Corrupted Nation

Chapter 123: Changing Cars

Lin Wu slowed down, and the first one to pounce on Lin Wu was Bai Kuangmeng. Seeing that Lin Wu was about to be caught, Lin Wu suddenly burned his stamina and ran quickly, throwing a trap on the ground. Poor Bai Kuangmeng had already seen the bear trap, but it couldn't change its landing point in the air, it went straight to the bear trap, hit its head on the bear trap, and the bear trap clamped its head, making it It fell on all fours and died on the spot.

Lin Wu stopped and turned around to eat a piece of chewing gum, facing two blood madmen who were approaching him fiercely. One-on-two is dangerous and easy to get hurt, but is Lin Wu, who is immune to infection, afraid of getting hurt? Immediately grabbed a blood maniac and cut it violently. The second blood maniac scratched twice, took a bite, was stunned by Lin Wufeng's stabbing and execution, and soon turned into a corpse.

Lin Wu put on a hemostatic bandage with his left hand, and touched the corpse with his right hand...

At this time, Lin Wu is facing the game problem of rotten apples and good apples. It is said that there is half a box of apples that are about to go bad at home, and half a box of fresh apples. If you eat apples that are going bad first, when you eat fresh apples, the fresh apples will become apples that are going bad, which is equivalent to eating apples that are going bad all the time. If you choose to eat fresh apples, you must throw away the ones that are about to go bad.

To be reasonable, you should search for Bai Kuangmeng first, because it died the earliest time, and then you should search for two blood Kuangmeng, because they have serum on them. Maya stopped the ordinary zombies and blood zombies, and couldn't make a move. How would Lin Wu choose?

Lin Wu's decisiveness was manifested, and he immediately touched the white furiously, no matter how small a fly is, it is still meat. Whoa, blue blueprints. I didn't have time to look, so I ran over to touch the first Blood Kuangmeng immediately. Unexpectedly, halfway through touching the first Blood Kuangmeng, Lin Wu hurriedly touched the second Bloodkuangmeng. After taking out a bottle of serum, the second Only the dead body of blood madness was also refreshed.

Triangular army thorn: 30 cm long, with sharpness, penetration and high durability, and can be installed on rifles with a barrel longer than 60 cm. The production material is three pieces of steel.

Sharp Attributes: Equipped with rare attributes, ignoring helmet stab-proof clothing.

Penetration attribute: Equipped with rare attributes, ignoring occlusion, as long as the length is long enough, even iron doors may be pierced. The reason why it is said may be because this is only penetration, not complete penetration.

High Durability: A common attribute, the durability reduction rate of high-durability equipment is 30% slower than that of ordinary equipment.

Maya looked at it and said: "Congratulations, you already have a set of World War II equipment. A bolt-action rifle plus a bayonet, and once the charge is sounded, you can rush out of the trench and engage in hand-to-hand combat with the enemy."

Lin Wu asked: "Is it a good thing?"

Maya replied: "I don't know. After the end of World War II, there has been no large-scale hand-to-hand combat in human history, and I don't know how to use the bayonet. After you create a military stab, you can look for some related professional books. Anyway, This is the first piercing weapon I know of, a spear weapon, and I believe the quality is worthy of its blue color."

Lin Wu looked at the time, it was already one o'clock in the morning, and asked, "Continue?"

Maya said: "Of course we will continue. If we come back tomorrow, the zombies will definitely appear again. We will have to spend a few hours cleaning up the surrounding zombies before we can get in touch with the blood plague zombies."

Lin Wu looked at Maya: "Aren't you tired?" Subtext: Sister, it's time for a break.

Maya said: "This is a game, why are you tired? Let's brush until 7 o'clock tomorrow night and sleep for a few hours. Go to the invincible base in the early morning of the day after tomorrow, and then return to the supermarket base to rest until dawn before accepting the bounty mission. You Three pieces of steel have to be dismantled to make military thorns, we haven't got the map of Zuo County, and we haven't completed the task given to us by the stone... so busy?"

Lin Wu: "Because we are dedicated. Start work, and I will pull monsters." Is this what it feels like to go to work?


At ten o'clock in the morning, the crossbow bolts had been exhausted, all three machetes had been cut off, and even Lin Wu had only one dagger with 50% durability left. As a last resort, the two could only retreat first.

At this time, the bounty hunter mission rewards have been sent to the base. The most critical reward item is naturally the 5-kilometer red tooth intercom. With it, the function of team communication is finally realized. Since the number of zombies around the 4 screams in East, West, North and South has returned to the upper limit, the two seized the time to kill all four waves, and rode a motorcycle to the shadow base.

The day shift was collecting fuel in the rain near the base. Afraid of being pulled over, he didn't dare to disturb them and sneaked to the shadow base.

In the base, Su Shi took the broken knives and daggers and was speechless for a long time. He didn't know what the two were doing recently. When everyone went to visit the supermarket base, they brought them three knives and four daggers. I thought that even if I couldn't survive the winter, I could still hang out for half a month, but I didn't expect to be cut off in one day.

Repairing and crafting, Maya got half a dozen machetes and 60 heavy crossbow arrows. Lin Wu got half a dozen daggers. Su Shi applied for all the medical materials and traded them to Maya, and Maya and Lin Wu got on the motorcycle and went to the invincible base.

Passing by the firewood cutting area, the two greeted everyone, and Lin Wu told Shitou that they were going to the invincible base to make serum. Stone asked how much serum there was. Lin Wu replied: 20. Stone, who didn't know the explosion rate, felt that he had gained a lot and was very happy. He returned to the base and contacted Wudi, and asked Lin Wu to send 5 bottles of serum to the Wudi base. He was still very concerned and asked what supplies they needed, so he asked Su Shi to make more, and asked them to bring them back to the supermarket base.


Peanut was on duty at the sentry tower of the invincible base when he saw a drone flying in front of him. He was very surprised to see that there was a piece of cloth hanging in front of the drone, which read: Shadow Linma still has 30 seconds to reach the base.

Peanut scolded after laughing, there are drones? The shadow group is too perverted. Peanut gets off the sentry tower and contacts Wudi, asking Wudi to let Cuiyu, who was on duty, come back.

Greeting the two outside the base, Peanut was furious after talking...

Not angry at Lin Wu and Maya, but angry internally. As the deputy commander, he was clearly at the base, but the person who received the stone radio communication did not notify him. Otherwise, he couldn't let Cuiyu come back temporarily.

What surprised Maya was that the Invincible Base not only did not downsize, but further recruited troops. There are currently twelve players in total. Among the twelve players, there are 6 old players and 6 new players. Three of the 6 new players have the Fishing skill. These three people can contribute 8 food per day, which is an important source of food for the base. Invincible has set up a logistics department and a field service department. The 7 people in the field service department are divided into two shifts, and the 5 people in the logistics department are not on duty, and a deputy commander is added to take charge of the logistics.

When there are too many people, cliques form. A few days ago, there was a logistics worker who was drunk and sloppy. Fortunately, all the command weapons were returned to the warehouse, but he also injured the opponent with his fist. Injuries are normal in the game, but being injured by colleagues hurts self-esteem. In addition, everyone drank alcohol, and a 3-on-3 faction battle took place.

When Peanut brought people back, Invincible had already controlled the situation. Knowing the situation, Peanut asked to fire the members who caused the incident. Another deputy commander thought it was no big deal, and just apologized to the person concerned after sobering up. Peanut thought this was a violation of the basic rules of the base, so he quarreled with another deputy commander. In the end, no conflict broke out under the mediation of Invincible.

Invincible and Shana did not mention this matter in their daily correspondence, but during the chat, they expressed their views on Peanut, thinking that Peanut lacks structure.

After the game was updated, several support staff went fishing every day in order to obtain food, which can be regarded as hard work, because of their contribution, the invincible base no longer has to worry about food. According to Wudi's plan, he plans to recruit two more intermediate fishing players. Since fishing is the best source of food, some players in Beishang Town have reached the intermediate level of fishing, so it is not difficult to recruit them.

Peanut believes that if these people are willing to be poached, it means that their recognition of their own base and their brothers is very low. If such people join the Invincible Base, it will cause the Invincible Base to lack centripetal force. Invincible told Peanut that an excellent company must have internal conflicts, and it is impossible to have no contradictions. What the management needs to do is to let them create value, not make them like brothers.

There is only one player named Tanuki who supports Peanut. Cuiyu doesn't have much subjective judgment ability, and she thinks what everyone says makes sense. Or maybe that's her strength too. She didn't fully support Peanut because she had the best relationship with Peanut. In order to avoid getting too close to the faction, Invincible changed Cuiyu to his own shift and an old player who had a good relationship with Peanut to Peanut's shift.

Peanut said: "We have basically exhausted the surrounding resources, and I can agree with Wudi's approach to a certain extent. The base is facing a severe winter situation, and food is more important than a thug. Sometimes I feel that I should leave the base. After all, I can Save 1 food for the base."

Lin Wu said his opinion: "When a company can only survive, when a family is worried about food and clothing, life and work are meaningless."

Maya said: "Don't talk nonsense." Invincible is a good person, the relationship between the two bases is very good, and it is inconvenient for people from Shadow to participate in these matters.

Peanut also thought it was inappropriate to discuss these topics, so he changed the subject and asked, "Why do you guys still ride motorcycles in such a cold day?"

Lin Wu sighed: "Isn't there no car?"

Peanut smiled and said, "What's the problem with the car?" The Invincible Base can produce repair kits at a very low cost. There are not many cars that can be driven in Beishang Town. Many people can't afford to drive a car after owning a car, but they can't afford to repair a car. If you accidentally drive out, your durability will drop. It often happens that you drive out and walk home.

In this market, the invincible base obtained a lot of food by relying on repair kits. It's a pity that the car is too big to fit in a backpack and cannot be traded directly in the market.

Maya wants to protect the shadow image, and said: "He was joking, we have a car. The reason for driving a motorcycle is to pass the checkpoint during the day."

Peanut said: "I can't guarantee it, but I believe that Invincible will not be stingy with a car. Speaking of which, we want to thank you, the serum you sent has become our life-saving prop after the game is updated."

Lin Wu added fuel to the fire: "Stone told me to send another five bottles of serum this time."

Peanut hurriedly said, "How embarrassing."

Lin Wu said: "Peanut, we are friends. After you run out of serum, you can find us privately if you are infected."

"Then I will thank you in advance." Since adding 20% ​​of the blood plague zombies, in order not to be infected, they can only use crossbow arrows and pistols for long-range shooting. Even so, it is still easy to be tricked, and a bottle of serum must be consumed after the trick. Peanut said: "You guys drink tea first, I'll ask Wudi, has Cuiyu come back?"

Although Peanut understands Wudi's character, he still informs Wudi of the situation and lets Wudi decide. Wudi told Peanut that even if they don't give us the serum, we should give them a car. Peanuts say pickup, right? People come by bike, only a pickup can take the motorcycle away. Invincible agrees.

Cuiyu and Maya hadn't met each other a few times, but Cuiyu seemed very happy after seeing Maya, like a best friend for more than ten years, holding Maya's hand and talking non-stop. In Lin Wu's impression, Cuiyu was relatively shy and spoke less. Maya seemed to be infected by Cui Yu, and she chatted with Cui Yu for a while.

Waiting while making medicine, exchanging game experience. Lin Wu learned that Peanut had invented a method of killing monsters that didn't emphasize martial ethics. Power players each carry an X-shaped wooden stake that resembles a repelling horse, and when they see a zombie, they will swing forward, and the zombies will fall over the wooden stake one after another. It is better to deal with more than a dozen zombies, but it will not work if there are too many zombies, because the zombies waiting to climb over will destroy the wooden posts.

A dozen? Lin Wu glanced at Maya, a dozen were not enough for Maya to drink. Having said that, apart from the two perverts Maya and Xiaodao, even Lin Wu could not avoid being injured when facing the three zombies head-on.

Peanut said the purpose of the wooden stake: "It is specially used to deal with the blood plague zombies. The blood plague zombies that fall close to the player will not be infected."

Peanut drew a fan shape: "The infection shape of the blood plague zombie is like a trumpet shape, and the player will be infected only if he moves in this area."

Maya felt ashamed after hearing this. After teaming up with Lin Wu, Maya didn't care much about these game data. One injection can kill two hours, so why bother to test it?

At this time, a woman in her thirties knocked on the door and entered the infirmary, saying: "Hello, Peanut, a Big Mac has appeared near Beishang Town, and the radio station is in a mess. Many people are contacting us, hoping that we can take the lead. Drop the Big Mac."

Peanut asked, "Where is the shadow?"

The woman replied: "Shadow replied that no one is at home, only Shitou and Sushi are at home."

Peanut nodded: "Thank you." He watched the woman leave.

Cuiyu asked Peanut: "Going?"

"No, she didn't say that Invincible let us go." Peanut looked at Maya and Lin Wu: "Playing games and playing office politics, I feel tired. I'm laughing."

Lin Wu didn't quite understand what it meant. Maya explained: "The one just now was the deputy commander. She either reported to Wudi first, but Wudi refused to send someone, or she didn't explain to Wudi. There is only one purpose. I hope that Peanut will lead people on his own. Go to Beishang Town to deal with Big Mac."

Lin Wu said: "Such people should be expelled."

Maya asked back, "What did she do wrong?"

Lin Wu: "She..."

Maya said: "She didn't ask Peanut to take people to Beishang Town, and she didn't lie. She respected Peanut and told Peanut what happened at the base. She didn't even ask Peanut to make a decision."

Lin Wu was a little surprised: "So deep?" I didn't expect such a simple sentence to read sinister and innocent. Evil or innocent, then the benevolent see benevolence and the wise see wisdom.

Lin Wu's psychological growth trajectory is a little different from that of ordinary people. He has never participated in work. Part of his life experience comes from campus, and part of it comes from Wangnian friends. Lin Wu, who has no parents, always asks Wangnianjiao for advice when he encounters problems. Wangnianjiao is someone who has experienced it. He especially appreciates Lin Wu's willful life, and he also encourages Lin Wu to live a willful life. As a result, Lin Wu's psychology skipped the youth and middle age that smoothed the edges and corners.

Looking back at the age of 50, this Wangnian found that he had spent decades of his life living for others. As a result, he broke through the shackles and lived out himself. Whether it is right or not, there should be no answer, because this world is a world composed of various independent thoughts, and it is the most basic social rule to allow other people to exist with other thoughts, although many people do not have such an idea.

The summary of Wangnianjiao's experience is simple and only one sentence: life is short, don't care what others think of you, and don't waste your energy and energy just to please others.

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