Corrupted Nation

Chapter 114 Holiday House

It was past one o'clock in the morning when Maya came back from the Shadow Base. She found that the screen of Lin Wu's cubicle was open, and she was obviously not on the bed. Before she could look for it, she saw a green dot appear on the base map. Maya went to the west gate to take a look, and saw that Lin Wu was struggling to drag a screaming dog that was sealed with tape.

What are you doing?

Maya rushed to help, and Maya easily controlled the screaming. Lin Wu took out the rope, tied a knot under Maya's guidance, and tied the rope to the pillars on the edge of the safe zone.

Is it possible to move items to block the passage? Can and can't, most items can't. For example, if the shelf is not moved continuously, the shelf will be refreshed back to its original position.

The allowed items are furniture, such as safes, refrigerators, wardrobes, etc. can be placed in the safe area without being refreshed, but if they block the way of zombies, they will be attacked by zombies, and all items will be damaged. The effect is the same as a player's demolition, dismantling a large refrigerator into pieces.

The practical road blocking item is a car. A car has a characteristic that when its durability drops to 0, it will become a scrapped car and needs repair kits to repair. Since scrapped cars have no durability and cannot be dismantled without professional demolition equipment, cars are good tools for blocking roads. But it can only block ordinary zombies, flexible zombies like Kuangmeng can get through as long as there is a gap. Forget about the Big Mac, it will directly hit people with cars.

Can a bundle scream? In theory, yes, but you need someone to watch. This is what Maya and Lin Wu found after squatting for two hours. After an ordinary zombie wandered near the scream, it actually started to rescue the scream. The only thing it had to do was to break the rope.

Maya understood: "The rope has durability. The shelf has durability. If the shelf is placed in its own position, the zombies will not attack the shelf. After moving the shelf, the zombie will attack the shelf. The rope blocks the zombie's progress, or the zombie discovers The unsystematic placement of the rope, so the instinctive destruction."

Lin Wu said: "Our radio stations, warehouses, etc. are all system items and system locations, so zombies will not attack them."

For this reason, the two conducted an experiment overnight, hanging some handmade items in the base, and leading a few zombies to the base. Sure enough, the zombies will attack when they get close to the handcrafted item, but not the radio station that is within easy reach.

The method of binding the scream can be used, but it is a one-time item. The player leaves midway, and Scream may be rescued by its companions.

The day shift is Maya's job, and the system requires 5 hours of sleep a day. The time when Lin Wu and Maya went out on missions or spawned monsters together was only a few hours at night. Because they accompanied the knife to brush the tunnel, the two never had the opportunity to go to the fire station in Forest Park to pick up the pickup.

Due to the appearance of a giant in the tunnel, the blood plague cannot be brushed temporarily. After discussing with Lin Wu, Maya contacted Shitou and told her that she would ask for a day off tomorrow, and that she planned to touch the forest park system with Lin Wu. For this reason, Maya made a road map overnight, so that she will not be like Lin Wu, who cares where she goes.

One of the real reasons for asking for leave: Maya can’t get enough sleep time because of working on day shifts, investigating cement plants, researching zombies, and doing road maps.

At the supermarket base, Maya can't wait to break the day into 48 hours.


To get the car first, Maya decided to walk to get the car.

Walking on the forest path, there are giant trees beside the sky. Fortunately, it is daytime, and there is no sense of terror when walking in it. The scenery is picturesque, and the sun shines through the gaps in the leaves every time, and the scenery is beautiful. The two couldn't help but slow down.

Birds chirped one after another, and the wind blew the leaves.

Shout out?

"Six Wings." Lin Wu turned his head and saw Six Wings pounced in front of him, and immediately dodged with the wind thorn. But the wind thorn was not a teleportation. Lin Wu was hit by the six wings and hit Maya, and the two of them hit the trees on one side heavily. The heroic six-winged creature didn't die because it hit the human body. It flapped its wings vigorously and ran towards the two of them, but Maya chopped off its head.

"Infection?" Lin Wu asked, the injury is not terrible, and medicine can be used, and the injury will not increase. Infection will not work, either use serum, or have to go back to lie down.


When Lin Wu was hit by Six Wings, he opened his arms to hug Maya, which prevented Six Wings from attacking Maya directly. Maya held the composite crossbow in her hand and looked around: "Be careful, murderous intentions everywhere." The original poetic and picturesque scenery may turn into Shura hell in an instant.

Lin Wu also pulled out the Silent One.

The two advanced at a medium speed, Lin Wu let out a 'hush', and the two lurked and squatted down on the spot, listening carefully, there was a low-pitched roar about a hundred meters ahead. Lin Wu was quite familiar with this voice: "Bear."

Maya asked, "The bear that shot you flying?"

Lin Wu looked at Maya with one hand on his hip, and Maya suppressed a smile and said, "As soon as you say bears, I think of that picture."

Lin Wu ignored the bad guys, and let the drone fly, saying: "The distance is 73 meters, and the target is 3 meters away from the trail. Ten meters in front of us, there are two six-winged ones, one fierce, and several zombies." Why didn't they let go at the beginning? Drones, isn't this power saving?

Without the face-slapping animal trap, Lin Wu could still deal with Kuangmeng, but the number of Kuangmeng he could deal with at the same time was greatly reduced, and he could only deal with one at a time.

The Silencer of Lin Wu knocked off the six wings on the tree first, and the six wings hidden in the canopy were shot and then fell straight down and hit the ground to die.

Lin Wu asked Maya to wait a moment. According to the drone's image, Lin Wu borrowed the trees to slowly approach Kuangmeng. Taking a deep breath behind a tree, Lin Wu turned around and rushed towards Kuang Meng in front of him. Kuang Meng, who was shopping, heard the movement and before he had time to react, he was stabbed in the head by Lin Wu, and fell into an execution coma. With two more stabs, Lin Wu sent Kuangmeng away.

(There is a special sound effect for the execution of Kuangmeng in decay. In addition to using cars and guns, the best way to use it is to open the door BUG. Enter the door, close the door, Kuangmeng follows, open the door, Kuangmeng is knocked unconscious by the door. At this time Pounce on him and execute him, even if he is a second behind.)

Maya exclaimed: "I think your development route is to be a stealth-type assassin, you should practice stealth more."

Lin Wu squatted down sneakily, then swayed forward, and after speeding up, he looked like a big weird crab. Maya couldn't help laughing: "Okay, let's go slowly."

Lin Wu slowed down and approached the side of the road, using trees as cover: "The black bear is twenty meters away."

Maya asked, "Want revenge?"

Lin Wu asked: "Poke its head, will it get dizzy?"

Maya said, "I'm interested in collecting this data."

Lin Wu said: "I don't want to be a victim of data."

Maya: "Ten years is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge."

Lin Wu: "But the enemy's road is narrow."

Maya went crazy: "Then you go." Momo haw, will you go or not?

So Lin Wu stepped in, and Lin Wu, who was full of determination, would grumble, not because he was really afraid of black bears. Lin Wu sneakily approached the black bear, and set up three traps nearby. The black bear was eating raspberries, and Lin Wu sneaked up from behind it. I never thought that the black bear is different from the zombies, it smells. Just when Lin Wu was about to speed up, the black bear turned and saw Lin Wu.

Lin Wu was stunned on the spot with a dagger in his hand, and there were a few raspberries hanging from the black bear's mouth, and the atmosphere was a little awkward for a while. Lin Wu took a step back slowly, and the black bear took a step forward. This situation was the same as Lin Wu's first encounter with a bear. Lin Wu recalled the scene at that time, and took a step forward bravely, and Black Bear took a step forward bravely.

Fuck! The screenplay is not like that. Lin Wu licked his lower lip, and the black bear took another step forward. Lin Wu ran away, and the black bear immediately chased him. The initial speed of the black bear is not as good as that of Lin Wu, but the acceleration and speed far surpass Lin Wu. Lin Wu burns his stamina to cross a trap, and the black bear jumps over the trap.


"Idiot, won't you cover it with some fallen leaves?" Blind Xiong doesn't mean he's really blind. Maya shot the black bear with a crossbow from the side. Seeing someone hurting him, the black bear abandoned Lin Wu and chased Maya.

Maya was already prepared and climbed up the tree with both hands. Lin Wu jumped anxiously: "Why are you climbing a tree?"

However, the black bear quickly climbed up the tree at a speed not weaker than Maya's. The two chased on the tree, and the black bear was attracted to a branch. Seeing the black bear pounce, Maya jumped out of the branch. Lin Wu below opened his arms and hugged, oops, he didn't hug. Hearing a click on the top of his head, Lin Wu looked up and his face changed drastically. He grabbed Maya's collar and dragged it away. In the next second, the whole black bear fell on the place where Maya was just now.

How could Lin Wu give up this opportunity, let go of Maya and pounced on the black bear's head with a dagger. The black bear didn't faint, but became extremely irritable. It sat up and slapped Lin Wu's face, and Lin Wu flew into the woods like an arrow from the string.

The black bear was still chasing, but Maya had already drawn 41 and shot three times in the head. The first shot hit, the second shot the black bear turned sideways, and the third shot only saw the bear's buttocks. Facing the American-style Iai, the black bear does not suffer the immediate loss, and goes into the woods to escape without a trace.

"Lin Wu." Maya went into the woods to look for it: "Lin Wu?"

"I'm here." Maya turned her head and saw that Lin Wu appeared on the roadside path. He leaned against the tree trunk, leisurely, and said with a natural expression: "Don't waste time, let's go." If it wasn't for the bandages around his face , Maya would really think he was all right.

The two walked a few steps, Maya was trembling all over, Lin Wu walked quickly to the side to see, the dead woman was holding back her laughter, which was extremely painful. Lin Wu blushed and said, "I, I support the protection of wild animals, so I didn't do anything."

Maya tried her best to think about some painful things in her mind, the fatigue of training, the tragedy of the movie, and she couldn't respond to Lin Wu at all. Lin Wu was so angry that he searched for the black bear in the drone: Don't let me see you again.

Um? Sixty meters to the left there is a black bear...

Pretend not to see.


The route Maya planned twists and turns on the trail, crossing the forest park to the fire station. The pickup truck was parked in front of the fire station, and there was a police light on top of the pickup truck. Maya entered the cab to check the condition of the car and started the car. The durability was 50%, and the fuel level was low. Lin Wu took a barrel of gasoline from his backpack and put it into the fuel tank. Maya turned off the ignition, took out the map, and they searched the fire station, then the cabin, then the four campgrounds, and finally the RV campground. There will be many buildings along the way, and Maya's opinion is to search them all.

Fire station loot:

A fire axe. The fire ax is a sharp blade, but it is heavier than the machete, so the attack frequency will be reduced. However, the fire ax's attack power ranks among the best among sharp blades, which is considered a good thing.

White noise generator, dorm plug-ins, sleep time reduced to 4 1/2 hours.

In addition to these two things, there is a walkie-talkie, which is the sub-machine of the mother-to-child walkie-talkie. According to the work diary of the fire station, the master machine should be in the hands of fire watchers, and the slave machines should be assigned to more than a dozen fire stations.

To the northeast of the fire station is an endless mountain range, and there is a peak in the mountain range, where a fire watch tower is built. The fire watch tower can look over the entire mountain range, and can find the fire point at the first time.

Maya said: "It is said in the diary that the fire watchers take the helicopter to change shifts every ten days. Due to the needs of survival, there is a large amount of food in the fire watch tower, and there are a batch of supplies with a storage period of more than ten years. In addition, the fire watch tower is also equipped with Revolvers, shotguns and sniper rifles."

The helicopter ascends and descends on a grass field 500 meters away from the fire watch tower. In order to protect the safety of the fire watchers, when shifts are changed, the off-duty fire watchers will carry weapons to the helicopter and hand them over to the fire watchers on duty. The fire watchers walked 500 meters with weapons and bear spray, and brought daily supplies to the fire watch tower.

"Sniper rifle." Lin Wu and Maya were excited. The Silent is also considered a sniper rifle, but it is less powerful and has a shorter range. After all, it is a .22 bullet, so you can't ask too much.

The two looked at the fire tower, and the straight-line distance was at least six kilometers. Lin Wu said: "It's better to go to the checkpoint on the top of the mountain." The checkpoint on the top of the mountain is also in the mountains, but the terrain is not so complicated.

Maya was not distracted by Lin Wu: "Let's do today's business first. The next place: a vacation home."

Lin Wu and Maya put the looted medical kits and food bags in the back seat of the pickup, and Maya put the fire ax in the back seat. The two got into the car and headed north towards the lake. There are northbound roads on the left and right sides of Beishang Lake, and there are holiday houses built on both sides.

According to the plan, the five cabins on the left will be dealt with first. In order to save time, Lin Wu and Maya shared a room. The two had confidence in the strength of the team, and no one was left on guard.

Lin Wu first found 10 kilograms of charcoal, which can be used for campfire heating, and found a hunting knife, which was better than Maya's machete. Lie down and look under the bed and pull out a box. Because the drone had already detected it, Lin Wu killed the zombies that would scare him before taking back the drone.

The drone can be charged for 12 hours, and the battery life is only 4 hours. Fortunately, there is no cost to charge, otherwise Shuguang will be recorded as a crime by Lin Wu.

Lin Wu unzipped the zipper of the big box, opened the lid, and there were some clothes inside. When he was about to search in depth, there was the sound of glass shattering behind him, and a zombie crawled into the hut.

Lin Wu yelled that it was not good, and stepped forward to execute the zombies, and then the screams by the window roared. Because the distance was too close, the sharp roar pierced Lin Wu's eardrums, Lin Wu subconsciously blocked his ears with his hands, and his mind went blank. A few seconds later, there was a knocking sound from the front door, and the zombies in the window were rushing in. One came running wildly, and there were a lot of zombies behind Kuangmeng.

So Lin Wu and Maya fell into a melee again.

They can use the narrow terrain to resist the attack of zombies, but it is a dead end to defend in the wild. Accompanied by screams and roars, the number of screams is increasing, and the number of zombies is also increasing. According to visual inspection, there are more zombies who keep joining the dinner party at the holiday house than they hacked to death.

That's the damn thing about screaming, if it doesn't kill you, it wears you out.

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