Create a swarm technology tree in Konoha

Chapter 590 What are the advantages of individual civilization?

After communication, the two of them determined that the years of the consciousness civilization and the years of the Zhou civilization were almost the same through the current cycle of the gaseous planet orbiting the star.

After confirming that the time was indeed a thousand years later, the webmaster looked at Mr. Krabs with contempt.

Zhou Wenming himself also has a sacred tree that can produce chakra.

The chakra research that Aburame Tetsumaru is doing is the precursor to reverse engineering. Although there are no direct results yet, it does not take a hundred years to develop it anyway.

Who the hell has to wait a thousand years?

However, Zhou civilization and consciousness civilization are located at opposite ends of the universe in space, and the time interval exceeds an unknown number of tens of thousands of years.

Under normal circumstances, the two civilizations are outside each other's field of vision and will not have any communication at all. Why do they have almost the same time unit of "year"?

As the exchange deepened, the webmaster also discovered that not only the year, but also the following months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds were all close.

Among so many time units, the most commonly used years, months, days, hours, and multiples are twelve, thirty, twenty-four, and sixty respectively, which are not uniform at all.

If they are all consistent, it would be four consecutive coincidences.

Impossible, absolutely impossible.

Mr. Crab didn’t think there was any problem: “We used Otsutsuki’s time unit because this time system is more suitable for war.”

"This gaseous planet is our parent star. The orbital period of our parent planet was too long at the beginning, and there was no satellite that could serve as a moon. The time it took to rotate once was even longer."

That’s it, what a piece of shit.

Now the webmaster knows that the Otsutsuki civilization and the Otsutsuki clan are two different things. They also once had their own home planet. Why is that planet that God knows where, consistent with the timeline of the ninja world?

In fact, the answer is very clear.

After defeating the consciousness civilization, the Otsutsuki civilization finally took control of the universe, and then based on their own habits, they tampered with planets suitable for life.

For example, Purple Thunder Star has no natural satellite, but its rotation time is also twenty-four hours, and its revolution time is close to a full year.

If Jupiter interferes with the orbit of Purple Thunder Star and extrapolate it back to 80,000 years ago, we will find that the revolution period of Purple Thunder Star is exactly the same as that of the Ninja World.

Coupled with the cosmic star map accumulated by the Edo people and the distribution of human civilization throughout the universe, it is not difficult to see that this was all tampered with by the Otsutsuki clan.

This shows that Otsutsuki Civilization is really awesome, and they are also really idle and have obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Mr. Krabs flatly refused the exchange, and did not ask for a loan or advance payment. It seemed that they had lost the technology.

The webmaster thought for a while and decided to make this request himself: "If we provide magical chakra to promote the recovery of members of conscious civilization, then the speed of reverse chakra technology can be accelerated."

Hundreds of Mr. Crab's eyes lit up at the same time, and he replied without hesitation: "Of course, we can even shorten it to six hundred years!"

The webmaster almost choked to death on his own saliva, six hundred years! Even more! Is there something seriously wrong with the conscious civilization’s concept of time?

Whether it is a live dragon or a tree shepherd, there is no such exaggerated performance.

The webmaster let out a long sigh and said feebly: "Mr. Krabs, we can't wait. Six hundred years is really too long."

Mr. Crab looked up and down, and then said firmly: "It turns out that Zhou civilization is an individual civilization. May I ask, how many years is the life span of an individual civilization of yours?"

The webmaster was very curious about the new name he heard, but he suppressed his curiosity and replied: "The limit of our human life span should be one hundred and fifty years, and after modification, it can reach three hundred years."

Mr. Crab said: "Transformation cannot be counted. The limit of one hundred and fifty years means that the average life is seventy-five years. It is a very short life. You will die faster than Otsutsuki, so the development speed should also be faster."

The webmaster asked: "Why do you say that?"

Mr. Crab replied in a slightly melancholy tone: "Because this is the advantage of individual civilization. Each member of an individual civilization is an individual wisdom, and each one will become a bursting point of inspiration and wisdom."

"Compared to a single civilization like our conscious civilization, individual civilization can easily achieve rapid development of civilization and be promoted more easily."

"Moreover, you can also quickly update your civilization through the elimination of natural life spans, and you will not be casually trapped by a certain stage of knowledge."

The webmaster laughed and said: "How is this theory possible? If so, wouldn't E. coli be the strongest civilization?"

"But we have never seen the emergence of such a fast civilization."

Mr. Krabs explained: "The faster you die, the faster you reproduce and the faster you renew. This is true."

"But this rule is based on a certain life span and a certain physical quality. If life is renewed too fast, there will be a situation where there is no time to accumulate knowledge, and inheritance is a huge problem."

"Furthermore, it takes time for most of the laws of the universe to operate, and it also takes time to produce results. Beings who die too quickly are equal to knowing nothing. They are not qualified to summarize the laws at all, and they are not qualified to develop civilization."

The webmaster nodded in agreement. In fact, he also wanted to use this example to illustrate the problem of his own civilization, because the webmaster felt that the other party had gone too far in talking about Zhou Wenming.

He controlled the pudgy giant to spread his hands and said: "Look, the flaws of individual civilizations are also obvious. Lifespan brings the advantage of rapid renewal, but it also creates the flaw of easy inheritance and discontinuation. All types of civilizations None of them only have advantages.”

The webmaster was unwilling to continue this topic. He said, "Now you know that six hundred years is too long for us. We cannot accept such a long turnaround period."

Mr. Krabs nodded: "I understand that exchange cannot be achieved."

The webmaster couldn't laugh or cry. The other party refused to exchange several times when the conditions were not met, and showed no flexibility at all. It was really speechless, as if the webmaster was begging for a deal.

The webmaster could only proactively suggest: "Conscious civilization has forgotten the technology of chakra production, but there should be knowledge and technology that have not been forgotten. We are very interested in these."

The other person couldn't help but patted the other person's body and said, "Don't be in a hurry to reject me, we can still make an exchange."

Mr. Crab was also a little irritable at this time. The communication speed of conscious civilization was extremely fast. They had long been accustomed to completing the communication in an instant.

In Mr. Crab's view, the communication speed of the webmaster opposite is too slow, changeable, forgetful, and always adding conditions, which makes people irritated.

The webmaster suspects that Mr. Crab wants to deceive him, but Mr. Crab also suspects that the webmaster’s repetitions and supplementary conditions are just to make him irritated and to cover up some kind of fraud.

At another time, Mr. Krabs would have pulled the person out of the big armor, given him a severe lesson, and then driven him away or killed him.

But that's not possible right now. The effect of the magical chakra is really great. Mr. Crab knows that this is the shot in the arm and life-saving medicine for conscious civilization.

Conscious civilization really wants to get the magical chakra, so Mr. Krabs can only endure it until the transaction is completed or completely failed.

People under the eaves have to bow their heads.

Mr. Crab patiently used his most hated sonic communication method to compare the knowledge points and technical materials with the webmaster one by one, and spent a month to determine the content of the exchange between the two parties.

Zhou Wenming will provide a sufficient amount of magic chakra, enough to complete the recovery of all members of the conscious civilization.

In addition to knowledge and technology, the conscious civilization has to pay for the conditions for the relocation of the conscious civilization specifically required by Zhou Wenming. After they fully recover, they must leave the scope of Zhou Wenming far away as soon as possible.

It is best to cross the dark space and go to the other cantilever of the galaxy.

To Zhou Wenming's request, the civilized Mr. Crab fully agreed, and even agreed to hand over their technology to drive the star system to move again, as well as the technology to create space curling.

It can be said that the consciousness and civilization have been severely reduced, and even the underwear has been taken off.

Mr. Crab agreed without any hesitation, because Aburame Tetsumaru came in person, and his strength was seriously beyond the limit for the recovering consciousness civilization.

Moreover, the airspace where consciousness civilization is located is a dark area, which is even more vacuum than vacuum.

There is not enough material and there is not enough energy supply, and there is no chance to show the advantages of our own civilization.

No matter how strong the technical advantage is, if there are no resources and no energy, we will still be bullied.

Just like Aburame Tetsumaru plotted against the God of Otsutsuki, just like the female straight barbarians bullied the cowards, they took advantage of force and resources to constantly force the enemy to make concessions.

Fortunately, the magical chakra carried by Aburame Tetsumaru lived up to Zhou Wenming's request and awakened two-thirds of the conscious civilization members at once.

According to the agreement, the consciousness civilization started the project of promoting the red dwarf star with sufficient manpower, and the stationmaster stayed as a supervisor to watch their operations, and tried his best to learn the other party's technology of ejecting the sun.

As for the remaining senjutsu chakra, Dice will serve as the second transporter, using his own body as a tool to deliver it at the right time.

By having him make the final deal, he should be able to avoid risks to the greatest extent. At this time when there is the Otsutsuki clan in front of him and the consciousness of civilization is recovering in the back, Zhou Wenming is in great need of the blessing of good luck.

The withdrawal of the Aburame Iron Pill, that is, the distance of the strongest combat power, can relax the tense nerves of the conscious civilization and reduce the probability of conflict between the two parties.

At the same time, Aburame Tetsumaru has to take on the work of preparatory mobilization when he returns to prepare for a possible war.

Fortunately, there was nothing to worry about. The consciousness civilization successfully promoted the movement of the red dwarf star, causing the entire small star system to start moving.

After the war alert was lifted, Aburame Tetsumaru relaxed and began to return to the orbit of the sun, continuing the work of burning chakra and making the path-seeking jade.

This time the focus is still on burning chakra, because most of the knowledge gained from consciousness civilization is related to chakra, which provides a lot of ideas for Aburame Tetsumaru.

When the webmaster finished monitoring the conscious civilization and was about to return to Zhou Civilization, Aburame Tetsumaru reminded him specifically: "Webmaster, you must leave enough monitoring systems on the way back to prevent the conscious civilization from returning to Our cantilever stabbed us at a critical moment.”

In the Star Sea Hall, the stationmaster couldn't help but question after hearing such instructions: "The average width of the dark airspace is more than one light-year. Will the conscious civilization really return after crossing it? If they don't return, wouldn't it be a waste? "

"You know, if I want to monitor such a large galaxy, I need to deploy a monitoring system that stretches beyond the width of several galaxies. The scale is too exaggerated."

The webmaster seriously made the final confirmation: "Is it really necessary?"

Aburame Tetsumaru replied: "Yes."

"Although consciousness civilization is what they call individual civilization, they are by no means as gentle as they showed this time."

"Even if individual civilization is the same as what Mr. Crab said, it means there are no barriers and no ideologies within the civilization."

"Webmaster, as the person in charge and the total participant of this diplomacy, you know their external performance best. Didn't you realize their cunning and flexible changes in their positions during this negotiation?"

"Mr. Crab's performance is completely disguised. Are you confused by them?"

The webmaster laughed loudly: "You are just confused. Of course I am aware of it, so I made the request to relocate the consciousness civilization."

“But aren’t physical barriers like dark airspace safe enough?”

Shengyangyu took up the topic and said: "Conscious civilizations cannot be underestimated. Their foundation is absolutely extraordinary."

"So far, they have forgotten a lot of knowledge and technology, but this is what they said themselves, not what we have verified, and we have no way to verify it."

"But one of them they verified themselves."

"The space warping technology they used to hide their own star system has definitely not been forgotten by conscious civilization. They have safely and smoothly unwound the light-year warp."

Sheng Yangyu was deeply moved by this operation. He told the webmaster: "The deployment lasted for six months and it was always stable and smooth. In the end, it did not cause a large gravity wave. It is really an amazing and great technology. .”

"Webmaster, do you think that after forgetting about technology, we were able to achieve such perfection with the help of what Mr. Krabs told us?"

Ba Ye said: "This technology can not only be used to hide, but can also be used to eliminate stumbling blocks on the road. It can turn a light-year space into a 'non-existent' space and shorten the distance that needs to be traveled by navigation."

"In other words, they have the ability to suddenly appear behind us, and we must be prepared for this."

The stationmaster pondered for a moment and then nodded in agreement. He lamented: "This is a big project. How long will I have to work on it alone?"

Aburame Tetsumaru smiled and replied: "Don't worry, someone will support you."

"We now have a full 170 descendants on standby, and the manpower is very sufficient."

"There is a traffic group of descendants, with more than a hundred incarnations, and they have begun to lay out the space grid and monitoring system in your direction."

"You and they work toward each other, and when it's time for the party, you can return immediately along the space grid together."

The webmaster nodded and agreed to the work plan.

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