COS Dazai Osamu’s I Got Into the Conan Crew

Chapter 632: Classic "Suicide"

It is known that Caizi, Miss Mai, Miss Noda, and Mr. Mitani had close relations with the deceased Putian.

And the drink that most likely caused Mr. Putian's death also passed through the hands of the four of them.

Mr. Putian had a different relationship with Miss Caizi, and the other party immediately stayed away from the beverage stand after seeing Miss Caizi.

Very suspicious.

But during the questioning, the police and Kogoro Mouri dispelled the suspicion.

"There is no poison residue in the drink or cup left..."

"A box containing potassium bicarbonate was found in Mr. Putian's car..."

"Then, we can draw conclusions."

"There is no doubt that this case was suicide." Kogoro Mouri and Officer Mumu said in unison.

At the same time, in the dark corner, the man with sunglasses, the red-haired man, and the black-haired, red-eyed man also sneered.



"Ah, it's really eye-opening." The black-haired, red-eyed man's smile was full of metaphors.

"It's another suicide case~" Tsushima Shuji sat on a chair, resting his chin with one hand, chuckling meaningfully.

"Next, we should invite our savior to appear and reveal the truth." His eyes looked at a certain figure standing in the corner.

"No, maybe I should call him... the nameless knight." He laughed as if he was amused.

"That actor?" The three cast their gazes at the figure in black and wearing a mask standing by the window.

The other party also seemed to feel the gaze and looked back.

His eyes fixed on them for a while, and he started walking towards them.

"He's here, the target seems to be us." Kanazuru said with great interest.

"Did you not block me?" Tsushima Shuji asked blankly.

The three turned their heads and found that most of the boy's face was exposed.

"Tsujima, you know, this is definitely not a suicide case." The unknown knight wearing a mask walked up to them, ignoring the three men, and directly facing Shuji Tsushima.

"Ah, it's still a very simple murder case." The black-haired boy put on his hat again, revealing only his pale chin and bloodless lips, and his lips were slightly raised at this moment.

"Are you okay?" asked the unknown knight Kudo Shinichi.

From the boy's pale complexion and pale lips, he thought of the two gunshots he heard during the phone call two nights ago.


That day, I seemed to hear the voice of the other party vomiting blood.

"Very good, it's the result I want." The boy's voice was light and happy.

"Let's talk about this later..." Kudo Shinichi's eyes swept across the three people beside him under the mask.

A former boxing champion who is now Shuji Tsushima's new bodyguard, Kanazuru, a red-haired man whom he met at a hotel, and...

A man who shows the aura of a housekeeper in every way he dresses.

Tsushima's butler? Or an assistant?

Have those two bodyguards disappeared again?

Kudo Shinichi thought in his heart, but on the surface he talked about the current problem.

"Didn't you stand up and tell the police that their conclusions were wrong?" Kudo Shinichi said.

"Do you want me to go?" Tsushima Shuji asked.

Sitting in a chair motionless, without the slightest idea of ​​explaining the situation.

"I can't go, you know." Kudo Shinichi said solemnly.

Since he was drugged by that organization, he has been unable to live in the spotlight.

Gin knew that Kudo Shinichi was still alive, but he didn't know that he had become a child's body.

However, there are still a group of people in the organization who know that he has become a child, and it should be a group of people headed by Tai Zaizhi.

He was suddenly attacked and shot, but when he woke up, he couldn't see the wound, only blood on the ground.

I'm afraid it was also a warning from Dazai Osamu.

If you rashly appear beside Xiaolan as Kudo Shinichi...

will bring danger to them.

And... once the truth that Kudo Shinichi became a child is known to Gin, the identity of Haibara Ai will also be discovered by Gin.

Dazai Osamu will no longer help them hide their identities.

You can't be selfish...

Can't be impulsive.


Organizations are destroyed.

No more threats from darkness.

At that time, Kudo Shinichi could stand by Mao Lilan's side.

Don't worry about your identity putting the other party at risk.

This time, because of selfishness, he became an unknown knight, and that was enough.

Can't go any further.

Kudo Shinichi warned himself in his heart.

"I thought you would be impulsive..." Tsushima Shuji's tone was indifferent.

"I'm no longer qualified to be impulsive," Kudo Shinichi said.

There was an explosion in the Kudo House before, and there was also an explosion in the Maori law firm.

This represents a warning to the organization.

Once Kudo Shinichi dares to appear, it will not only be the house that will be bombed.

He is no longer a human life, and once exposed, everyone related to him will die.

Kudo Shinichi is not afraid of his own death, and is even willing to sacrifice himself for truth and justice, but...

He couldn't do anything to implicate others.

"Yeah, living in the spotlight or something... It's perfect to leave it to me." Tsushima Shuji stood up and said in a leisurely tone.

A righteous detective can only live in the darkness carefully, and his life will be in danger at any time.

And he, the villain who defies the rules and kills like a numb, lives in the spotlight aboveboard and enjoys the pursuit and trust of countless people.

How sarcastic, and how funny.

"Sorry." Kudo Shinichi apologized.

He saw that Tsushima Shuji had no interest in this overly simple case.


Someone has to reveal the truth.

Tsushima Shuji is more suitable than him.

"You don't need to apologize, I'm a detective, and it's my job over there." The boy wearing a hood with two tails standing on the hat, trailing behind him, brushed past Kudo Shinichi.

Kudo Shinichi saw the eyes in the shadow of the opponent's hood.

The faint, indifferent eyes.

Mission over there...

It must be the organization.

The organization wants Tsushima to maintain his status as a detective, isn't this a more convenient plan for the organization?

Did the two gunshots from the previous two days all hit Shuji Tsushima?

Tsushima Shuji is standing here now, so...

What about the guy who shot at the other two days ago?

Has it been...

do you died?

Could it be Shuji Tsushima killed it?

Tsushima...has already embarked on a road of no Kudo Shinichi looked at the boy who passed by him, and in a trance, he seemed to see a figure walking alone in the dark.

Turn away from the light and go to the abyss.

Go farther and farther and never look back.

Subconsciously, he reached out his hand to grab the other.

But felt empty.

The other party has long gone.

He looked down at his palm, which was holding nothing, and couldn't help but start asking himself.

This puts everything on Shuji Tsushima...

Is it really correct?

In this way, watching the other party sink deeper and deeper...

Is it really correct?

Is there really nothing you can do about it?

If the organization is really destroyed one day and Shuji Tsushima is still alive...

Tsushima he...

Can you go back?

It's not an official undercover, but a spontaneous undercover, and... If you want to stay in the organization, you will definitely show value, which means...

At some point, Tsushima will definitely be a boon to the organization.

To the outside world, no matter what, Tsushima Shuji is a member of the organization and an accomplice of evil.

It's not so much whether Tsushima can turn his back, it's better to say...

Tsushima Shuzhi him, will he be willing to turn back, will he still be willing to stand in the light.

Kudo Shinichi always had a feeling.

Perhaps after successfully destroying the organization, Shuji Tsushima, who has lost his hatred, will also lose his goal of living.

The day the organization is destroyed, maybe...

It was Shuji Tsushima's death.

Kudo Shinichi clenched his fists.

On that day, he would never just watch Tsushima Shuji die.


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