, I, the fastest update COS Dazai Osamu, entered the latest chapter of the Conan crew!

The harvest of the third lab is those brains in the fish tank, and that notebook.

Kudo Shinichi, Hattori Heiji, and Hakuba Tan suddenly felt that this was a puzzle game specially prepared for them.

So there will be all kinds of clues left, just for them to find these clues.

But this was meant to be a game.

Even if they knew that this was a game specially prepared for them, they would do their best to find the answer.

Otherwise, the game cannot be solved.

From the moment they enter the game, the situation is passive.

"Let's go, go to the next room." Kudo Shinichi closed the notebook, put it back in the cabinet, and walked towards the next laboratory.

The fourth laboratory is also a laboratory with various instruments.

However, most of them are cylindrical instruments like transparent exhibition cabinets standing neatly on the inner wall.

The outermost is a glass cover, and the upper and lower are interfaces made of unknown materials.

The glass is broken now, like...

Something had shattered the glass from within.

"Are these training cabins?" Kudo Shinichi guessed.

Since it is a training cabin...

What is cultivated in it?

people? Or some other thing?

"It's all empty... Could it be that the stuff in here ran out and killed everyone else? Of course, there are some running fast like those bones we encountered on the periphery." Hattori Heiji's words even sounded a little sarcastic.

He disliked those who did human experiments, and had no sympathy for them being killed. He even felt that if those people were really killed by something they created, it could be said to be self-inflicted.

"It's not necessarily a human." Kudo Shin looked at the training cabins one by one.

The number is engraved on the interface at the bottom.

A001, A002, A003…

There are a total of thirty training cabins, from 001 to 030.

The console here is larger than the previous three laboratories, and there is a large screen, but it is completely dark.

None of the three people can fix this kind of thing.

The other two bodyguards…

The presence of the whole process is ridiculously low, and he only works very hard when searching for clues, and the rest of the time seems to be non-existent.

"Is there a diary here?" Kudo Shinichi wondered.

There are only two ways they get clues from the lab.

Guess the types of projects in these labs with instruments, and get key information with notebooks.

In short, the notebook is their key prop for obtaining information.

"I didn't find the notebook, but you look at this sign." The blond man finally showed a little sense of presence, and pointed to a place on the wall to speak.

Kudo Shinichi and the others looked up and saw only an ordinary sign.

It has a very simple graphic on it.

The little man with horns on his head, and the little man holding a long sword.

The villains have the appearance of stick figures, but they are very imposing.

"These two paintings are... the devil and the hero?" Bai Ma Tan approached and looked up to observe.

[hodoyouanttobe? ]

Who do you want to be?

[Thedevilorthebrave? ]

Demon King or Hero?


no difference.


Welcome back.

"What does this mean?" Hattori Heiji frowned.

"Do you remember the choice you said before the game? Does becoming a demon king or a hero have something to do with these words?" Kudo Shinichi looked at the scribbled portrait solemnly.

What exactly does that mean? Demon king and hero, fairy tale? fable?

"Let's go to the fifth laboratory." She frowned and walked towards the next laboratory impatiently.

The fifth lab doesn't look like a lab.

Inside are iron cages one after another.

There are two food bowls in each cage. At this time, the door of the cage is wide open, and the food bowls are overturned.

Like a place to keep pets.

And they are also large pets because of the size of the cage.

The height even exceeds the height of Kudo Shinichi.

Even if Kudo Shinichi got in, there was more than enough space.

"It's like a cage for a large dog." Hattori Heiji guessed.

No one would keep rabbits or birds in such a big cage.

The one locked in this cage must be a ferocious large animal.


Hattori Heiji reached out and touched the railing of the cage. The railing was about the thickness of three fingers, and it was too hard to break it.

But such a strong railing was broken.

The railings of several cages were broken, and some of them seemed to be twisted into twists by being held forcibly.

Hattori looked numb for a while, he just tried it himself, and he couldn't move at all.

What kind of creature is locked in here can have this power.

The two food bowls of the cage were also checked over by them. One was covered with a layer of scale, and the other was covered with a layer of black greasy stains.

Water basin and rice bowl.

There is also a fish tank, but at this moment, the glass of the fish tank has also been broken, and it looks like it was broken from the inside.

"This note actually has a name..." Hattori Heiji looked at the booklet, which was pressed by the cage, with only one corner exposed, and pulled it out.

""Hybrid Gene Creature Observation Notes"...Hybrid gene?" Hattori Heiji's tone was puzzled.

Which gene did you mix?

He opened the first page, and the contents of the first page made his eyes widen.

[About whether the products born from the mixing of various animal genes can be used normally. ]

[The liger, with the head of a lion and the body of a tiger, is larger than ordinary tigers and has a fierce personality. ]

[Human-faced dog, a dog with a human face created from human genes and dog genes, looks a little disgusting. ]

[Birdman, a two-winged species born from the combination of the genes of humans and large birds, looks like a so-called angel, trying to continue to evolve into a seraph. ]

[Murloc, the product of mission failure, the fish-headed human body, can speak human language, has been destroyed. ]

[Mermaid, the upper body is a human, the lower body is a fish tail, a product that is barely qualified and can only be raised in a fish tank. ]

[Medusa, she has snakes all over her body and her hair are all snakes. This can’t be done for the time being~www.readwn.com~ The brain can’t support so many snakes, and it will only be eaten by snakes. Snake and human are changed to parasitic relationship]

[The thorn rose, the color is more gorgeous than the ordinary rose, does not need watering, only needs to be fed flesh and blood. ]

"So...these cages are used to keep them?" Hattori said, swallowing.

So where are they now?

Broken cages and fish tanks indicate that they have escaped.

"Will those vines outside the door be thorns and roses?" Bai Ma Tan thoughtfully glanced at the notes and said.

Those vines have sucked the blood of several players, which is in line with the words of feeding flesh and blood recorded above.

"Although I didn't see the flower, it might be it." Kudo Shinichi guessed.

To provide you with the fastest update of the COS Dazai Osamu of the great **** Ruo Xuanyue, I entered the Conan crew for the fastest update, so that you can check the fastest update of this book next time, please be sure to save your bookmarks!

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