Count of Wizards

Chapter 1060: Sisters meet (1)

Seeing the appearance of the iceberg beauty in the water curtain, Margaret showed a touch of joy on her pretty face, and then bowed slightly to the iceberg beauty and said softly, "Sister Elena, good day!"

Hearing Margaret’s greetings, the iceberg beauty in the water curtain, the youngest cardinal Elena of the Storm Church in the history of the Storm Church,’s cold expression softened slightly, her lips lightly responded. Make her the most capable assistant

"Good day! Margaret, how is your life in Frosinone?"

"Not bad! It's just that the air here is too cold, and the vegetation is sparse, the soil erosion is serious, and the sand is very windy. It is really incomparable with the environment of the capital Bernabeu!" Marguerite preached with some distress:

Regarding Margaret’s complaint, Jelena’s iceberg-like face showed a smile that seemed like nothing, she said softly: “Perhaps Frosinone’s natural conditions are a bit worse, but I want to come. Margaret, you must be willing to stay wherever, after all, the power of love is great!"

When talking about the two words of love, Jelena deliberately increased her tone, and glanced at Marguerite with a smile.

Margaret, whose thoughts were pierced by Elena, immediately climbed into a blush on her charming face, but she immediately changed the subject pretending that she did not understand, and preached to Elena: "Elena Sister Na, I got some news from the front. As of now, Milik has not killed Philo in the Navas Forest."

Hearing Margaret mentioning Philo, Elena in the water curtain had a slightly strange look in her eyes and fell into silence. Just when Margaret was a little wondering why Elena was like this, Elena faintly said: "The news three hours ago, Milik was staying at the church headquarters, and the crystal ball of the soul in the church of St. Antis was shattered..."

When Irina's words came to my ears, Marguerite's pretty face immediately showed a look of astonishment. As a wizard of the Storm Church, Margaret naturally understood what it meant by Irina's words.

The formal wizards of the Storm Church, as well as some highly potential senior wizard apprentices, will plant a crystal ball of the soul in the Storm Church.

As the name suggests, the spirit crystal ball is naturally related to the spirit of the wizard. It is a means of combining alchemy and spirit spells by the wizards of the Storm Church. The wizard who planted the spirit crystal ball in the Storm Church encountered In the event of a fall, the soul crystal ball he left in the Church of the Storm will split in four to five, reminding the person of the Church of the Storm to have fallen.

And those crystal blocks produced by the fragmentation, after some technical means, will reflect some of the conditions before the death of the fallen wizard.

Although it’s a little hard to believe, Milik, a self-held Hummels Red Archbishop, valued him and died like this when he was a domineering fellow in the Church of the Storm, but as the Red Archbishop Jelena, since she said Milik Death The crystal ball was shattered, so 99.9% of the crystal ball Milik left in the church must have been shattered.

"Connor Ferguson, did you mention Milik about it?" Seeing the astonishment on Margaret's face did not seem to be false, Elena asked again:

"I just told him that Milik is a ruthless character. Be careful with him! Besides, he hasn't mentioned anything about Milik to me!" In the face of Elena's inquiry, Margaret didn't have the slightest He hesitated and said directly, the tone was also very affirmative, without the slightest hesitation.

It can be seen that Elena still trusts Margaret very much. After Margaret answered, she did not ask any questions. Instead, she changed a question and continued to ask: "Connor Ferguson has I told you about his mentor Reyes?"

Although since realizing that the affair between herself and Connor had been discovered by Elena, Margaret knew that one day Elena would ask her this question.

But when this day really came, although Margaret was able to maintain a certain calm on the surface, she still couldn't help but sighed silently in her heart, and then gave the answer she had prepared to Yi. Lena said: "Connor told me that there is very little news about his mentor Reyes, but from what he has shown, although he is not afraid of Reyes, it can be seen that he Still very afraid of Reyes."

Speaking of this, Margaret deliberately or unintentionally observed the facial expression of Elena in the water curtain, and then continued: "Connor was informed by some people in the secret society and news channels before that in Flo. Around Sinone, there may be something related to Reyes, so Connor Ferguson returns to One of Frosinone’s purposes is to explore those who are related to Reyes. About what might exist."

"Because Reyes' threat to Connor is real, so for a while in Frosinone, Connor planned to move closer to the Prince's faction, but because he wanted to maintain a high degree of independence, he was not completely dependent. The Wang Jue faction, so there are some fundamental contradictions between him and the Wang Jue faction, and the progress between the two parties is not very smooth."

"This time, Connor's cooperation with the church is still very important. He also hopes to use the power of the church to kill Reyes and remove the threats he faces." Margaret will have been prepared for a long time. The answer, whispered to Elena.

In Margaret's eyes, Connor is her other half. The two have been together for many years and have experienced many ups and downs. Their relationship is very sincere. And Elena is her older sister who grew up together. Her superior in the church has always taken care of her very much in the Storm Church, so now that she is caught between Connor and Elena, Margaret is still under a lot of pressure, very entangled and uncomfortable.

After realizing that Elena had found out about her and Connor, Margaret did not have a fluke. When the ostrich avoided this matter, she did a good job of being asked about Connor by Elena. And she thought about it again and again, and prepared the answer in advance, which is what she said to Elena now.

Although Margaret’s words seem to say a lot about Connor, 90% of these words are already in the knowledge of the Storm Church. As for the other 10% It's all irrelevant content, and there is nothing wrong with telling Elena.

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