Absol, has not lost the ability to fight.

Xiao Mo was helpless at the moment.

At this moment, Xiao Shun took out the baby shell and said, "Come back, Absol, this time is my mistake."

Xiao Shun could only take back Absol.After all, Absol, who has lost his speed, has lost his ability to fight.Even if it uses a long-range attack, it cannot move, it can only be a live target.

At this moment, Xiao Shun looked at the desert dragonfly in the sky, and shouted directly: "Desert dragonfly, it's all up to you. Use the Dragon Star Group."

Dragon Star Group, Dragon-type big move.

Xiaoyao looked at the golden ball of light that appeared in the sky, and there was a hint of pleasure in the corner of his mouth.

Xiaoyao clenched her hands tightly, closed her eyes slightly, and took a deep breath, as if intoxicated.

At this moment, Xiaoyao opened his eyes, flames appeared in his eyes, and there was a strong fighting intent in the flames.

Xiaoyao roared directly: "Minas, use Hailstorm. Frog Flower, use Chlorophyte Storm."

Xiaoyao's voice was firm, even a little crazy.

At this moment, Xiao Chen was a little surprised.Looking at Xiao Shun, he said in shock, "Is this the Xiao Yao I know?"

In the audience, Hanyue saw Xiaoyao's fiery fighting spirit, and said slowly, "Uncle Qianli, it seems that Xiaoyao has inherited a lot from you."

Ruby, also nodded, and said, "This is simply Dad's crazy fighting mode, one point is caught in the battle and fully invested, unless the enemy is defeated or defeated by the enemy, or he can't get out of this state. In addition, this kind of In this state, the sensitivity of the battle is simply several times!"

After a long sigh, he couldn't help saying: "It seems that Xiaoyao is the best person to inherit me. However, Xiaoyao has a shadow on the fighting competition because he was a child. However, with this kind of fighting ability, he is in a gorgeous position. Not bad in competitions.”

Qianli Qiang smiled.

At this moment, in the sky, the dragon star group fell.A green leaf storm rushed down below. This storm took the shape of a tornado, and the golden light ball in the air exploded. .

Chapter six hundred and ninety fourth: Daketo

The Dragon Star Group is a ranged trick, but the place where Minas and Miao Frog Flower stand, has become extremely safe because of the green leaf storm.

Minas, has sprayed out a purple ball of light for a moment, the ball of light rose into the air and exploded directly.

At this moment, countless hailstones fell from the sky.

Hail weather, though it didn't hurt much.However, the ice-type trick restrains the dragon-type Pokémon.The falling ice makes the desert dragonfly feel unpleasant.

At this moment, Xiaoyao's eyes were blazing with flames, and his hands were facing Xiaoshu in a victory gesture.

"Xiao Shun, I won this game. Minas, use the water cannon. Frog Flower, use the Sunshine Flame."

Xiaoyao's voice, even firm, was full of fiery fighting intent.

Xiao Shun was shocked, shocked beyond words.The shocking meditation in my heart: "What the hell is going on here, and why did Xiaoyao become like this. Also, Xiaoyao's current combat experience and combat strength have completely increased, which has overwhelmed me."

Xiao Shun was shocked, Xiao Shun clenched his hands tightly, biting the corner of his mouth to death.In the eyes, looking at the sky, the desert dragonfly with sadness.At this moment, Xiao Shun roared with deep unwillingness: "Come on, desert dragonfly, use billions of shock waves."

Xiao Shun intends to fight to the death.Even if it loses its ability to fight, it will still bloom like a desert dragonfly.

A glimmer of brilliance appeared in Xiao Yao's eyes, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, a smile of enjoyment.Xiaoyao's crisp laughter: "Hehe...it's a great feeling. I like this kind of battle, this kind of battle feeling. Miaohuahua, Minas, bring out your most powerful strength and merge it. , a fusion of water cannons and sunlight flames."

Xiaoyao's words fell, and Miaowahua and Minas looked at each other.A large piece of silver light and blue water column suddenly crossed and entangled together.

At this moment, all the people in the gorgeous celebration were stunned.Vivian couldn't help but say at this moment: "This is, this is a fusion trick, or a fusion of water cannons and sunshine flames."

At this moment, Michael stood up excitedly and couldn't help saying: "The fusion of water and grass is easy, and the fusion of water and fire is not too difficult. But this time, water, fire, grass, and the three are fused together. Amazing."

In the auditorium, Han Yue had a smile on her lips as she looked at the billions of shock waves emitting colorful rays of light in the sky.His eyes swept over again, a silver-blue beam of light.

Ruby sat aside, watching this scene, with words of praise: "Xiaoyao is very powerful, the flame of the sun originally contains the energy of grass and fire. Now, water, fire, grass, the three are combined, The power of this unique trick is extremely powerful, and the level of splendor is also top-notch."

Everyone was shocked by the move Xiaoyao used.

Xiao Shun was also shocked, looking at the silver-blue beam of light in the sky, a smile slowly appeared at the corner of his mouth, and roared: "Desert dragonfly, the most powerful shock wave of billions of millions. Use all your strength and use the billions of shock waves. . This time, even if we lose, we must lose without any regrets."

Xiao Shun's roaring sound instantly made the colorful beam of light in the sky expand several times.

At this moment, in the sky, the silver-blue light beam and the multicolored beam of light collided.


The violent explosion caused a powerful hurricane, and the entire venue was like a tornado.

Hanyue's eyes scanned the surrounding area, and finally said: "At this moment, Xiaoyao has won. In short, it is a complete victory."

When the words fell, Hanyue slowly got up and walked towards Xiaoyao who was running over.

Xiaoyao was very excited at the moment, and jumped into Hanyue's arms directly, then hugged Hanyue, and said coquettishly, "Brother Hanyue, I won, I won, I defeated Xiao Shun."

Hanyue stroked Xiaoyao's hair and nodded.He hugged Xiaoyao tighter, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

At this moment, Qianli and Lubi, who were behind Hanyue, had some taste.Mitsuko, on the other hand, covered her mouth and laughed.


The next day, the sun was shining.

A night's rest, let yesterday's fatigue disappear.

Yesterday, Xiaoyao won and entered the semi-finals.

Excited Xiaoyao, happy Qianli family, took everyone to celebrate.

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