, I, the fastest update COS Dazai Osamu, entered the latest chapter of the Conan crew!

The five people looked at the laboratories with different house numbers, looked at each other, and chose to act together.

There were six laboratories on either side of the corridor they could see.

And in the corridor ahead that they can't see for a while, there may be more laboratories.

They entered one by one, looking for possible clues.

The first laboratory looked very ordinary, with only one instrument.

An instrument like an intelligent mechanical chair stands in the middle of the laboratory, except that there is a hood above the mechanical chair.

There are also restraint straps on both sides of the mechanical chair.

Kudo Shinichi touched the mechanical chair, from the outside where no problem could be seen, all the way to the inside of the hood.

When he touched the inside of the hood, his expression changed, and he quickly retracted his hand.

"What happened..." Hattori Heiji hurriedly asked, and before he finished speaking, he saw the other party's hand, and then he was speechless.

Kudo Shinichi's hands were ripped apart and stained with blood.

Just because he touched his hood.

Kudo Shinichi looked at his hands with a complicated expression. He bent down and stretched his head to look inside the hood.

Then saw the dense needles in the hood, and the blades like spiral blades.

The needles and blades were now stained with Kudo Shinichi's blood, a fresh, bright red liquid.

But more of it is brown, traces of age.

There were even gray-white objects, perhaps once viscous that were now powder on needles.

That may be the brain pulp in the human brain.

Kudo Shinichi guessed without saying a word.

This mechanical chair is for people to sit on, the hood is naturally also for people to wear, and the restraint belt is naturally bound to the body of the person.

From the limbs to the waist, there are restraints.

This lab may be using human trials.

But can such a machine really be used for testing? Just reaching out and touching it will make the skin tear, but if you really put it on...

When the silver needle is inserted into the brain, it is dyed with brain pulp, and the spiral blade-like blade starts to rotate, slicing the brain into pieces of meat...

The experimental subject will only usher in the ending of death.

"It seems to be all the data left over from experiments." Hattori Heiji came to the console next to him and picked up a book.

It is no longer suitable to use a book to describe it, its thickness is more suitable to be called a book.

The material of the outer skin is about some kind of animal skin, brown, soft and flexible to the touch.

The text inside is very wonderful, and no one can understand the wonderful presence.

But the game system gave the translation intimately.

[Under the unremitting efforts of the researcher committee, the Federation finally agreed to carry out this experiment. The Federation even agreed to provide the laboratory with abandoned people from the wasteland and the Federation's death row. Fortunately, the world is about to be changed by us again. ]

[Today is the first day of the official launch of the experiment. The first batch of abandoned people and death row prisoners have also been sent to the laboratory. The equipment required for the experiment has also been prepared and can begin. It is really exciting. ]

[On the second day of the experiment, yesterday's subject was contaminated during the experiment. If the degree of contamination is too high, the subject will lose his mind. We should find a way to control the degree of contamination. ]

[On the thirtieth day of the experiment, there are indeed countless treasures hidden in the human brain. With just a little introduction, people can control skills that they have never been exposed to before. ]

[On the 31st day of the experiment, I am trying to replace the brain for the species. The experiment seems to have failed, and the experimental subjects who have had their brains transplanted have fallen into brain death. ]

[On the forty-fifth day after the experiment started, today there is a new progress in the experiment of replacing the brain of a species. The brain of an experimental subject has been successfully exchanged with a dog. The body has become a dog's habit, only barking and barking. It is a pity that both experimental subjects only lived for seven minutes, and died at the same time after seven minutes. ]

[On the sixty-sixth day after the experiment began, more and more subjects have successfully exchanged brains. Although most of them have very short lives, the longest one only lived for three days, but if they continue to study, this time will be Indefinitely, we have already kept several cats, dogs, cattle and sheep in our laboratory. The mice are too small to transplant human brains. ]

[On the eighty-ninth day of the experiment, we are going to give up this research. Even if we swap brains, it doesn’t make any sense at all. It’s just that when people become animals, they retain human thinking ability, and the behavior of animals after they become humans Also still animals, this research is meaningless, we found that only the human brain is the real treasure. ]

[On the first day of the new experiment, we named this study "Discussions on the Human Brain". By extracting the brain, stimulating the brain, cultivating the brain, and after everything is successful, the brain is transplanted into a suitable body. Among them, we may create human gods. ]

[On the third day of the new experiment, we have selected 100 brains and placed them in a special culture tank, connected to countless conduits to provide them with nutrients and maintain vitality. These brains are called by us. "Brain in a Vat", although they are all in a vat, they will not realize it, and they will even have a complete lifetime of memory, but this life is all scripted. ]

[On the tenth day of the new experiment, there was no change in 100 brains. This is destined to be a long observation. Fortunately, everyone has a long life span. Pharmacy can allow everyone to carry out research more fully. ]

[Thirty days after the start of the new experiment, the people in the tank have spent 20 years of life in memory. During this period, some brains began to die, and some brains became more and more energetic. The brains that reach the difficulty and finally solve the difficulty will be more energetic than the average brain, so we try to create new scripts for them. ]

[On the 40th day of the start of the new experiment, most of the brain-in-a-jar scripts have been revised. They have also experienced the plots in these scripts. If they encounter difficulties, they will solve them later. If they encounter difficulties, they will solve them again. The middle brains became very healthy, and of course, we secretly call these scripts the lead scripts. ]

[On the fiftieth day of the new experiment, the brains in the vat have ended, but the brains are not dead~www.readwn.com~ So we arranged a new script for them, making them think that they are in another The world has been reborn, and it has become a transmigrator, or a rebirth, and a reincarnation.

[On the 80th day of the new experiment, the brains in the vat have experienced life scripts again and again, and they are getting stronger and stronger, and they can try to implant them in the brain. ]

[On the 90th day of the new experiment, before we could officially transplant the brains, we needed to write a new script for these brains, which were given death and then a new life. ]

[On the 100th day of the new experiment, the fifty brains that survived have been successfully transplanted into suitable bodies, and the memory has also been successfully written. They will only think that they have obtained death, and then obtain them again in the new world. Rebirth, these successfully transplanted experimental subjects will be put into the society of normal people. Except for regular visits and observations, they will no longer be involved with them. The brain in the vat is still the brain in the vat, and what they do is still the same. In control, everything is still a carefully arranged life script. ]

[We're starting a new experiment. ]

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