COS Dazai Osamu’s I Got Into the Conan Crew

Chapter 87: Atobe Keigo and Tsushima Shuji

The weather today is sunny and cloudless.

The blue sky is endless.

Tsushima Shuji was lying in the middle of the road, trying to wait for someone to give him death.

Of course, he even wrote a disclaimer for the unnamed poor driver.

It is clearly written that he committed suicide, and he will even compensate the driver for his mental and property damage, as well as a thank you fee.

With his peaceful hands folded on his lower abdomen, his eyes closed, he was lying in the passage of cars coming and going.

Pedestrians on the sidewalk next to him occasionally glanced at him, and most of them walked with their heads down.

One car after another drove past him at high speed, and the wind blew the boy's hair, but no one really ran over him.

Tsushima Shuji: Can't you just drive straight at me?

Why don't you open such a big seat when it's empty? !

A car drove past him and backed up.

Tsushima Shuji: Are you planning to run backwards and run over me? so cruel~

Come on, kind-hearted driver~

In the end, the car just stopped beside him and the door opened.

Someone got out of the car.

"It's really not a flashy act to lie on the road..." The voice of the visitor was low.

Tsushima Shuji: This are right, Atobe Keigo!

Damn it, why did I meet you!

"Huadi, put him in the car." Ajibe Jingwu frowned and looked at the boy who was lying on the ground but seemed peaceful in a coffin, turned his head and said to the boy beside him.

"Yes." The tall, simple and honest man replied.

Shuji Tsushima, who closed his eyes and waited to die: Let me go, don't touch me, let me continue to wait for my love car!

However, he was still carried into the car by Huadi.

Tsushima Shuji: ...Huh.

Thank you, I fainted.

In order to avoid being sent to the hospital or the other party notified the Tsushima family to pick him up.

Tsushima Shuji: I should wake up.

The boy with a peaceful expression opened his left eye outside the bandage, his eyes were melancholy, and his expression was sad.

"Are you awake? Tell me what's going on, what about the person next to you? He..." Why didn't he take good care of you by your side.

Atobe Keigo asked with a bad expression.

Seeing the other person lying in the middle of the road where the cars came and went, quietly like a dead man, this made it hard for Atobe Keigo to laugh.

"So I'm still alive..." The boy looked at the roof of the car and sat up.

"Actually... I secretly got rid of the person who followed me..." The boy hesitated, his eyes drifted out of the car window with a longing look.

Tsushima Shuji: My poor...the one who left me...the car of my dreams...

"Do you know your..." How dangerous is the situation?

Atobe Keigo: Do ​​you want to court death?

"..." The boy lowered his eyes and fell silent.

"Sorry..." He apologized to Atobe Keigo.

"It's causing trouble for's causing trouble for the people who protect me..." He looked calm, but the sadness in his eyes seemed to be dripping down the next moment.

"...people like me..."

" should stay at home...seize all the hard-earned living time..."

"Right, Senior Ajibu." The boy said, suddenly pursed his lips and smiled, and asked Ajibu Jingwu with his eyes bent.

Tsushima Shuji: Ugh... Who wants to seize the time to live! ! let me go!

"Don't laugh if you don't want to laugh." Atobe Keigo frowned.

Tsushima, do you think I'm blaming him?

Is that what he thought in his heart?

In terms of performance, he is firmly in the first position of the grade. He won the national championship honor in the archery competition, and the family industry is thriving.

He is obviously a being who is much better than ordinary people in every aspect, but he doesn't have the same excellent body...


Why did things become like this?

Tsushima Shuji sat in the car and saw the building outside from the car window.

Doral Mancha Tennis Club.

Tsushima Shuji: ?

I disgust you so much, you still brought me to the tennis club? ? ?

Are you a kind person?

But I'm not interested in tennis!

"Get out of the car." The blond and blue-eyed youth made a flamboyant gesture, reaching out to touch the tear mole at the end of his eye.

Tsushima Shuji: ...I dare not speak.

The black-haired boy got out of the car in a daze.

It seemed unbelievable.

"Senior Atobe...Bring me here...Yes..." Tsushima Shuji asked hesitantly, taking two breaths.

"This is a club under the name of Ajibe. If you want to play, just come here." The blond, blue-eyed boy said confidently and proudly.

Shuji Tsushima: You're like this... it really looks like... The King of Monkey Mountain/Cross out

Said that this is my country...

The faint-hearted gentleman.

However, he still made a very shocked and moved expression.

"Senior Atobe is not afraid...I..." Did he faint in the club and bring bad rumors to the club?

The expression on the boy's face was a mixture of joy and sadness.

"This uncle's club has a top medical team on call 24 hours a day." Atobe Keigo said proudly.

"It's more appropriate here than if you fainted in other unknown places." The blond boy's tone was deep and provocative.

Tsushima Shuji: Thank you, I will never come again.

"..." The boy was silent.

"Senior Atobe Keigo..." He suddenly closed his eyes.

"Thank you very much!" He suppressed his cough and thanked him loudly.

Tsushima Shuji: To express my gratitude, let's just die in your club! hehe~

Keigo Atobe, who didn't know anything about it: It seems that Tsushima is very satisfied with the arrangement of Mr. Ben.

As expected of Mr. Ben.

Speaking of...

"How's your tennis level?" Atobe Keigo asked. UU reading www.

Tsushima, have you ever been in contact with tennis?

"Sorry..." The boy scratched his left cheek with his index finger.

"...I haven't touched it before..." He said shyly.


"Ah, let this uncle teach you." The blond boy stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers. With the other hand, he touched the mole at the end of his eye, and said in a loud voice.

Tsushima Shuji: I'm going to be blind.

"Thank you, Senior Ajibu." The young man said happily.

Tsushima Shuji: I will definitely hang at the door of your club, just wait!

"First of all, you need a suitable racket." As Adobe Keigo said so, he snapped his fingers.

Someone pushed several carts of rackets.

"Let's try it out, which one is easier." Atobe Jingwu said.

"Yeah." The black-haired boy nodded.

He reached out and picked up a racket, swung it in the air, and put on another.

Tsushima Shuji: It's all light and airy.

He took one at random.

"Is it just decided that it's it?" Atobe Keigo took the racket in his hand and said, weighing it.

"Indeed, this weight is very suitable for you." After all, the champion of the National Archery Competition, other rackets are probably too light for him.


"Tennis is not a standing sport like kyudo. Tennis is a sport that keeps you running and sweating."

"Have you made up your mind?" Atobe Keigo asked with a serious expression.

"Yes, please teach me, I also want to feel the feeling of Senior Atobe competing." The boy nodded firmly.

Tsushima Shuji: I'll fall in front of you later, hehe~


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