Count of Wizards

Chapter 1036: Conflict (1)

"Earl of Wizard(

Seeing that Connor didn’t speak, but his eyes kept flickering, DeZelby thought that Connor was moved by what he said. In addition, the time he had come out to meet with Connor was not short. It would make Milik suspicious, so he also said, "Connor, you are a wise man, you must be able to understand this account!"

"If I agree to Milik's request, we will all be unlucky, but Connor Ferguson, you will definitely be the first one to be unlucky! You will undoubtedly be the one who will be the one to stop, after the break, etc.? of!"

"Even if we really hunt down Philo at that time, we will definitely kill you because of the mission given to me by Christant. At that time, you will face two people, Me and Milik, and five more. A church arbiter, Connor Ferguson, you are powerful, but in this situation, do you think you have a high probability of surviving?"

"And if Kang you come forward and disturb Milik, we can continue to implement it according to the original plan, so that the risk we have to bear in the Navas Forest will be greatly reduced! Humels Red Although the archbishop is very powerful in the church, you are a dark wizard and you don't need to care about him."

"Furthermore, as far as Connor is concerned, as long as you confuse this matter, with Milik's character, he will never stay here. Even if he is alone, he will definitely continue to be in the Navas Forest. Continue to hunt Philo to make up for his mistakes."

"At that time, even in the worst case, we did not find the ruins, which triggered the mission given to me by Christant. Connor, you only have to face me and the five arbiters around me, you The possibility of survival is undoubtedly greater than facing me and Milik’s joint. Which of the two plans is better, Connor Ferguson, you should know 1" Put all your plans and chips in Connor’s In front of him, De Zelby focused his gaze on Connor, waiting for Connor to give him the final answer.

Feeling the look in his eyes by De Zelby, Connor had to admit that De Zelby’s words were very attractive, and at present, the best way to deal with the current dilemma, if not He really has the possibility of having Philo as a back player himself, and he agreed to the plan given by De Zelby in one fell swoop.

But now, after discussing with Philo, it is impossible for Connor to give De Zelby a clear answer...

After a little pondering, Connor said: "I am a dark wizard, yes, but it is not a trivial matter to offend a cardinal archbishop, especially Hummels, who may be the next pope. I have to think about it, it’s impossible to give you the answer right now, so anyway, tomorrow morning you will definitely agree to the proposal made by Milik, and Dezeer will naturally know what I will do than you!"

After talking about Connor, he didn’t pay attention to Dezelby. He just walked towards the camp where Milik was. Seeing Connor’s attitude, Dezelby immediately wanted to say something, but the words came down to his lips. But he didn't say anything, only watching bitterly over and over again, Connor walked away gradually, comforting himself, Connor had no clear way to reject him, he still had a chance.

On the way back to the camp, Connor walked very leisurely and slowly. Not only that, the thumb of his right hand, I don’t know when a metal ring engraved with countless runes appeared, and this metal ring was under the cover of the night. There was a faint wave of energy that was not easily detectable.



The sun rises from the horizon the next morning, and the warm sunlight shines on every corner of the Navas forest. Milik, who has been meditating and practicing for a whole night, slowly closed his eyes and opened his eyes. Not far from him is the arbiter. The five arbitrators remaining in the squad swept their sights over the five arbitrators and fell on a black-robed figure not far away.

Seeing Connor who was meditating, Milik's originally calm eyes clearly showed a cold light, and then turned his head aside in disgust. Although Milik's whole set of movements were completed silently, However, as a spiritual wizard, Connor, who has extremely keen inspiration, still sees all his actions in his eyes. This is undoubtedly even more so that Connor, who has already made a decision in his heart, strengthens his confidence.

Ten minutes after Milik opened his glasses, De Zelby, who had finished the night's vigil, walked back from the grove on the side. Although his appearance had not changed, his expression was It is very tired that can be seen with the naked eye. As for where this tiredness comes from, I don’t know if it was tired from the vigil, or if I had something on my mind last night and thought about it all night...

Seeing De Zelby’s return, Milik’s gaze immediately locked him, not only De Zelby alone, but even the five church arbiters looked at De Zelby and waited. De Zelby’s upcoming decision, for these storm church arbitrators who have only the apprenticeship of wizards, is not an exaggeration. Their life and death lies in De Zelby’s thoughts.

Under the gaze of so many people, De Zelby did not speak for the first time, telling everyone what his decision was. Instead, he looked around everyone with his eyes, even though it seemed that his eyes stayed on everyone for the same amount of time. It was the same, but Connor could feel that Dezelby's gaze stayed on him for an extra second. Connor, who had already made a decision in his heart, sneered silently in his heart.

For Dezeerby's time-lapse here, he did not give an answer at all. Milik, who was eager to hunt down Philo, was obviously a bit impatient. In his opinion, Dezeer didn't have the courage to oppose what he was holding. A token of the storm belonging to the Cardinal Hummels, and he is undoubtedly unwilling to do so now, wasting time, so there is no hesitation that Milik directly confronted De Zelby and asked;'De Zelby, You have to think about it all night, and I agree, now you should tell me, are you ready to implement the order issued by Cardinal Hummels? ’

Facing Milik’s questioning, Dezeer was helplessly silent for two seconds, and then slowly preached: “Since the Cardinal Hummels has given you the storm token, we will naturally help you. Chase Philo back."

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