Count of Wizards

Chapter 1062: Sisters meet (3)

"Not as serious as you think!" Regarding Margaret's question, Jelena shook her head and continued to explain:

"Although the above is not very satisfied with Christant's work at this stage, she does not intend to replace him immediately and let Lena go to the Black Institution as Christant's deputy. It just counts as the above to Christant. A warning from him, let him do things well, or let Lena replace him. Christine is not dangerous, at least in the short term."

Speaking of Jelena in the water curtain here, she paused, if she glanced at Marguerite deeply, and then whispered: "As for I go to Frosinone to take over the overall command of Christant. Although there are also reasons why the above is dissatisfied with Christant’s recent work, it is more because the things on Frosinone’s side are slowly developing as expected..."

Hearing the last few words of Elena's words, Margaret was taken aback for a moment, and then she seemed to have thought of something, and immediately reacted, looking at Elena in the water curtain with some surprise.

Facing Margaret’s gaze, Elena sighed slightly, and said helplessly: “Although Christant’s recent work cannot satisfy the above, he has to admit that he is the intelligence of Black’s agency. Director, I still have a very accurate judgment about the future situation!"

"Although the church does not know where the secret society professor Reyes is now, since we got the news that Bisping and Southgate are in Frosinone, we have passed the news through other channels. , Conducted a corroborative analysis, and it is basically certain that Bisping and Southgate were lurking in Frosinone in order to give Reyes a front stop. The speed is half a month, and the slow is a month. Jess will come to Frosinone!" Ilena preached with some certainty:

Although I have vaguely guessed such an answer from Irina’s words, I really got confirmation from Irina. Margaret still has a mixed feeling in her heart. Connor and Philo explored and Reyes' plan for the ruin was led by Kristant's proposal, and Hummels decided to implement it.

At first, this plan involved the use of Connor and Philo, two dark wizards to assist. Therefore, in the Storm Church, a wizard organization that has always been tough on the issue of dark wizards, not only did it not receive much support, but even Many conservative veterans of the Storm Church questioned whether the plan itself violated the church's principle of dealing with the dark wizard.

Therefore, the reason why Connor and their actions were able to be implemented this time was completely dependent on Humels, the cardinal archbishop, with great courage and toughness in the Church of the Storm, and they were able to force the implementation. .

Previously, Connor and Philo had searched around Frosinone but found nothing. Moreover, Philo rebelled again. This led to Hu as the decision maker of this plan. Cardinal Myers and the specific executor of the plan, Christant, the intelligence director of the Black Agency, undertook a lot of pressure in the Church of the Storm, and even Christant was warned by the above.

And now this plan, although the goal of the plan is still not found, the possible ruins, but now that the two main men of Reyes, Bispin and Southgate, have been discovered, they are hidden in Frosinone. , And it can be judged that Reyes will arrive in Frosinone soon, which proves that Hummels and Christant’s plan is correct and has achieved a phased victory.

In the Church of the Storm, the Cardinal Hummels’ power is very strong, and he has won the support of two powerful departments including the Arbitrator’s Organization and the Black Organization. It seems that the basic foundation for becoming the next Pope of the Storm Church is as stable as that of a mountain. Because the tree attracts the wind and the strong personality violates the interests of many people, Hummels has a large number of opponents both inside and outside the Storm Church.

It may be that with the mentality that "the enemy of the enemy is a friend", some people in the Storm Church who opposed Hummels began to choose to support other candidates for the position of the next pope in an attempt to oppose Hummels. .

And Margaret’s biggest backer in the Church of the Storm-Archbishop Jelena, is one of the candidates for the next pope of the Church of the Storm. It can even be said that the Church of the Storm is second only to Humels, the big boss. In addition, the person most likely to become the next pope,

Therefore, as a confidant who is both prosperous and ruined with Elena, Margaret naturally does not want the plan implemented by Hummels to be successful. This is because Hummels is already the next church of the storm. The most powerful successor to the, if his plan is successful this time, and if the secret society professor Reyes is killed, it will undoubtedly be greatly strengthened. Cardinal Hummels is in the Storm Church. China's prestige makes it impossible for other candidates, including Jelena, to be in a weak position in the competition.

Seeing Hummel’s plan from the perspective of Jelena’s confidant, Margaret naturally didn’t want his plan to be successful, but if he looked at Hummel from the perspective of Connor’s girlfriend Margaret is faintly looking forward to his plan. Hummels’ plan is successful because it means that Connor, as a student of Reyes, will no longer have to face the huge threat of his mentor. Life safety has been greatly guaranteed.

In addition, Connor may be okay. With this credit, the Church of the Storm’s acquiescence will not be used in the future, like other dark wizards, who do not dare to expose their identity to the sun, so Margaret won’t be there. As Connor gets together less and more, the two people spend more time together.

Precisely because of this thought, Margaret’s view of Hummels’ plan is always very complicated and very tangled...

Elena in the water curtain didn’t know what Margaret’s confidant was thinking in her heart. Seeing Margaret’s eyes were complicated and somewhat absent-minded, she thought it was Margaret. Hearing Ray Jess, a prestigious second-order wizard in the wizarding world, came to Frosinone, worried about her safety, so a faint smile appeared on her face, and then she moved in her heart. In the scene, she just showed a strong coercion.

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