COS Dazai Osamu’s I Got Into the Conan Crew

Chapter 841: There is no shortage of idiots in the world

Nikaidou Takuchi knew that there were many idiots in this world.

And often many people in high positions are not short of idiots.

There is no shortage of low-level ones.

He felt that more than half of the people around him were idiots.

Still vicious and stupid.

From teachers, to classmates, parents, including the police.

It's all like that.

Just like the policeman in front of him who obviously didn't remember who he was, but still made an expression that he pretended to remember.

He actually believed what he said.

Obviously don't remember him at all, do you?

Remember that the police are not only those who seek help, but also those who commit crimes.

If this idiot policeman remembered the scene when they met before, the other party must not have such an attitude now.


They had personally said that his eyes were too unpleasant.

Now it seems as if he has forgotten what he said with his own mouth.

But it didn't matter, he remembered it just fine.

After all, such a **** policeman is useless to live.

The blond top student returned to the ward, and when the surrounding patients asked what happened, they just looked at them indifferently.

"It's just a question from the psychiatrist, as long as you cooperate well, you'll be fine."

"If you don't cooperate, be careful of suffering from mental illness." The blond boy said this, as if implying something.

However, as he thought, most people in this world are idiots.

So as idiots, they can't understand these hints, and it's normal, right?

Miguel used Nikaidou Takuichi's eyes, watching the reactions of the people around him coldly.

Watching the other people be called away one by one, and come back blankly one by one.

Is it because the acting is too good, or is it really that this ward is all idiots except him?

"Mr. Hiroyuki Watanabe... Are you okay?" The psychiatrist with blonde hair and gray eyes in a white coat asked in a gentle tone.

"Sorry, I lost my mind." The black-haired, blue-eyed man smiled apologetically.

"Don't be nervous, this is just a spiritual counseling, we just treat it as a chat between friends..." The blond man put down the document and pen in his hand.

"You can call me Beichuan." He smiled politely.

"Okay, Mr. Beichuan." Watanabe Guangyi nodded, feeling a little wary.

"Let's talk about some interesting things first. In fact, after the players who received the courier from the helmet registration device like you fell into a coma, the police seem to have investigated the courier boxes everyone received. Some players are like you, Mr. Watanabe. The recipient's name is not his real name, do you know why?" Shuki Kitagawa picked up a topic that could be talked about at random.

"For the recipient... Auston is the game ID I use when I play games. Others must be the same as me. Some players will always use the same ID, even in different games..." Watanabe said the game It came a lot easier.

"So that's the case. It seems that everyone's ID must be very famous in the game world."

"Indeed." Watanabe Hiroyuki also nodded.

In the game circle, the ID of Auston is very famous.

Although Watanabe Hiroyuki is not an unknown person in the real world, he still prefers the world of games.

"I want to ask, after this incident, will Mr. Watanabe still like games?" Kitagawa Osamu asked.

"Actually...because I don't remember what happened, I think I will continue to like playing games, but maybe even if I remember what happened, I won't hate games." Watanabe said seriously after thinking about it. .

He likes games.

"Since that's the case, I'm relieved, Mr. Watanabe does not have any psychological shadow..." Kitagawa Village Shu looked like a good doctor who was happy for his patients.

"Then don't waste time. After Mr. Watanabe goes out, please help me to call the next person in." He said with a graceful smile.

"...Is this okay to go?" Watanabe Hiroshima was stunned.

Just a few words?

"From these conversations, I have already felt Mr. Watanabe, you are a firm and strong person, and you will not have psychological shadows because of this, so you don't need to waste time to enlighten you, only those who need it may suffer from psychological shadows. Only those patients need to be enlightened." Osamu Kitagawa said solemnly.

"I see, I see." Watanabe Toshiro nodded, stood up and left.

Kitagawa Murai turned the pen, with a distant smile on his face, and the gray eyes under the lens were light and cold.

Auston, the leader of Aurora Wings.

There is a big difference between the game world and the real world.

A well-deserved leader player in the game world, a player with leadership and heroic temperament.

The other side in the real world, how would you say...

too ordinary.

Compared with the real Watanabe Kaori, Kitagawa Village still thinks Auston in the game is more interesting.

After all, in the game world, Auston saved a lot of people who should have been sold by the cage.

When he saw the next person coming in, Kitagawa Village Osamu still continued to think and chatted with the other party about the topic of the world.

He doesn't care whether he can find a few players who remember the memory.

Although he told the police that he was willing to help the police, in fact...

He just wanted to be a disservice.

Even if some people showed flaws, he ignored them.

Ignore a few if I can ignore a few, and it is impossible to help the police arrest people.

Unless the police give money, he doesn't mind pulling a few hapless people out to deal with it.

Compared to staying in the hospital and turning from a patient to a doctor, Kitagawa Murai, Nikaidou Takuichi is going through the discharge procedures at the moment.

Of course, before going through the discharge procedures, he also went to the policeman.

I've done my best to tell the other person that there are no strange people in the ward, and I'm sorry I couldn't help.

After all, he said a series of frowning words that made him disgusted before he applied to be discharged from the hospital.

In the afternoon he was afraid that he would kill the policeman uncontrollably.

After finishing the discharge procedures, Nikaidou Takuchi immediately left the hospital.

back home.

Certainly not the home he lives with his parents, he has moved out of that suffocating house.

As for renting a house...

He has no money, but there is always someone who has.

The younger brothers will be responsible for providing him with the money. As for where the money came from, whether it was stolen or robbed, Erkaitang Takuichi didn't care.

What does this have to do with him?

Everyone in this world is a bystander, and he has also changed from a participant to a bystander.

Silent gaze, indulging in everything happening.

But this time can not contact those younger brothers.

Can't go to the bottom training base of the organization.

He needs to be an ordinary top student.

After all, the police must be watching him with concern.


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