Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 309: The story of the rabbit, Yan Dayuan is innocent

   Chapter 309 The story of the rabbit, Yan Dayuan is innocent

   After lunch, have a good lunch break.

  The court scene was lively again.

  Everyone returned to the court one after another, waiting for the hearing.

   Soon, the judge entered.

   "Then, let's start the closing arguments!"

   With the judge's announcement, the final court session in the afternoon finally began.

   The first person to appear is naturally Chai Ping.

   He stood up straight, his eyebrows flashed solemnly, and then walked to the center of the court.

   "This is a blatant crime!"

   Take the lead in the first sentence, Chai Ping pointed to Yan Dayuan on the defense table and started to scold, the boss of the decibel.

   With his high voice, the eyes of the audience naturally focused on him.

   "Why are you yelling so loudly?!!"

   At the defense table, the young apprentice Lin Yumeng complained, with a little fear on his face.

   "Calm down, this is also the prosecution's routine!"

  Zhang Wei patted the little apprentice on the shoulder as a sign of comfort.

  The closing statement is often the final hand. If the case is not clear enough, then this hand will play a decisive role in deciding the outcome.

   Therefore, when the prosecution and the defense make their closing arguments, what they need is to attract the attention of the audience, and it is best to attract the attention of the jury.

   This point, Chai Ping obviously did it with a loud voice.

   But in addition to attracting the attention of the audience with a big decibel, he needs to do another thing.

   That is telling a compelling story, which is the crux of the closing argument.

  A good lawyer may not be good at trial, but must be good at persuading jurors.

   And the most critical step in persuading the jurors is to tell a good story, so that the jury can all understand and even understand the story.

   So Zhang Wei looked at the center of the courtroom while comforting his little apprentice.

  Chai Ping is doing the final finishing touches.

   "Please imagine, if today's case does not get a positive and positive outcome, if the defendant Yan Dayuan is not tried, then what kind of impact this case will have on society?"

"In the future, when you walk on the street, suddenly a man rushes out and stole your wallet in front of you. As for the reason why he robbed Qianbao, he said it was my wallet, because I also have this style? "

  Chai Ping spread his hands and looked puzzled: "Is such a reason okay?"

   "That's absolutely impossible!"

   He asked and answered his own questions on the spot, and his tone became a little more intense.

   "In my opinion, this is simply a crime. The defendant, Chai Ping, used the pretext of losing his wallet to carry out an impromptu robbery!"

   "I believe that everyone will never condone this kind of behavior, otherwise if he escapes legal punishment, will we still dare to walk on the street in the future?"

   "I hereby urge everyone to make a legal and reasonable judgment for the safety of yourself and your family in the future!"

  Chai Ping said this and bowed deeply to the jury.

   "Yo, are you trying to win over the jury with a little gesture?"

   Seeing Chai Ping's behavior, Zhang Wei sneered.

  Low end!

   is too low-end!

   Is this the closing statement of the Midtown District Attorney's Office?

   These routines are completely a rookie who just came out of Xinxing Village, and he stopped using them decades ago.

  A great lawyer often has the ability to persuade others, not to plead with them.

  One of Zhang Wei's tenets is never to ask for help.

  Because you are a lawyer, an excellent lawyer, you can only have a cooperative relationship with your client and with anyone.

  Once you ask for someone, then you will be inferior to the other person, and you will be looked down upon by others!

  A good lawyer will never ask for help, but will only persuade and impress others.

   "Thank you all for listening!"

  Chai Ping finally concluded his closing speech and returned to the prosecution seat.

   After he took his seat, he turned his eyes to the defense table, put on a murderous look, and stared at Lin Yumeng.

  Obviously, he was trying to use his eyes to kill people off the court, threatening the latter and creating pressure.

   And Lin Yumeng felt the pressure from the prosecution seat.

   "Master, I'm so scared~"

   "Xiaomeng, don't be afraid, just go up and tell a story, the story of the rabbit, understand?"


   "Oh, by the way, since Chai Ping emphasized a point just now, then you have to go back to me, you just say it like this... Do you understand?"

   Zhang Wei whispered a few words in the ear of the little apprentice, who nodded repeatedly, indicating that he had written it down.

"You don't have to worry. After emphasizing these points, you can tell the story, don't be afraid. The court is your home, so what you are at home, so be it. Anyway, the audience is our own people, you go up. Feel free to play, don't have a psychological burden!"


   "Xiaomeng, don't worry, our client is Mr. Yan Dayuan. Even if he really wants to go to jail, 80% of the time it will be the same as going home. The people inside speak nicely. He must think it's super interesting!"

  Yan Dayuan: ? ? ?

  Yan Dayuan said, I am really beeping a dog, and I have two lawyers like you.

   This has not even started the closing statement, you are thinking about my imprisonment?

   Can I change lawyers?

  Yan Dayuan was speechless in his heart, but he didn't dare to say anything more.

   Now his lawyer is about to appear in court, how dare he force it.

   "Understood, Master, just take a look at it!"

   In the end, the little apprentice finally adjusted his mood and took small steps to the court.

   The eyes of the audience immediately focused.

  In the hearing box, the new members of the Criminal Department all took out their notebooks and prepared to write hard.

   On the prosecution table, Chai Ping was still creating pressure, his eyes seemed to kill people.

  The jury bench, the trial bench, including the surrounding court guards, all looked at Lin Yumeng.

   They knew that after this girl finished speaking, the case would be over.

   Just need another jury meeting, the case can be closed, they are all waiting to get off work.

   Finally, under everyone's attention, the little apprentice finally spoke slowly.

   "That...I want to make a point first..."

Lin Yumeng raised a little finger and emphasized: "Actually, the security of our Eastern Capital is second to none. It's not like the prosecution prosecutor said that you will be robbed when you walk out the door. That is purely alarmist. Create anxiety~"

   The little apprentice's voice was not high in decibels, but what he said made everyone nod.

   Only Chai Ping, who was on the prosecution table, was stunned.

  My dear, this is taking what I said just now.

   When did I say I would be robbed if I walked out the door?

   I just said that if you walk out the door, you may be robbed, or your wallet may be stolen!

  The defense is stealing the concept, which is slandering me!

  Unfortunately, he couldn't speak, because his closing speech had ended, and the court had not given him a chance to speak.

   "I believe in the Wushu Association, the Investigation Division, and the security of Dongfang City, because I myself have lived in Dongfang City since I was a child, and I know the security of this city, which guarantees the life and property safety of each of our residents."

   "Even in places where the public security forces can't take care of them, there are enthusiastic citizens in this case. They will also meet with righteousness and help justice, so everyone doesn't need to worry, the East is really, really... very safe~"

   said "really" many times in a row, which was an emphasis, and many people on the jury nodded.

   "The counterattack explained by the master is complete, the next step is to tell the story..."

   At this moment, the little apprentice thought of Zhang Wei's advice, and his heart began to feel terrified.

   Countering the prosecution's statement and slightly adjusting the meaning of the prosecution's words is the first step.

   Next is the most crucial second step, storytelling.

  A story about rabbits?

  Lin Yumeng suppressed her uneasiness, took a deep breath, and finally told the story she thought of during her lunch break.

"Well, when I was young, my family actually lived in the country... It's the kind of big old house in the country, surrounded by fences and surrounded by a vegetable field... When I was young, my childhood was spent in such places. of."

The little apprentice forced a sentence in his heart, my country villa and the fast land should have a history of nearly a hundred years. This is not a big and old house, but the master asked me not to say the word villa, I really do not understand ah?

   "I didn't say this to make you understand me, it's just that when I was a child in the countryside, I happened to encounter such a thing, I'll tell you."

  Lin Yumeng said, pretending to be a memory: "When I was a child, I had a puppy at home. Very cute puppy, I like it very much."

   "But one day, I let the puppy out to play, and it caught me a rabbit, a rabbit covered in blood, a dead rabbit."

   "I was very scared at the time, because this rabbit was raised by my grandfather. I saw it jumping alive two days ago. I didn't expect it to die today, but it was bitten to death by my dog."

   "I know that Grandpa likes his pet rabbit very much. If you let him know that his rabbit has been bitten to death by a dog, he will definitely be very angry and maybe kill the dog."

   "At the same time, I also know one thing, that is responsibility. I let the dog out to play. If the dog is wrong, then it means that I am also wrong."

"Finally, I made a decision, I picked up the rabbit, resisted the fear and nausea, washed it several times in the sink, and even used washing powder and soap to make sure that there was not a drop of blood on the rabbit's fur. Then I smoothed the hair of the washed rabbit, dried it with a towel, and finally put the rabbit back in my grandpa's cage."

   "At that time, I was still young. I naively thought that if I did this, no one would know that the rabbit was killed by my dog. I even thought that my grandfather might not find out about it."

  Lin Yumeng said this, a little embarrassed and embarrassed on her little face.

   "But who knows, during dinner that night, my grandfather suddenly said this in front of the whole family..."

The little apprentice pretended to be dignified and said in a rough voice: "What bastard, crazy, dug the dead rabbit out of the ground, washed it for me, and put it back in the cage, I really have nothing to do with it. what!"


   In the hearing box, Su Xiaoqian was the first to hold back, covering her mouth and laughing.

  Smile is contagious, especially after the first person can't hold it back, others will naturally also.




   Many newcomers laughed and couldn't help laughing.

   Although this story sounds a bit outrageous, but after thinking about it carefully, it seems that there is such a possibility.

   Not only the hearing bench, but also people in the jury bench laughed.

  One, two, three, four…

   Almost all the jurors heard this story, and when they thought about it carefully, they all felt a little weird.

  Since such outrageous things have happened, will the defendant Yan Dayuan **** his wallet as outrageous as he said?

  It seems, maybe, maybe, probably, there is such a possibility…

   "The story is well told!"

   On the prosecution table, Zhang Wei resisted standing up to applaud, but still smiled.

   This story perfectly illustrates the situation of this case.

   Even the most outrageous thing may be a coincidence.

   The little apprentice dog killed the rabbit, but the rabbit was already dead, and the dog was innocent.

  Yan Dayuan wanted to **** his wallet, but his original intention was not to **** it at all, but suddenly his head twitched and he felt that his wallet was lost.


  Lin Yumeng instilled the word "coincidence" into the jurors through a vivid and interesting story.

  A good lawyer can instill his purpose into the jurors by telling a story!

   Obviously, Lin Yumeng did it.

   "However, in order to have a perfect ending, you need to do this..."

  Zhang Wei looked at his little apprentice and began to think in his heart, what would she do at the end.

   in court.

   "Cough, do you think it's funny, my dog ​​is actually innocent, it didn't kill the little rabbit, it just dug a dead little rabbit out of the soil."

   "But I think this dog is very similar to Mr. Yan Dayuan in this case. They just followed their subconscious instincts and did something that others thought was a crime!"

   "Mr. Yan Dayuan's original intention was to protect his wallet, even if this wallet appeared in the hands of others inexplicably, but his original intention was to get his wallet back."

   "He has no criminal consciousness subjectively, and objectively did not cause any criminal harm. He just wanted to get his wallet back and took action."

   "Even after he found out that it wasn't his wallet, he chased after Ms. Zong just to return the wallet, so it was a complete misunderstanding, a misunderstanding similar to my dog ​​and rabbit."

   "So I want to tell everyone that when Mr. Yan Dayuan has no criminal intent and caused no harm, he is actually innocent!"

   "Here, I hope everyone on the jury can fully consider the ins and outs of the whole thing, and can see that my client really came here just because of coincidence and misunderstanding, and he did not commit a crime at all!"

   "Thank you everyone~"

   Finally, Lin Yumeng also ended her closing speech with a beautiful bow.

   When she walked back to the defense table, Zhang Wei smiled.

   "Apprentice, your story is well told. Did it really happen?"

"No, it's all made up by me. We have a big villa in the countryside, there is only a golf course nearby, and there is no vegetable field. Besides, my grandfather doesn't allow dogs, and he won't raise rabbits, but I always I was thinking of raising a puppy, but I didn't expect to realize it first in the story."

   "Yoah, the stories that are being made up are so wonderful, I have to believe them."

   Looking at the little apprentice's answer, Zhang Wei liked it crazily.

  My little apprentice, although sometimes very confused, but at critical moments, he is often able to perform his magic-like operations.


   is a good seedling!

   As long as she doesn't act so lazy, she can definitely grow into an excellent barrister!

   At that time, Zhang Wei can also go out and say, my apprentice Zhang Wei has a great appearance!

   At this point, the closing arguments of both parties are over.

   "Cough, this court announces that the jury followed me into the negotiation room to discuss the verdict, and the court is temporarily adjourned to wait for the notice!"

   With the judge’s announcement, the court was dissolved again.

  Chai Ping gave Zhang Wei a vicious look and walked out of the courtroom quickly.

   On the hearing stand, the newcomers all came together.

   "Leader Lin, your final story is amazing, I guess this time I have a chance to turn it around!"

   "What is a chance? After I heard this story, I felt that I would definitely win this time!"

   "Don't milk, don't milk, this kind of thing can't be milk, I can only say that there is a great chance, but don't say it to death, otherwise it will be considered poisonous milk!"

   Some people are happy, some are worried, but most of the newcomers are confident.

   "That's fine, just wait here, you can do whatever you want!"

  Zhang Wei waved his hand, signaling the newcomers to play freely.

  Anyway, the court has been dissolved, and it is estimated that it will take a while to wait for the outcome of the deliberations.

   Once the ruling comes out, the court guard will notify both parties.

   And this time, Zhang Wei believes that the negotiation time will not be short, because it will take time to determine whether Yan Dayuan has criminal intent.

   As expected, the jury and the judge discussed the result for a full 30 minutes.

   When Tingwei came to inform, Zhang Wei had expected it, but Lin Yumeng became nervous again.

  Because this time, it was not the last fight against Mo Mingchuan, but the jury really needed to decide the result.

   Just in anticipation, the jury, led by the judge, returned to the court scene again.

   "Did the jury come to a conclusion?"

   "Your Majesty, we have come to a conclusion!"

   "Okay, please announce it!"


   The chief juror stood up, and then read aloud:

   "After the jury's verdict, the prosecution charged the defendant Yan Dayuan for robbery, and we determined that he..."

   On the defense table, Lin Yumeng suddenly grabbed Zhang Wei's hand, and his five fingers gradually exerted force.

   This is an expression of nervousness, but Zhang Wei just smiled. Sure enough, this little girl is still too easily influenced by emotions.

   In fact, this time, the result was obvious, but she was still frightened. This was because she had too little experience.

   A real court veteran has long been able to keep his face calm. Even if he knows that his client is going to jail, he can keep his face expressionless.

   Just as Lin Yumeng was nervous and Zhang Wei was waiting calmly, the chief juror finally announced the result.

   "...we found him...not guilty!"

   The last word "innocence" made many people in the audience breathe a sigh of relief.

  Yan Dayuan slumped down as if he had taken all the strength out of his body.

   "You scared me to death, I'm so scared~" Lin Yumeng finally let go of Zhang Wei's hand and patted her chest with a look of happiness.


  In the hearing box, the newcomers cheered.

   Only the prosecution was on the table. After hearing that the result was innocent, Chai Ping's complexion changed drastically.

   In his eyes, there was a flicker of unwillingness.

   He knew that he had failed!

   Forget about Zhang Wei, he didn't even win against the opponent's apprentice!


   (end of this chapter)

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