COS Dazai Osamu’s I Got Into the Conan Crew

Chapter 410: White Horse Detective: The 562nd time.

After Amuro opened the door, it didn't take long for Officer Mumu to arrive with someone.

He wiped the sweat from running with a handkerchief.

"Thank you for your hard work, Tsushima brother." He said to Tsushima Shuji.

"It's just a consultant's responsibility." Tsushima Shuji shook his head.

Amuro sighed inwardly.

That's not what someone said when he was rolling on the ground just now.

The police search team started looking for clues.

Tsushima Shuji and others came to wait outside the door.

Just happened to see the white horse scout running over.

When looking at Shuji Kamijima, Hakuba slowly stopped his running pace and replaced it with an elegant and fast walk, while calmly sorting out his clothes.

In any case, in the face of Tsushima Shuji, at least he can't lose his bearing.

Watson flapped his wings and flew to the armrest of Tsushima Shuji's wheelchair.

"The five hundred and sixty-second." Tsushima Shuji slowly reported a number while touching the Eagle Watson of the White Horse Detective.

Bai Ma Tan's footsteps stopped for a while, and then he smiled calmly.

"As expected of my strong competitor on the detective road." He said with a British gentleman's demeanor.

Tsushima Shuji: …I don’t want to be a competitor with you.

"Some people didn't beat me at all, right?" The black-haired boy had a very puzzled and curious tone.

"Am I remembering it wrong?" he said, rubbing his chin.

White Horse Detective: Yes, yes, you remember correctly, I never beat you.

It was me who was wrong.


"You remember correctly." White Horse Detective said with a smile.

He took out his pocket watch and glanced at the time.

"Five minutes to five o'clock."

"Anyway, I was here before five o'clock." Bai Ma probed.

"Brother Tsushima, as the first person to arrive at the scene, have you found any useful clues?" Officer Mumu came out and asked at this time.

"Unfortunately, the white crow left nothing." Tsushima Shuji shook his head.

Inspector Mumu nodded.

It is normal for the white crow to leave nothing behind.

After all, anyone who has seen the murder scene of the other party knows that Bai Crow's murder scene is always the cleanest.

It does not mean that the environment is clean, but that there is no trace left.

"On the way to the hospital, the person who pretended to be the white crow took poison and committed suicide." Officer Mumu mentioned the impostor.

"He hid poison in his teeth."

"When I was sent to the hospital... I died." Officer Mu Mu said in a deep voice.

"What a pity." Tsushima Shuji sighed with emotion.

When the police installed a seal on the outside of the door to prevent entry, there was an explosion inside.

"Bang—" followed by flying debris and smoke.

The entire crime scene has become invisible.

Even's hard to get.

The two police officers who were at the scene of the crime to collect evidence were seriously injured and were dying.

Even the people who were brought outside were smashed by the flying debris.

Fragments of wooden doors, fragments of tiles.

There are more or less traces of dust on the heads of everyone.

And Shuji Tsushima…

He touched his cheek.

Then he stretched his hand out in front of him and took a look.

There was red blood on the fingers.

Tsushima Shuji: Who's to blame for hurting his face when the bomb he set exploded...

Do not! It wasn't a bomb he planted!

Must be a white crow!

"It seems that White Crow is afraid that I will find some clues and discover his true identity, so he simply destroyed this place..." Tsushima Shuji thought thoughtfully.

Tsushima Shuji: Although I blew up this place because I didn't want to investigate anymore...

Well, anyway, the three corpses and the tools used to torture them have all been moved out, and the police will conduct their own tests.

Now that the scene is ruined, you don't have to stay here to continue looking for clues!

"So that's the case." Officer Mumu nodded in approval.

Brother Tsushima is so strong, isn't it a matter of course that White Crow is afraid of being discovered by him?

"But brother Tsushima, your face..." Officer Mumu said hesitantly.

The wound on Tsushima Shuji's face was bleeding non-stop, and the blood dripped down his cheeks, chin, and dripped onto the white shirt, dyeing the white neckline red.

"Is it really okay?" Inspector Mumu asked.

This amount of blood is a bit scary...

Tsushima Shuji wiped the wound with his thumb.

But soon, blood came out of the wound again.

Tsushima Shuji:  …

Could such a small wound make me lose too much blood and die once?

He expressionlessly took out a handkerchief from his coat and pressed it on the wound.

"The investigation on the scene will be handed over to the police." He said while pressing the wound.

"By the way, if Officer Mumu encounters any case in the future, he can also try to find Baima."

"He's one of my assistants now." The black-haired boy looked cold.

The White Horse Detective who suddenly became an assistant: When did it happen?

"Hakuba's level should be about the same as Kudo Shinichi-senpai..." Tsushima Shuji continued in a flat tone.

"Don't worry if you hand over the case to him." He looked like he had good words for White Horse Detective.

"Ah...that's it..." Officer Mumu nodded in a daze.

Indeed, during the discussion at the police station, only Detective Hakuba could pick up on Shuji Tsushima's words.

And the other party's surname is Baima, the son of the director of Baima, who is also a policeman. If he helps the police solve the case, it's fine.

"I know, I'll take care of you in the future, Brother White Horse." Officer Mu Mu nodded earnestly at Detective White Horse.

The White Horse Detective who came down from the sky as an assistant:…

"Five hundred and sixty-two." Tsushima Shuji reminded slowly from the side.

White Horse Detective: All right.

If this is the penalty for losing to the opponent this time.

The assistant is the assistant.

There are so many cases in Tokyo, as long as you don't meet Shuji Tsushima.

If at the same crime scene...

My mother-in-law wants to let everyone know that there is a detective named Hakuba in Tokyo, not to let everyone know that Shuji Tsushima has an assistant named Hakuba!

"Take care of me in the future, Officer Mumu." The brown-haired boy said politely.

In a trance, Officer Mumu felt that this gesture was somewhat familiar.

Think carefully.

Tsushima Shuji also had this attitude.

The White Horse Detective is elegant and restrained, and he abides by the rules in every move.

As for Tsushima Shuji, sometimes it is a cold and melancholy nobleness, and sometimes it is a sense of arrogance and arrogance.

Both of them revealed a kind of atmosphere, I am very expensive, and I have an extraordinary origin.

Maybe this is what the eldest young master has in Officer Mumu thought to himself.

"It's just this incident... The police were slapped in the face by the white crow again." Tsushima Shuji said in a pity tone as if he felt injustice for the police.

"It doesn't matter, it won't matter until the white crow is caught." Officer Mumu shook his head and said.

As for the police being beaten in the face...

Actually got used to it.

It would be better to say that this time it was not bad. Although the white crow played a pre-recorded video, at least he found the scene of the crime before the end of the live video.

Before you know it, you have to find it for a day or two.

Even the fastest speed was found after the White Crow's live broadcast ended.

This time, if it wasn't for the impostor who wasted brother Tsushima's time, maybe the police would have caught the white crow on the spot when he committed the crime.

The police officer Mumu sighed with regret in his heart.

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