Chapter 85 The whereabouts of Wang Mengmeng, the murderer called again (seeking subscription)

“Sergeant Ye Feng, mom look at it, it’s Officer Ye Feng.”

“I’m going, brothers, Police Officer Ye Feng has appeared.”

“Baby, come and see, Officer Ye Feng is about to make a statement.”

Countless viewers, either through the TV, or through the computer, or through the mobile phone, at this moment, their eyes are focused on Ye Feng, everyone is very curious, facing the provocation of the murderer, Ye What kind of response Feng will make.

“Hello, viewers in front of the screen, I am Ye Feng, an ordinary Haicheng People’s Police. I can tell everyone here that the content is true, and this is a provocation against the murderer. I assure you that within three days, the murderer will be arrested personally and let him accept legal sanctions. Thank you.”

Ye Feng was full of righteousness, finished a paragraph, then bowed to everyone, left with the Kingdom Army, and walked back to the police station.

“Slap! Slap! Slap!”

A group of reporters didn’t stop Ye Feng stubbornly. Their faces were full of admiration, and they spontaneously clapped their hands and applauded.

“Okay, Officer Ye Feng said it well, come on.”

“I think the murderer had the courage of the bear heart and leopard, and he dared to provoke Police Officer Ye Feng. I really don’t know-how to write the dead word.”

“I love my love, Police Officer Ye Feng is so handsome, I never knew that the way a person speaks can actually be so handsome.”

“As expected to be Officer Ye Feng, speaking is domineering, waiting for the murderer to be arrested, I am ready to pay attention to this case throughout.

Countless people said, Ye Feng’s statement was like a shot of a booster, hitting their hearts.

In the police station!

Wang Guojun gave Ye Feng a thumbs up and said aloud: “Ye Feng, what I said is pretty good, I won’t show up for this kind of thing in the future, you can just go out and deal with it alone.”

“Uh, Wang team, isn’t this bad?”

Ye Feng was stunned and said aloud.

“What’s wrong? Anyway, when I went out, I also made up a small number of people. Those reporters all stared at you, and there was no one who asked me.”

Wang Guojun shook his head with a wry smile and said aloud.

Ye Feng was shocked when he heard Wang Guojun’s words. After thinking about it, he said: “Well, let’s go to the king team. From now on, you will speak first. After you finish speaking, I will say okay?”

“Forget it, I guess the scene will be more awkward in that case. This is the case, and you will come forward for this kind of thing in the future.”

The Kingdom Army waved and said aloud.

“Team Wang, found the target.”

Qian Yun found Wang Mengmeng’s information and said aloud.

As a 12-year-old girl, Wang Mengmeng definitely has no contact information. The main reason for finding her is to contact her parents, so as to know exactly where Wang Mengmeng is now.


When everyone heard Qian Yun’s words, their spirits immediately lifted.

One hour has passed since the time requested by the murderer. Although it is determined that Wang Mengmeng is from Haicheng, there is a pressure in every policeman. After all, if you find Wang Mengmeng earlier, you will be able to win the game earlier. And let the murderer’s plan fall through.

“Contact Wang Mengmeng’s parents immediately and ask them where Wang Mengmeng is now.”

Wang Guojun walked to Qian Yun and said aloud.

“Yes, the king team.

Qian Yun nodded and dialed Wang Mengmeng’s mother’s phone according to the information found.

After all, in general, mothers tend to control the position of their children more precisely than fathers, because fathers are the main force of the family and need to work and earn money to support the family.

“Toot toot!”

After the phone rang for a while, it was connected.

A woman’s voice came from the phone: “Hey, who is it?”

“Hello, is it Ms. Zhao Li Zhao?”

Qian Yun said aloud.

“Yes, I’m Zhao Li, who are you?”

Zhao Li hesitated for a moment, nodded and said.

“Hello, Ms. Zhao, we are the Haicheng Police Station. Now there is something that needs your cooperation.”

Qian Yun talked to Zhao Li about what happened.

After Zhao Li heard Qian Yun telling the matter, she suddenly panicked and said: “How could this happen? Mengmeng was targeted by the murderer. What can we do? Comrade police, you must save Mengmeng. , I can’t lose her.”

Obviously, Zhao Li also knew about the post, otherwise, she wouldn’t have believed Qian Yun’s words so easily.

“Ms. Zhao, don’t panic. Trust the Haicheng Police Station and Police Officer Ye Feng. We will definitely not let the murderer hurt Mengmeng.”

Qian Yun said aloud.

“Yes, Police Officer Ye Feng, he can definitely protect Mengmeng’s safety.”

0………For flowers………

When Zhao Li heard Qian Yun mentioning Ye Feng, her tone was immediately happy, and she said aloud.


When everyone heard Zhao Li’s words, they looked at Ye Feng with weird faces. They knew that Ye Feng is now well-known, but they didn’t expect it to be so high. The people between the police station and Ye Feng chose to believe in Ye. Feng personally, this is incredible.

“Hello, I am Ye Feng, where is Mengmeng now? I need to find Mengmeng right away.”

Ye Feng reached out his hand to answer the phone and said aloud.

“Police Officer Ye Feng, it is really you. You must protect Mengmeng. I only have such a daughter. Please, please protect her.”

After hearing Ye Feng’s voice, Zhao Li looked very excited and said aloud.

“Please rest assured, I will never let the murderer hurt Mengmeng a bit, Ms. Zhao, please tell me Mengmeng’s current location. I must rush over as soon as possible.”

Ye Feng said in a deep voice.

“Police Officer Ye Feng, Mengmeng is in the “Haicheng Fifth Experimental Primary School” and she is in the third grade of the sixth grade.”

Zhao Li said aloud.

“Okay, Ms. Zhao, don’t worry too much. I promise you that you will protect Mengmeng’s personal safety.”

Ye Feng said aloud.

“Well, Officer Ye Feng, I believe you.”

Zhao Li said aloud.

Ye Feng hung up the phone and said aloud: “Everyone should have heard it, right? Let’s set off immediately and find Wang Mengmeng first.”


Everyone nodded and said aloud.

“Jingle bell…jingle bell”

At this time, Ye Feng’s cell phone rang suddenly.

The caller ID indicated that the call was from the murderer.

Ye Feng frowned, winked at the crowd, and connected the phone.

“Police Officer Ye Feng, there are only two of us in this game, but you asked the entire Modu Police Station to help you. This is very unfair to me.”

The murderer’s voice came from the phone.

Ye Feng turned on the speakerphone, so everyone in the police station could hear it.

“Immediately trace the source of the call.”

In order to avoid arousing the alert of the murderer, the Kingdom Army typed a paragraph with a mobile phone.

Several police officers made an OK gesture and started to act one after another, trying to trace the source of the call, so as to locate the murderer’s current location. Husband.

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