Create a swarm technology tree in Konoha

Chapter 561 Orochi is pregnant

Otsutsuki Hagoromo joined Zhou Civilization and did not obtain the status of an Adventer, but his strength exceeded most of the Adventors, so even if it was just a formality, he had to meet the Adventors in the civilization.

There are now as many as 107 descendants of Zhou civilization, distributed in different galaxies, and some are in other timelines, so the meeting can only take place in the sea of ​​​​spirits.

Fortunately, Hagoromo's body was specially prepared from gray bones. Not only does he have the full set of physiques of the Otsutsuki clan, he has three samsara eyes, and he also has a piece of communication with the spiritual sea inserted.

After Ash Bones released the physical restrictions, Nanosuke guided Otsutsuki Hagoromo into the sea of ​​​​spirits, and dragged him into the Star Sea Hall where he had no permission to enter.

Today's Xinghai Hall has also undergone great changes. The center is the star field map explored and controlled by Zhou Wenming. The number of positions belonging to the descendants in the first circle has been reduced to seven.

There are three mortals who belong to civilization, as well as Warhammer, Ba Ye, Teacher and Butler whose combat capabilities are close to those of the mortals.

Yes, Zhou Wenming’s seventh person who is close to the limit of metamorphosis is the housekeeper.

As time went by, everyone discovered that with the two exceptions of Aburame Tetsumaru and Otsutsuki Kaguya, the other strong men had chosen their own path, concentrated all their energy on the specialized route, and reached the strongest group. middle.

Among the first descendants, the dice, politicians, and thieves were all unable to determine their path, or they failed to establish their path after casting a wide net, and their growth in strength was far away.

But what is very annoying is that success is not guaranteed by being firm. For example, Ashbone, Whirlpool, and Cannon also firmly insisted on the path they chose, but they did not make breakthrough progress.

Among them, the Ashes and Cannons are considered good. They can also take on the job of assassins or cleaning the ground in some special battlefields. Others simply cannot go to the battlefield.

In summary, success is still the product of a combination of luck and persistence, so whether to continue to persist or to switch paths in time can only depend on personal judgment and choice.

The descendants each had their own troubles, but when they gathered in the Xinghai Hall and looked at Otsutsuki Hagoromo with piercing eyes, they put a lot of pressure on him.

In addition to the seven beings in the first circle who were obviously more powerful than him, among the eighty-three descendants sitting in the one hundred seats in the second circle, there were also many people who brought a lot of trouble to Otsutsuki Hagoromo. pressure.

This meeting put a lot of pressure on Otsutsuki Hagoromo, allowing him to understand a little bit about Zhou Wenming's strength. Some of the thoughts that he had suppressed deeply in his heart could only be buried deeper now.

Aburame Tetsumaru was very satisfied with this. As long as Otsutsuki Hagoromo could obey the civilized arrangements and complete his work safely, then some of the thoughts in his heart simply didn't matter.

People's thoughts are always very complicated, and it is normal to have some inexplicable thoughts. As long as they are not implemented in reality, it cannot be considered a mistake.

Although this gathering of descendants was convened for Otsutsuki Hagoromo, now that the gathering is together, let's share the work progress with each other.

It just so happens that five years have passed, and a planning cycle has been completed. You can summarize the completion of previous plans, and also understand the progress of longer-term unfinished plans.

"The space grid has been fully laid out in the star system. In addition, the extension project to the six-string galaxy has been suspended."

The paratrooper said with regret: "The distance between the two galaxies is really too far. According to the calculation results, even if I use the next three hundred years of my life, I will not be able to complete it until I die."

Aburame Tetsumaru nodded and said, "Then stop. The distance between galaxies is too great, and the risk is not only that the construction time is too long."

"Because the two galaxies do not have a common core, changes in distance and angle on the scale of hundreds of years are inevitable."

"Small changes, coupled with the huge distance, will inevitably evolve into a terrible error. We have no way to deal with such a big change. The risk is too great."

Shengyang Yu said: "Then let's build two independent chakra local area networks in the Ninja World and the Six-string Galaxy first. As for the connection between the galaxies, let's wait for new technological breakthroughs."

The paratrooper had a different opinion: "I don't think we can really let it go. We can completely develop a special kind of paving bugs, or even paving bugs, and let these bugs automatically lay the space grid."

"After all, when we have no ideas at all, technological breakthroughs are unreliable. We can't even predict the eternal fifty-year gap."

"Paratrooper, in the deep space between galaxies, energy and matter are extremely scarce. How are you going to supply energy to the Zerg?"

"Yes, transportation is absolutely impossible over such a large distance."

The paratrooper shook his head and said: "We really can't count on transportation. My idea is to rely on 'vacuum zero point energy' to power the bugs."

Then he looked at Warhammer and asked: "Warhammer, do you have any plans for research on vacuum energy?"

Warhammer was stunned for a moment, then replied: "Not for the time being, within a year."

The paratrooper stopped talking. He just spread his hands with a smile and raised his eyebrows provocatively.


The news that vacuum zero-point energy was about to break through was really surprising, and most of the descendants even exclaimed.

With the research and release of information on Warhammer, Zhou Wenming has already determined that vacuum zero-point energy is not a high-density energy.

The total scale of this energy is terrifying, but it is evenly distributed in the universe and space. After it is concentrated in a region, the output power is extremely low when compared.

Not to mention compared with stars, even the fission reaction output in the core of a planet can be four or five orders of magnitude higher than the vacuum zero-point energy.

But the advantage of this energy is that it is the same everywhere. It is of course very poor within a star system, but in the open areas between galaxies, when the amount of stellar radiation drops by twenty to forty orders of magnitude, the advantage of vacuum zero-point energy It seems incomparable.

Shengyangyu and Aburame Tetsumaru looked at each other. With the technical support of vacuum energy, the space infrastructure Zerg had a foundation that could be realized.

Maybe the final infrastructure Zerg is slow and extremely inefficient, but you can never worry about their energy supply, or even ignore it for a long time.

It's like playing an idle game. You just leave it there without caring about it. When you think of it, you check it out, and then you are surprised to spend it.

Aburame Tetsumaru nodded repeatedly and said to the paratrooper: "Your idea is very exciting, I agree."

"Anyone object?"

No one objected, and a new plan was implemented.

The Adventers introduced their work one by one. Some work was completed and new demands arose immediately after the results were announced.

When encountering mutual connections, they will communicate with each other on the spot, and they can quickly coordinate and determine a new work plan.

When it was Senju Hashirama's turn, because he was purely a member of the fighting team, everyone had great confidence in his brain and did not expect the first generation Hokage to achieve anything.

Who knows, Senju Hashirama doesn't talk about martial ethics, but what he talks about is the research results of his younger brother: "The shadow communication technique that Tobirama was responsible for developing has been completed."

As soon as Senju Hashirama opened his mouth, Aburame Tetsumaru and Candoryu jumped up, but the other descendants were all confused. They didn't even know that there was such a ninjutsu development work.

Because with the rapid expansion of Zhou Wenming, the trend of specialization in various aspects of research has become increasingly obvious.

Even with the Xinghai Hall as the center of knowledge and intelligence, where every descendant and incarnation can download information at will, it can only alleviate this trend.

The knowledge and intelligence that Zhou Wenming has now accumulated has been extremely exaggerated, reaching the point where most of the descendants do not know what information can be downloaded.

Therefore, the meetings of Adventers are becoming more and more important. After the summary and introduction by the knowledge researcher himself, the efficiency of information transmission is far higher than that of searching for it by oneself.

Even if there are misunderstandings and misunderstandings during dictation, it is much better than not being able to find the information you want in a massive amount of information.

As the main ones responsible for the timeline jumping aspect, Tokuryu and Aburame Tetsumaru introduced the Shadow Communication Technique, a ninjutsu used to communicate across timelines.

Essentially, it splits the shadow clone technique, completely giving up the ability to fight, and not shaping the separated shadow clones, in exchange for minimal chakra consumption and continuous separation effects.

After performing this ninjutsu, spherical shadow clones can be continuously output and sent to the designated timeline node through a dedicated timeline jump technique.

These minimal shadow clones carry the memory of the caster with them, transmit information to the other party, and disband after receiving the other party's answer, bringing the memory back to the meta-timeline.

After digesting the memory, the caster releases the next shadow clone, and by repeating the operation over and over again, instant messaging across timelines can be carried out like a WeChat chat.

Upon hearing this explanation, the descendants were overjoyed.

This means that Zhou Civilization will officially expand its territory to the multiverse, and will have unlimited strategic depth from now on. It is impossible for any enemy in a single timeline to completely wipe out Zhou Civilization.

Even if he is defeated in one timeline, Zhou Wenming can retreat to other timelines.

They can also find and challenge this enemy in other timelines, and if they fail, try again in another timeline.

As long as there are no problems with the core personnel, Zhou Wenming will always have the confidence to start over.

Even after repeated failures, as long as Zhou Wenming masters all the enemy's information, he will eventually be able to defeat him.

Then they can launch a counterattack, replicate this victory in different timelines, and quickly achieve a comprehensive victory.

To sum up in one sentence, Zhou Wenming will be invincible from now on, and no one will be able to use it.

Senju Hashirama half-understood what he heard, but he could also tell that Tobirama's contribution this time was great, so Senju Hashirama asked: "With this contribution, can Tobirama join the civilization?"

Aburame Tetsumaru immediately agreed: "No problem, I suggest giving him the treatment of a descendant of the Senju Tobirama."

Shengyangyu agreed: "I agree."

He looked at the dizzy Otsutsuki Hagoromo who was listening, and said: "We are already the undisputed orthodoxy in the ninja world, and even the Sage of Six Paths has joined our ranks. I believe that Senju Tobirama will no longer be like the five They are as resistant to our civilization as they were years ago."

The value of cross-timeline shadow communication is too great. Anyone who can understand the meaning of this technique will not object to it.

Uzumaki even took the initiative to take on the guidance work. He said: "Since Senju Tobirama's body information is with me, then I will customize his body and be responsible for guiding him to complete his descent."

"But I think we should listen to his own opinion on what kind of body should be customized. After all, this second generation has a very good brain."

Senju Hashirama was overjoyed and said: "Great, I'll ask Tobirama to report to you right away in the Country of Tea."

After the climax, the meeting continued.

A total of eighty-nine descendants attended the meeting. Even though most of the descendants did not make any special breakthroughs, they just introduced their work very briefly, and the meeting continued for a long time.

Although the descendants were not ordinary people, no one talked nonsense in the meeting. All the speakers talked about practical things, and the participants had to maintain a high level of mental tension.

After the meeting lasted for a full sixteen hours, most of the descendants entered the yellow stage mentally exhausted, and Aburame Tetsumaru had to suspend the meeting.

The break was also a time for the Adventers to digest and communicate privately. A large number of new plans and new cooperation emerged from the beginning of the second day's meeting.

Therefore, the meeting entered a stage of debate and competition for resources, and fierce quarrels began among the Adventers. They used various reasons to try to prove that their plans were more important and needed to prioritize the allocation of more energy shares and labor.

No one will take the initiative to retreat at this time, and the results of most new plans are unknown. Therefore, Aburame Tetsumaru and Shengyangyu have no authority and cannot make convincing rulings.

At this time, it was the turn of Zhou Wenming's Grand Adjudicator to play his unparalleled role.

Dice holds a huge twelve-sided dice. After arguing with each other and choosing their respective numbers, they throw the dice of fate with all their strength.

Finally, the winner of the competition is determined based on the result of the dice.

No one thinks this is child's play, because the results of dice are obvious to all.

So far, the plan chosen by rolling the dice has proven to be effective when completed at an unreasonable ninety-three percent rate.

The luck of the dice has become the highest authority at this time when reason and logic cannot play a role.

No one dared to challenge him in this regard.

It was Orochimai's turn to speak at the meeting. She briefly introduced her work and Zhuga's only progress.

At the end of Orochimai's narration, her narrow snake eyes scanned all the descendants in the Star Sea Hall, including the 108th descendant Senju Tobirama who had just joined.

Inexplicably, everyone felt that her eyes were a little more charming, and there was even a trace of moisture in her eyes.

The descendants couldn't help but be shocked. They looked at each other, looking at each other, and even suspected that something was wrong with themselves.

Didn’t you feel this way when watching Orochima before?

Orochimai smiled slightly, suddenly touched her belly and said, "I'm pregnant."


The Xinghai Hall suddenly shook, and then fell silent.

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