contradiction (1)

early morning. The Project L team was kicked out of the barrier, but that didn’t mean they were left alone.

From outside the barrier to the edge of the horizon. The sandy soil filled the field of view, but on top of it were piles of military troops.

“There are many weapons, but no people.”

“… Since it is an oil-producing country, we make up for it with money.”

As Lina Taylor said while rubbing her drowsy eyes, the plains are full of unmanned tanks and armored vehicles.

Although some military officials were noticed, it was to repair the aircraft with problems, so there were only a few dozen at best.

Accordingly, we advanced another 8 to 9 kilometers and stopped the vehicle only when we reached the outpost.

“Who are all those bastards?”

“I don’t think I am a local. He must be a mercenary.”

“… I know that much. It’s different from skin color. I mean, where exactly are the authors from?”

“I don’t know about that.”

The defense of the outpost is lax and thorough.

As soon as I entered the tent without any confirmation, mercenaries of various races were repairing weapons in various places in the tent.

Equipment qualitatively different from Pakistani heroes, such as prosthetic arms, mechanized auxiliary devices, robot spirits and advanced maintenance facilities, left a deep impression.

“Even if I can’t do it, I think there will be 800 people. Are all these people mercenaries?”

“It’s an oil-producing country.”

“… You are an oil-producing country. The answer is not right.”

“How do you know that’s true?”

And naturally, as much as we observed each other… No, more interest or alertness returned.

The monster that followed late was the problem.

“Don’t attack! Ally!”

“… ally?”

“It’s an international raid.”

At one point, requests to stop the attack were made in several languages, including English and French, German and Chinese. The tense complexion softened, and soon the name of Project L flowed out from all over the place.

It’s been less than two days since the US government’s announcement, but fortunately, quite a number of heroes recognized it.

“Hěn gāoxìng jiàndào nǐ, wǒ shì guójì gōngjīduì de wèihào.”

“Nice to meet you. This is Weihao, in charge of the International Raid Force.”

Incidentally, not a few of them are Chinese. The person in charge of running the advance base also spoke through an interpreter.

“… nice to meet you What is your team name?”

“Hóngsè chéng guō, or ‘Red Castle’ team in English.”

“I’ve heard of it. It’s a level 3 team.”

“There will be no problem performing the role given.”

“I didn’t mean that, excuse me.”

It wasn’t long before Reba Richie came forward to accept the greeting, and a subtle war of nerves melted into the conversation between the two engineering chiefs.

A battle of pride between the US and China.

The one thing I was disappointed with was Project L, so Leva Rich takes a step back and raises the opponent.

In fact, there were a lot of things to get help for.

“Could you give me a seat at camp? I have a prior appointment with Team Fate.”

“… He says he will. However, non-humans must stay outside the outpost. A distance of at least five kilometers.”

“Let it be. Instead, lend me a vehicle.”

“No vehicle is big enough to transport a monster.”

“It is not intended for transport. I need a water truck. As many as possible.”

It was Trokylgigas and Nabal, and Venetus was about to ripen red due to the heat of the desert (even in July), so I needed a water tank right away.

The Chinese engineering chief showed an unexpectedly reasonable response.

“… Monsters can also be used as a means of attack, so please take advantage of that level of convenience. We will have to ask the city of Dammam for the exact number of vehicles, but the base itself can provide nine.”

“thank you. It’s less than an hour.”

“Oh, and-”

Then, suddenly, the conversation ends on a very unpleasant topic.

“An urgent strategy meeting is scheduled for 7:00 am. The meeting will be hosted by Philippe Noire, and up to one member of the international raid team can attend, so make sure not to forget it.”

* * *

I attended the meeting after breakfast, and after pouring water on Venetus’ shell (no one wanted to approach me, so I had to do it myself).

The large tent in the center of the village was soon crowded with mercenary and engineering leaders, and at the center of it was a person who had been stuck in their heads because they were unfamiliar with it.

Philip Noire.

The man who led the second-class mage, Regina Rosanna, and the American giant tanker Gerard, who were entangled in bad ties in their previous lives, is greeting the engineering chiefs.

Although spiritist Barbara Ballach and South Korea’s Kim Ji-hak could not be seen, perhaps due to time constraints, that was enough to offend them.

How would you like to react?

Reason always comes up with desirable answers, but emotion tells us to express our dislikes.

… It’s probably best to keep your mouth shut.

“Does your complexion look good? I was worried when I heard that you were carrying out a long-term operation.”

“then! It was like a complete trip.”

In the meantime, Lina Taylor, who followed to the tent, shows off her friendship with the engineering crew of Team Fate.

In my previous life, they were naughty and spoiled bastards (from my point of view). Watching him mix jokes with a subtle smile… Just like normal people.

“It’s good to broaden your horizons. Even if it’s like a trip now, it will come in handy later.”

“yes. I really do. Has Gerard been to Pakistan? India?”

“I haven’t been.”

“Totally dirty! The roads are muddy, the buildings are old, and there are so many people, it feels like a jumble of things.”

“… It’s still the same as expressing without adding or subtracting.”

“You know what’s more amazing? They randomly pushed ordinary soldiers into the front line. It was my first time fighting in the city, and it was the best. It’s not bad to fight with engineering members, but I was able to properly experience the life of a hero.”

“… Mmm.”

Well, it’s not that bad to see someone suffering from immature voices.

“Oh, did you see the monster we brought?”

“yet. It just arrived.”

“Mac Gakin has a cute side unlike a scorpion. Because there are flowers in the head part? Not several, just one. It may be gross and scary at first sight, but-”

“Wait, wait. What else is Mac Gakin? Did you give the monster a name?”

“of course. He’ll be on our side from now on, so Mac Garkin is perfect.”

“… … .”

“You don’t know what? I don’t even read comic books. You are a scorpion man!”

“Could you call me Venetus by that name?”

“yes. That’s Benedict!”

“… Lina, no matter what, what if you give a monster an adult name? What if the Benedictine Order protests?”

“Is that the name of a movie star?”

“… … .”

But anyway, the terrible conversation to listen to, with the beginning of the meeting, I retreated far away. As the mercenary captains and engineering chiefs took their seats one by one, Philippe Noire came to the fore.

“As you all know, the capital city of Riyadh has fallen into the hands of the first-class monster, Trokilgigas. The barriers and powers have been eaten, and the city is still burning. However, a more serious problem is… It must be that he is insatiable.”

In the projector, the capital of Saudi Arabia, Riyadh, and the topography of the eastern coast come to mind.

The photos and video showed a monster with a dark red skin, and the map showed the movement route for the past day.

“Nome is advancing at 30 kilometers per hour toward Dammam. Considering that the distance between Riyadh and Dammam is 400 kilometers, it should arrive around 3 or 4 pm on the same day at the latest.”

“… Are you targeting Dammam?”

“The cause is not clear, but I think it is. There is no big city between Riyadh and Dammam. It’s like coming across desert terrain, but there’s no slack in the movement. Small villages are passing by without even being plundered.”

that’s because of me

It must have come within detection range.

“Because of this, I called for an urgent strategy meeting. The existing operation was designed based on the assumption of the Bondi army’s offensive and the recovery of Riyadh… Modifications are inevitable at this point. We are on the defensive side, not the attacking side.”

“You’re preparing for a siege battle.”

“It is slightly different. It’s a defense battle, not a defense battle.”

What popped up on the screen in succession was Hoopouf, a city located southwest of Dammam.

“It is virtually impossible to create defensive operations using barriers. Civilian damage is also a problem, but political turmoil makes cooperation difficult. Saudi Arabia was originally a country divided into several tribes, and the monarchy is shaking as a whole after the collapse of Riyadh. Dammam is a major eastern city, so the power of the central government is over, but other cities are choosing the form of small self-government. The same goes for Hoopoo. They made it clear that they would not intervene.”

“I’ve heard of a clan society… This is more shit than I thought. Anyway, so you’re saying this is a bad situation?”

“It’s up to you to think about it. While the unexpected move reduced our time to prepare, it also gave us an advantage. We can pick and choose where we want to fight.”

The man who once chased after the wolf king, Robo, speaks with confidence in every word.

He was good at tracking down villains, so he seemed to have excellent tactical skills.

“The operation is divided into two phases. The first engagement will be at Fort Allerad, 100 kilometers from Dammam, and the final battle will be fought at a distance of 40 kilometers.”

“You fight twice?”

“Yes. Of course, the first battle isn’t about defeating Trokilgigas. in order to obtain missing information. Currently, two Tier 2 raid teams are on standby in Allerard, and they will be testing additional attack patterns, awakenings, and more.”

“Can you confirm until the awakening period?”

“I will retreat after working in a line where I am not overdoing it.”

However, no one asked about the intermediate process, so I raised my right hand after a moment’s thought.

“How does the evacuation work?”

“We will use unmanned tanks and flying machines to attract attention. Tim Fate will also be standing by in the nearby area in case of an emergency.”

“How about troop transport?”

“Means of transportation means… It must be a car, right?”

I didn’t ask for that.

Ignore the authors who sneer around and ask the question again.

The name was abandoned because of this.

“It’s not just two teams from Tier 2 raids fighting. Even if civilians are evacuated in advance, general combatants cannot all board vehicles and run away. The number is not small.”

“It is. There will probably be irresistible damage. But I have no choice but to accept minor damage. You’ll find out as you gain more experience as a hero.”

And indeed, Philippe Noire spits out an answer worthy of his nickname.

Noire of extinction.

The ray of light that destroys bad things was about to destroy people’s lives easily.

“Don’t get me wrong. I mean, let’s focus on the ultimate goal. Isn’t it really dog death to die without succeeding in subjugation? We must think of surviving and defeating Trokilgigas somehow.”

“… … .”

Bad guys become villains by killing a few lives, but heroes risk thousands or tens of thousands of lives for a greater cause.

Listening to what he said, it seemed that this time would not be much different.

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