Corrupted Nation

Chapter 307 Three Gunners

There are also different grades of corpses that are touched. Among them, the highest level is the player's corpse. The system will determine the value of the player's relics and then arrange them according to the value. Theoretically, players can touch the corpse three times within one minute of corpse refresh time, but in practice, they cannot touch the corpse three times. Without skill bonus, it takes 20 seconds to touch a corpse each time.

The 20 seconds is only for players and is specially set to protect the legacy of dead players. For zombies and NPCs, the overall attributes are looked at when touching corpses. The maximum time is 20 seconds. The higher the comprehensive attributes, the faster you can touch the corpse. The most influential of these is intelligence.

As an old thief, Lin Wu knew how to touch corpses. So before he killed someone, he had already put one hand on the man in the forest. The moment the man in the forest died, he immediately started to touch the corpse, and he was determined to touch it three times.

Lin Wu thought he could touch a night vision device or a weapon for the first time, but he didn't expect to touch a satellite phone and a headset. There are communication numbers of 9 people in the satellite phone, namely Nightmare, Blood Dream, Nightmare, etc.

The second time, there was still no night vision goggles or weapons, but a jeep card. The Jeep Card can summon an off-road jeep and can be used for 6 hours. This thing is a treasure to agents, but to Lin Wu, it is garbage, because Lin Wu and the others have the limitations of blood mist and darkness. Unless you are driving near a train, use train lights to protect yourself.

The third time there was still no night vision goggles or weapons, but a plane ticket. After using the ticket, you can take a helicopter to any location close to the railway track within a radius of 500 kilometers. Although it was worth more than a night vision device, it was still trash to Lin Wu.

The man in the forest has his own skills. He first reaches the railway track where the Orient Express must pass and waits. Since the system did not allow him to directly destroy the railway track, Lin Zhongren took a paintbrush and spent more than an hour painting on the 30-meter railway track until the railway track was completely gone. Of course, he took advantage of the fact that the rails curve around the woods and the train headlights shine directly, so that the Orient Express cannot detect the rails at night.

I was pressed for time and the painting was rough, but you can't tell unless you get close. After preparing everything, the forest man placed animal traps on the left and right sides of the railway track, took his rifle and hid in the woods, waiting quietly for his prey to take the bait.

The main reason why the people in the forest were killed was that they obtained an important piece of information, that is, Lin Wu and Maya had both died before. When Nightmare came into contact with Lin Wu today, she discovered that Lin Wu was very agile, so she suspected that Maya had given the amulet to Lin Wu. Therefore, she did not rush to chase the Orient Express, but let others get on first.

Lin Wu, who had no skills or attributes, was just a blank slate in their eyes. Their score in hunting down Sasha depends on the strength of the players who protect Sasha, and supplies are an important part of the player's strength. Members of the Orient Express hold a large amount of currency and buy in Town No. 10, making the Orient Express the fattest sheep in Town No. 10.

In this case, Nightmare and Blooddream notice Nightmare's unusually negative attitude toward Fat Sheep. The shrewd ones said that they had a relationship with Lin Wu and could not take action for the time being, so other agents could take action first. At this time, the people in the forest jumped out and said that they wanted to get the first vote and asked everyone not to grab the order. Sanmeng not only agreed, but was also willing to provide coordinate guidance to the people in the forest, on the condition that the people in the forest informed them of the pursuit situation.

It can be seen from the description of the people in the forest that Lin Wu did not know what elixir he had taken, and his strength was not compromised by death. Lin Wu's stealth skill is the most troublesome skill for Jimeng. You can't see it from a distance, and you can't see clearly when it's dark. By the time you can see clearly, he is already beside you. Once Lin Wu gets close, there is almost no chance of winning.

After the death of the man in the forest, the three dreams had their own thoughts. Their mission should have been to kill Shasha, but they preferred to kill Lin Wu. Needless to say, Nightmare and Blood Dream, the lair was looted, Nightmare did not take the blame, Maya left a note in the Blood Dream safe house, so all this was done by Lin Wu. They wanted to eat Lin Wu alive. Of course, before eating Lin Wu alive, he must kill Lin Wu and wash away his attributes and skills, otherwise he will be eaten alive by Lin Wu.

The nightmare was more complicated than the double dream, and she also had a reason to kill Lin Wu. The first reason is naturally the rules of the game. They are now hostile and no longer partners. Unless in this event they can find common interests. Are there common interests? Of course not, Nightmare's biggest competitor is already destitute.

The second reason is that as long as Lin Wu and Maya are killed, they will switch to non-hardcore mode, and no one will tell Shuangmeng the truth about the looting of Shuangmeng. Nightmare is not afraid of Double Dream, but she is more willing to take advantage of Double Dream. After being robbed, Shuangmeng could only find a wealthy nightmare to borrow high-interest points to buy weapons for missions. Strictly speaking, Shuang Meng is now the two younger brothers of Nightmare.

The third reason is that nightmares are also afraid of Lin Wu. She was not afraid of Lin Wu because of his strength. She was worried that if Lin Wu returned to Zuoxian County, he would have his brain twitched one day or his safe house would be robbed due to the shortage of resources in the base.

It is true that Nightmare also believed that Lin Wu had a moral bottom line, but if he wanted to save his base and friends, Lin Wu would lower his moral bottom line. Even if Lin Wu really kept his promise, Nightmare would not dare to leave his destiny to Lin Wu's control. She witnessed Shuang Meng's tragic end with her own eyes. A competitor that was once one of the best went bankrupt overnight.

"The painting is really good." He drove the train nearby and everyone got off the train to admire the painting. I often see videos on the Internet of masters painting the road. This is the first time I have experienced it in person, and I have praised the painting skills of the people in the forest.

Maya only glanced at it, took the satellite phone Lin Wu gave her, and returned to the train to make a nightmare call: "It looks like this event is a team effort between you."

Nightmare did not deny it: "There are no points for killing each other."

Maya said: "Besides, your points have far exceeded theirs. Aren't you worried about being tricked by them?"

Nightmare said: "No, no, I won't lose much if I die, unless..."

"Unless it's out of pocket?"

"Haha." Nightmare did not deny it and said: "The price of this satellite phone is 800 points. I only need 150 points to buy an assault rifle. How serious are the consequences of being pocketed? Maya? , why don’t you consider handing over Shasha?”

Maya said: "One-third of the points means nothing to me."

Nightmare: "In exchange, after the event, I can help you and Lin Wu buy two fortress tickets. After you get the special location in front of the ticket, you can take the plane back to Zuoxian County, the future city."

Maya asked: "Shuixi Middle School?"

Nightmare was a little surprised: "You know a lot."

Maya didn't answer and said, "Forget it." When she decides to do something, she won't change her mind easily.

Nightmare said: "There are currently three trains with passenger carriages, and two of them will take Shasha with them tomorrow morning. But because you have the most supplies and the strongest strength, you can get very high points by killing Shasha on your train."

Maya asked: "You mean you are planning to use wolf tactics and besiege the Orient Express?"

Nightmare said without comment, "Consider my proposal seriously and give me a call."

The nightmare was right, the Orient Express was very fat, but after the forest man was eaten dry and wiped dry, the temporary alliance of agents became afraid of the Orient Express for a while. Although no one said not to attack the Orient Express, no one made suggestions on how to attack the Orient Express.

After hanging up the phone from Maya, she pondered the nightmare for a long time and took her mobile phone to send a group message: Whoever can kill Shasha from Orient Express, I will give an extra two thousand points, and whoever can kill Lin Wu, I will give five thousand points.

As long as you don't die, you will make a profit, and no one will lose if you die.

Maya slapped the car door: "Get in the car."

The train continues to set off, and the night mission on the third day appears: Line 1, Sharpshooter. Line 2: Quick shooter. Line 3: Sharpshooter.

Then a three-choice puzzle-solving meeting was held.

Hongyi offered advice: "I know the difference between a quick shooter and the other two, but what is the difference between a sharpshooter and a sharpshooter?"

Maya replied: "Not only in the Guards, but also in ancient cold weapons and even hot weapons, there are differences between the two. Sharpshooters are similar to long-distance snipers, corresponding to longbowmen with cold weapons. Let's just say that in the era of hot weapons, sharpshooters fired more frequently. Slow, usually use semi-automatic rifle weapons, pursue accuracy, and have a single target. A marksman is similar to a sharpshooter, but the difference is that the marksman mostly performs rapid sniping within a distance of two hundred meters, and is good at shooting multiple targets continuously within 50 meters."

Maya said: "The sharpshooter lurked for three days, just to fire one shot. The sharpshooter fires frequently and has two functions: suppressing the enemy and shooting the enemy. In addition, the sharpshooter also serves as the protection of the armored team, quickly discovering and shooting Kill soldiers carrying anti-armor individual weapons. After the end of World War II, as the range of anti-armor weapons increased, the role of sharpshooters gradually decreased. However, the role of sharpshooters rose to a strategic level."

Maya's eloquent introduction made everyone even more confused about how to choose. In fact, Maya can't see the way between the three. Before Maya could look at him, Lin Wu exploded: "I have the skills of a quick shooter and a sharpshooter."

"What's the difference?"

Lin Wu replied: "One is for close range, and the other is for distance." The effective range of the quick shooter is 15 meters, and the derived headlock skill has an effective range of 3 meters. The sharpshooter allows the shooter to ignore the interference of temperature and wind. As long as the gun range is sufficient, he can hit wherever he aims. Of course, the traditional sights equipped with rifles do not match the skills. The best thing to use is the crosshair.

Several people did not have a unified view, and no one had a confident opinion, so the decision-making power was left to Maya. Maya asked, "Can Quickshooter do it?"

In Maya's view, speed is only a physical requirement, while sharpshooters and marksmen have technical requirements. In Maya's understanding, problems that can be solved with the body are not problems. For example, there are two jobs: computer repair and moving. Computer repairmen can not only repair computers, but also move. The movers will most likely not be able to repair computers. Ask Maya to choose a job, even if she is a computer genius, she will choose moving, because she is not sure whether she has the skills to deal with the faulty computer, but she is sure that she has the ability to complete the moving job.

No one said anything. In their opinion, fast shooters were not the first choice. The reason was that they had the word "quick". You have to sleep at night, and your reaction will definitely weaken.

Splash call: "A decision must be made within two minutes."

"Sharpshooter?" Lin Wu immediately laid down the steps after seeing that Maya's decision was not accepted by everyone.

Everyone nodded, not bad. Maya did not act arbitrarily and said: "Choose a sharpshooter."

Mission: Night Watch.

Night Watch Sharpshooter: Mission duration is 10 hours. The goal is to pop 10 balloons using the firearms and 10 bullets provided by the mission. Within 10 hours, 10 shiny balloons will rise randomly around the train, ranging from 50-300 meters away, and the balloons will remain for 15 seconds.

Each time the mission fails, 10% of the coal consumption will be reduced. Each successful mission increases coal consumption by 5%.

Lin Wu was not happy when he saw it: "Didn't the train stop after failing all 10 times?"

Maya looked at Lin Wu with hopeless eyes and explained: "Suppose there are 10,000 kilograms of coal burning. If it fails once, 9,000 kilograms will remain. If it fails again, 8,100 kilograms will remain."

Lin Wu nodded: "So it's a descending formula." He didn't review the questions rigorously.

Maya said: "Lin Wu, you are responsible for keeping vigil."

"Me?" Lin Wu pointed at himself and thought for a while: "There seems to be no more suitable candidate." He has the skill of a sharpshooter, regardless of data such as wind speed and temperature, he can hit wherever he aims. The gun given by the system was the Timber Wolf that Lin Wu was extremely familiar with. This was an enhanced version of the Timber Wolf with a range of up to 800 meters.

After being designated as the person in charge, Lin Wu, who felt the pressure, felt that he had made the wrong choice, but after looking at the other two items, he changed his mind.

The Marksman of the Night Watch targets thirty balloons. Each balloon stays in the air for 10 seconds and the distance is 10-30 meters.

The quick shooter of the Night Watch targets two hundred balloons. Each balloon stays in the air for only 5 seconds and the distance is 1-5 meters.

After picking up the Timber Wolf, Lin Wu went to the flatbed car. Hong Yi and Qing Lang then sent bedding and blankets, and there was almost no wind in a small area near the passenger compartment. They laid out the warm bedding, stood at the back door of the passenger compartment, chatted with Lin Wu for a while, and left. About 20 minutes later, Hongyi brought mutton soup in a thermos cup to Lin Wu. Judging from everyone's actions and eyes, they still cared about Lin Wu very much. They always felt that it was not good to leave Lin Wu alone outside, and they felt bad about leaving Lin Wu alone to watch the night.

It was nothing to Lin Wu. Not to mention that he was a suitable candidate, he was also happy to help and protect his companions. After that, he sent away his companions who came to visit him several times, telling them not to disturb him while he was training his heart and soul, so they didn't come back again.

At this time, a bright balloon appeared a hundred meters away, about 10 meters above the ground, and lifted off at a moderate speed. Because there were sparse trees constantly blocking the shooting range, Lin Wu took aim and waited quietly.

At the ninth second, Lin Wu shot the balloon, completing 1/10 of the mission. After shooting, Lin Wu stretched out his hand to catch it out of habit, and a hot bullet casing landed on the palm of his hand. This shot made Lin Wu feel better and feel homesick. He missed the Silent One who had been with him for a long time.

Xiao Wai seemed to know his master's thoughts. The dog's head came out from under the quilt and rubbed against Lin Wu's chest. Lin Wu stroked the dog's head and was very grateful to have Xiao Wai by his side at this time. What if Maya was by your side? How can that be done? If you touch Maya's head, she'll be beaten to death.

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