Corrupted Nation

Chapter 199 Trust?

At seven o'clock in the morning, Blood Dream walked from the inner room to the bonfire and sat on a dilapidated wooden chair. I reached out to fetch a glass of water from the water supply at the base, poured the water into the iron pot, put two firewood into the campfire, and started to boil the water. The base water supply is a system benefit, which can provide players with a certain amount of clean water. It is definitely not enough to pour vegetables in the bath, but it is still possible to make two cups of black tea and a few cups of coffee. However, this benefit will also be canceled in the summer.

The guard post of the temporary base is at the back door. Nightmare came down from the guard post at the end of the day, went to the living room, put a tea bag in his thermos, and chatted with Blood Dream after pouring boiling water. Nightmare came out from the inner room, walked out of the base, stood on the edge of the safe zone of the base, loosened his muscles and bones, and turned his head to check the surrounding situation.

Nightmare called Nightmare to the bonfire, saying: "He may wear a helmet when he leaves the base, and returning to the base is the best time to assassinate. When he steps into the base, all his belongings will be confiscated by the warehouse. This is the best time to kill him." Assassination time."

Xuemeng said: "The signal tower can only see part of the backyard and the west parking lot. What if he doesn't take these two routes?"

Meng Meng said: "So we are 3 people." The 3 people take turns to change shifts, and they can always squat to guard him.

Blood Dream: "We can obtain more skill books than ordinary players. Have you ever thought that we can also cultivate our own attributes and skills?"

Nightmare held hot tea in his hand: "It's useless, I tried it, but I can't stand it." They need to do tasks, the tasks are very dangerous, and sometimes they need to sacrifice their lives to complete the tasks. Developing attributes and skills means that they have a lot of concerns about their actions in the future.

Blood dreamed for a while, but it was really not realistic. In addition to the degree of danger, it is also necessary to collect various materials to make weapons and tools. The best way is to be affiliated with a large base, share resources, and complement each other. But Nanxia Town, You County, where Blood Dream is located, and Nanxia Town, Zuo County, where Nightmare is located, don't have very good big bases.

Only Beishang Town of Zuo County has the Shadow family, and they have successfully established themselves in Zuo County. Seeing Nightmare from Blood Dream, this kid didn't just assassinate Lin Wu, he also wanted to eliminate his biggest opponent: Nightmare. After extinguishing the nightmare, his next target was himself. Different from ordinary players, the ten Fortress agents have a strong competitive atmosphere, and there is only interest in keeping them together, not affection.

For Blood Dream, her main competitors are also Nightmare and Nightmare. Currently, Nightmare is the strongest and has the highest points among the three because of the second expedition. Next came Nightmare, and then Blooddream himself. Xue Meng thought of Lin Wu when he thought of this incident. If Lin Wu hadn't killed him three times, his points would definitely not be lower than them now.

Why don't you cooperate with Shadow? Compared with the nightmare, I have communicated with Lin Wu, and I can still talk about it. It's just that my safe house is in Nanxia Town, Youxian County, and cooperating with Shadow will not help me much. Or after killing Lin Wu, he could sell Nightmare and Nightmare and let the shadow man avenge Lin Wu.

"Go." Nightmare stood up.

Blood Dream put down the cup, took out the Timberwolf to check the magazine, and hung the Timberwolf back on the gun rack. Although she was killed by Lin Wu many times in the expedition dungeon, Blood Dream still got a lot of points. With these points, she, Nightmare and Nightmare exchanged for a .50 sniper rifle.

The change of sniper rifles is not all because of Lin Wu, but the sniper rifles are widely used in their missions, and the .50 bullets are good for them to destroy heavy targets.

Because a lone zombie was encountered on the road, Nightmare was a step behind in order to deal with it, and Blood Dream arrived under the signal tower first. She didn't think too much, she climbed up with her hands alternately, and Nightmare climbed up behind her. Nightmare took the black tea and stood in the safe area, looking around out of the corner of his eye, but found no trace of Lin Wu and the others. She was on duty last night and didn't see Lin Wu and the others. However, based on her knowledge of Lin Wu, she believed that Lin Wu would definitely come, and probably had already come.

Xuemeng climbed to a high place and stopped, turned his head to look around, overlooking the beautiful scenery, the wind blowing his hair made people feel refreshed.

Nightmare: "Go to the top and see."

Blood Dream was a little dissatisfied that the nightmare disturbed his good mood, but he didn't say anything, and quickly climbed to the end and boarded the maintenance area. As soon as her body stood up straight, Xuemeng was surprised to see that her life had suddenly bottomed out, and there was pain in her head. Before she could turn around, her eyes went dark, and when they brightened again, she had already reached the waiting point for resurrection.

Lin Wu hugged Xuemeng's body and dragged it backwards, trying to drag it aside to avoid being discovered by Nightmare. Nightmare discovered something was wrong through the iron grid in the maintenance area, and looked up to see Lin Wu. Lin Wu put the body down, stood at the entrance of the straight ladder, and smashed the Nightmare forehead guard 3 meters away in his hands. Nightmare immediately held both sides of the ladder with both hands, hung his feet on both sides of the ladder, and slid down quickly as if hugging the ladder.

At this moment, Lin Wu made an epic mistake. The first bullet is the quick shooter lock. When the second bullet was successfully locked and the trigger was pulled, Nightmare was already 3 meters away, causing a shot to fly. The third shot was fired, and the nightmare had already slipped to more than 10 meters below. Lin Wu emptied the magazine, not knowing if he had hit, and immediately pulled out the silent one.

The nightmare has landed. Lin Wu took aim and fired. Nightmare rolled to the left to avoid a shot, Lin Wu's hair stood up in anger, he pulled the bolt, put the gun on the guardrail and shot down, and was avoided by Nightmare again.

At this time, only Maya knew that Lin Wu was tricking her. Due to Lin Wu's skillful handling of guns, he can always get the best shooting time. The timing of Lin Wu's bolt pulling and shooting time is systematized. Nightmare can know when Lin Wu will shoot by counting down the seconds, and rolling in advance can avoid bullets.

Nightmare rolled downhill. This is a 50-centimeter-high vertical surface. Nightmare sat on the ground and leaned against the wall, calling for reinforcements: "Lin Wu is on the signal tower."

Lin Wu hit Mengyan's left leg with a single shot. Mengyan could only retract his left leg and curl it into a ball, and put a professional-grade bandage on his left leg. Professional grade bandages work just as well as before the update and heal wounds. But this thing either needs a very advanced doctor to make it in a pharmaceutical laboratory, or it can only be obtained in missions, or it can be purchased from a fortress company like a nightmare by spending a lot of fortress points.

Seeing that the pursuit was fruitless, Lin Wu resolutely gave up on the nightmare and began to touch the corpse. At this time, some time had been wasted, and Lin Wu could not complete the entire process of touching the corpse, which was also his big mistake.

"Gun, gun, gun." Lin Wu got a professional-grade bleeding bandage, how professional is it? Even if the limbs are broken, it can stop the bleeding and heal the bleeding. Lin Wu threw it into the backpack without looking at it, and continued to grope: "Gun, gun, gun!" Last chance.

The search progress bar reached 100%, and a handful of Timberwolves appeared in Lin Wu's hand, exactly the same as the Timberwolves lost by Cuiyu. A handsome man can really move the heavens and the earth. Lin Wu pulled the gun and loaded it, looking for the nightmare. If this shot hits Nightmare's left leg, Nightmare's left leg will be broken directly.

Nightmare decided that Lin Wu was going to touch the corpse, so after taking medicine in the bunker and waiting for a while, he mustered up the courage to run out of the bunker, but he didn't expect a bullet to fly from the side. Nightmare, who was hit in many places, fell to the ground and rolled, relying on the location to roll towards the safety zone of the temporary base. After Maya missed, she immediately chased after her. Firstly, she was chasing after Nightmare, and secondly, the gunshots alarmed the nearby zombies, so she had to change her place.

Just when Nightmare thought he was about to be saved, a foot stepped on his body, preventing him from rolling towards the safe zone. Nightmare looked up and saw Nightmare, who aimed an assault rifle at himself with both hands.

Nightmare expressionless, said: "It turns out that you betrayed me."

Nightmare replied: "When you came to assassinate me, you should know that we are already sworn enemies."

Nightmare sneered: "You are wrong! When we got the immigration notice together, we were already sworn enemies."

Nightmare: "You're right." Shoot and kill Nightmare Mo's corpse.

After touching the corpse once and a half, Nightmare stopped touching the corpse, pointed the gun at Maya who was running and shot. Maya was stunned, and Nightmare killed the two zombies who were chasing Maya. Nightmare walked sideways, shot and said, "Touch the corpse."

Maya only had one time to touch the corpse, and she only touched one medal, but Nightmare widened her eyes instantly when she saw the medal in Maya's hand, as if seeing a rare treasure, and blurted out: "Dawn Medal, a prop to open infinite future missions."

"Infinite future?" Maya handed over the medal without being stingy.

Nightmare received the medal without hesitation, and continued to clean up the zombies, saying: "Infinite future, infinite reincarnation, it is equivalent to the save file of the game. Assuming no one touches the corpse, I choose to load the file after I die, and I will be resurrected in the safe house 24 hours later. Equipment, attributes and skills will not disappear."

"King X egg." Nightmare said: "No wonder you want to kill Lin Wu. The first step of this mission is to hunt and kill the player. After killing the player, you can get 10% of the player's points. When you have 1,000 points, start the first part of the mission." Step 2. The second step is to find the Chinese shrimp to write the stele, and send the stele to your safe house. The third step is to complete the stele challenge, and you can challenge once a day without death penalty. After the challenge is successful, you can open the stele. Infinite reincarnation function."

Nightmare is not afraid of Lin Wu at all, as long as he completes the task of infinite future, he can carefully cultivate his attributes and skills. Once the challenge is completed, Nightmare is likely to become the strongest king in the homeland in the next more than a year of game time.

Maya said: "I don't know if the nightmare hated Lin Wu before. Now I can be sure that the nightmare will definitely hate Lin Wu from now on."

Lin Wu took a handful of Timberwolves and stood outside the safe zone, asking, "Is it done?"

Maya nodded.

Lin Wu said: "I only touched it twice, and the bill was split fifty-fifty."

Nightmare said: "No, you take it."

Lin Wu said: "I mean, do you take more?"

The nightmare froze: "I got an advanced bandage and a mission item from him."

Lin Wu said: "I want mission props."

Nightmare: "Why? You took the quest item and it's useless."

Lin Wu said: "We agreed to split the bill fifty-fifty, why should I give you the mission props?"

Maya translated the meaning of Lin Wu's words: "He means, do you want to make up some more? Because he got the mission item and can sell it to you, the price you are willing to pay will definitely not be low. Don't look at me, this is really him. meaning." Maya hid her face, she was really just a translator.

The nightmare was speechless: "What do you want?"

Lin Wu looked at the nightmare backpack: "Timberwolves."

"I fuck you!" Nightmare ran away immediately, pulling his fist to hit someone. Make sense? You took the Timberwolves of Blood Dream and I won’t share with you, you still want my Timberwolves?

Lin Wu put his forest wolf on the ground, and said, "Let's take a gamble, the winner can choose the mission props or the forest wolf."

"How to bet?"

Lin Wu said: "Bet me that the bullets in the Silencer's magazine are single or double." Lin Wu pulled out the Silencer's magazine.

Nightmare gritted her teeth and put the Dawn Medal on the ground: "Come on, I'll bet double."

Lin Wu picked the bullet with his thumb: "Single, double, single, double, single, double... single! Sorry." Lin Wu raised the magazine to let the nightmare see clearly.

This villain! The nightmare is speechless, wave your hand, take it. I hope you are willing to blackmail me after you take it.

Unexpectedly, Lin Wu picked up the forest wolf he had put on the ground: "We will cooperate again when we have a chance, goodbye." Leave.

Nightmare said angrily: "Are you crazy?"

Lin Wu looked back at the medal on the ground. Nightmare squeezed out a smile for the first time in 27 years: "Go slowly, be careful not to fall to your death."

Lin Wu snorted and left with Maya. Maya did not participate in their bet during the period. She knew that Lin Wu was testing whether Nightmare was a trustworthy collaborator. Lin Wu used a few rings to press hard. If Nightmare turned his face in the first few rings, Lin Wu would definitely make amends with a smile and apologize. I believe that because of his presence, Nightmare will not hurt the killer.

After confirming that Nightmare was a reliable collaborator, Lin Wu did not threaten Nightmare with the medal and asked to take away two Timberwolves, but left the medal to Nightmare. Maya is very pleased about this, the young man has been growing up, and the future can be expected. So he told Lin Wu the details of the medal mission.

Lin Wu was not interested in this explanation. He was thinking about other things while he was in the water, and asked, "You said that if I accidentally drank a sip of river water, would I be infected with the virus?"

Mayan thinking has not returned to its place.

Lin Wu said: "If you will be infected with a virus, you can find a zombie to soak in the water tank, and then soak the crossbow arrows in the water tank, so that your crossbow arrows will not be attacked by the virus?"

After thinking about it seriously, Maya found that she couldn't answer this question. When she finally figured out how to answer, Lin Wu replied, "Probably not, otherwise the fish you caught would not be edible. But it's not necessarily true. Pigs eat swill, and I eat pork, which doesn't mean I eat swill."

"Shh." That's one word, she felt that Lin Wu still needs a concussion sometimes. how to say? Lin Wu's brain often makes some normal things abnormal and makes some abnormal things normal. This caused Maya to break into a cold sweat every time she faced Lin Wu's various weird ideas and proposals, and secretly followed Lin Wu's thoughts to think, would it work?

For example, crossbow arrows soaked in a water tank may not contain viruses, but what if the arrowhead material is zombie teeth? How about tying a piece of zombie meat to the arrow? Will shooting the player in this way cause the opponent to be infected?

"What are you thinking?" Lin Wu looked back at Maya in confusion.

Maya shook her head: "Let's go." It felt like being led into a ditch.

Lin Wu said: "Beishang Town is finished."

Maya questioned, her brain twitched again?

Lin Wu said: "The tunnel to You County is blocked by giants and blood hearts. The nightmare has to accumulate 1,000 points, and I can only kill players in Beishang Town. If I am a nightmare, I will choose Invincible. The quality of the invincible base is high. Then choose There are many players in the church on the top of the mountain. They probably won’t find us.”

Maya doesn't care: "Many people will choose non-hardcore mode after summer comes. In the future, the number of players in this game will be very small. But those who can stay are those with skills. This is screening. Points can explain The situation, but it cannot fully explain the situation, Suguang still needs to further classify the players."

Lin Wu said: "You are not good at this, you like to link the content of the game with reality."

Maya did not retort: ​​"Big Mac, detour." Avoid this topic, she believes that Lin Wu will not open this topic again.

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