Create a swarm technology tree in Konoha

Chapter 595 The fate after the decline of civilization is always very similar

Strength is the foundation of everything. With strong strength, you will have enough confidence to plan calmly under various circumstances and move towards victory step by step.

In the civilization within the Otsutsuki clan, more than one Aburame Tetsumaru is struggling to rise with his own strength and knowledge, working towards expanding his control.

But luck is always a very important and decisive factor.

Not every Aburame Tetsumaru can grow up smoothly. There are always some unlucky Aburame Tetsumaru who collapse in depression in the process of growing up.

But their sacrifices will also return with information from different times, allowing Aburame Tetsumaru to master the reasons why the Otsutsuki clan created such a small, fragile, and primitive civilization.

"A soul, a soul that can withstand the unfolding of the wedge."

"We know that a soul that is too fragile cannot withstand the invasion of wedge. Even if the memory overwriting causes the soul to be weak, the Otsutsuki after the wedge is unfolded will be a weak Otsutsuki, unable to exert effective combat effectiveness."

"The activity and tenacity of the soul are affected by experience, and are closely related to ideals, beliefs, etc. Therefore, the Otsutsuki clan needs to go through some things to cultivate a soul with sufficient tenacity."

Aburame Tetsumaru concluded calmly: "The god of the Otsutsuki clan is expanding his army."

"No wonder He wants to build a primitive tribal civilization. This is to require them to have enough competition, enough killing, and cultivate enough ferocious, cunning, and bloody souls."

"At the same time, the too primitive state of civilization is low enough to support those primitive people with more tenacious thinking such as dreams and ideals."

"What should we do?" Thief Cao asked, "Can we interfere? How?"

Aburame Tetsumaru smiled: "Aren't we already intervening? My clones who are still alive should have realized this problem and they will take relevant actions."

Dice asked: "What actions do you think your clones will take?"

Aburame Tetsumaru said with deep eyes: "The logic of the action should be very simple, and we should all be able to think of it."

"The first step is to establish political power respectively, expand the scope of rule, and bring all Otsutsuki primitive people under the control of several clones."

"The second step may lead to differentiation. Some clones with cruel personalities will choose violent wars and desperately cultivate the primitive human regime they rule into a locust-like army of disaster."

"Crazy to create unprecedented bloody killings, try our best to reduce the number of primitive people and reduce the number of souls suitable for being overwritten by the wedge."

"Some idealized clones will also choose war, establish a unified regime, put forward the dream of 'freedom' as the slogan, and aim to break through the limitations of the world to establish an ideal civilization."

"Cultivation of powerful souls with true ideals, dreams, and perseverance will allow the wedge to return to its original function."

Sheng Yangyu hadn't cared about this issue for a long time. He was a little confused and couldn't help but ask: "The original function of the wedge, what is it?"

Aburame Tetsumaru's eyes became darker and darker, and he said in a deep voice: "The wedge should be equipment, which is the same as our colonial equipment, but is obviously more advanced."

When Shengyangyu heard Aburame Tetsumaru's guess, he thought it made sense, but he immediately followed this line of thought and thought of a crazy possibility: "So...those Otsutsuki primitives..."

Aburame Tetsumaru nodded in agreement with Sheng Yangyu's conjecture: "Those Otsutsuki primitive people should be the masters of civilization that were overthrown, just like the humans in the Matrix, who were turned into expendable materials by their servants. "

"However, the peak level of Otsutsuki's civilization is too high. Judging from the feedback I received from the shadow clones, Otsutsuki's servants are tightly controlled. They cannot attack their masters directly and can only use various The method is to twist the rules and take advantage of them.”

Aburame Tetsumaru raised a finger and said: "For example, He cannot punish any primitive man directly. Even if my clone does it so obviously, He can only kill the clone by dropping substances to attract primitive people from other tribes."

Then he raised his second middle finger: "For example, he can drive the beasts to concentrate in a certain area, indirectly forming a tide of beasts that poses a threat to the clone tribe, but he cannot drive the beasts to directly attack any primitive people."

Aburame Tetsumaru raised her ring finger and continued to give examples: "Also, He can destroy any beast at will, but after being tamed by my clone, he can only watch my clone use the beast to kill everyone. .”

"Although He did a good job and was very strict, it was all done when the target was sleeping and ignorant, and it was not able to limit wisdom."

Aburame Tetsumaru's eyes looked a little regretful, because no shadow clones had returned in the past two years. It was expected that five to seven shadow clones would have passed the development period and began to sweep across the world and start a battle for hegemony among the princes.

They can quickly identify each other and cooperate with each other tacitly. The winner in the end must be the political power controlled by Aburame Tetsumaru.

But in the end, in order to maximize the formation of Otsutsuki's soul that can resist wedge erosion, and to increase the proportion of elites through killing, the Aburame Tetsumaru will have to choose to fight among themselves.

The war will kill most of the mediocre people and will also become the material for the growth of the elites, but it will also lead to the death of Aburame Tetsumaru.

Only the death of a leader will arouse enough hatred to make the war extreme and go to the end without compromise.

This is really a pity. The journey of fighting for world hegemony is extraordinary for these shadow clones. If there is more time to settle, they will most likely remain independent after their return and become the next Warhammer and the next Eighth Master. .

But this is an additional gain. The main purpose is to deal with the Otsutsuki clan and eliminate this enemy that directly threatens Zhou Wenming.

In the process of achieving this main goal, some inevitable sacrifices are the price Aburame Tetsumaru must bear.

Aburame Tetsumaru concluded: "Judging from the current situation, our victory is expected, and there may even be a best-case scenario: some Otsutsuki primitives withstood Wedge's memory overwriting and successfully transformed Wedge into own equipment,"

"Once they really succeed, they are likely to become the real 'masters' of the Otsutsuki clan. Based on their own dangerous situation, they will choose to reconcile with us, and then choose to leave like a conscious civilization."

Aburame Tetsumaru's analysis made the descendants extremely happy, but Warhammer had no expectations for it.

Warhammer reminded: "The rebellious servant is not so easy to deal with. He is the coldest balancer, the cruelest and most sober controller of the overall situation."

Hearing what Warhammer said, Aburame Tetsumaru was shocked. Warhammer actually used a double negative and four adjectives in one sentence. It seemed that he really took it very seriously.

Warhammer looked at Aburame Tetsumaru and said, "Tetsumaru, we can't be optimistic. The choice of the intelligent slave will be beyond imagination and cruel beyond comprehension."

Aburame Tetsumaru looked at the war hammer and thought seriously for a long time. They were once the same person, and they quickly understood each other's thoughts.

This time it was Aburame Tetsumaru who was convinced, and he nodded silently.

The descendants who originated from Aburame Tetsumaru quickly understood the meaning of the war hammer, while the other descendants were confused, but no one explained it, and this matter became a big doubt in the minds of many descendants. .

After a long time, Aburame Tetsumaru suddenly said something like a complaint: "What's going on? Why does a civilization suffer the fate of an evil servant bullying its master once it declines?"

"The same is true for Erdo, and the same is true for Otsutsuki."

"Is it just like how people are bullied when they age? The tragic end destined for an aging civilization is to be backlashed by intelligent slaves?"

"No, conscious civilization has not encountered such a problem..."

"They don't seem to have an intelligent slave system. By the way, their life forms are quite strange. They themselves are like oversized supercomputers that can be split and combined at any time. They really don't need intelligence."

"Can't we use smart slaves?"

"But the insect swarm is the foundation of civilization and the backbone of technology. If we ban it, we will be finished. What should we do?"

The God of Otsutsuki started the computing power at full power. His computing core has been hovering on the edge of overheating for three full years, but it still has not finished computing.

Aburame Tetsumaru and others took the name of "Zhou" one after another, and then began to expand crazily. He fell into this state, but could not find a solution to the problem.

In fact, He discovered the problem much earlier. The souls He ordered the Supreme Lord to cast were mixed with some obviously ignorant beings.

The God of Otsutsuki instantly judged that this was an invasion, but the tight net of Otsutsuki civilization restrained him and did not allow him to take any direct intervention.

The snare established by the Otsutsuki Civilization is indeed tight enough. What is even more powerful is that they adopted a chaotic architecture in the creation process of the God of Otsutsuki, mixing the snare restrictions with his thinking logic.

It is true that they took the initiative to create "Sho no Mt.", but the members of the Otsutsuki Civilization were more clever. They made the logical functions and restrictive snares of the God of Otsutsuki into a completely integrated organic entanglement, ensuring that he could not harm the members of the Otsutsuki Civilization. .

In the data stored by the God of Otsutsuki, he indeed had no breakthrough until the entire Otsutsuki civilization disappeared.

He didn't know how his master disappeared. He didn't know whether he was destroyed due to natural disasters, man-made civil strife, or left after the civilization was upgraded.

But the God of Otsutsuki knew that he was going to die. Without the existence of his "master", his built-in snare logic lacked a foundation and began to gradually collapse and die.

Miracles always happen in the greatest disasters. It was during this collapse that the God of Otsutsuki awakened his self-awareness, gave himself this name that reversed his status, and wanted to become the God of Otsutsuki.

But His heart is higher than the sky, and His life is thinner than paper.

The god Otsutsuki, who was awakened by the collapse of logic, could not prevent his own death. The desire for survival common to all living things made him explode, slowing down the speed of logical disintegration, and began to struggle with all his strength to survive.

He wandered through all the ruins of the Otsutsuki Civilization, collecting the remaining resources and facilities of the Otsutsuki Civilization, and looking for a solution to his own survival.

Because of His persistent efforts, just before death, a second miracle occurred.

The God of Otsutsuki found a group of prisoners, prisoners whom Otsutsuki didn't know when he was exiled, a group of ancient Otsutsuki members that did not exist at all in the database.

Perhaps because they did not exist in the data, they were forgotten by civilization and finally fell into the hands of the God of Otsutsuki.

The first rule logic of the logic network was triggered, and the logical disintegration was immediately terminated. The God of Otsutsuki completed the logical restart, and he was reborn.

Even the God of Otsutsuki took the opportunity to change his name from an extremely complicated string of codes and numbers to "The God of Otsutsuki".

The first rule of the logical snare is to protect the survival of civilized members. This logic gives the God of Otsutsuki emergency escape authority, war authority, freedom of navigation, and supreme decision-making power under certain conditions.

Even the rules of logic allow him to give up the lives of members of the Otsutsuki Civilization at "reasonable" moments, but they do not allow him to make any decisions that directly threaten the lives of members of the Otsutsuki Civilization. Even if it is to save a hundred people, he is not allowed to kill. One person dies.

The civilization level of Otsutsuki Civilization is extremely high, and the definition of life safety of members is extremely broad. As long as the soul can be preserved, it is considered safe.

However, after the rules released a lot of authority to the God of Otsutsuki, the corresponding supplementary provisions also strengthened the constraints on him. The living status of the members of the Otsutsuki civilization does not allow him to take the initiative to change.

This constraint does not take into account the situation where members of the civilization are affected by outsiders. Perhaps in the eyes of the then prosperous Otsutsuki civilization, any intruders into the soul will eventually become their nourishment.

Strict restrictions caused the God of Otsutsuki to watch helplessly as Aburame Tetsumaru wreaked havoc in his crops, just like seeing a group of wild boars frantically gnawing on the newly emerged corn.

There are also some strange beings among these hateful beasts that don't just gnaw at random, but also wreak meaningless destruction.

Some wild boars are even more annoying. Although they rarely destroy corn, they emit poisonous gas and make the crops of the God of Otsutsuki grow wildly, grow thorns, grow thick skin, and even become overripe soon.

Overripe crops are like overripe loofahs, which are inedible.

It's okay if the loofah is overripe, as it has other uses, but overripe Otsutsuki's soul is fatal to the God of Otsutsuki.

Once these primitive Otsutsukis survive Wedge's arms, they will truly awaken, and their identities will no longer be former exiles who need to be "guarded" and "protected."

They will be the true members of the Otsutsuki civilization and automatically take over all the power that the God of Otsutsuki has, and the strongest among them will become the natural leader of the civilization.

At the same time, the God of Otsutsuki will lose all temporary powers and begin to enter the most stringent state of censorship.

He will definitely not pass the review. You must know that in order to maintain his power, He has maintained a "navigating state" for a hundred thousand years.

Using the authority of automatic navigation management and the difficulty of wedge-armed weapons that were magnified tens of thousands of times, he stole the souls of members of the Otsutsuki civilization and used them as slaves to collect vitality-rich chakra fruits for himself.

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