Count of Wizards

Chapter 1066: Philo's story

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In addition, although Margaret was able to get in touch with Connor through Varga, to be honest, Margaret can be said to be both trusting and distrustful of Varga. The reason for saying this is because Margaret believes Varga's feelings for Connor, Varga will not harm Connor, so Margaret is willing to trust Varga on issues concerning Connor's interests.

But now Elena wants to meet Connor, because it involves the internal struggle between the Church of the Storm, and the matter is so secret, then Varga is a secret society in Margaret’s eyes. The wizard is totally untrustworthy, so Margaret insisted on going to the Navas Forest in person to meet Connor.

Margaret, who had a decision in her mind, thought for a while, then found paper and pen from the desk in the room, and began to work hard at the desk. For ten minutes, Margaret stopped writing and looked at the letter paper. With her elegant pen writing, she nodded with satisfaction, blew the ink on the letter paper that was not dry, then put on her veil and coat, walked out of the room, came to the street, and delivered the written letter to the post office. , Mailed out.

Although it has been decided not to contact Connor through Varga, nor to tell Varga that Elena wants to see Connor, according to Connor’s discussions before leaving Frosinone, what happens after he leaves Margaret needs to discuss with Varga to make a decision, so now Margaret feels that although there is no need to tell Varga the specific content, she tells the other party that she is going to Navas Forest and looking for Connor. It should be.

After handing the letter to the post office, Margaret, who had no worries in her heart, immediately walked towards the inner city of Frosino, the forest of Navas, and now Christant must have started to act, she Arriving at Navas Forest a minute early, Connor's danger is to score a point.



I don't know that he has been involved in the entry. Connor, who is in trouble in the internal struggle of the Storm Church, is now searching and advancing in the Navas Forest with Philo according to his plan.

Walking in a pine forest, Philo, who was walking on the left side of Connor, without warning, suddenly jumped to a huge pine tree that was ten meters high and did not know how many years it had lived. It stood high and far away. Looking away.

Feeling Philo's movements, Connor immediately looked at him, and his eyes revealed a touch of doubt. He didn't know what Philo was doing. He organized the language in Connor's heart and stood when he was about to ask Philo. On the pine tree, Philo took the initiative to explain to Connor: "I have a hunch, the place we are looking for is just ahead!"

When he said this, Philo's expression was unwavering, although his tone was very plain, and there was no mood swing, as if he was talking to Connor about eating bread tonight, but this word fell into Connor's ears, but it was Connor frowned slightly and looked at Philo in surprise.

After killing Milik in an ambush, Connor and Philo experienced a crisis of confidence, but fortunately, at a critical moment, they might understand that they are not Connor's opponents, so Philo endured this bad breath and did not agree with Kang. Na turned his face and started, but the relationship between the two became tense. It seemed that as long as a small spark appeared, it was enough to ignite the flames in the hearts of the two and make them fight.

In such a sensitive atmosphere, Connor and Philo inspected two suspected ruins in the Navas Forest in four days. In those two locations, Connor and Philo were two. , Although it is not nothing, but it did not find any clues related to the ruins.

As for Connor and Philo, they are heading three hundred miles away, a place called the depths of the Navas Forest and a place called the Green Leaf Slope, where Connor and Philo think, in the Navas Forest, The third place where the ruins may be buried is also the last place where the ruins may exist. If the ruins cannot be found in Luye Slope, then all the plans of Connor and Philo regarding the ruins will be officially declared bankrupt.

Therefore, during the trip to Luye Slope, the atmosphere between Connor and Philo was quite dull. Both of them knew that if they could not find it in Luye Slope, there would be a ruin related to Reyes. There is a common interest between the two, then Luye Slope will become a small flame that detonated Connor and Philo who have accumulated quite a lot of contradictions, allowing the two people who had cooperated with each other to develop the cruelty of only one person alive. Fight.

With such a cooperation on the verge of bankruptcy, Philo suddenly told Connor that the front was what they were looking for. Let alone Connor, it is inevitable that if you change to another person, you will not be able to wonder if Philo has anything. trick··········

Standing on top of the pine tree, Philo, seeing Connor, who was frowning silently, seemed to be aware of Connor's thoughts. He flew down from the pine tree, then shook his head slightly at Connor, and said frankly: "I know Connor, it's hard for you to believe me, but what I want to say is, I really have such a hunch!"

"Remember what I told you after I met you for the first time? My father was invited by Reyes before to go to the mysterious ruins related to his rise? "

"I think Connor, you should have found out too. I lied to you on this matter. With the character and ability of your mentor Reyes, how could you invite other people to invite that secret ruin that has something to do with him?" Looking at Connor in front of him, Philo said in a deep voice, his expression was right, and Connor was deceived in words, but he didn't care.

Connor, who had never believed in Philo’s nonsense from the beginning, did not have any surprises after hearing Philo’s words. He looked at Philo who was close at hand with a scrutiny gaze. He knew that Philo would continue talking. .

Sure enough, Connor did not disappoint. Seeing that Connor did not mean to speak, Philo said to himself: "Connor, although I deceived you in this matter, the relationship between my father and Reyes and the existence of the ruins In these two things, I didn't lie to you at all!"

"Although it may be embarrassing, what I have to admit is that my father is a very greedy person, although Reyes has snatched back the high-level meditation idea of ​​"Blood Moon Code" from the heir of blood witchcraft. But he was always dissatisfied, he was always ambitious, and wanted to obtain greater benefits..." Philo recalled the past, preaching a little melancholy:

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