Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 8 Chapter 74: The girl’s 2-finger Zen power is becoming more and more popular

??readx(); "Youdu, Youdu, I really didn't expect that I still have the moment to come back here!"


   Su Yi twitched the corner of his mouth lightly, only to think it was so ridiculous!


   At this time, the three of them had arrived at the entrance of Youdu after several days of rushing with swords.


   On Zhonghuang Mountain, heavy snow is flying!


Looking around, there is snow everywhere...There are strange peaks in the distance. From time to time a gust of wind blows over, the raised peaks clashed with a loud noise, like an avalanche, there are countless snow and ice falling, these raised peaks are actually all Made from the accumulation of ice and snow! Zhonghuang Mountain is constantly snow and ice all year round. With the accumulation of time, most of this high and dangerous peak is actually made up of ice and snow!


   Feng Qingxue looked at Su Yi curiously, and wondered: "Big brother, didn't you let me lead the way to Youdu before? Why are you more familiar than I know the way now?"


   she asked, her eyes filled with hopeful light!


Su Yi couldn't help but laughed softly, "Why did you girl learn to bend around? Didn't you just want to ask if I have recovered my memory? You have already confirmed that I am your eldest brother, how come I recover my memory now, Are you surprised?"


   "So, brother, have you really recovered your memory?!"


The smile on Feng Qingxue's face instantly brightened, she excitedly hugged Su Yi and cheered, "Great! Great... Brother, your memory has been restored, great, now, sister Wu Fighting with you will definitely be very happy too!"


   Feng Qingxue was still cheering, but the smile on Su Yi's face instantly changed into a wry smile... Wu Gu, Wu Gu... the person who made Feng Guangmo love the most...


   glanced at Han Lingsha, who was standing behind him, still not giving himself a good face, his eyes flashed with determination! I am not a big stallion... What's more, the person Wu Gu loves is Feng Guangmo, although I have memories of Feng Guangmo... but...


  , let the past follow the wind!


   "Okay, Qingxue, let's not delay here anymore, let's go to Youdu!"


Next to Han Lingsha was full of dissatisfaction, "Huh, I think Qingxue is delaying time? I knew that Shaogong Ouyang was not in Qingyutan before that. You still have to go there. I wasted a few days for nothing, really Speaking of delay, you should be the one who delayed, right?!"


   "I just have something to do! And some things need to be verified..."


   Su Yi looked at Han Lingsha. His eyes were filled with gratitude, "Chang Shan has disappeared! Now I am convinced that he really revealed my news to Ouyang Shaogong, Lingsha asked me to be careful of him before, but I still confidently said nothing. In the end, I was exhausted! If I had believed you earlier, there would be no trouble before! Sorry, Lingsha... I apologize to you!"


"…………As long as you know!"


   Su Yi said with sincerity, and looked like you are my good helper...Han Lingsha pretty blushed, snorted, she was too embarrassed to say anything, her eyes turned to one side...


   "In short, the main business is done right now! Tu Su and the others will return from the overseas ancestral continent for a while. We have plenty of free time now! Go to Youdu! Go to Youdu!!!"


   cheered, Su Yi's childlike heart emerged. He ran forward against the boundless wind and snow, ran more than ten meters away, bent down and dug from the ground with both hands, and took out two snowballs, and shouted: "Come on, let's see who will arrive first. The temple at the entrance of Youdu!"


After    finished, the two snowballs had slapped twice and hit the faces of the two girls.


   It doesn’t hurt when a snowball hits a person, but the ice and snow scattered after hitting a person follow the neck and deep into the back of the chest... That cold...




   Both girls couldn't help but screamed, and the sweet, crisp voice echoed on Zhonghuang Mountain. Provoked Su Yi hahahaha laughter!


   "Damn it, Qingxue, hit him!!!"


   "Good yarn!"


   The cold snow fell into the skirt of the clothes, which caused the girl to exclaim at the same time. It also provokes their long-lost jokes. At a time, the three of them were divided into two groups, and they kept rolling up snowballs from the ground and smashing them toward each other!


   The cheerful smile spread far and wide in the mountains!


   As for the so-called Gu eagle that blocks outsiders from entering Zhonghuang Mountain, it is made up of spiritual energy, and it will only appear when it smells strange people! And when they smelled Han Lingsha, they hadn't formed yet. Su Yi's body had already overflowed with a burst of power, and the aura was completely shaken away instantly! Where is the opportunity to disturb the three of you!


The three of them played jokes all the way and played crazy for a long time, until they saw the majestic temple standing in the snow and ice from afar, the three of them stopped the snowball fight, and cleaned up their bodies because of the constant pat on the snow. Slightly messy clothes... Then stepped into the temple!


   "Qingxue, you actually brought your eldest brother back?!"


   Just stepping into the temple, an old voice sounded, mixed with surprises and surprises in the ears of the three of them...


   Su Yi smiled and said, "Guangmo has seen her mother-in-law!"


This mother-in-law is naturally far less noble than Su Yi, one of the ten witches, Wu Xianlai, but has a relationship with Feng Guangmo’s father. In terms of generation, she is a grandmother, so Su Yi’s performance , It's rather modest.


   "What the **** did you kid do, you don't come back for so many years after you leave... You... are so naive!"


Guanghua flashed, an old woman with a rickety body appeared in front of the three of them. It seemed that she was going to scold Su Yilai, but as soon as she appeared, she saw Han Lingsha behind Su Yi, who was full of concern. The voice suddenly became sharp, "Outsiders! You actually brought outsiders to Youdu? Qingxue, Guangmo, you two went out for a trip, have you forgotten our Youdu rules?"


   Feng Qingxue hurriedly waved his hand and said: "No, no, mother-in-law, you misunderstood, Sasha is not an outsider... She is... She is my sister-in-law!"


   Su Yi nodded affirmatively, "Well, that's right, Lingsha is my wife!"


Han Lingsha behind    made a big red face instantly! A little embarrassed, he turned his face away, listening to Su Yi and Feng Qingxue talking to this old woman, it seemed that they were relatives? She thought that this could be regarded as an ugly wife. See... Oh, in-laws are not regarded as elders...


   quietly touched his face, thinking that my appearance shouldn't be a shame to the little master, right?


   But this old woman's reaction was beyond Han Lingsha's expectations!


  'S voice rose by an octave in an instant, "What?! Wife? Guangmo, how did you do such a foolish thing?! Have you forgotten the lesson of your father back then?"


  Han Lingsha's eyes instantly went round and round, and his heart felt that my daughter-in-law is still unwelcome? !


"Even if you don't consider your father's problem, you, as one of the ten witches, should serve the Nuwa Empress with your life, how can you marry an outside girl? If you could really marry a wife, you and the witch aunt Wouldn't it be so troublesome? Now you...what do you make Wu Gu think?!"


   As soon as the old woman's voice fell, Han Lingsha murmured slightly puzzled behind her... Su Yi instantly took a breath and couldn't help marveling. The power of the girl behind her **** Zen became more and more outstanding!


At the moment, he made a firm decision without any hesitation: "Mother-in-law, no matter what you say, I have already married Lingsha... This is my business, I have my own decision! I have been away from Youdu for ten years. Not the original Wu Xian! Rather than serving the Nuwa Empress for life, I am more willing to serve the love of my heart! This matter, you don’t have to worry about it! I take Lingsha and Qingxue back to Youdu this time, yes. I’m afraid I have to pay a visit to the Nuwa Empress, so I won’t chat with my mother-in-law. I will let Qingxue come and chat with her !"


As he said, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the jade hand that was pinching the soft flesh of his lower back in his hand, and then grabbed Feng Qingxue's hand with the other hand and smiled: "Let's go Qingxue, Let's go home!"


"Come back home……"


   Feng Qingxue murmured and repeated it again, with a cheerful smile on her face, she nodded heavily, and affirmed: "Hmm! Let's go home!"


   "Goodbye, mother-in-law!"


   said goodbye to the old woman's hippie smile, Su Yi took the two girls and stepped onto the teleportation formation to Youdu! The old woman was left behind with an angry face! Sure enough, he was still the skin child... as soon as he came back, he would cause trouble!


   It’s just that although she was swearing in her mouth, there was a gratifying smile from the corners of her eyes and lips of the old woman. She turned helplessly and walked into the temple. Just come back... (To be continued.)


  PS: Third today!

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