Count of Wizards

Chapter 979: Ins and Outs (2)

Connor was not surprised by Philo’s question. From the moment he recognized Philo, Connor knew that Philo would ask himself this question. Under Philo’s gaze, Connor did not immediately give it. Answered, but pondered for a while, and asked him back: "Filo, can you tell me when you set up this plan, did you already join the Storm Church?"

"You think too much about this Connor. I became the informant of the Black agency for less than two months. I have only been with you and I can have the new identity now. Thank you Connor, your mentor Reyes! A flash of hatred flashed in his eyes, and Philo said in a deep voice:

"If he hadn't sent Bisping to kill me, how could I have been seriously injured, and I was found by the Storm Church while healed..."

"The reason why the Storm Church participated in the plan is because of some interests. They want Reyes to die! As for the extent to which the Storm Church will participate in the plan, this requires Connor, you must be sure to participate in the plan before I can tell. You, as long as you cooperate, I promise to tell you everything I know!" Philo preached decisively:

After listening to Philo’s story, Connor lowered his head and pondered for nearly a minute, then raised his head to Philo and asked with a smile, "So I was forced to come to this ghost place to kill Ruiz because Do you want me to join your plan?"

Connor's sudden question caught Philo by surprise, but he soon reacted, spreading his hands and preaching helplessly: "I didn't expect Connor you to find out."

"Let's talk about it, what the **** is going on, what is the cotton in those wooden boxes?" Connor asked indifferently:

"We have to start from the beginning. Ruiz and Connor are both members of the secret society, but he is not a core member of the secret society like you. He is only absorbed by the secret society because of some sales channels. An outlying member of the Storm Church had discovered him three years ago. They just wanted to put a long line to catch a big fish, so they didn't move him, but secretly monitored him and the Redstone Pawnshop!"

"The Storm Church wizard who monitored Ruiz a year ago reported to the Black agency that Ruiz had been involved in a recent move. He had not used his channel for several months and sold stolen goods outside. After receiving this information , The Black agency began to discuss whether Ruiz had noticed that he had been monitored and whether he wanted to close the Internet and arrest him. Just when the discussion had not yielded any results, Ruiz began to discuss whether he had been under surveillance. The reason is that he received those weird things that looked like cotton and transported those things to various places in the Kaman Empire through his channel!"

"This immediately attracted the attention of the Black organization. They quickly got a small part of those things that looked like cotton without disturbing Ruiz. They also discovered the weirdness of that kind of thing, the storm. The alchemists of the church checked and analyzed them."

"However, the analysis report is not very optimistic. The alchemists of the Church of the Storm did not analyze what those things are and what their functions are. They can only get this kind of thing. They are very similar in style, and they do not cause any obvious harm to wizards!"

"When they learned that these things were related to the secret society professor of your mentor, Connor, the Church of Storms was even more determined to set a long-term plan to catch big fish. On the one hand, they closely monitored Ruiz and his channels, on the other hand If they hurry up and hope to get more information about those things, soon we will find that all the external channels of your mentor school are not like cotton. This kind of thing only exists in Rui. Si and his channel here.

"The reason why Ruiz stopped all his original work was because he was worried that his original work would affect his channels to transport these weird things.

"As for Ruiz, a member of the secret society, why would he be willing to make such a big sacrifice for the secret society? It is entirely because Reyes personally contacted him through some kind of communication tool and promised him However, if he succeeds in doing this ticket and completes the mission given to him by the secret society, the secret society will tilt his training resources to help him break through from a senior wizard apprentice to a first-level wizard!"

"So it can be inferred that those weird things must be very important to Reyes, so he did not choose his own channel to transport these things, but chose to use the channel of Ruiz, a peripheral member of the secret society~www. I just wanted to hide things from others, so that the things can be transported safely, but he never thought that Ruiz would have been targeted by the Storm Church!" At this point, Philo's face , A smug smile appeared.

When Philo said this, although he did not go on, Connor understood everything. Now Ruiz is responsible for transporting some important things for Reyes. Killing him himself is bound to be Will alarm Reyes, and arouse his anger! At that time, even if I wanted to wait and see, and didn’t want to participate in Philo’s plan, but in order to survive against Reyes alone, I had to cooperate with Philo to participate in his plan. It's planned.

Thinking of this, Connor couldn’t help but look at Wei Mi, and had a hint of murder in his heart. Among the information that Philo said, it is estimated that most of the information he said were his noble person, that is, Christant told him, but this The poisonous scheme is very much in line with Philo's style, and what Connor hates most is that someone calculates him behind his back!

At this time, Philo also noticed the change in Connor's expression. He didn't say much, but looked at Connor calmly. The atmosphere between the two of them, which was originally moderate, suddenly became tense, but it was so tense. The atmosphere did not last too long, because at this moment, the young man Van der Beck walked back with three cups of Red Mountain coffee and placed them on the table.

Looking at the steaming Red Mountain coffee on the table with the fragrant flavor, Philo took the brunt and picked up a cup and started drinking. After him, Van der Beck also picked up the coffee cup, seeing that Connor did not speak. He raised his sword eyebrows, and a sarcasm smile appeared on his angular face, and then Connor stood up and planned to leave the private room...

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