Create a swarm technology tree in Konoha

Chapter 514 The live beetle is finally able to feast

The Treasure Tree of the Tree Shepherd is the oldest among the six ancient trees. Unlike the five ancient trees of wisdom, war, prosperity, servants, and divine power, he does not need any suffix, because he is ancient trees.

As the leader of the tree shepherds, I don’t know when his name became the name of the leader. In order to distinguish him from the other five ancient trees, Baoshu himself changed his current name.

Tree Shepherds are derived from trees and are intelligent life forms of the plant system. Therefore, their instinct is to multiply more trees and expand the area of ​​the forest.

Baoshu can directly command all plants, especially huge trees, to fight according to his will. The battle scene is too familiar to Slug.

The live snake was so surprised that it was entangled with branches and roots. She couldn't help but sigh: "Isn't this the 'birth of the tree world'?"

When being strangled by the trees, the live slugs deftly disintegrated themselves and turned into countless tiny slugs, leaking into the forest like water.

The gaps in the large branches allow small slugs to shuttle freely, while small branches will be instantly fused by the slugs, and then swallowed in a few mouthfuls.

When encountering thick branches, they break into pieces to avoid attacks. When encountering small branches, they merge together and quickly annihilate them. Slug understands the essence of guerrilla warfare.

Moreover, she also has the intelligence support of spaceships and insect swarms in the sky. When the entire forest is full of enemies, she can fight with ease.

The tree shepherd civilization has been able to persist in this dangerous environment to this day. Naturally, they have their own methods. When ordinary physical attacks are ineffective, all the trees will grow a large number of tentacles, and the tops of the tentacles secrete sticky poles like sundew. Strong slime.

At the same time, several vines above the canopy bloomed rapidly for pollination. Red, yellow, orange, blue, and purple pollen flew all over the sky, rendering the entire forest colorful.

The living monster screamed and exclaimed: "Wow, the world of flowers and trees has arrived, does it look like this?"

After the small clone was stuck by the sundew mucus, the living dragon was even more surprised. This was beyond the skills of Wood Release, and it was very targeted to deal with his own clone.

Especially after being stuck by the mucus, traces of corrosion appeared on the body surface of the little slug. Only then did the living slug know that the mucus was highly corrosive.

She soon determined that the corrosiveness was not due to acid-base properties, but to digestive enzymes, a type of digestive enzyme that breaks down animal proteins.

Fortunately, slugs do not eat dry food. Her body also secretes mucus, but it is slippery. It can not only block tree mucus, but also block pollen with unknown specific functions.

"This is a new ability I learned from Zhou Wenming. As long as I secrete it fast enough, no toxin can harm me."

The living dragon couldn't help but feel a little proud, but then he was dumbfounded. Some solid-looking tree men came out of the forest.

These treants have almost no branches and leaves. The bark is smooth and full of metallic luster. The tiny gaps secrete sticky resin, which is thickly stacked on their bodies. They seem to have high defense.

When these tree men rushed towards the slug, the living slug discovered that they were extremely fast, and the heavy attacks made the slug very uncomfortable.

She spit acid at the mouth, but it turned out that the resin on the tree people's bodies was not afraid of corrosion, so they could only split to avoid the attack. Who knew that these tree people would spit out fire when they waved their hands.

A tree man is actually playing with fire. Is this unreasonable?

But this move is really cruel. The flames are fatal to the forest and living snakes, but those tree people with metal bark dare to bathe in the flames, and even the resin attached to their bodies is burning.

Facing the threat of fire, the living dragon had no choice but to bite the bullet and fuse together, relying on its body mass to resist the damage of the flames.

While withstanding the attack of the flame tree man, the slug quickly gathered more branches, and then relied on its size advantage to launch a counterattack.

The slug first used acid to extinguish the flames on the flaming trees, then swallowed them one by one, and slowly decomposed the wood with more acid in its stomach.

At this time, the live dragon was really a little depressed. She murmured to herself: "Ah~~, it's true. If such a big thing is swallowed into the stomach, it will still struggle. It hurts!!"

"Ah, if I had known it would be so difficult to deal with, I should have learned some fighting techniques from my companions. It would be really troublesome if I didn't know how to attack."

The war between Slug and Tree Shepherd lasted for two months, and both sides learned a lot about each other.

The tree shepherd civilization brought in the ancient trees of war, ancient servant trees, and ancient divine rights trees that they were responsible for fighting. The living creatures saw giant trees that could shoot wooden spears, giant trees that could throw explosive fruits, and trees that wielded wooden weapons. Green-skinned orc warriors, and priests who chant and use strange witchcraft.

The tree herders also saw springtails, scorpions, hydralisks and thunder beasts, as well as huge brood nests.

On the Tree Shepherd planet, the mother nest unexpectedly grew to an unprecedented size. The height alone exceeded two thousand meters, and the extended carpet covered an area of ​​hundreds of square kilometers.

The live bug is not a researcher, she is not even a qualified user. She is only happy about the abnormal expansion of the mother's nest, because the production of bugs has increased sharply, which can help her get greater help.

Fortunately, the slugs were not overwhelmed by the attacks of the tree herders because the slugs produced nearly 30 times more insects than the normal mother nest, because the slugs did not understand command at all.

The insect swarm brought by the Great Immortal relied entirely on instinct and spontaneously fought against the attacking tree men. Without command, the insect swarm was completely non-offensive.

This is a restriction set by Zhou Wenming for the insect swarm. Only when the density of the insects reaches the limit, they will slightly expand their territory under the established procedures of the mother nest, but they will never leave the carpet for more than five kilometers.

In fact, the tree herders have long discovered that slugs and other bugs lack aggressiveness, and it is precisely because of this that they have not used their real force.

The Tree Shepherd civilization has stood in the Star Sea for tens of thousands of years. According to the records of the Eduans, the Tree Shepherd has existed since they first entered the Star Sea.

But today, Erdo, which has a history of ten thousand years, has been destroyed. The tree herders are still slowly planting trees here, naturally because they have strong enough force to deter those tyrannical civilizations.

Especially in the galaxy of the tree shepherds, all suitable planets and satellites have been transformed and filled with vitality, making them the best prey for the Otsutsuki clan.

But according to Ōtsutsuki Kaguya's memories, Ōtsutsuki Ishiki ignored the attitude of the Tree Shepherd Galaxy and traveled a million miles to the ninja world to plant a sacred tree.

It is absolutely impossible for Otsutsuki Ishiki to be kind and let go of the tree shepherd galaxy. It can only be because he knows that these tree-growing guys are difficult to deal with, or even impossible to defeat.

Aburame Tetsumaru believes that there is only one situation that can allow the tree herder civilization to survive to this day, and that is that the tree herders are not only powerful, but their fighting method is also very special.

Even if a more powerful Otsutsuki member comes and wins after all the hard work, he can only gain nothing.

It is very difficult to fight and you will get nothing if you win. The Space Locust Otsutsuki clan must choose to turn a blind eye.

The tree herders suppressed their attack power, and the slugs didn't know how to really fight a war, so a war between two interstellar civilizations was actually carried out in the most primitive form.

Unreinforced springtails and club-wielding green-skinned warriors fight hand-to-hand. The soft hydralisks and war trees throw bone spurs and wooden spears at each other. This scene is even more ridiculous than the defense battle of Wakanda.

Because this war was fought at such a low level and the energy release was so low, Zhou Wenming misjudged that there was no war happening here, which greatly delayed the departure of support.

Of course, this misjudgment also has its benefits. Without the arrival of the descendants, a tactical group that is good at warfare, the war between the Zhou civilization and the tree shepherd civilization would not have escalated, and a real interstellar war would have been avoided by accident.

The turning point of the primitive war came in the fourth month, when the first forest that had been eaten by live snakes was reborn. But what shocked all the tree herders was that the naturally developed trees were in very good, even better, condition. .

The Tree Shepherds have been planting trees for tens of thousands of years, and their footprints and forests are spread throughout the galaxy, but their lack of expansion is not because they lack the ability to travel far, nor is it because they are content with their current territory.

The real reason is that there is something wrong with the trees planted by the tree herders, and they will die easily without the care of the tree herders.

The tree herders must constantly patrol, regularly take care of the forests they planted, and replant small trees on the land that was left barren after the death of the big trees.

The forest is the foundation of the tree herder, but the forest area that a tree herder can maintain is limited. This limitation is the reason why the tree herder civilization cannot expand.

But this time after the forest was eaten by slugs, not only did large trees appear that reproduced naturally, but these trees were also very healthy and full of vitality.

No ancient tree can ignore this "miracle". To the tree shepherds, this is a miracle, a miracle they have been looking forward to for tens of thousands of years.

After the emergence of forests that can reproduce naturally, the territory of tree shepherds can be expanded almost unlimitedly, and the expanded forest can breed new tree shepherds, and the entire civilization will enter an unprecedented rapid development.

Six ancient trees gathered from the entire galaxy. They stood on the top of the mountain where they could see the mother nest. Six ancient trees gathered at the same time. This was the first time in ten thousand years.

"This bug must be alive and must be an ally!"

The ancient divine tree's body structure limited him to speaking in fits and starts, but his tone was decisive, conveying his firm attitude.

The Ancient War Tree agreed: "The Divine Power is right. That soft bug doesn't understand war, but the little bug it uses... is very powerful. There must be a powerful civilization behind it. It's best not to be an enemy."

Servant Gushu nodded solemnly: "Those small hard bugs are purer weapons of war than Orcs (green skins). They are very scary. I don't want a real war with the monsters behind the soft bugs."

"After all, they are bugs."

The Ancient Tree of Wisdom looked at the Baoshu and asked: "Dear Lord Baoshu, the forest eaten by soft bugs can repair itself. Did we make a mistake by exterminating all the bugs tens of thousands of years ago?"

Faced with such a question, Baoshu was not angry at all. He chuckled and replied: "Do you still remember what the forest they destroyed looked like when those insects were not extinct?"

"Remember, it's the remains of the tree trunk, the horrific corruption, and the infectious disease..." The Ancient Wisdom Tree recalled, "It was even a disease that could infect tree shepherds. We lost a total of four hundred and forty-seven companions. There are even ancient trees in the abyss.”

"The body rots away bit by bit and dies. It's really terrifying."

Recalling the miserable state of the ancient tree in the abyss, which was like a rotten swamp before it died, the ancient tree of wisdom couldn't help but become frightened, and its branches were shaking uncontrollably.

Baoshu couldn't help but nod and sigh. He calmed down and continued: "Those ancient insects did not show any signs of self-recovery after destroying the forest. Instead, they continued to expand like scars. They are absolute enemies."

"This soft bug is different. After it eats the big tree, the remaining environment is very clean, and the tree roots even become more vital."

"It is those changed tree roots that develop new saplings and grow into new, more viable trees."

Baoshu looked at the other five ancient trees and said seriously: "The miracle is that soft insect, not just any insect. This is the miracle we have been waiting for tens of thousands of years."

"So, we have to do another experiment to confirm again that the miracle is repeatable."

The ancient divine tree asked: "Master Baoshu is right, what should we do?"

Baoshu swayed its soft branches, and after thinking for a while, he said: "Stop attacking, then retreat, and give them a piece of forest."

"Let's see how that soft bug behaves after eating it."

The follower Gushu said: "There is no problem in retreating, but will that soft insect come out to eat the big tree?"

Baoshu chuckled: "Don't worry, I can feel the desire of that soft insect now. It is looking at our big tree with eager eyes. It is already extremely greedy."

Then the super slow-paced meeting, which lasted for an hour and said less than twenty sentences, ended.

The live beetle was indeed extremely greedy. The meal she had eaten four months ago had now been completely digested by her.

The big trees here contain brand new life energy, which brought huge changes to the living dragon, allowing her to break through her physical limits.

The most obvious sign is that the weight of the live slugs has increased by a full 200 kilograms.

She has not gained even one gram in six hundred years. Even if she loses part of her body in an accident, she can only return to her maximum weight and cannot gain even one extra gram.

And after this breakthrough weight gain, the body of the living dragon seemed to be activated, and every cell was urging her: Hurry up, hurry up and eat the tree!

That is to say, the attacks of those green-skinned humanoid monsters, tree-men monsters and giant trees hurt the living dragon so much that she suppressed her desire and stayed in the mother nest.

Only when they really can't bear it anymore, the live bees will take a piece of the big trees collected by the worker bees to satisfy their craving for a little bit.

But eating it bit by bit like this can't relieve the thirsty desire at all. Not only is the quantity not enough to fill the gap between the teeth, but the trunks that have been divided after collection are dry.

This kind of tree trunk lacks the fresh vitality of a living tree, and its taste is quite different.

As a result, satisfying his craving only aroused even greater desires, making the beast unable to calm down even while lying down.

Countless eyes of the main body and branches of the living dragon were staring closely at the forest, hoping to end the war as soon as possible and then eat to their heart's content.

Therefore, when the tree shepherds retreated, the living snake only hesitated for half an hour before it could no longer bear it.

She rushed into the forest, hugged the tree, and was finally able to feast.

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