Corrupted Nation

Chapter 342 Cyclonus

At ten thirty in the morning, the Shadow Team had met all the conditions to occupy the commercial street. Maya contacted Su Shi and Da Shuang: "To sum up, the tent base will be disbanded and we will no longer be able to contact each other for the time being. I can't guarantee how long it will take to solve the problem. I can only guarantee that we will find a way to solve this problem as soon as possible. "

Maya: "The two horses will stay where they are and wait. They will not starve to death within 36 hours, so ignore them. Now I give you ten minutes to use the kitchen to cook some food first."

Su Shi and Da Shuang replied: "Okay."

Shana explained: "Be sure to pay attention to safety. Especially Dashuang, you don't have one life, but two lives."

Da Shuang said: "I understand."

Within ten minutes, two zombies were spawned in the quasi-base, all of which were spawned in the building. This shows that the zombie spawning speed is relatively fast. In addition, the large number of indoor zombies is also a characteristic of Lemmon Town.

Ten minutes later, Maya contacted Su Shi and Da Shuang again, and then team leader Maya occupied the commercial street. Lin Wu exited the tent base, and the tent turned into a card on the spot. Su Shi collected the tent card that was exclusively used by Lin Wu. At the same time, the tent enters a 24-hour cooling period. All facilities and building materials in the tent have been cleared.

Shadow's new base was officially established. As expected, the site encompasses the entire building. The safety zone has a radius of 80 meters, facing the food street to the west and the highway bridge to the east. It covers the entire Lemmon River to the north, and small squares and roads to the south.

Lin Wu stood on the edge of the rooftop and looked down, as if muttering to himself: "Why shouldn't such a large open space exhaust that middle-aged farmer to death?"

Farmer Shitou was on the side and responded: "Grow it and I'll kill you."

Shana and Maya are holding an emergency meeting of the deputy commanders to discuss specific construction. Each of them carried a bag of building materials, barely enough to build two pieces of infrastructure. Of course, the content of the meeting was not just about which two buildings to choose, but where to build the two dormitories after overall planning.

Shana disapproves of building barracks. Although the barracks could accommodate more people, the accommodation conditions were poor. She believed that Xiaogezi was wealthy, so she built two long and narrow shops on the first floor into dormitories. After the upgrade, each shop grid can accommodate 3 single-room dormitories, with each dormitory having 8 square meters of space. It just so happened that there were 6 of them. Isn’t it 7 people? The seventh person, Lin Wu, would not waste a tent base and would definitely choose to establish a sub-base at the most suitable location.

Maya's opinion is to build a barracks to house five people, one of whom will live in a tent base. But she didn't stick to her idea. The most important thing was that she didn't know who to arrange for the tent base. The point is not who wants to go to the tent base, the point is who Lin Wu wants to go to the tent base.

For example, Su Shi and Lin Wu had a good relationship, but they had few topics of conversation. It seemed awkward to put these two people in an open space. Stones are definitely not good either, he has to farm. After much deliberation, in the end, only myself and Shana were the most suitable. After all, they both had the experience of being partners with Lin Wu for many years. However, Maya also had to consider sending another deputy commander to the tent base. In everyone's eyes, she was somewhat suspected of being authoritarian.

So Maya agreed to Shanna's proposal, and the location of the dormitory was decided.

The headquarters of the new Shadow Base is opposite the stairs on the second floor. The space is so large that it is a bit wasteful. The original bonfire was located behind the stairs on the first floor, between two long and narrow shops, which is now the middle of the dormitory. The space is not small, but somewhat depressing. Moving the bonfire requires a lot of building materials. Judging from Shadow's current building material reserves, it is impossible to move the bonfire in a short time.

The only flaw of the new Shadow Base is that there are no outdoor small grids, making it impossible to build basic sentries. You can only build a sniper tower on the large grid outside the rooftop, but it is really a waste. The Doomsday Fortress is most lacking in outdoor grids, but the Shadow Base is most lacking in outdoor grids.

The stone has its own plan. The rooftop area is very large. In addition to the two large grids, there is also a lot of open space. He plans to mobilize everyone to carry soil and build their own farmland on the rooftop.

"Grow it and you'll die." Lin Wu replied unceremoniously.

Maya, who had finished the discussion, waved to the two of them from the first floor to come down. Following the stairs to the first floor, Maya said: "The minimum number of people in the Shadow Base is 4 people. We are now the minimum number of people. Once someone dies, the base will be disbanded. But we have to test whether the license plate can still deceive the surveillance."

Maya said: "Tou Shi is driving, and the target is the surveillance camera in the food court in front. Regardless of whether there is a flash or not, you drive back immediately. Lin Wu, you are responsible for covering and protecting the vehicle."

Shana answered with a smile on her face: "And we are responsible for hiding."

Shitou saw this in his eyes and asked, "With someone standing in front of you, does it make you feel relaxed?"

Shana nodded: "I prefer to deal with specific problems."

Shitou also nodded, then got in the car and started the engine: "This car's fuel level is at its lowest, I estimate it can only drive another 20-30 kilometers." After that, he drove out of the small square and drove onto the road towards the food court.

Shana and Maya stared closely at the surveillance cameras on the road. When the stone car approached the surveillance cameras, the flashlights lit up mercilessly. They both lamented at the same time and retreated into the building.

Shitou took advantage of the wide road and turned back to the small square. A drone flew from the airport in the north. Because the buildings in the town were very low, the red light locked directly on the pickup truck. The next second, a guided rocket blasted it into pieces. Propeller aircraft are a joy to face in front of fixed-wing aircraft.

Another minute passed, and four drones flew over the highway bridge where the Zhazha drone fell, and began searching for suspicious vehicles and people. Five minutes later, the drone returned to the airport after a fruitless search.

It’s over, I can’t leave.

Maya stood on the rooftop and looked around with a telescope. Here you can see the north side of the U-shaped highway, which is the top of the U on the left. The tent base ruins are to the south of the U-shaped highway, in the middle on the right side of the U.

Shana: "How's it going?"

Maya said: "We can let Su Shi and the others extend the road from the south to the north, and we will pick them up along the river bank to the road."

Shana asked: "Where's the horse?"

Highway U is more than ten meters higher than the town. People can use ropes and other props to reach the town safely. If two horses weighing 800 kilograms jump from a height of more than ten meters, they will basically die. More than ten meters high may not sound high, but it is actually equivalent to the height of the sixth floor.

Shana said: "I can only steal the license plate again."

Maya said: "Only the villa area has license plates. To reach the villa area without the help of transportation, you must first pass through the highway bridge intersection, then pass the intersection, and go down to reach the east and west villa areas through two roads. Take After reaching the license plate, you have to go back the same way." The cables in Lemon Town are deeply buried and there is no aerial corridor.

Maya said: "The best plan is to bring people back and then develop steadily with the new base as the center. Winter is coming, there is not much time left for us, and we are lacking everything now."

Shana said: "No. Let's not talk about whether Lin Wu agrees or not to abandon Phantom. If you abandon your own horse, what do you think everyone will think of you?"

"I do not care."

Shana said: "You may not care, but everyone does. Do you still remember when you abandoned Lin Wu in the abandoned city? Don't do this again. No one will thank you for abandoning your personal interests and emotions for the sake of the overall situation. On the contrary, everyone will think you are cold-blooded. Even if you don’t like sandstorms and phantoms, you still have to show off. This has nothing to do with you personally, but is related to the future development of the base. After all, there are still more than 270 days."

Maya asked, "Do you have a plan?"

Shana replied: "The drone can reach any place in the town in one minute. Once it is destroyed, four drones will arrive at the crash site in another minute and then pursue the vehicle based on monitoring feedback. I expect that it can There are about 3 minutes. The distance from the base to the ramp is 10 kilometers. As long as the speed reaches 190 kilometers per hour, you can hit the parking pole of the ramp before the second batch of drones arrive and return to the U-shaped highway. Then steal the license plate. .”

"190 kilometers per hour?"

Shana said: "Except for the 90-degree turns at the top highway bridge intersection and intersection, the other sections can be regarded as straight roads. In terms of road conditions, most cars can theoretically reach a speed of 190 kilometers per hour."

Maya said: "This is not a matter of speed. There are a lot of zombies on the straight road you mentioned. Once they hit one at 190 kilometers per hour, the car's durability will be reduced by at least half."

Shana said: "But there is no other way."

Maya thought for a moment and nodded: "Yeah, I know, I'll try."

Shana said: "You can't. If you want to steal the license plate, Lin Wu must take action. You and Lin Wu can't die together. We don't have to have the Shadow Base. Our backup plan is to use the tent base to survive the winter. If you and Lin Wu die together again, I guess the team It will be gone, and there will never be another shadow.”

Maya said: "You can't do it either. Nightmare runs everywhere. Her temporary residence is in Zuoxian. If you die, you will be resurrected 250 kilometers away."

Shana glanced down: "Isn't there another veteran driver?"

After listening to Shana's request, Shitou asked, "You want me to drive the pickup truck to 190 on the road in the town? And also avoid all the zombie obstacles?"

Shana asked: "Can't you do it?"

Shitou was startled and said, "I can't say it so absolutely." In front of the little girl, the word "no" didn't exist in the uncle's dictionary.

Shana said: "My plan is this: You drive to the U-shaped highway, steal the license plate at night, send the horses and Su Shi over first, and return to the tent base site. Add the five liters of fuel provided by Dashuang tomorrow, and steal again tomorrow night. Once you get the license plate, take the resurrected cotton with you to the new base."

Shana said: "After Lin Wu builds the tent base tomorrow day, he will go to the U-shaped highway to meet you through the river embankment." Lin Wu must build the tent base first, otherwise both horses will starve to death.

Shitou lowered his voice and said: "Shana, I'm not afraid of death, but the responsibility is heavy and the risks are extremely high. Let's put it this way, I really don't want to put everyone in a desperate situation because of my performance."

Shana said: "No. We have discussed that if you fail, New Shadow will be disbanded due to lack of manpower. At that time, we will retreat to the road through the embankment road, build a tent base near the beach for the winter, and do it again after spring Intend."

Shana encouraged: "If you win the bet, you can brag about it for the rest of your life. If you lose the bet, you are still a hero. I wonder what man doesn't have some dreams, right?"

"Why do you, a little girl, talk about dreams with me?" Shitou said, "Let Lin Wu fly the drone first. I need more accurate route information."

Shitou put his hand on the gear and looked ahead with solemn eyes. Lin Wu, who was in the passenger seat, cursed: "I let you drive, but I didn't let you die. I want to get out of the car."

Miraculously, Shi Shi didn't reply. As soon as the gear was engaged, the pickup slowly drove out of the small square and onto the road. To say that Sugon's design is still very perfect, the road monitoring is outside the safety zone. As soon as you leave the safety zone, the flash light turns on immediately.

The speed of the pickup began to increase. First, it passed the first right turn at a speed of 90 miles. Then the speed soared to 130 on the way to the intersection. The engine speed was close to 4,000. It turned left at the intersection at a speed of 130. The pickup made two right turns. The wheel leaves the ground.

What followed was a kick on the floor without letting go, the engine made a mournful sound, and the speed exceeded 5,000. Lin Wu held Xiaoda in his hand and leaned out the window to restore the size of Xiaoda. Xiaoda instantly took off his hands and flew into the air. It was followed by an S-shaped turn, avoiding three road zombies in a row.

At this time, the speed had reached 180. Lin Wu was a little excited and shouted loudly: "Rush, rush, rush!"

Shitou said calmly: "The average age of people who don't have a basic understanding of speed and danger is not very old."


"Because he dies quickly." Shitou glanced at the speedometer: "193."

Stone's ability lies in driving prediction. He kept driving on the left. When zombies appeared in the field of vision, his oily brain would instinctively make a judgment and switch to the middle or the right in advance. At the same time, he can immediately determine whether a car can pass between two zombies.

In the first minute, the drone pursued the pickup truck through monitoring feedback. Lin Wu maintained a lot of restraint, and only when the red light shone on the pickup truck did he use the drone to shoot down the drone. At this time, 1 minute and 20 seconds had passed, and the pickup had earned 20 seconds.

At 2 minutes and 20 seconds, four drones arrived in the sky above the crashed drone. After stagnating for about 5 seconds, they pounced on the pickup truck in the distance based on monitoring feedback. According to Shana's calculations from the high altitude, the accurate safety time was 2 minutes and 50 seconds, which was 10 seconds less than she expected.

She then complained, and Shanna believed that the drone should follow the signals provided by road monitoring and pursue the vehicle along the road. In fact, the drone predicted the pickup truck's route and flew in a straight line to intercept it.

The little white rabbit replied that this was a conclusion reached through calculation. The general meaning is that although you just farted when you woke up today, big data has calculated that there is a high probability that you will go to the toilet because of this fart and will not be able to catch the first bus. In order not to be deducted from your attendance, you must choose more Convenient taxis. Based on the local taxi vacancy rate during this time period, when you fart, big data has calculated that your chance of getting to work on time today is less than 5%.

A more professional example is the traffic light countdown of navigation. Navigation is not connected to the real-time information obtained from the transportation network. It is said to be the result of background calculation based on feedback from a large number of navigation users.

On the other side, the pickup truck hit the parking pole at a speed of 200 miles and rushed onto the ramp. The ramp was a curved road. Seeing that the car was about to hit the wall on the right, Lin Wu shouted: "Brake, brake."

"Shut up." Shitou did not apply the brakes to death, but used spot braking and shallow braking to control the speed and the body of the car, letting the car body rub against the wall on the right side of the ramp before applying the brakes deeply. In just 5 seconds, the vehicle speed dropped from 200 to 70, which was also due to the uphill slope of the ramp.

The pickup truck drove onto the U-shaped highway. Shi Shi stopped the car and turned off the engine, opened the door, and got out of the car without saying a word. After getting off the car, he sat down and patted his right leg, which was shaking uncontrollably.

Lin Wu came over and praised: "It's okay, old guy."

Shitou waved his hand to signal Lin Wu not to talk to him. He leaned against the pickup truck, took out a cigarette and lit it, took a deep breath, and exhaled a puff of virtual smoke. With this puff of non-existent smoke, his whole body finally relaxed.

Lin Wu: "Rest for a few minutes, and then I will take over the most dangerous section of the road."

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