Count of Wizards

Chapter 1032: Storm token

"The Earl of Wizard(

Could it be that the guy Philo said the truth?

After discovering that both Milik's arms were intact, and there were no special energy fluctuations on his body, Connor couldn't help but raise such a question.

With such a question, Connor returned to his original position and began to meditate to recover, while secretly looking at Milik, who closed his eyes and meditated not far away. In this slightly weird atmosphere, Connor, Milik and De Zelby waited for the other arbiter who scattered and fled amidst the sound of the cascading spring water.

In the next hour, two more intermediate wizard apprentice apprentice arbitrators ran back to the small waterfall very embarrassed and got rid of the black blood fox bear.

Looking at the five arbiters of the Storm Church around him, De Zelby, who is in charge of leading the team, can be said to be very ugly. As an experienced and veteran first-level wizard, he clearly understands that he can get rid of the black blood fox bear. The most golden time for this kind of beast is one hour, more than one hour, then the possibility of escaping from the pursuit of the black blood fox bear can be described as minimal.

When he came out from Frosinone with him, it was a squad of ten arbiters! Only how many days have passed now, the ten-member arbitrator team has only five arbiters left, and half of the staff has been lost. This kind of thing is placed in the Church of the Storm. It can be said that it is very important. There was a casualty accident. Even though De Zelby was an official wizard and had a respected position in the church, returning to the Church of the Storm with such an achievement was definitely hard to blame, and he would be severely punished by the senior management.

After waiting for another ten minutes, seeing that no one came back, Milik opened his eyes from the meditation, scanned the crowd, and said in a low voice: "They are just one step ahead of us, returning to the embrace of the goddess of the storm. In." After this, Milik began to chant a spell.

"Martini Enkaku·······Kudbama······Longankustanaishasa·····Andrew Fosakozzi····················· ····"

With the beginning of Milik’s singing, all the wizards of the Storm Church, including De Zelby, began to sing spells, and the low sound of the spells filled the area of ​​this small waterfall for a while. .

Although Connor is not a wizard of the Church of Storms, I don’t know what the spells that the wizards of the Church of Storms are singing mean, but Connor can still clearly feel the sadness contained in this low spell. Obviously the sound of this spell , Is the magic spell used by the Storm Church to calm souls and summon spirits.

The sound of the spell lasted for about three minutes, ending the death of Milik, the heavier arbiter of the storm in the black blood fox bear. He glanced at Connor and De Zelby once, and then spoke: "Now I’m going to You send an order that Philo, the most wanted criminal of the Storm Church, is in this Navas forest!"

"The Red Archbishop Hummels has issued an order! All members of the Storm Church must pursue and kill Philo with all their strength, to see people in life, and corpses in death!"

After saying these words murderously, Milik took out a round crystal token with a little red heart directly from the space ring!

Connor, the dark wizard of the non-Storm church, did not know what this crystal token was, but he observed Dezerby this guy. After seeing this crystal token, although his face did not change much, there were two The hands were clenched into fists, and beside Dezelby, those arbitrators who had only the apprenticeship of wizards did not have such a good concentration as Dezelby. Seeing this crystal order After the cards, all their faces changed. Among them, an arbiter whispered to himself: "This is the cardinal's storm token..."

Although the arbitrator's voice was very small, it was still very clear into Connor's ears, and Connor's eyes could not help but mimic when he heard this.

According to some rumors in the wizarding world, after the birth of a red bishop in the Church of the Storm, second only to the pope, the alchemist inside the church will make a storm token for it according to the characteristics of his cultivation. This symbolizes the authority of the cardinal archbishop in the Church of Storms.

Because it is tailor-made according to the characteristics of cultivation, each storm token is unique, and after the red archbishop sits down, the storm token is also taken back by the church.

According to rumors, this storm token symbolizes the Cardinal Archbishop's authority within the Church of the Storm, above one person and below ten thousand people, but also has a great It's just that it has a specific effect. What's the effect, apart from the internal high-levels of the Storm Church, no one knows at all...

And from Milik’s words, the storm token he took out should be Hummels, the exclusive storm token of the cardinal archbishop who has the highest probability of inheriting the pope in the church of the storm, and Hu Myers was able to hand over the storm token, which symbolized his power, to Milik's hand, which shows how much he trusts Milik.

Thinking of this, Connor couldn't help but quietly focus on the storm token in Milik's hand. As an alchemist, Connor was naturally cold with the storm token. I was very curious about a mysterious alchemy item with some unknown secret.

Looking at this storm token from the perspective of an alchemist, there is no doubt from the appearance that the main material used in this storm token is crystal, and from the feedback received from Connor’s inspiration, this one The crystal used by the storm token is not an ordinary crystal, but it seems that it should be the most mysterious and the most mysterious in the wizarding world at present-the Antichy crystal.

This little discovery immediately made Connor a little excited. If he guessed correctly, this storm token belonging to Hummels really has Antichy crystals as the subject material, so today he It is an eye-opener!

Antiky crystal, the alchemical material standing at the top of the alchemy world, is said to be only produced on a mysterious island in the storm ocean that is completely controlled by the church of the storm.

It is said that because of hundreds of years, Antiky crystals have only grown a little, and the mine is located deep under the sea, not only the mining environment is very harsh and difficult, but even the mining risk is also great.

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