Count of Wizards

Chapter 1023: De Zelby's wish

Connor Ferguson, who didn't even realize what was happening in Frosinone, was at the same time coming to the edge of the Navas Forest with De Zelby.

In the past few days, after Connor and De Zelby did not know anything in the Dicasa Marsh in the Campania Mountains, they searched for several other suspected locations. After always gaining nothing, the atmosphere in the team gradually began to become impetuous, so in order to calm the atmosphere of the team and avoid unnecessary trouble, Connor had to lead them here.

Looking at the endless forest in the distance, De Zelby looked at Connor, who was a little bit hesitant. He looked up at Connor. Although De Zelby hadn’t spoken yet, Connor had already understood what he wanted. What to say, shook his head slightly and said: "I can think of the last place in the Navas Forest, where the ruins may exist. If there is still no place here, I won't be able to guess!"

Hearing Connor say this, De Zelby looked a little disappointed, but he could only sigh helplessly and preach: "Then I hope I can find it here... ···"

When the words fell, De Zelby glanced at Connor intentionally or unintentionally, adding a bit of bitterness to his heart. Before this action, when he was still in Frosinone, when he met with Kristant, K In addition to giving him the Crystal Book and instructing him to use the Crystal Book to monitor Connor Ferguson, Ristant also handed Dezelby a secret mission on behalf of the church!

For the Storm Church, Reyes is the thorn in the flesh that they want to get rid of and then quickly! Connor Fogg is the only student of Reyes, the secret society professor. Therefore, in the eyes of the Storm Church, Connor’s use value is that Connor can help them find the place where Reyes may hide. The ruins, so that they beat the dog in the water when Reyes was seriously injured and weak, and killed Reyes!

And if Connor did not help the ruins of the Storm Church, it means that Connor did not use the value of the Storm Church, and a black wizard who has no value in the use of the Storm Church, what will it be like in the end of the Storm Church? , Everyone is very clear!

Therefore, the secret task that Christant gave to De Zelby was to dispose of Connor after Connor could not find the ruins, and the team of Arbiters who followed De Zelby was K. Ristante rations De Zelby to complete this secret mission!

Having just received this task from Christant and knowing that there will be a team of arbitrators to assist him to complete the task, De Zelby can be said to be full of confidence. He patted his chest and assured Christant that as long as Connor did not find it. The ruins triggered this secret mission. De Zelby must complete the mission and live up to the church's expectations of him.

But unfortunately, with the progress of this mission, especially after the battle against the group of evil spirit spiders in the Campania Mountains, De Zelby, who was very confident of completing the secret mission, felt in his heart It became more bitter and even faintly expecting that Connor could find the ruins and not trigger the secret mission given to him by Christant.

Don’t get me wrong, the reason DeZelby had such an idea was not because Connor saved his life when facing the group of evil spirit spiders and the bloodline evil spirit spider, which is comparable to an official wizard. I am grateful to Connor for his life-saving grace, so I don't want to meet Connor's swordsman and fight life and death.

For De Zelby, a veteran first-class wizard who has lived for more than a hundred years and is used to seeing the warmth of the world, Connor’s life-saving grace to him is nothing at all, and he can say Connor in his heart. Two good words are already very good. If it's time to do it, Dezeer will never think of any shit-saving grace, so he will show mercy to Connor's men!

As for the reason why De Zelby will be produced, I hope Connor can find the ruins. The real reason for not triggering the secret mission is that in the battle against the group of evil spirit spiders, Connor’s strength is completely acceptable. Said to refresh De Zelby's understanding of him!

Before he had experienced this battle, although Dezelby was warned by Connor with mental power before the Ferguson Mansion, Dezelby only believed that Kang was a spiritual wizard alone. Na is definitely better than him, but if he can do it with a real sword, he is more than Connor at the level of a wizard, and if he can not win Connor after decades of practice, he will definitely not lose to Kang. Na, De Zelby at the time can be said to be very confident in his strength.

But with the close observation of Connor's horrific power in that battle, De Zelby’s self-confidence completely collapsed. He clearly realized that if he faced one-on-one Connor's words will not only be miserable, but may even die at Connor's hands!

Even if the arbitrator team with only nine people around him can help him deal with Connor Ferguson, DeZelby has no confidence in whether he can kill Connor Ferguson, and this secret mission is to be a Blake agency. The Director of Intelligence, Christant, issued to him on behalf of the church. De Zelby, as a member of the church, obviously cannot be violated in any way.

Therefore, for the sake of his own safety, De Zelby really hopes that Connor can find that **** ruin, if this will not trigger the secret mission given to him by Christant, he De Zelby Naturally, there is no need to face the dangerous man Connor!

Connor Ferguson at this time didn’t know what Moral Zelby was thinking, but he also had his own careful thinking. Six hours ago, Connor received it through the communication jade card he refined. , Varga in Frosinone, using the news from the communication circle.

Because when he and Philo were in the bookstore before, Philo had already told him about Milik, and emphasized that the possibility of conflict is very high, so for Philo and Milik, he really did something, Connor Not surprisingly.

What really surprised Connor was that the place where Philo and Milik did their hands, it happened to be the Navas Forest, such a very sensitive place!

According to Margaret’s internal news from the Storm Church, the Storm Church is organizing personnel to capture Philo, and because of the alchemy bomb, Christant has suspected Connor’s body, so Margaret warned Connor. , Don't catch the fire and meet Philo!

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