Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 516: Evidence has been tampered with, is there really a problem?

  Chapter 516 The evidence has been tampered with, is there really a problem?

   Zhang Wei asked for pre-trial consultation.

   This was nothing.

   But the request he made was a bit "excessive".

   "Who do you say you want to summon?"

   "Judge Liu, I speak my native language, Laura Campbell of William International, do I need to repeat it?"

   Zhang Wei spread his hands and put on a "don't be funny" expression on his face.

   Am I joking?

   But Judge Liu complained frantically in his heart, you are killing me.

   If it is bad to summon someone, go and summon this one.

   Her own identity is already outrageous, and the other party also has a father who is an international barrister.

  William Campbell, an internationally renowned barrister, even Lin Xiangtian, known as the No. 1 lawyer in the Oriental Capital, has to honor him as "Master William" when he sees him.

  伱 to summon someone's daughter in my court?

   What kind of heart do you have?

   Judge Liu hurriedly looked at Zheng Fenyong, who was standing by the side, with a frantic hint in his eyes.

  Prosecution, you have to say something!

   "Judge Liu, we are against it!" Zheng Fenyong finally blinked at Judge Liu's "urging".

   Just know you have to object!

   But Judge Liu still pretended to ask Zhang Wei: "Lawyer Zhang, why did you summon this person to testify in court?"

   "Because we have received reliable information, there may be a so-called **** conspiracy in this case, and my client, Forensic Doctor Yang, may be the victim of the conspiracy, so I just asked Lawyer Laura to testify in court to answer questions for the court and the public!"


   Lying in a big slot!

   Judge Liu couldn't help cursing. Why did things become so serious all of a sudden, and such a problem appeared?

  This is just an ordinary criminal case, I don’t need to rise to such a high level, right?

   "Judge Liu, if lawyer Zhang really thinks that there is a deep meaning behind this case, or even some kind of conspiracy, why not let that witness testify in court?"

   But who knows, Zheng Fenyong suddenly agreed to Zhang Wei's request.

   He was so confident that he even felt that Zhang Wei could not find any problems when he called the witness.

   And as the prosecution, a good prosecutor, his professional conduct does not allow him to object.

   "Ah, this..."

   Judge Liu glanced at Zhang Wei, then at Zheng Fenyong, and then at Braque in the prosecution seat.

   Is it really appropriate for you to do this?

   "Judge Liu, don't hesitate, if you issue the summons now, it's just in time!"

   Is this a matter of timing?

   Judge Liu doesn't want to complain anymore, I just don't want to issue this subpoena, but you prosecution and defense are forcing me.

   "I...I, I...I agree!"

   Judge Liu finally chose to compromise.

   He waved at the court guards on the left and right and let one of them come over.

   Then, he whispered a few words in his ear, and Tingwei took the order to leave, apparently to prepare to issue a summons.

   "You two go down!"

After    finished the order, Judge Liu waved to Zhang Wei and the two and asked them to return to their respective seats.

   "Cough, just now the defense lawyer requested to call a new witness. This court discussed with the prosecution Zheng Gaojian and agreed to the defense's request, so let me tell you here!"

   Judge Liu gave a brief explanation to the audience, and then gave the prosecution a glance or two.

   On the witness stand for the prosecution, forensic doctor Ding, who testified in court yesterday, stepped onto the witness stand.

   "Prosecution, do you still need to continue to ask questions about this expert witness?"

   "Judge Liu, we have ended our question to Forensic Doctor Ding."

   Zheng Fenyong has already obtained the desired result yesterday, so naturally he will not continue to ask questions.

  The opportunity to ask questions went to the defense.

   Zhang Wei got up and walked to the witness stand.

   "Forensic Doctor Ding, hello."

   "Hello, Lawyer Zhang."

   The two actually met.

   The two had already known each other when they first went to the first judge's office.

   It’s just that forensic doctor Ding is a witness for the prosecution, and Zhang Wei has not met with the other party in private, nor has he talked to the other party about Yang Chunyuan’s situation.

   "Forensic Doctor Ding, you are a forensic expert at the First Forensic Office, so you should be very good at DNA and even other forensic pathology research, right?"

   "That's right."

   "Your testimony in court yesterday said that there was a problem with the report my client provided 20 years ago, is that true?"


"You also said that the First Forensic Medicine Office later compared the evidence * Mao extracted from the throat of the victim Dong Juan in the serial murder case 20 years ago with the DNA of the suspect Li, and found that the two It doesn't match, does it?"


   "That's weird, why did the test results match 20 years ago, but after 20 years of technological innovation, the test results don't match at all?"

   Zhang Wei pretended to be puzzled and scratched his head.

   "There's nothing wrong with that. The technology 20 years ago can easily cause errors."

   "But this error is too big, it's as if the hair has been replaced by someone."


  Forensic doctor Ding saw Zhang Wei say so, so naturally he couldn't answer.

   But the speaker has no intention, and the listener has intention.

   Zhang Wei's words made the jury curious.

   There seems to be such a possibility, has the hair been replaced by someone?

   Of course, their jury is still hostile to the defense and Yang Chunyuan.

   Both the evidence and the court's wind direction are clearly biased towards the prosecution at this moment.

   "Forensic Doctor Ding, I would like to ask, have you tried to use the method 20 years ago to verify the hair again to determine whether my client's test results 20 years ago are consistent with the present?"

   "This..." Forensic Doctor Ding was stunned.

   Now that the technology has been updated for so many generations, who still uses the method 20 years ago to verify?

   is now all high-tech, mechanical automatic sampling and testing, the whole process is fully automatic, and there is a computer analysis list.

  Who is happy to use tweezers, test tubes, or DNA test strip reagents, etc., to go through the laborious test step by step?

   "Forensic doctor Ding, have you never used it?"

"of course not."

   "That's a coincidence, our forensic experts tested the evidence with 20-year-old technology!"

   Zhang Wei said, opened a report and handed it directly to Forensic Doctor Ding.

   "Forensic doctor Ding, please take a look. This is the old method report made by our forensic experts."

   Forensic Doctor Ding glanced down, then frowned.

   "The data shows a mismatch, and it doesn't match up with Yang's forensic report 20 years ago?"

   "Yes, what does that say?"

   "Indicating that there was something wrong with Yang's report at the time?"

"If there was a problem at the time, then why didn't anyone find out? It's reasonable to say that it's impossible to make only one test report. If the suspect Li or his parents questioned, they will also send the hair to others. Laboratory?"

  Zhang Wei replied with a smile, "Li's parents are both middle-class, so it shouldn't be difficult to find a laboratory they can trust to test, right?"

   "This is..."

   "The *mao found in the throat of the deceased Dong Juan 20 years ago is definitely that of the suspect Li, there is no doubt about that!"

  Forensic doctor Ding also nodded, which is indeed true, otherwise, how dare the investigation department dare to arrest people, this is unreasonable.

  Why, using the old method 20 years ago, the test results are completely different from the results 20 years ago.

   "What does this indicate, does Forensic Doctor Ding have any guesses?"

   Forensic Doctor Ding frowned, but quickly thought of something.

   "Someone tampered with the evidence, not at that time, but at a later date!"

   This is the only explanation.

  The evidence from 20 years ago is Li's hair, and the DNA results show a match.

   But the DNA results now show that this is not Li's hair.

   Then there is only one explanation, this hair was replaced by someone in the later time.


   It has been 20 years since Li was convicted.

   In the past 20 years, although the evidence is in the database, if someone really took the risk to break into the database, who would it be?

  In the past 20 years, how many people have entered the archives where the evidence is sealed is too difficult to verify.

   "Actually, it's not difficult to find someone to replace the evidence, even I already have a suspect!"

   But at this moment, Zhang Wei spoke up.

   This made Forensic Doctor Ding stunned, you are so fast!

   "Forensic Doctor Ding, this is a comprehensive test report on evidence *mao using the latest technology. The report not only tested DNA, but also tested many other options!"

   Zhang Wei once again handed the report to Forensic Doctor Ding, who opened it and took a closer look, then his eyes widened.

  What a complicated report, how boring is the person who made the report, who actually tested so many things.

   "Hey, this genome..."

   Suddenly, Forensic Doctor Ding seemed to have found something wrong.

   He opened the report and pointed to one of the items with a strange look on his face.

   "Forensic doctor Ding, you can also see that this hair has some sporophytes from plants attached to it, which is commonly known as "pollen"! "

   Zhang Wei pointed to the page in the report and asked, "Forensic doctor Ding, how is your biology? Do you know that pollen contains genetic components?"

Forensic doctor Ding said subconsciously: "Although pollen only contains half of the chromosomes of somatic cells, it is impossible to contain all the genes of an individual, but pollen contains all the genes required for individual development, so it can develop into a complete individual, that is, a single individual. ploidy; and in the pollen..."

   "Forensic Doctor Ding, I am not a professional. I believe that everyone on the jury and the hearing bench does not want to hear these professional explanations."

   Seeing that someone was about to start popular science, Zhang Wei directly interrupted.

   "Forensic doctor Ding, simply tell me, will these pollen affect the accuracy of DNA or even genetic testing, and will it cause errors?"

   "Yes, and it will cause a big error!"

  Ding forensic medicine said in a very positive tone.

   At the same time, he also had a guess that the test results 20 years ago did not correspond to the present, and it was because of these pollen.

   So here comes the question!

  Who is pollen on the evidence.

   "Forensic Doctor Ding, do you still remember Lao Cao?"

   "Of course, Forensic Doctor Cao is a senior in our office, and I know him naturally."

   "Then do you remember what he was doing after he retired?"

   "After he retired, he bought a piece of land in the suburbs. He lived in the countryside every day. He raised dogs, birds, and bees. He drank honey every day to keep fit. He also grew vegetables and flowers in the vegetable garden...etc.

   Having said this, Forensic Doctor Ding finally reacted.

   "Forensic Doctor Ding, have you reacted? Who has access to pollen, who has access to evidence, and who is most likely to tamper with evidence?"

   As soon as this statement came out, the audience was stunned.

  What are you talking about, who are you?

   Is that Lao Cao?

   He seems to be growing vegetables and grass in the suburbs, and he also seems to be growing flowers, so he can get access to pollen!

   Now, let alone forensic doctor Ding, even the jury and the hearing bench have responded.

   It seems that it is definitely the old Cao who tampered with the evidence.

   "Objection, the defense lawyer is leading the witness to speculate!"

   Zheng Fenyong finally couldn't sit still.

   He originally thought it was a sure win, but unexpectedly, something went wrong.

  Evidence has been tampered with.

   This was nothing at first, he thought it was Yang Chunyuan who tampered with the research report and even tampered with the evidence.

   But I didn't expect that it was someone else who tampered with the evidence.

   Lao Cao, who testified in court before, was also involved.

   "Judge Liu, we suggest to re-call the witness Lao Cao to appear in court. After all, he may have tampered with the crucial evidence in this case!"

  Zhang Wei ignored Zheng Fenyong's objection and also said to Judge Liu on the bench.

   "Judge Liu, Forensic Doctor Cao has completed his testimony, and the defense has no direct evidence to prove that Forensic Doctor Cao took the initiative to contact the evidence without permission, so we reject this proposal!"


   Judge Liu saw that the prosecution objected, but the defense demanded this matter, which was somewhat undecidable for a while.

   "Who said I have no evidence?"

   But at this moment, Zhang Wei sneered and took out a photo from his pocket.

"Judge Liu, and Zheng Gaojian, this is a surveillance photo of the entrance to the archives of the Wushu Association. In the photo, it turns out that Forensic Cao has entered the archives recently, but what surprised me is that Forensic Cao's visitor records are on the record. But he didn't write his name, why is that?"

   In the photo, there is a strong old man walking to the door of the archives to register.

   This old man is forensic doctor Cao.

   But he went into the archives without registering, which is really suspicious.

   And recently, his behavior of entering the archives is also full of contradictions.

   "Zheng Gaojian, aren't you curious, forensic doctor Cao has already retired, why do you still want to enter the archives?"

   "A retired forensic doctor has no work pressure and can't even touch the case. What can he do when he enters the archives?"

   These consecutive questions made Zheng Fenyong feel a little less confident.

  Yes, why did Forensic Doctor Cao enter the archives.

   Did he really tamper with the evidence and sprinkle pollen on the hair to frame Yang Chunyuan?


   Very suspicious!

   Zheng Fenyong felt that if he didn't summon Lao Cao to ask him clearly, he would be sorry for his status as a prosecutor.

   He thought for a while and decided, "Judge Liu, why don't you let Forensic Doctor Cao come back? Let him clarify some questions in person!"

   "That's fine!" Judge Liu called a court guard again and asked him to go out and prepare to summon forensic doctor Cao.

   But a few minutes later, Tingwei returned and whispered a few words in Judge Liu's ear.


   Judge Liu's color changed slightly, and then he glanced at Zhang Wei and Zheng Fenyong.

   "Cough, this court announces that after the court's confirmation, forensic doctor Cao left Dongfang Capital last night, and his whereabouts are currently unknown!"

   As soon as this statement came out, the audience was in an uproar.

   Now, everyone feels that there is something wrong with Forensic Doctor Cao.

  You old boy, you ran away after giving evidence yesterday?

  Absconding in fear of crime, did you guess that someone was going to take you today?


   Zheng Fenyong also looked stunned, and then frowned tightly.

   This behavior is like telling everyone that I really have a problem.

   "Sure enough I escaped!"

   Only Zhang Wei seemed to have guessed the result. It was no surprise that Lao Cao escaped from Dongfang City overnight.

   "Since Lao Cao fled overnight... oh, no, he left Dongfang City overnight, so it seems impossible to compare whether he has tampered with the evidence?"

   Although Zhang Wei said regretful words, the smile on the corner of his mouth could not be stopped.

  It would be better if you escaped, then you would just take the charge.

   Forensic doctor Cao is the one who tampered with the evidence!

   It was you who smeared the key evidence with pollen, interfered with the evidence, and put the blame on Yang Chunyuan.

   As for your reason for doing this, I'm sorry, but yesterday's court trial also proved that you and Yang Chunyuan have a personal grudge!

   So, your motivation is there.

  Evidence pollen is also there.

  You Lao Cao is definitely a criminal, so you chose to run away!

   Well, the truth is revealed!

   Everyone on the jury was excited.

   They all seemed to have caught the problem, and they all looked at the courtroom, or at the prosecution seat.

   They were for the prosecution before, and they also targeted Yang Chunyuan of the defense.

   But now...

  The form is reversed by 180°.

  Since there is a problem with Lao Cao, is there a problem with the prosecution as the prosecution and Li and others as the plaintiff?

   At least there is a problem with the evidence, which is not good for Yang Chunyuan, so who is good for it?

   The answer is naturally Li.

   As long as the evidence cannot prove that the murderer is him, wouldn't he be acquitted?

   In other words, the only person most likely to instruct Lao Cao to tamper with evidence is Li!

   The jury seemed to have discovered the truth, and they all looked at Li, full of distrust and unhappiness.

  You bastard, how dare you lie to us, you are finished!

   "Cough, who is it, who directed Lao Cao to tamper with the evidence?"

   Zhang Wei muttered, then looked at Judge Liu.

   "Judge Liu, we have no questions for forensic doctor Ding for the time being. At the same time, we also hope that Mr. Li can testify in court as soon as possible!"

   Zhang Wei said, and instead of the jury and the hearing box, he expressed their wishes.

   They also wanted to ask Li as soon as possible whether he instructed Lao Cao to tamper with the evidence.

   Forensic Doctor Ding naturally left the scene. As an expert witness, he helped Zhang Wei a little.

   "Mr. Li, please sit on the witness stand again to accept questions!"

   With Judge Liu's urging, Li could only get up and sit back on the witness stand.

   And this time, he faced the skeptical eyes of the audience.

   The person behind Lao Cao who instructed him, is it really him?

   (end of this chapter)

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