Song of Flowers (1)

The distance traveled in three days alone was about 1,500 kilometers.

The arduous forced march ends with reaching Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan.

Of course, I didn’t go inside the city center, but in Korea, I entered a small village in ‘Punjab’, close to Gyeonggi-do.

According to the official’s explanation, they are called Tallians.

“I can’t because my body is creaking. I’ll sort them out.”

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Meanwhile, Lina Taylor walks towards the contaminated animals as soon as she gets out of the vehicle.

Fatigue and irritation appeared on his face, and blue light formed on his hands, signaling the activation of his superpowers.

“Do not harm the local talented people!”

“I am not an amateur!”

The temporary engineering chief gave advice belatedly, as if he was worried, but all that came back was a voice full of repulsion.

Well, it wasn’t something I couldn’t understand.

Roads close to dirt provided a terrible ride, and tires corroded as they entered some polluted areas.

It’s only four times that I stopped in the middle because I had a puncture.

In addition, there was no place to sleep properly, so I had to nap in the car… The main battle is scheduled to take place in about 7 hours.

Therefore, it is not strange to see the polluted creatures below level 9 being disassembled piece by piece.

“I’ve only heard of it, but it’s the first time I’ve seen it in person… It sounds great.”

“is it.”

“Yes. It seems to have utilized microbes, but doesn’t it disintegrate enemies in the blink of an eye? It’s not something that can be done easily, even with the [Organism Manipulation] system.”

At this, Rajit Shahi vomited exclamations, but for me, the opponent who spoke casually felt more great.

Immediately, I felt like my whole body was throbbing and I was stretching, and Ina Miranova was also tired and kept silent.

The hardships must be the same, but the patience was excellent.

“By the way, there are more vigilantes than I thought. I heard that a mobilization order was issued, but it seems that a certain number of people were left behind.”

“… isn’t it the other way around? There are only men.”

“Oh, that is because of its religious nature. Pakistan is an Islamic country. We do not tolerate women’s combat activities.”

Soon, a comment is added along with a story asking not to misunderstand.

“I am not saying anything malicious because of my conflicting relationship with my home country. Pakistan is… It is a closed country in many ways. Religiously, the 70 percent illiteracy rate is also having a negative impact on women’s human rights.”

“… … .”

“Hmmm, anyway, those people must be villagers. Because it was said that a Pakistani government factor drove the defending troops into the capital area.”

“The proportion of people with special abilities is too high to be a villager.”

“That’s because so many people buy it. Like India, the country’s population also exceeds 100 million. Of course, there are many talented people. Even though that level is crawling on the floor… … .”

“… Even without soldiers or heroes, the streets were lively. Is that the secret to maintaining peace?”

“Yes. It is to take and press the contaminated animals in overwhelming numbers. The raid focuses on low-to-mid-level monsters. Excuse me for a moment.”

Then, suddenly, Rajit Shahi jumped out, leaving behind an incomprehensible sound.

The destination is the entrance to the village.

A place lined with fields and single-story buildings, where Lina Taylor goes on a rampage… It was a place where a gloomy atmosphere was created.

“Back off! If you don’t back down, I will attack!”

“I’m with that woman! gentile!”

“We are on official duty! central government-”

“You think you care about the government bastards? That bitch messed with the mosque!”

“… You’ll get a decent reward! One last warning! Back off!”

Have you ever had an accident

Looking back, I saw a white pillar standing tall on top of a building carved with white and blue patterns.


Part of it was missing, as if it had been bitten by a beast.

There are always ups and downs in the world.

An immature American girl caused irreparable damage to a mosque chimney (or minaret), and the locals (all males) strongly protested.

At the same time, Pakistani government officials who could resolve the situation were also present.

“Thanks for the help. Lack of understanding of local circumstances. I thought it was a government office or a store, but I never imagined it to be a religious facility. I ask for your understanding.”

“of course. It wasn’t done intentionally, so I can’t take issue with it. Members of the Muslim League probably feel the same way.”

“… A Muslim alliance?”

“Oh, I mean the ruling coalition. It consists of the Nawaz Muslim League, the People’s Party, the Islamic Clergy Conference, and so on. It meant that the majority of the heads of government would agree.”

A little complicated explanation.

Izzaz Ahmed… Whatever the case, the minister looks embarrassed.

“Because I moved out of the metropolitan area, the buildings are very shabby. Still, I heard that there are electronic equipment supported by the military. There will be no major problems with the operation.”

“But, who is this person?”

“Look at my mind. This is Major General Fahim Ul Aziz. He is the commander of Pakistan’s Defense Forces. If you need help, let him know.”

And once again, principles related to the affairs of the world shine through.

Unlike India, which uses neighboring countries and Kashmir as a breakwater, Pakistan is directly exposed to the threat of monsters.

Therefore, it was only natural that government officials rushed in.

But on the other hand, it’s bad news that the minister is watching the military.

Fahim Ul Aziz.

The man, dressed in a national military uniform, looked stern at first glance.

“nice to meet you. This is Major General Fahim Ul Aziz, commander of the National Guard.”

“… This is Leva Richie, the engineering commander.”

“Since we don’t have much time, we want to get straight to the point. Villagers were excluded from evacuation. Talian village serves as an outpost, and the battle must be fought in a delta three kilometers away.”

Sure enough, when the unilateral notification came in, the engineer’s brow furrowed.

The decision was made after deciding in advance the elements that had to be agreed upon in advance, such as the selection of the battle site and the evacuation of civilians.

“The area within 5 kilometers from the battle site is a mandatory evacuation area. Besides, you can’t go to fight without an on-the-spot check.”

“You cannot move more than two kilometers to the left or right of the Sil River. It has a civilian residential area attached to it.”

“Did I convey my story correctly?”

“… Yes.”

While the innocent interpreter is blushing, the solemn general stands out again and solidifies his will.

“I will listen to the opinion of the international assault force, but on the other hand, you too… We must respect Pakistan. We have our own plans. In the big picture, you have to assume failure and build a defense line, which is part of your capital defense plan. There is no compromise.”

“I think it’s unsafe because it’s an unidentified entity, but if we fail, can you guys stop it?”

“… … .”

“… well, good.”


Engineering Captain Leva Rich nodded at once.

Rather than meekly accepting it, the energy of evil in his eyes seemed to suggest that we should try something.

* * *

Shortly thereafter, at 9:00 PM.

When I close my eyes for a while and wake up, the sultry temperature has disappeared along with the sun.

“How much is left?”

“Twenty-three minutes.”

To my question, Ina Miranova, who was sitting next to the tent, replied as if she was not tired.

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Maybe it was because he wasn’t used to the humid heat, but his talking volume had dwindled in the past few days, and he was only spitting out short words.


However, the final inspection is in full swing in the surrounding area.

Rajit Shahi was heavily armored with help from the support team, as was Russian tanker Valeria Andreyeva in the reserve.

In addition to this, the supplementary team that would help in attacking Scorpio was also replacing expensive jewels for amplification.

Then, as if out of nowhere, a familiar language stuck in my ears.

“Yongsu-san, how are you feeling?”

“… like.”

“That’s fortunate. Your personal equipment is ready. I checked both the gauntlet output and the armor’s shock mitigation system. The action cam was decided to be used unofficially at the request of the Ministry of Defense of Pakistan.”

“Is it informal?”

“It’s an order from the chief of staff.”

Park Yoo-jin, the manager who has been silently playing her role until now, pours out words as if she had been waiting for this moment.

“Even if the venue was given as desired, they would not accept the detailed request. Of course, if the expected battle point was bad, I would have changed that too. No matter what anyone says, we’re a regular raid team registered with the International Association of Specialized Persons, right? You do not have to follow the instructions of the local government. Moreover, this is also the responsibility of the Pakistani side. Whenever I welcome you with open arms… To be honest, it’s a little embarrassing.”

“… … .”

“… Are you okay?”

As I raised my head at the sudden sound, a hesitant complexion was revealed through the lights.

Contrary to the aforementioned cheek cheeks, the two eyes contained a variety of emotions.

“I’m not worried, but I wonder what everyone thinks the first subjugation will be like… They urged me to ask. Kind of funny, right? If Mr. Yong-soo says it will work out, will it work out?”

what else do i say

It may sound like you want a prophecy at first glance, but the reality is a little different.

‘Because it’s an unconfirmed grade, don’t be vigilant and do your best… Yes. Any other opinions?’

‘… Can I stop the attack if I give a signal in the middle?’

‘Stop the attack? Why… … .’

2 hours ago.

During the operation briefing, the air chief was puzzled by the vague explanation, but Lina Taylor understood the meaning with her unique quick notice.

‘Are you controlling it? Making the monster on our side… is that it? really?’

‘… … .’

‘I agree! Absolutely agree! Somehow, Venetus wasn’t in the plan. You didn’t bring it because you were afraid it would interfere with the persuasion?’

I regretted the excessive fuss (Venetus was hanging out on the beach because he had no time), but it was inevitable.

I expressed my affirmation in silence.

So, asking the success or failure of the first subjugation would be a question of how likely it is to obtain a monster as a result.

“… It will end without a hitch.”

“Isn’t that right?”

“Yes. I should prepare soon.”

“Ah, yes! Fight!”

He had his own.

<Prepare. It’s coming from 4 kilometers away, riding a ‘biological wave’.>

As the parrot said, far away.

The wide plain stretching along the horizon wriggling as if it were alive, but even that was in the arms of the moonlight.

Since it wasn’t a contest between life and death, it would end quickly.

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