Count of Wizards

Chapter 1056: untitled

Watching the burning fire with his own eyes, everything burned clean, Connor's eyes immediately showed a touch of triumph, and then turned his head to look at Philo, who was not far away.

At this time, Philo, with a dark face, looked at Connor coldly. Although there was no real evidence to prove that Connor had used the means behind his back, no matter how the law formation suddenly weakened the suppression of Milik, Or maybe the alchemy bomb has been buried under the magic circle that was discovered now, which made Philo realize that Connor had been calculating him secretly, which undoubtedly made him very angry.

Glancing at Philo, seeing all his anger in his eyes, Connor said slowly: "Then again, Philo, don't forget, you were like a bereavement dog. You found me and I portrayed Milik. How strong you are, I have been chasing you, asking me to help you deal with him, all I did is to help you at your request, now Milik is dead, you are still alive, Why Philo, do you think I did something wrong?"

Although his performance was very calm and indifferent, the actual situation in Connor's heart was far less calm than his performance. Connor knew very well that Milik must have vaguely sensed his plan. I must weigh the pros and cons in my heart, whether or not to turn my face with myself.

Now that Milik is dead, the threat from the Church of the Storm that Connor and Philo are facing together has alleviated, but also touched the fragile alliance of Connor and Philo.

Because Milik still has some value in existence for him now, it is said that Connor does not intend to kill him for now, but if Milik has any other ideas, Connor will not be soft-hearted. Will definitely send him a ride right away.

With this battle with Milik, Connor asked himself if he knew exactly how many catties Philo had. Now he and Philo have succeeded in killing Milik, but both of them have suffered some injuries. , But relatively speaking, it must be that Philo, who had been fighting with Milik from the beginning to the end, suffered more injuries.

Connor estimated that when Philo could be normal now, his 50% strength would be very good. Therefore, Connor is not afraid of Philo turning his face, and even thinks that if he handles it properly and responds carefully, The possibility of killing Philo on the spot is not low!

At that time, even if Philo died, Connor, as a spiritual wizard, has a certain chance. Through the unique means of the spiritual wizard, he obtained the information about the ruins and the "Blood" from his dead soul. "The Code of the Moon", so no matter whether Philo chooses to turn his face or choose to swallow, Connor can accept it and respond to it.

Feeling Connor's unapologetic attitude, Philo's eyes became even more cold, but he may also realize that if he starts with Connor now, his ending may be very bad, so he was not rushed by anger. I was dizzy, and furiously started with Connor, but said in a deep voice at Connor: "Connor Ferguson, I also told you that if I'm done, you won't end up in any way! Yes! Now, the pharmacist next to you is called Varga, right?"

Hearing Philo mentioning the name "Varga", Connor, who had always been emotionally inexhaustible, raised his eyebrows, and a trace of murder flashed in his eyes. Although Philo only mentioned Tivarga's life, he didn't say anything. Others, but at this time, Philo's purpose in doing this is simply too clear.

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Philo didn’t care about the change in Connor’s eyes. He didn’t wait for Connor’s answer. He just continued to say in a deep voice, “I’ve been in the wizarding world for so many years, and there are still so many friends between life and death. Yes, before this operation, I used a very precious treasure in my hands to make a deal with someone. If I die in this Navas forest, someone will avenge me!"

Although Philo's words are very subtle, but combined with the name of Varga he mentioned earlier, the threat in this words is simply self-evident.

After Philo's voice fell, Connor was silent for a few seconds, then turned around and sneered at Milik and shook his head, not knowing what he meant, then Connor walked towards the depths of the forest, and Philo After blinking his eyes a few times, he followed Connor's step by step and headed toward the depths of the forest.



While Connor and Philo marched towards the depths of the Navas forest and searched for relics, the political center of the Carman Empire, the capital of Bernabéu, the headquarters of the Storm Church, and a secret room under the St. Antis This secret room located deep underground is not only about 30 square meters. The walls around the secret room are inlaid with many crystal balls, all kinds of crystal **** emitting a faint light. The whole secret room looks quiet. It looks a little weird again, but I don’t know why, these crystal **** inlaid in the wall seem to vaguely look like a block of tablets...

At this time, the two in the secret room were wearing the traditional blue-and-white robes of the Storm Church and possessing the cultivation skills of senior wizard apprentices. The white-haired old priest was looking at the dim crystal spheres at the bottom of the wall and looked at each other.

"Old Chiesa, what should we do now?" After taking a close look at the crystal ball in front of him, the old priest Johnson pushed the black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, and a wry smile appeared on his old face, and he asked the opposite companion. Road:

Hearing Johnson’s question, the old priest Chiesa also felt a little bit tricky. He hesitated, and then hesitated and said: “Every crystal ball here represents a first-level wizard in a church. According to Conventionally, even if there is an accident, the crystal ball should be torn apart. It will not be like it is now, but the light will be dim. As it is now, I don’t know what happened..."

"Yeah, the current situation is really incomprehensible. If I remember correctly, does this crystal ball represent Lord Milik?"

"Master Milik, although he is a new official wizard, he has killed a lot of vicious and evil black wizards. He is very much appreciated by Archbishop Hummels. He should have been sent by Archbishop Hummels at present. Frosinone went to perform the task." Johnson touched his gray beard, pondered for a while, and said with some confusion:

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