The Hidden City (3)

United States of America, Washington DC.

At the White House on Northwest Pennsylvania Avenue, informal conversations were taking place between politicians.

“I won’t deny that things are getting serious. However, it is definitely not as much as the public is concerned about. You are the governor of Texas. It’s over 3,000 kilometers from Fort Davis.”

“Raymond, we are politicians. Sometimes, most of the time, the psychological aspect is more important than the physical fact. And Texas is a Republican turf. I’m just saying that the voters in that garden are very shaken. Your opinion doesn’t matter, the facts do. After all, Texas is the southernmost point in the United States, and the area facing the border with Mexico. I hope you understand what I mean.”

The US president, Raymond Oberbanner, tries to appease the governor of Texas, but only gets back a stiff expression.

Fort Davis.

When the fort that guarded the Panama Canal collapsed, the entire southern region of the United States, where conservatives dominated, was shaken.

[Eternal borders are not eternal.]

[Davis on fire.]

[The Stars and Stripes are placed under the reign of the monster.]

[White House spokesperson refutes, ‘The Panama front is not pushed back’.]

[Is Pax Americana Falling? Alaska and the two-sided front unfold.]

In fact, from progressive media such as CBS, USA Today, and the Washington Post to conservative media represented by FOX News, they were pouring out negative reports every day.

Naturally, the governor of Texas, Dante Rice, had no choice but to ask for an answer.

“… We need to take action even for the next election.”

“What action are you talking about?”

“It’s not something, it’s something that needs to be done. Aren’t there only puppet regimes between Mexico and Panama? Is there a line of defense? no Not at all. If so, it would be possible to build a practical defense line only on Mexican territory… Americans don’t trust the Mexican military. At least the people of Texas think so.”

“… … .”

“If not, are you going to leave it like this? Are you really going to spread a double-sided wire?”

“Dante, calm down. You know you wouldn’t make that choice. I have an idea too. wait a munite.”

While the teacup is getting cold without touching the lips, the governor reveals a disapproving look.

“A group of monsters is like a wave. It comes right in front of you in the blink of an eye, and its momentum is also difficult to break. Is there any way you can afford it?”

“You are right. But fortunately there is one way. We will launch an amphibious assault.”

“… An amphibious assault?”

“The existence of a wave is a scary law because it constantly crashes. If we send troops and heroes to take back the Canal Fortress, we will be able to defeat those who entered earlier without difficulty.”

“… … .”


Then, suddenly, the conversation was interrupted by a knock.

The door to the Oval Office opened and the White House Chief of Staff appeared.

“I’m sorry in the middle of the meeting, but I’m running out of time until the next schedule.”

“A public address.”

“Yes, Governor.”

“Could it be that the content to be announced is related to the landing operation? I don’t think it’s a good idea politically.”

At this, the president belatedly smiles.

As he said, it was not a good choice politically, so I was going to deliver much more shocking and positive news than that.

Read from noble mtl dot com

McAllen, Texas, 11:08 a.m.

The military town facing the border with Mexico is about to greet a quiet morning.

Because the soldiers in charge of sales in the commercial district were mobilized to defend the border and subdue monsters in the region, only the owner and one waiter were sitting inside the bar at ‘The Yard’.

[…] The retreat operation in Alaska was carried out successfully. A new defensive zone was established leading to Nenana, Fairbanks, and North Pole, and a second line of defense was established along the Tanana River… … .]

In the meantime, the president’s voice was coming out from the TV hanging on the wall.

The first half of the public discourse was all about the Alaskan front, so the conversation between the boss and the clerk was also mixed with anxiety.

“A warrant?”

“It hasn’t come out yet. Almost all of my friends were taken away, but if I’m lucky, I might be the last one.”

“Maybe it would be better to go to Alaska. If a front is formed on the Mexican side, it will be dog death.”

“… Is it that serious?”

“Don’t talk. Mexicans don’t have anything to do with each other. You probably don’t know San Elisario.”

“Ah, the breeding ground subjugation?”

“yes. At that time, 50,000 people died because the Mexican government did not cooperate until the end. At the time, I was also in El Paso, a large city nearby, and people’s lives were treated like flies. The number of people who were crushed to death right in front of the barrier as the border was closed… … . Anyway, if we go to Mexico and fight, it will be more, not less. If you could choose, you said you would go to Alaska.”

that’s okay

Twenty-three-year-old Josh Berg bites off a bitter smile.

The news of the capture of Fort Davis was delivered 17 hours ago. If the news that has been pouring in since then is true, the two fronts would lead to results comparable to a general mobilization order.

Just in time, the president’s remarks had also reached that point.

[But that doesn’t mean everything is going perfectly. As you have heard, Fort Davis, which defended the Panama Canal, has collapsed, and unidentified objects and 44,000 monsters are on their way north to Central America. And, obviously, there were some fatal blunders. Despite the thorough defense plan, we did not anticipate an invasion through the canal.]

[Nevertheless, please be firm in your heart. Give your support to the government and the military. We know that some political stories are being spread, such as negative reporting and fear-mongering for the next election. There are rumors that the frontlines are expanding, young people are being drafted into the army, and that Texas is about to fall into the hands of monsters.]

He reads the sentence as written in the prompter, then lightly spreads his right hand to call attention to the viewer.

[But for me, we have a workaround. Being guaranteed safety from monsters is not a privilege, but a common right, so the government has secretly promoted ‘Project L’. If you are interested in the activities of heroes, you will already know the existence of Project L.]

The reaction of the boss and the employees was simple and clear.

“What is Project L?”

“… It just sounds like bullshit. You know Lina Taylor, right?”

“Ah, of course you know. Where Taylor entered was a team called Project L? I used to curse at you for being mixed with some Asians.”


“Then is it bullshit?”


The reaction of the reporters was not much different, and soon one of the reporters entering the White House raised his hand as a representative.

[…] It seems that you, in a very desperate manner, have a question. great.]

[Q. Mr. President, as far as I know, Project L is an international assault force that has just been created. Whether it’s sniping high-level monsters or using it to sweep wires… Isn’t that an inappropriate comment at this point? In particular, Lina Taylor is a minor and is subject to UHMB (Underage Hero Management Bill) restrictions.]

[Well, that’s right. I am also very sorry about that part.]

[…] … ?]

Suddenly, a mischievous laugh escapes from the corner of the president’s mouth.

People who did not understand the meaning frowned, but from the speaker’s point of view, they only showed off their composure.

[Since everyone seems to have run out of time, shall we get to the point? I’ll take your question a little later.]

[…] … .]

[There are a few peculiarities Americans should be aware of regarding Project L. First, the origin of the name Project L. The Korean hero, Lee, was a key figure in the project, and our government had to contend with Russia over a stake in the raid. In fact, the Russian government is also closely intertwined.]

[…] … .]

[Secondly, the current project L has successfully completed the operation in Pakistan, and is on board the Salvation and is on its way to Saudi Arabia. And this special-purpose ship is loaded with monsters… A monster that is controlled by humans and can be used against monsters.]

To make matters worse, the casual tone adds to the confusion of the reporters.

There’s a monster on board, so you can fight the monster with that monster?

what the heck is this

“… What do you mean, that?”

“Hasn’t it gone mad since the fall of Fort Davis?”

Common sense is a pillar that supports the human thinking system, and the fact that ‘monsters cannot be tamed’ severely reduces people’s understanding.

Suddenly, a monster in the shape of a crustacean appears in the White House interview room.

It was once a Venetus that overturned Seattle, a large city in the Northwest of the United States.

[Finally, this is based on Lee’s abilities. He can handle monsters and has tamed Venetus in a city called ‘Gumi’ in southern Korea. Afterwards, in the Far East, with the cooperation of the Russian government, defeat the level 2 monster – Allamandra with Venetus. After completing the actual test process, we succeeded in capturing the second monster in northern Pakistan.]

Only then did the reporters who were aware of the situation raise their hands, but the president pretended not to see anything.

‘Issues are covered by bigger issues.’

There is nothing more thrilling than putting the political maxims into practice.

[Hmm, the next picture is the ‘Second Monster’ resting in the cellvation’s containment room. As an unidentified entity, it was given the stage name Scorpio, but it was reported that it was at a level equivalent to level 3. So, to put it in conclusion, Project L is going to defeat a first-class monster in Saudi Arabia along with two higher-level monsters… It is expected that it will play a role in the Panama recovery operation in the future.]

[…] … .]

[Now… Who wants to ask a question?]

At this, the reporters poured their sad eyes, but the bar owner, who still did not understand properly, showed an awkward expression.

“I know it’s amazing, but is that great?”

“… … .”

“Hey, ask if it’s great-“

Turning his head, the young man’s nerves are already focused on the online world in his mobile phone.

He tamed a level 3 monster, killed a level 2 monster, and tamed another level 3 monster this time. The person who uttered the pretentious words was the president of the United States.

When I looked at SNS, which had already started to burn, it seemed that my worries about the conscription warrant had completely disappeared.

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