Corrupted Nation

Chapter 210 Blind Box

The small white box is a beautiful landscape in the home, and is called the Shuguang blind box by everyone. The contents of the small white box were fixed at the beginning, but no one knew what was inside. There are often systematic activities of blind box auctions in the market. Since the buyer does not know from which channel the blind box was obtained, the seller must bid at the price of a piece of scrap iron. Usually the transaction price is a pistol bullet. Personnel from this base and allied bases are not allowed to bid.

Although there is still a lot of room for manipulation, it is the most lively activity in the market. This activity is interesting because the seller only knows how he got the blind box and can estimate the value of the blind box, but the seller does not know what is inside the blind box. There have been cases where someone traded a pistol round for an important base mod.

Lin Wu said: "This is quite interesting." Who doesn't like gifts, right? Compared with ordinary gifts, gifts that even the giver doesn't know are more surprising.

Shana shook her head lightly: "Seven gifts for ten people, deducting Shi Shi and Su Shi, is not fair to the Xuedan on duty. Who will be responsible for the task on the 33rd floor in the future? Is it a few masters who will be responsible for the task, or will everyone join in the fun? Suppose a few people will be responsible for the task Take a gift, the gift is a medicine that increases the attribute star, who should it belong to?"

Shanna said: "The more choices, the less conducive to unity."

"Oh?" Lin Wu put the box into the backpack, that's your deputy commander's job. I don't care how you manage the team as a screwdriver.

Shana said: "This is the allusion of the ruined boat. Originally, the soldiers had two choices of fleeing and resisting. After the ruined boat, the soldiers only had the choice of resisting. We choose an entertainment facility. If there is only one entertainment facility, everyone will choose it." There will be no disagreement."

Shana said: "The most terrifying thing about a team is the uneven benefits. Shadow has been working hard to survive before, and everyone has demonstrated the value of their own existence. Once the crisis of food and clothing is over, they may have certain ideas about resource allocation. For example, the cancellation of summer Food. There are only five pieces of meat in a pot of soup, how do you divide them? Or do you think it’s fair to prepare 10 very average portions of food today? Some people are full after eating half, and some people feel comfortable eating two portions.”

Shana said: "Equal distribution, some people waste and some people don't have enough to eat. Distribution according to needs, people who eat more will consume more base resources. Can people who eat less ask to improve the quality of their diet? It is difficult to start a business, and it is even more difficult to keep a business." Difficult, when starting a business, everyone is poor, and when starting a business, everyone has to distribute profits.”

Lin Wu said: "Maya likes to connect the background of the game with reality, and you like to expand your thinking, plan ahead, and take precautions. It's a natural match." This kind of thinking requires a certain pessimism, thinking about the worst development of things, in order to do it. A good countermeasure.

While talking, the two returned to the lobby. Lin Wu gave the uncle the mission token on the 33rd floor, and the uncle sent the mission card: Rescue. Taskers need to find the target on the 33rd floor.

Mission background, the Aisha family has contracted the 33rd floor of the Zuo County Hotel as the place for the family to have annual social gatherings. A certain member of the Aisha family is one of the shareholders of Fortress, and most of the members also have ID cards. There is also a famous scientist in the family. After the outbreak of the zombie virus, scientists who did not participate in the fellowship lost contact with their family members. Over the next few months, scientists used the serum to create an antimatter entropy-reducing serum.

Entropy increase: Pork becomes bacon, and the result is irreversible after the change.

Entropy reduction: Bacon turns into pig.

This theory is based on the theory of yin and yang, five elements and eight trigrams. Where there is yin, there must be yang. Where there is life, there is death. Pork can turn into bacon, and bacon can naturally turn into pigs. The key lies in the method.

To put it simply, in one sentence: This is a serum that can turn zombies into normal people.

Task: Inject the serum into the body of the target zombie, use the target mobile phone to contact the scientist, and send the target to the helicopter on the rooftop.

Target: Patriarch of the Aisha family. This Aisha family friendship has an important topic, because the previous family head died, so this family friendship requires family members to elect a new family head. Since the scientist keeps his ears to the outside world, he does not know who is likely to be the head of the household. But as a member of the Aisha family, he is obliged to rescue the Patriarch.

"Probably means: collect information and confirm the identity of the patriarch without killing any zombies." Lin Wu turned over the task card: "Mission difficulty B. Wow!" 34th floor C+, now directly B level, skipping B- class.

"go back?"

"go back."


On the way back, the two were somewhat worried about some emotions that Xuedan, who had not participated in the mission, might have. But they underestimated the power of love. Since Xuedan is the top class, Xiaodao and Xuedan push each other in front of everyone, so childish.

Unable to bear the sight of the stone, he coughed loudly to stop the two of them, and then looked at the seven boxes on the conference table blocking the back door: "Everyone takes one." Su Shi stretched out his grenade gun and stopped Su Shi who stood up: No part for you.

"I'll just take a look." Su Shi walked up to the 7 neatly placed boxes and looked them over seriously: "From my junior engineer's perspective, I can see that at least one, maybe two boxes contain materials. "

Most people don't quite believe it. Only Shitou, who played radio in his early years, knows that the probability of opening materials in blind boxes is 25%. Sure enough, every man likes to pretend to be 13, except for himself who is low-key, luxurious and connotative.

Shi Shi fired a grenade and said, "Take it, hurry up."

"I'll come first." Lin Wu started, took the one closest to him, opened it, threw the box away, and said speechlessly, "Damn it!" A piece of iron!

Shi Shi said, "As far as your character is concerned, do you still want a birthday cake?"

Lin Wunu: "Old stuff."

Shi Shi retorted: "Little guy."

"I'll take the second one." Maya stopped the two of them from talking, and also took the nearest box, opened it and took out a capsule: "Attribute medicine, increase agility by one star."

"Wow." Everyone exclaimed, attribute medicine can be regarded as the best in the blind box. Not to mention the effect, only system tasks, dungeon expeditions, etc. may have attribute medicine rewards, which are very rare.

Maya sat down and reached out to Lin Wu. Lin Wu looked at the capsule for a second, then reached out to take it away. Maya stopped and didn't look at Lin Wu the whole time.

Horse Soul took out a big pistol: "Mauser military pistol, 20 rounds of magazines, 7.62mm bullets. What? Such a big pistol bullet?"

Most pistol bullets are 9mm bullets, and some small-caliber firearms use .22 bullets. In addition to the larger-bore .45 and .50 Deahawks, there are also .38 and .357. Players have never seen a pistol that uses 7.62mm bullets, let alone a pistol that can be loaded with 20 rounds of 7.62mm bullets.

Xuedan said, "Isn't this just a small assault rifle?"

Maya Science said: "The Mauser pistol is also called a shell gun and a box gun. It was a weapon produced in Germany from World War I to World War II. It actually used 7.63mm bullets. After the end of World War I, it was limited to the Versailles Treaty, and the German semi-automatic rifle was developed by the defeated country. and production were restricted, so such a powerful police pistol was developed. The pistol is not within the restrictions of the treaty. The shadow of the Mauser pistol can be seen all over the world before and after World War II. However, the failure rate of this gun is relatively high, and the recoil big."

Maya's serious science popularization made everyone dull, and the scene lost some entertainment atmosphere, and fell into a cold spot. Lin Wu started acting like a demon, clamoring, "Peanuts, peanuts, scrap iron, scrap iron."

Peanut took advantage of the opportunity and rolled up his sleeves. The moment he opened the box with an invincible aura, Peanut collapsed on the conference table. Looking at Lin Wu, he slapped a piece of scrap iron on the table and shouted to the sky: "Heaven, Is there any reason?"

"Wow." Everyone was shocked, shocked by Su Shi's professional talent, and shocked by Lin Wu's crow's mouth.

Lin Wu himself was also shocked, Xiaodao took the box to Lin Wu, and threatened: "Blow it to me."

Lin Wu took a deep breath and was about to blow it out. Seeing Xiaodao clenched his fist, he asked kindly, "What do you want?"

Xiaodao was stunned, and looked back at Xuedan: "What do I want?"

Xue Dan was also stunned: "I don't know."

Lin Wu: "A pair of shoes?"

Xiaodao thought for a while: "It must look good."

Lin Wu said to the box, "Nice shoes."

The knife opened the box, and it was not shoes, but a fairy wand. A fairy wand that emits mysterious light and can wave a little bit of starlight to float in all directions. After waving the knife twice, he froze again. Is this good or not? In principle, it is a toy, but the game has special effects, and it still does not require batteries for nuclear energy permanent special effects.

Everyone looked at each other, not sure whether to give applause or comfort.

Cui Yu said: "Hanging on the backpack, it must look good at night."

Xiaodao was very satisfied with this statement, yes, nothing is better than good-looking. Thinking of myself running at night, with the little stars accompanying my figure, the scene can be described as beautiful. Taking ten thousand steps back, it is better than iron and scrap iron.

Cuiyu and Shana were left, and they opened it together. Cuiyu got a sentry hot water plug, which can make tea, coffee, or just hot water on the sentry. Shana got a bow with special effects, the effect is similar to that of a fairy wand, except that it swayed out a variety of fluorescent butterflies.

Lin Wu turned his head to Shi Shi and said, "Did Shuguang see us as a bully?"

Shitou applauded and said softly, "It's because Shana and Xiaodao are easy to bully."

I saw that Shana was very happy and hugged Xiaodao, and the Yeguang Sisters Group was established. Since then, at night, two women often run in the dark area on the edge of the safety zone.

After the blind box is over, enter into the working meeting. The difficulty of the rescue mission is to collect clues and information without killing the zombies, and kidnapping becomes the only feasible means. However, since the search team did not collect the rope recently, almost all the garbage dumped into the warehouse was snacks, so the rope was seriously insufficient.

The second difficulty is that zombies need to be tied up, and the process may cause injuries to members. So Maya divided the 7 people into 3 groups. Before grouping, draw lots first, leaving one person to assist the stone in the base.

Due to the prizes, we need to discuss a small question first: Is it true that except for Shi Shi and Su Shi, everyone else draws lots?

Lin Wu said: "The 34th floor focuses more on solving puzzles than fighting, and the rescue mission on the 33rd floor doesn't seem to be too intense a battle."

Peanut said: "Everyone brings blunt weapons and catches zombies with nooses. It's a two-pronged approach. As long as the division of labor is clear, there won't be too much danger."

Lin Wu didn't want to do any more bullshit tasks, so he poked around in the sewer every day. Especially walking down the sewer with Shana, walking for eight hours a day, talking about bacteria from the universe, and talking about all the topics that can be talked about. Peanut saw Lin Wu's idea and supported it.

Everyone has no opinion, and everyone participated in the lottery. Shi Shi took the poker cards and put them on the table, each of them took one, Lin Wu opened the cards: "Tomorrow I will stay behind." His mood was instantly cheerful, the sewer matter was minor, and he knew that he was not suitable for group activities was the main reason. Touch the fish, I feel sorry for everyone. Don't touch fish, sorry for myself, I really have no motivation to do repetitive work.

The next step is grouping, and after grouping, the ropes in the air corridor should be recovered. This part of the meeting had nothing to do with Lin Wu. Lin Wu sneaked to the edge of the safe zone, and took advantage of the stamina recovery feature of the safe zone to spawn zombies and practice agility. He ran along the edge of the safe zone, and ran into the safe zone when his stamina ran out.

Why not run in the safe zone? It is said that the experience gain rate in the safe zone is much lower than that outside the safe zone.

Running is a very healthy sport. It not only increases agility, but also increases physical strength and perseverance. After taking the pill given by Maya, Lin Wu's agility is 18 stars, and he is sprinting to 20 stars to learn as a sharpshooter. Once learned sharpshooter, he is a sharpshooter.

During the meeting, Maya divided people into 3 groups. For example, A was injured, and A and his team member B will retreat together with the support group. The members of the support team are Cuiyu, Shana and Xuedan. Maya and Peanut are in a group, whether they are retreating injured or retreating alone, they are stronger than a single night devil. The small knife and the horse soul are in a group, the small knife can fight, and the horse soul can carry it.

Everyone went to the substation to retrieve the three ropes, took out all the ropes they had, and practiced the rope at the base. Seeing that they were in high spirits, Lin Wu didn't bother them, and went back to the base of the weather station after talking to Shana.

Walking into the living room of the weather station base, there was a box next to the radio station in the living room. Lin Wu opened it and saw that there was a small cake inside, with the words "Happy Birthday" written on the cake. There is a stone message card on one side: The system notifies me that today is your birthday. Rather than being surprised, I think you prefer to be alone and melancholy. Take the cake and find a place where no one is around to eat it.

ha! The system is really nosy. Look at the ugly appearance of this cake, without the addition of a chef, it was either made by Stone or by Su Shi. Strange, how can there be a cake without a kitchen? Oh, built a kitchen to make a cake and then dismantled it. Why dismantle? I just don't want others to know that today is my birthday.

Lin Wu took the hot water plug and the cake to the sentry post, while Xiaowai crawled on the bench. Lin Wu made a cup of hot water to make tea, and then took out a piece of cake for Xiaowai. Dogs are said to not be able to eat anything, which is perfectly fine here. Lin Wu held the cake with his hands, mixed it with tea and drank it, and wiped his clothes casually with his hands, so it could be refreshed anyway.

Everyone has a different understanding of birthdays. As a Lin Wu who grew up in a public environment, his birthday and life may be the only personal things he owns. Since he went to work and study in college, he has had his own private property one after another, but he has never shared his birthday and life with others. In his view, this is something that is entirely his own.

After eating, Lin Wu took a sentry card to reduce the threat value. Then lie down with Xiaowai as a pillow, enjoy the cool breeze, and enjoy the tranquility of the unusual night.

Recently, I had an idea in my mind. Although I have never heard of a similar idea, I personally think that someone should have thought about it. Therefore, although it is my own idea, it does not guarantee a crash or feasibility.

First of all, we have to put aside details such as investment and return, and only consider whether it is feasible.

The problem is the diversion of the high school entrance examination. About 50% of the candidates cannot go to high school. Of course, they can succeed without going to high school, but many of them have a college dream. What should we do?

25 parents can rent or buy a small villa or office building, meeting room, etc., and hire teachers of six or nine subjects to teach these students. The treatment can be more generous, with a monthly salary of 20,000 yuan, and finally a performance award according to the above line.

The first rule to use: Social youth can also take the college entrance examination.

The second rule used: Hiring teachers or social personnel to impart knowledge to social personnel does not seem to violate the policy. It's all a matter of society, and the education department can't control it.

Next comes detail consideration.

Based on the calculation of six teachers, the monthly salary is 20,000 yuan, 1.44 million yuan per year, and about 4.3 million yuan in 3 years, and the burden of each parent is about 200,000 yuan. Not more expensive than some private high schools. For example, parents who enter 985 can give tens of thousands of extra performance awards.

Due to the reform of education and training, I believe that there are many excellent teachers in the society. A monthly salary of 20,000 yuan is not considered high, but you can still hire better teachers.

In a normal school, one teacher is in charge of two to three classes with 150 students. Here they only need to be responsible for 25 people.

For parents, they have the right to choose teachers.

Just think about it, write it casually, and it is impossible to determine whether it is feasible.

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