Create a swarm technology tree in Konoha

Chapter 566 Long time no see, Konoha Village

Because of the existence of chakra, there are many strange phenomena in the world of ninjas, but any strangeness can only have one coincidence at most. Anything with more than one coincidence must be caused by man-made things.

On the balcony of the Hokage Building, the Fifth Hokage Tsunade and a group of high-level officials of Konoha Village looked far into the distance, overlooking the entire Konoha Village.

They looked across the entire Konoha Village, and all the big trees were blooming, and all the flowers were emitting fragrance and pollen.

In the direction of the Death Forest, the colors are even more colorful and beautiful. In the air above the forest, a faint golden color can be distinguished.

Everyone was stunned. If it was man-made, then the range of this technique would at least cover the entire Konoha Village. What kind of power could cause such an effect?

If there is a jutsu that has a huge range of influence, is related to trees, and can also bloom and pollinate, then what kind of ninjutsu is it?

A name appeared in everyone's mind, but no one of these high-level officials in Konoha dared to say it.

Tsunade sneered for a while and said coldly: "It's Wood Release!"

It's really ironic to say that the first Hokage suppressed an entire generation with Wood Release, and established the Leaf Village with this invincible power.

However, the Mudun inheritance in Konoha Village has been cut off for a long time. Even if there are finally Mudun ninjas now, their strength is very average and they will never be able to achieve this step.

What's even more ridiculous is that there is indeed a more powerful wood escape force in the ninja world today, and this force is in the enemy's camp.

"Now, Elder Mito Kado, can you understand how important your mission is?" Tsunade's words were cold, hard, with a hint of metal sharpness, and Mito Kado could not refuse.

"Please take your direct subordinate ninja to explore all the information about this wooden escape technique. It is best to find the person who performed the technique and confirm his purpose."

"We must find out whether it is harmful to Konoha Village!"

Facing the aggressive Fifth Hokage, Mito Katoyan could only bow his head and accept the order.

The situation is different now. The entire Konoha Village was razed to the ground by Nagato. Everyone is aware that the danger is approaching. The Hokage must have enough power to protect everyone's lives and property.

The names of Hokage Assistant and Konoha Elder are no longer useful. Now everyone only recognizes strength, and qualifications without combat record are worthless!

The situation at this time is that the power of Konoha Village lies with the Hokage, and it is unprecedentedly concentrated. Mito Kaden and Koharu must rely on the power of the Hokage in order to retain their positions.

If they are disgusted by the Fifth Hokage, powerless old men like them will be eliminated in minutes and will never have access to any power again.

For the two powerful beings, this was no different from death, so they changed their attitude of restricting the Fifth Hokage and fully cooperated.

Even though Mito Kadoyan hadn't performed a mission for who knows how many years, he could only summon some ninjas, as well as ninjas from his own family, to start exploring the mystery of the big tree blooming in Konoha Village.

The Nara Yoshikawa jounin who was temporarily recruited looked at the chaotic team and couldn't help but asked: "Mitomon-sama, how should we proceed?"

【how could I know? ] Mito Kadoyan asked while cursing: "Nara Jonin, do you have any suggestions?"

The ninjas of the Nara family are indeed brain-eaters. Nara Yoshikawa immediately replied: "It should be divided into two directions. Some people should investigate whether pollen and flower fragrance are harmful, or whether they have the effect of ninjutsu."

"The other group of people are going to mark all the large trees that are blooming abnormally. They have to find out how big the area is anyway. The center of the entire affected area should be the location where the technique is performed. Once the specific location is obtained, the most rigorous investigation can be carried out."

Mito Kadoyan immediately said: "Okay, let's start executing according to the Nara Jonin's plan, let's take action!"

After saying that, Mito Kadoren patted Nara on the shoulder, then left the Hokage Building and ran away.

Nara Yoshikawa looked confused. He didn't understand how such a big task fell on him. He was obviously pulled in temporarily to make up the work.

But he couldn't shirk the situation when it came to it. Dozens of ninjas were surrounding him.

Nara Yoshikawa could only bite the bullet and allocate manpower and start executing the task.

Hearing that the Fifth Hokage had regained consciousness, Hatake Kakashi's ninja friends also felt relieved, and they all clapped their hands and cheered.

While these ninjas were relieved, they were also a little embarrassed when facing Kakashi. In their view, missing out on the position of Hokage was undoubtedly the greatest regret in life.

Only Metkai didn't care about this, carelessly thinking about when he could have another enjoyable battle.

In fact, Kakashi Hatake himself was the one who cared least. He firmly believed that he was not suitable to be Hokage.

Before, it was just a matter of reluctantly taking on responsibilities that we were unable to bear when there were no other candidates.

Hatake Kakashi didn't know what to do at all, how to lead Konoha Village through the next crisis. In fact, all he thought about was the word "sacrifice".

That's why he agreed to have a hearty duel with Metkai. He was going to die anyway, so shouldn't he be reckless before he died?

Fortunately, the Fifth Hokage woke up in time and didn't have to put on the Hokage hat. It was really good.

The relaxed Kakashi changed his seriousness that had lasted for several days and returned to his usual lazy look. He swayed out of the Hokage Building and walked towards his home.

"Kakashi is a good ninja, but not a suitable Hokage."

Tsunade didn't know when she returned to the balcony, looked at Hatake Kakashi swaying, and said to Shizune: "Who could have imagined that Konoha Village could be reduced to this..."

"...When something happens to little Tsunade, there is no ninja who can take over the duties of Hokage."

Senju Hashirama stood on the sculpture of his own head and said with a sigh, "The fate of the entire village has been handed over to a child under the age of sixteen. With this mess, it would be better to be annexed by Zhou Wenming."

Hatake Sakumo also shook his head. He got along very well with his son Kakashi in the meta-timeline, so he did not empathize with Kakashi in front of him.

Konoha White Fang sighed: "The Kakashi here is more like me than the sons at home. They are not suitable to be leaders, let alone Hokage."

"To be able to select him, the decline of Konoha Village is really a sigh."

The two old men didn't say anything more, but they both knew the subtext that the other didn't say: the third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, it is best to die in battle after working for twenty years.

Zhou Wenming has repeatedly opened up timelines in the past, and by summarizing a large number of individual cases, we can see the indisputable results.

In terms of the general trend, if the third Hokage dies in the Second Ninja War, no matter which one of the three ninjas succeeds the Fourth Hokage, Konoha Village will be unparalleledly powerful.

The powerful Konoha Village will naturally expand and eventually move towards the path of unifying the ninja world. After twenty or forty years, the ninja world will have real and long-lasting peace.

While Sarutobi Hiruzen lived until the end of the Third Ninja War, Konoha Village could never rise again due to the serious damage to its heritage. The five major ninja villages could only confront each other for a long time.

Although everyone is aware of this trend and has seen the so-called plot, it is still difficult for the descendants who came from Konoha to believe that how could Konoha Village be so weakened that there are no more Kage-level candidates?

But now that I have seen this fact with my own eyes, I cannot help but believe it.

"Hehe, the Fifth Hokage is older than the Fourth Hokage, the Fifth and a half Hokage is older than the Fifth Hokage, and the Sixth Hokage disappears as soon as he shows his head..."

"Hehehe, this Hokage inheritance is a joke!!"

Senju Hashirama has a good temper, but that doesn't mean he has no temper. If he didn't have a temper, he could push Madara Uchiha to the ground and rub him?

If there is no chance to see different scenery, Senju Hashirama will definitely think the best of everyone and think that this situation cannot be entirely blamed on one person.

The world is so cruel. It is really not easy for the past Hokages to persist until now. Even if the Konoha Village cannot meet Hashirama's expectations, he will secretly accept it with sadness and try his best to do the best for the Konoha Village. Order something.

But things are different now. Senju Hashirama has traveled across the timeline and seen so much of the prosperity and development of Konoha Village. Doesn't he know that Konoha Village as it is today is actually the worst thing created by someone's "hard work"? result?

Knowing this fact, how could Senju Hashirama not be angry?

Not to mention his Senju Hashirama, even Senju Tobirama's nose was so angry that he was crooked. How come all the disciples he accepted were incompetent? How could his vision be so bad?

During the period just after his resurrection, the Second Hokage was depressed. He lay motionless in bed all day long, pretending to be dead without eating or drinking.

I really don’t have the face to see anyone.

Senju Hashirama scratched his head in distress and asked: "With the strength of our team, it is not difficult to defeat the Fourth Ninja War, but what should we do next?"

"Who can take on the responsibility of leading the ninja world next, and to be able to move towards a promising future, so that the ninja world can enjoy long-term peace..."

Suddenly, Senju Hashirama noticed that his two teammates were looking at him with joking eyes, so he asked aloud: "What do you want to say?"

Uchiha Sanae said with a smile: "Senju Hashirama-senpai, the leader who will lead the ninja world to a bright future, the most suitable candidate is you, no one else."

Senju Hashirama was stunned, pointing his finger at himself in disbelief, and asked: "Me? Can I do this?"

Uchiha Sanae raised his thumb and praised: "It's particularly suitable."

"But I didn't even lead Konoha Village well. Even Madara was pushed out by me. I, I can't do it." Senju Hashirama panicked and denied himself repeatedly.

"Don't belittle yourself, First Hokage-sama." Sanae Uchiha persuaded, "You were a pioneer in the new era, and you didn't receive formal education. It's really normal to make mistakes."

"But it's different now. Senior Hashirama, you have completely studied Zhou Wenming's social science theory and practiced it on many timelines. You are already a super powerful leader."

"Speaking of which, if the super-enhanced Senju Hashirama can't lead the ninja world, do we need Yaye to come? Or should we trick Aburame Tetsumaru-senpai into coming?"

Before Uchiha Sanae finished speaking, he carried Senju Hashirama behind his back and secretly made a few gestures to Hatake Sakumo, indicating that he would come to help.

Hatake Sakumo took over the conversation calmly and said: "The cocoon maker must not be able to move, and Yaye also bears a heavy responsibility. First generation, we accepted the cocoon maker's instructions and shouldered the mission of civilization. At this point in time, you can’t back down.”

"Yes, since the First Hokage is so suitable, you can't back down."

"And we will both fully support you and we will never give up until you achieve your goal!"

"That is, when communication is established, you can still apply for assistance. You must know that we are not fighting alone. We have the support of civilization behind us."

"Yes, First Hokage, believe in yourself, you will be able to create a new era again."

Uchiha Sanae and Hatake Sakumo persuaded each other with words, and Senju Hashirama quickly said that he was very excited. How could he not be tempted if he had the opportunity to make up for his regrets?

But Senju Hashirama just couldn't make up his mind, and the past was still haunting him.

[Do you really want to bear the fate of the ninja world again? Am I really not going to mess everything up again this time? 】

This is not a past where success can be achieved by following a complete plan and taking the medicine. This is the same as more than 60 years ago, and it is an effort towards the unknown.

Senju Hashirama was a little scared, he still wanted to find a better candidate.

So Hashirama looked at Hatake Sakumo. This was a very strong and determined ninja, but his political acumen was not as good as his own. He had not even studied politics.

Senju Hashirama looked at Uchiha Sanae, his eyes couldn't help but light up.

This girl from the Uchiha family seems to be quite suitable. It is said that she has been receiving education from the incarnation of Aburame Tetsumaru since the establishment of Zhou Civilization. Her political acumen is definitely qualified and her personal strength is absolutely strong.

Uchiha Sanae is a ninja born in Konoha Village, especially her status as an Uchiha family member is even better.

Senju became the first Hokage to create the era of ninja villages, and Uchiha became the leader of the ninja world to create a better future. How perfect.

But Uchiha Sanae resolutely refused: "Senju Hashirama-senpai, I died silently in this timeline. How can a person with no reputation become a leader?"


"Lack of credibility is the most fatal flaw of a leader." Uchiha Sanae said, "If I want to establish credibility in the ninja world, I can only create a horrific killing to make everyone realize my power."

"Hashirama-senpai, Hatake-senpai, and all the famous figures in the ninja world, don't they all accumulate reputation through their killing records?"

"Although you have always avoided killing, can you still remember how many bones the First Hokage had under his reputation?"

Senju Hashirama shook his head and remained silent.

Uchiha Sanae stared into Senju Hashirama's eyes and said seriously: "Senju Hashirama-senpai, you are the most suitable candidate. You cannot pass your responsibilities to others!"

"Besides, don't you want to join forces with the saved Uchiha Madara again after stopping the Infinite Tsukuyomi to create a new era together?"

"This time, with Zhou Wenming's support, you will never fail again, and victory is just around the corner."

Senju Hashirama was completely moved. He seemed to hear Madara calling "Hashirama" in his ears, and he murmured in his mouth: "Here comes Madara... shall we try again?"


Senju Hashirama made up his mind and looked at Konoha Village with a different feeling.

[It’s been a long time coming, Konoha Village. 】

【Your Hokage is back! 】

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