COS Dazai Osamu’s I Got Into the Conan Crew

Chapter 836: Sawada Hiroki has arrived

Tokyo Airport.

Sawada Hiroki walked out of the airport, followed by a team of bodyguards.

There are already cars waiting outside the airport.

Syndora Group also has branches in Japan.

Hiroki Sawada has been to Japan several times this month.

After getting in the car, there is no need to tell the driver at all, and the driver knows where to go.

The Tsushima family's mansion.

Every time Sawada Hiroki comes to Japan, it is always there.

As usual, the driver drove the car to the Tsushima mansion.

The bodyguards of the Tsushima family were also very familiar with Sindora's car and arranged for them to park in the parking lot.

Sawada Hiroki had already got out of the car in a hurry.

He ran to Shuji Tsushima's room.

The bodyguards could only trot to keep up.

"Master Hiroshi." Butler Tanaka in the corridor saw Dou Shishi hurriedly rushing towards him, turning slightly sideways to get out of the way, and at the same time nodded and said hello.

"Noah—" Sawada Hiroki didn't stop for a moment, and pushed open the door directly.

"Great, you're fine." He rushed to the bed, knelt on one knee, and hugged Shuji Tsushima.

"Don't do such a dangerous thing again..."

"Don't do this kind of thing to save other people..."

he said tremblingly.

It doesn't matter whether other people live or die.

But Noah can't.

He wants Noah to live well all the time.

Shuji Tsushima, who was hugged, also had an earthquake in Tongkong.

After a long silence, he raised his hand and patted Sawada Hiroki on the shoulder comfortingly.

"It's okay, Hongshu, didn't I wake up?" His voice was gentle and melancholy.

"But..." Sawada Hiroki's voice rose uncontrollably.

"...What if?" He quickly responded, lowered his voice, and asked in a trembling voice.

"In case something happens to you, Noah..."

"I lost your words..."

Sawada Hiroki was unable to say what was behind him.

He will go crazy.

Maybe like those madmen who seek to come back from the dead...

Do everything possible to resurrect Noah.

Even if you betray the world.

"Don't think so badly, I don't die so easily." Tsushima Shuji smiled, as if to appease the other party, but also to perfunctory the other party.

"...Well." Sawada Hiroki opened his mouth to say something, but swallowed the words he wanted to say.

Noah... doesn't want to live anymore.

He knows.

But Hiroki Sawada couldn't help but think selfishly—

Can't live for him?

"Next time...take me with you," said Hiroki Sawada.

No matter what happened, he had to accompany Noah.

even death.


If it wasn't for Noah, Hiroki Sawada should have chosen to die two years ago, right?

His eyes were fixed on Tsushima Shuji, silently expressing his persistence.

"...Okay." As if very helpless, Tsushima Shuji replied with a sigh.


no more chance.

Because the game is not fun at all.

"Master Xiuzhi, Master Hiroshi." Butler Tanaka knocked on the door and walked in.

"Sorry, Mr. Tanaka, I'm too worried about Noah..." Hiroshi Sawada remembered to apologize to Butler Tanaka.

He had just ignored each other in the hallway.

Not on purpose.

It's just that at that time, he just wanted to see Noah quickly.

"I understand, Master Hiroshi, I'm very glad that Master Xiuji has friends who care about him like you." Butler Tanaka didn't care at all, and even said with a smile.

"Devouring the Starry Sky: Sign In to God"

"...friends...people?" Sawada Hiroki looked puzzled.

Noah is really popular...

"There are also Master Jingwu and Master Seijuro, Miss Xiaolan and Miss Sonoko, Master Ritsuya and Master Juren, Master Minya, and Mr. Sakai..." Butler Tanaka said the list of visitors one by one.

A long string of no less than ten people.

"...Good..." Sawada Hiroki smiled a little far-fetched.

So many people care about Noah, he should be happy...


"But... I'm the first to see Noah, right?" he asked anxiously.

"Yes, Master Hiroshi, you are the first to come." Butler Tanaka nodded.

Because everyone else said that today, let Master Xiuzhi have a good inspection, and come back to visit the next day after the inspection.

"That's good." Sawada Hiroki sighed in relief.

"By the way, Noah, when you entered the game, your animation is on fire! The copyright has also been bought abroad..." As if to change the topic, Sawada Hiroki mentioned the animation.

Tsushima Shuji thought about the so-called anime.

It's that black cat detective.

It was already well-known in Japan before.

Now it's going abroad...

"Everyone is really insightful." He smiled, not knowing whether it was a real compliment or a mockery.

"Because the eucalyptus pieces in it are all real eucalyptus pieces, and there are a lot of professional knowledge popularization, many people think that this is a cute reasoning fantasy..." Sawada Hiroki continued.

"The protagonist Blake Kate, who is based on Noah, is very popular!" He said proudly as if he was the one who was popular.

"It's me, after all, I'm very popular no matter what." Tsushima Shuji nodded without modesty.

"Well! It's Noah after all!" Sawada Hiroki agreed without thinking.

"Rather than talking about this, let's come and see for yourself. During the time Master Shuji was in the game, he missed many episodes..." Butler Tanaka turned on the TV with a graceful smile.

"Tanaka-san." Hiroki Sawada nodded towards Butler Tanaka.

The next second, Black Kate's figure appeared on the TV.

"Who is the most famous detective?"

"Black Kate!"

"Who is the most handsome detective?"

"Black Kate!"

"Who should I turn to for help when encountering eucalyptus?"

"Black Kate!"

It starts with three questions and super loud answers.

When each answer appears, a figure appears at the same time.

Wearing a black coat and a black cat with a bandage on his right eye, he looked high and confident.

Tsushima Shuji watched all this with numbness in his eyes.

He didn't let the anime team do that...

They played themselves...

Taking advantage of the fact that you can't refuse in the game, so you start to let go of yourself?

Tsushima Shuji looked at Butler The affairs during this period must be handled by Butler Tanaka.

"I think this will help deepen the audience's impression of Black Kate." Under the watchful eye of Shuji Tsushima, Butler Tanaka explained.

"...It's really a good idea." Tsushima Shuji said lightly.

After all, when I play it every day, I will hear the name of San Bulai Kekai so loudly, like brainwashing and hypnotic suggestion.

It's hard to remember.

He looked at the black cat with its own lighting effects after appearing in the anime, and fell into contemplation.

this kind of thing...

It can really fire.


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