now they are brought to the battlefield here at once, obviously preparing to solve the problem quickly.

This is really an unusual choice. A kingdom should not invest so much power, let alone take out all its capital.

Aburame Tetsumaru looked at the six magic devices and fell into deep thought. It took ten minutes for him to suddenly understand.

He couldn't help laughing and said to himself: "Interesting, really interesting. It's been a long time since I put my perspective at such a low angle. It actually took me so long to figure out the reason."

The key is the distance between the Fulan Kingdom and the Red River Valley, which is only one hundred and ten kilometers away.

Although there are six or seven noble territories in between, with a river running through it, the Fulan Kingdom can indeed radiate power.

Therefore, His Majesty the King of Fran Kingdom is not only considering robbery, but also how to annex the entire valley.

He pulled out the six magic weapons to intimidate the other Tangri Kingdom and the four principal principalities. Perhaps he was also thinking of swallowing up a few nobles blocking the way on his way back.

"The king who is about to die can still have such ambitions. This guy is really a person. No wonder others can't think of it."

Aburame Tetsumaru was filled with admiration and decided to give this great king a dignity and let him die in his own hands.

He ordered loudly: "Slowly approach from the front, rush forward quickly from both wings, surround all enemies, and completely eliminate them right here!"

The order was spread through flags and bugles, and with a loud and neat "Yes!" spreading to both sides, all the soldiers received the order.

They took action without hesitation. Groups of red-coated soldiers, with guns on their shoulders, lined up in a thin two-tiered formation, marched forward amidst the sound of neat slogans.

At the same time, the red-coated troops on both sides formed columns and rushed towards both sides of the battlefield at a fast running speed. Their pace was so determined, as if there were no tall enemies in front of them.

From March to July, Aburame Tetsumaru's management of the Aka River Valley was rough. Because of the threat of war, he put most of his energy into the Red Army in the later period.

But what he thought was rough management brought a completely different feeling to the former serfs.

They were not able to understand Aburame Tetsumaru's identity, but firmly believed that they had changed into a lord, a very, very good lord.

The new lord was so good that he actually fed everyone for four months. Not only did the people's faces turn red, but they even grew flesh on their waists.

Moreover, the lord also built a house for them. From now on, they no longer have to worry about wind and rain, and they will no longer die after being soaked in the rain all night.

Being punished at will by lords, nobles, knights, or even some stewards, being suddenly taken away while working, resting, eating, defecating or peeing, and the risk of being executed on strange charges is gone. .

Everyone can sleep peacefully in their own houses until dawn, and this life is like heaven.

As the best-paid Red Army soldiers, they can receive education from their shadow clones and seniors, and see the changes their lord group has brought to the Red River Valley from a higher perspective.

Now the soldiers have only one fear, that this dreamlike life suddenly disappears.

His house was destroyed by the noble army, the wheat in the field was burned, and his life was killed randomly.

Although the soldiers received education, the time was too short. There was not much difference between the vast majority of the soldiers and the serfs, and they still regarded Aburame Tetsumaru as the best lord.

But people's understanding of good and bad does not require much knowledge. These soldiers felt the benefits brought to them by Aburame Tetsumaru, and they tried their best to be loyal.

Aburame Tetsumaru said to dig a ditch, so they went to dig it. Aburame Tetsumaru said to surround the enemy, and they followed the officer without hesitation.

In just four months, Aburame Tetsumaru had established enough credibility that the soldiers believed that their lord would never lie to them.

When the lord said that they would destroy the opponent, they had no doubts at all, and they were confident that they would win this battle from the bottom of their hearts.

The Lord Lord said that the purpose of destroying the enemy is to protect everyone's house and home, to protect the wheat harvest that is about to be harvested, and to protect everyone's right to have enough to eat and no longer become serfs.

The soldiers of the Red Army also believed that they were willing to fight for this, and their hearts were filled with the desire that it was worth dying in battle.

At this time, if the officer dared to hesitate about the order, the soldiers would shoot him without hesitation and then continue to execute the order.

In the eyes of the king, and in the eyes of all the officers of the noble army, the enemy began to act inexplicably.

With unprecedented self-confidence and an unparalleled attitude of defiance, the 20,000 red-coated troops launched a large-scale detour and surrounded more than 50,000 noble troops with a mere two rows of soldiers.

The nobles looked at each other, almost thinking they had seen it wrong.

The king of Fran Kingdom looked livid. He felt huge insult and also felt huge threat, so he ordered with a very solemn look: "Heavy knights advance!"

At the same time, the king looked at the red-coated army directly in front, where the only red flag was flying. He pointed at that flag with the riding crop in his hand.

"Magicians, blow away that flag!"

The magicians who accepted the order stopped the carriage, used magic to measure the distance, and then began to operate the magic device to prepare for shooting.

The power of thunder and frost began to gather, and strong magic fluctuations shook the entire battlefield.

This energy fluctuation was so strong that even Aburame Tetsumaru, who was still unable to feel the magic power, felt threatened by the energy fluctuations derived from it.

"Very sensitive and decisive." Aburame Tetsumaru's eyes flashed with a fierce light, "It's a pity, I won't spare your life this time."

With the strong stimulation of chakra and the rapid formation of seals with both hands, a most powerful attacking ninjutsu was completed.

Heretic·Heavenly Obstacle Zhenxing

Aburame Tetsumaru, who has been involved in space battles for a long time, knows that the new world, like the ninja world, has a stone star ring, which also has the basic conditions for the use of Tenzhi Zhenxing.

As the ninjutsu was completed, the powerful chakra was restrained into rays by the technique, which boomed upward to form a suction channel, and created a black vortex at the end.

The vortex grabbed thousands of tons of rocks from the star ring, condensed them into a spherical shape, and then, guided by chakra, instantly jumped dozens of kilometers of atmosphere, appeared at an altitude of 10,000 meters, and then fell freely.

After using this six-level ninjutsu, Aburame Tetsumaru's face instantly turned pale.

In this world where chakra is close to a vacuum, all the chakra consumption of this ninjutsu is paid for by the No. 4 Iron Pill, especially the space jump after the meteorite is formed, which almost drains him.

But this is necessary. If it really falls from a high-altitude orbit of 400 kilometers, it will take a long twelve minutes. Even on foot, humans can get out of the meteorite's impact range.

What's more important is that the size of the Tianzhen Zhenxing cannot withstand a twelve-minute fall, and it will burn to ashes in the air.

Aburame Tetsumaru reached out and pinched the center of her eyebrows, trying her best to stay awake.

He has realized that he cannot summon the second Tianzhen Zhenxing, and the six magic tools can only be left to others to deal with.

Fortunately, he already has weapons that can hit four kilometers away.

Aburame Tetsumaru turned around and ordered the eager artillerymen: "Kill those magic devices for me!"

The magician who was operating the magic weapon and preparing to launch an attack, as well as the magician following the lord, suddenly felt huge energy fluctuations.

Just like Aburame Tetsumaru can't feel the magic power, they can't feel the fluctuations of chakra, but the huge fluctuations caused by space jump cannot be covered up by the spread of magic power from the magic device.

The magicians were horrified to discover the falling meteorite that had cleared the clouds from the sky. Each one of them turned pale with fright, and some even couldn't help but pull out their life-saving cards.

"No, the speed is wrong, that's not a real natural disaster meteorite!"

"Don't be fooled, that thing doesn't have the power of divine punishment!"

At this moment, a row of bright lights flashed under the only red flag of the red army. Three seconds later, it was the second time, and then the third time.

Twelve subsonic artillery shells, after thirteen seconds of flight, hit the noble army's position before the meteorite fell.

The air-burst grenade exploded in the air from twelve to six meters, and steel balls the size of the tip of a thumb rained down on the crowd and the magic weapon, killing hundreds of people in an instant.

The magic device that was operating at a critical moment was also destroyed. The exposed magic circuit was interrupted by steel balls, and the huge magic power ran away instantly.

The magicians no longer cared about maximum power, let alone elegance. They screamed and shouted: "Launch, launch the magic device immediately!"

Three shining bolts of lightning and a beam of frosty white mist rushed towards the red flag of the Red Army.

Just then, a second batch of airburst bombs exploded, causing even greater damage.

In addition to the three lightning bolts that had hit the target, the frosty white mist actually disintegrated halfway. It was obvious that the attack just now caused the magic device that fired the frost to be damaged.

At this moment, the third batch of air burst bombs covered the magic weapon position, and the explosion of lightning and frost blocked everything.

The cannons of the redcoat army still roared for the fourth time, although their number was reduced by two groups.

In the battle between the magic weapon and the cannon, the faster cannon achieved absolute victory.

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