Count of Wizards

Chapter 1058: Cristant's worries

Valdes is Christant. The two have worked together in the Black Institution for more than ten years. They have a life-threatening relationship. They are in battle and saved each other's lives. The relationship is very good.

It’s just that Valdes practiced certain spells and needed retreats, so he couldn’t easily fight with others, so he couldn’t work in the Black’s institution, so he was transferred from the front-line unit to the headquarters of the Storm Church in St. Antis. , Responsible for guarding the secrets of the headquarters underground, such a relatively leisurely work.

Recently, as the intelligence director of the Black Institution, Christant, the largest intelligence chief of the Church of the Storm, returned to the headquarters to report to Pope Ilsank about the work of the Black Institution. By the way, let’s take a look at Valdez’s former close friend. My friend talked about the old days, and what I didn't expect was that he would encounter such a tricky thing by chance.

Listening to Valdés’ words, his gaze swept over the metal black box pushed by his old friend again. Christant’s solemn face was immediately relieved, and with a light wave of his right hand, he swept the metal black box. Earned in the space ring, and then very sincerely preached to the opposite Valdes: "Thank you for this matter!"

Although Valdes only won three days for him, which is not a lot, Christant is still quite moved by this old friend in his heart. Valdes' duty here is to receive the reactions of his subordinates. The situation, and then reflect these situations to the Archbishop Hummels as soon as possible. Although the work is easy and not heavy at all, I can use my leisure time to practice, but because it is related to the life and death of the official wizards of the church, so His work is undoubtedly very demanding in terms of timeliness.

Under such circumstances, Valdés was able to make the decision, and bought three days for Christant to investigate Milik’s death. He has done his best and assumed considerable risks. Once discovered by the above, Valdes must be punished, so it is quite interesting to say that Valdes can do this for his old friend, Christant.

For Kristant’s thanks, Valdes waved his hand indifferently, and then said in a heartfelt voice to Kristant: “The matter between Milik’s death can be big or small, and you must be careful. Never be caught by anyone!"

Having said that, Valdes hesitated for a moment, but gritted his teeth and continued with a crushing voice: "Christant, I have heard that someone above is not very satisfied with your current work. They plan to Lena, who is in charge of the intelligence work in the Diocese of Ruen, is transferred to the Black Institution and serves as your deputy to assist you in your work!"

Although Valdes is very official and there is nothing unusual about it, but combined with the warning in the first half of his sentence, what Valdes wants to express is self-evident.

After listening to Valdes, Christant, the big intelligence chief, was not hiding in front of Valdes, a life-and-death friend who had been in friendship for decades, showing a little real feeling, slightly He sighed and said: "When I met with the Pope the day before yesterday, although Mianxia didn't speak directly, he deliberately clicked on me."

"If nothing else, the transfer of Ruen's Lena to the Black Institution has become a foregone conclusion. When she transfers Ruen's job, she will be able to come to the Black Institution at the latest in three months. Alas. , This can be regarded as a warning given to me when I am dissatisfied with my recent work..."

"So, you must do a beautiful job at Milik's death, and don't give any excuses above!" Valdez's complexion was also a little ugly, but he continued to persuade Christant:

Hearing what Valdes said, Christant didn't say anything in his ears, but just nodded slightly.

Although Milik has some abilities, he is also relatively withdrawn due to his domineering nature. In addition to his extreme behavioral style, he is not well-known in the Storm Church, and he is not seen by church colleagues, even The relationship with some people is very bad, and they have fought.

However, because he was quite appreciated by the Red Archbishop Hummels in the Church of the Storm, under one person and under 10,000, Milik was also regarded as a rising star in the Church of the Storm.

Now Milik’s color is easy to handle in other places. After all, the Church of the Storm has a big business and is deeply rooted in the Kaman Empire. In order to maintain and expand its influence, the Church of the Storm has to fight with other wizarding forces every year. At the level of a formal wizard, several of them die every year, and many of them are rising stars like Milik.

Therefore, the death of a first-class wizard like Milik is placed in the Church of the Storm. Although it is not a trivial, if you really want to say how big this matter is, it is actually not particularly big.

But Hummels, the highly powerful red bishop, this level is difficult to handle. Milik is not well received by others, but he is also a clear-cut support for Hummelshong. Archbishop Yi, he is the only one to watch Hummers in the daytime, and he has done a lot for Hummers in secret.

So now Milik is dead. He died in carrying out the tasks assigned to him by the church. To be reasonable or in order not to chill the hearts of other subordinates, the Cardinal Hummels also wanted to ask Milik. Death, express your attitude and put pressure on Christant, the intelligence chief.

What's more, Christant heard that in order to appreciate Milik’s loyalty to him, Hummels made an exception and handed over the token of the storm, representing the power of the bishop of his red coat, to Milik’s hands. On, if this is the case, as Christant who sent Milik to perform the task, he will really have a headache. He is about to face tremendous pressure from He Myers.

Realizing this pressure and pressing on himself, Christant felt bitter in his heart, but also a touch of joy. Fortunately, he came here today to reminisce with this old friend of Valdes, or else he too Not so lucky, the news of Milik's death was known the first time.

Now with the three days that Valdés did his best to get him, although the matter is still very troublesome and difficult to deal with, Christant, as the intelligence director of the Black agency, can still use some means during these three days. Investigate, so that the situation has changed, not so at a loss...

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