COS Dazai Osamu’s I Got Into the Conan Crew

Chapter 270: It is impossible to take medicine

I didn't feel cold when I lay in the snow, and I didn't feel the slightest coldness when I returned to the house.

Instead, I felt hot all over.

Shuji Tsushima...has a fever.

There was blood on his pale face, and his eyes gradually became confused.

[Host, you have a high fever. ] The system reminds hesitantly.

[Normal people will catch a cold and have a fever when they lie in the snow and sleep. ] The young man replied without any fluctuations in his heart.

"Aqiu—" He sneezed while covering his mouth and nose with a handkerchief.

"Tick-tick-tick-" By the time he removed his hand, the handkerchief in his hand was already full of blood.

A series of drops fell to the ground.

Kuroba Kaito: ? ? ? ?

! ! !

He felt that he was split into two people, Takaki Doi looked worried, but Kuroba Kuito under the skin was terrified and at a loss.

"Are you all right?" Doi Takaki asked worriedly.

"Ah, I have a cold, I'll just go back to my room and drink some medicine." The worrying guy looked like he was used to it.

Covering his nose with a handkerchief, he took out a bag of medicines from the medicine box at the entrance, poured himself a cup of hot water, and then walked upstairs slowly.

Kuroba Kaito: I think... it's not just a cold, right?

Whoever catches a cold and sneezes gets nosebleeds.

"Cough..." Tsushima Shuji, who had already reached halfway up the stairs, suddenly stopped, coughed, and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Then wipe off the blood that fell on the stairs, as if nothing happened, and continue upstairs.

Kuroba Kuito: ... ambulance ah ah ah-! !

"Is he really... okay?" Arashi asked with a little fear.

In case Shuji Tsushima dies on his side...

"Should be..." Doi Takshu laughed.

The atmosphere was awkward for a while.

On the other side, after Tsushima Shuji went upstairs, he passed by Maurilan's room and saw a group of people standing in the room or in the corridor.

"When did you get down, Tsushima?" they asked when they saw Shuji Tsushima coming upstairs.

"I went down before." Tsushima Shuji said calmly.

Then he went back to his room and closed the door.

"It's so cold." Hamano Ri also complained.

Tsushima Shuji looked at the warm water and medicine in his hands.

Randomly placed on the table.

take medicine? It is impossible to take medicine.

Unless it's poison?

"Dong-dong-dong." Doi Takaki still knocked on Shuji Tsushima's door.

after all…

"Please come in."

He pushed in the door and saw that there was no medicine on the table that had not even been opened, with such an expression as expected.

After all, Tsushima has never taken medicine since he was a child.

When you are sick, you throw away the medicine secretly.

After being discovered by others, never drink medicine unless stared at.

As for how others found out...

Kuroba Kuito: Of course, I was willing to help others and tell others!

"...It's all like this, and I still don't take medicine..." He complained with a complicated expression.

"No, I'm just going to wait and eat." Tsushima Shuji retorted righteously.

Next time, definitely next time.

Kuroba Kuito stared at him for a long time as if he wanted to find fault.

Skin color, pale... No, he actually... has blood! !

The problem.

No more bleeding.

Is it really okay?

Kuroba Kaito looked at him suspiciously.

"No problem at all, very healthy." Tsushima Shuji patted his shoulder with one hand and nodded with confidence.

Kuroba Hurry up, believe it.

"Then let's go down and watch their performance? To be honest, I really want to exchange magic with them." Doi Takshu invites you.

Accept ?, reject x.

You choose to accept.

Except for Mao Lilan and the comatose primary school student, everyone else had gathered downstairs.

"You are finally down."

Suzuki Sonoko said when he saw Shuji Tsushima and Takushu Doi arriving late.

"Everyone is discussing who should be the master of the house." Suzuki Sonoko quietly pushed aside the Doi Tak tree and came to Tsushima Shuji.

Suzuki Sonoko: Tsushima's face... It really is a beautiful face, a beautiful boy is well-deserved.

Totally tiresome.

Where he is, it seems that other people are very ordinary.

Only my Prince Charming can be more handsome than him.

"Since everyone is a magician, let's choose magic." Hamano Li also suggested.

"I need our lovely Sonoko to do me a favor." She invited Suzuki Sonoko with the appearance of a lover.

"Okay." Suzuki Sonoko ran over happily.

So, Hamano Ri also tied her eyes with a tape, and asked Tanaka Takahisa to write a few notes with everyone's names, and then gave the notes and a pen to Suzuki Sonoko.

Ask her to write different marks.

After that, look at the marked paper again.

Doi Takshu curiously stretched out his hand to open it, but was stopped by Hamano Ri also.

Tsushima Shuji: Wuhu, teacher! He cheated!

"Let me guess who's name is on it." Hamano Li also sold off.

So, Ms. Kuroda Naoko took over the job of the chat room leader escape king.

And Miss Takahisa Tanaka is responsible for boiling hot water for everyone.

As for the others...

"The next person in charge of the entertainment program will be you, Doi Tako Tree." Hamano pointed at Doi Tako Tree with a confident look.

However, in the next second, Suzuki Sonoko opened the note.

What was written on the note was Toshiya Hamano's name.

Hamano Li was also stunned for a moment and said, "Is it me? Shouldn't it be..."

"It's you." Suzuki Sonoko held up the note and showed him his name.

Tsushima Shuji: Of course it's you~

But it doesn't matter.

You don't really put on sideshows for everyone anyway.

It's not a big problem, it's not a big problem.

"Hey...why is this..." Ms. Kuroda Naoko frowned because of her status as the acting head of the office.

Miss Takahisa Tanaka has gone to boil hot water for everyone.

Hamano Ri also returned to the room alone, thinking about the show he was going to perform.

Arashi went to the wine cellar to get wine.

While Takki Doi and Naoko Kuroda began to set cups and tableware.

Another man in a black turtleneck, Suika Kiyiro, was in charge of making snacks.

And Shuji Tsushima…

He sat in the chair watching the others busy.

No one let him do it.

Words like "We'll be responsible, Tsushima, just sit there and wait for us."

So Shuji Tsushima really just sat on the chair and waited for the others to finish their Shuji Tsushima: Shame? Excuse me? It doesn't exist, I don't have this feeling at all~

The table is full of food.

Mr. Arayoshinori, who went to the wine cellar to get the wine, also returned with the wine.

Suzuki Sonoko walked down with Maurilan.

"The Shadow Mage and Escape King haven't arrived yet..." Someone said.

Others have speculated whether the two met and quarreled.

Huang Yi affirmed his attitude: "The escape king will definitely appear."

Tsushima Shuji: He won't come.

"He won't come." The primary school student said standing there, leaning on the stairs.


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