Cooking that does not shine is not good cooking

Cooking That Doesn't Shine Is Not Good Cooking Chapter 174

"You eat it." Chong's mouth curled up, revealing a slight smile.

But Senior Honey didn't seem to want to give up, "You can also take one, and you will understand after eating."

Unable to withstand the persuasion of his friend, Chong hesitated for a while and nodded, "Okay."

After the paper box was opened, a similar light jumped out of the paper box again.

Because he had already seen it once, Chong was not surprised. He just took a clean plastic spoon from Guangbang, and without much thought, he easily dug out the corner of the dessert in the carton.

Chongqing raised her brows.Although he doesn't taste dessert very much, because his friend is a dessert-controlling relationship, he also knows something about desserts.

The dessert in the carton looks square and square, like a cake, but the feeling from the hand is completely different.It is different from the softness of vegetable cream and the slightly hardened animal cream. It is more like liquid milk. When the spoon is cut in, there is no resistance at all.

Putting the spoon to his mouth, Chong carefully observed the desserts on it.Because it only cuts a small corner, the shape of the dessert is not so clear that it is clear. The middle part is composed of white and red. The white part is thinner, and the red part is just right. On the contrary, it does not make people feel top-heavy, but rather round and soft, full of beauty.

The sound of swallowing saliva sounded from the side, which was somewhat unexpected. The sound did not come from Kwangbang. He was eating the third dessert, but the Suohuan and Fujioka Haruhi sitting opposite him.

The surprised expression on his face grew thicker.

No more hesitation, open your mouth and swallow the cake on the spoon.

It was a sensation that Chong had never experienced before. The inner wall of the mouth, the tongue, and even the gap between the teeth, seemed to have countless threads entwined and hovered.These tiny threads, along with the temperature of the oral cavity, releases the refreshing fruit fragrance.

The cake that Chong tasted seemed to contain strawberries, which was very delicious.If it was just that, Chong couldn't feel anything. He had tasted cakes made with strawberries in the past. What really surprised him was the sweetness of strawberries.

It is impossible for a simple strawberry to produce such a sweet taste, but Chong can taste it. The sweetness is not from sugar additives, but a kind of Chong is very familiar, but will not remember it for a while. thing.

The temperature in the mouth completely melted the small piece of cake, and the juice easily flows into the stomach bag along the esophagus.

This is a delicacy that Chong has never experienced before. For the first time, he discovered that things that were only used as snacks after a meal can actually make people feel such happy emotions.

Opened his eyes, glanced at Guangbang, Xu Wanghuan and others who were looking at him, Chong smiled lightly and gave his own answer.

"This dessert is really delicious."


"The secret of deliciousness is such a simple thing."

Lying on the bed, Xie Yunfei recalled the tips Feifei had told him in the afternoon, and his face suddenly showed a dumbfounding expression.

In Xie Yunfei's view, the structure of the Melaleuca fruit tofu cake inspired by the Mapo Revolution and Vance Tofu has been unchangeable.But Feifei didn't seem to think so, and the opinions she gave, or the improvement plan, did realize Yunfei's idea of ​​eliciting the sweetness of fruits as much as possible without adding sweeteners.

The specific plan...

It's actually very simple, just sprinkle a handful of salt in the water while soaking the fruit.

Many people know that sugar and salt are actually a very interesting combination. When cooking salty dishes, if you want to increase the saltiness of the finished product, adding salt is naturally not a problem, but adding a little sugar can also work. Play the same role.

Conversely, when cooking sweet dishes, adding a little salt to the dishes can better elicit the sweetness of the dishes and make the dishes more delicious.

To put it in a simpler way, it is-fresh.

Xie Yunfei knew this trick before crossing, but when making tofu cakes, he didn't think about it at all.

It was Feifei, who had been following her grandfather Qixing Special Chef since she was a child to learn the cooking skills, and she easily discovered the blind spot to understand Yunfei.

"My foundation is still not solid enough." Xie Yunfei squinted and chatted with the system.

His knowledge, along with the improvement of various basic skills, is indeed constantly expanding, but many things are like this. Knowing is one thing, how to use it will become another.

The solution is not without, as long as you continue to use, practice, and accumulate again and again, in the end, these will come from level upgrades or knowledge from books, and they will turn into Jie Yunfei’s instincts in his cooking. At that time, it naturally appeared in my mind.

For such a future, although Xie Yunfei yearns for it, he does not intend to change his plan for this.

"And... up to three days..."

He whispered softly, then Xie Yunfei closed his eyes...

Chapter 267 You Are So Similar to Me (Turtle)

Xie Yunfei is a person who rarely dreams, in other words, he will completely forget his dreams after waking up.

But it is very rare that Xie Yunfei had a dream last night. Not only that, he sat in the audience at the Tokyo branch of the Food Research Institute with Xiaoyun, Wu Shishi and others. Although he was watching the game at this time, his eyes were a little bit. Trance, as if he would fall asleep in the next second.

It's no wonder that although the dreams of last night were just dreams, everything in them came from memories before Xie Yunfei's journey.

He dreamed of his first love, or the unrequited love.

Although Xie Yunfei was an orphan before the journey, when he was in the orphanage, he was a very likable little guy. He was only different from his friends. He left the orphanage at the age of eighteen and started working-study to support himself. There is no good family to adopt Xie Yunfei.

It's not that those families are unwilling. Although Xie Yunfei looks a little ordinary, he always looks like a small adult. He helps the dean to manage the little friends together. He can also wash clothes, cook, and make children younger than himself happy. Change the diaper.

It can be said that aside from age and the temporary inability to work, Xie Yunfei at that time was no different from many adults.

I don’t know how many families want to adopt such a child.

It's just a pity...

Faced with the olive branch thrown by these families, Xie Yunfei chose to refuse without exception.

Before he became an adult, he did not intend to leave the orphanage, and the reason that prompted him to make this decision was not someone else, but the dean of the orphanage, a young lady who was only about twenty years old.

The young lady is very beautiful, with melon seeds, Liu Yuemei, and a shawl with long hair. She always likes to wear a long white one-piece dress. The most important point is that even in the financial situation of an orphanage, she can use some simple ingredients to cook. Serving very delicious dishes.

It's just that, apart from cooking, Miss Sister is a housekeeping idiot.

If the clothes of the children in the orphanage were torn, they would seek help from Xie Yunfei to repair them instead of the dean's sister, because although the original holes in the clothes that were sewed by her were gone, the collar and sleeve openings would follow. If it disappears, there will be a puddle of red marks on the clothes.

Mopping the floor with buckets of water will inevitably overturn the water, leaving Xie Yunfei busy wiping it afterwards.

Need Xie Yunfei to wake her up in the morning, take a bath, put on clothes, and other things that rely entirely on Xie Yunfei.

Yes, the dean's little sister is a life waste in the eyes of ordinary people. If it hadn't been for Xie Yunfei's help to watch, the orphanage might have been broken by her.

But Xie Yunfei never complained.

Even now, he still likes that young lady, the kind of love he wants to marry her as a wife.

Isn’t it a matter of course to take care of your wife?

It sounds ridiculous, but Xie Yunfei at that time really thought so.

As the days passed, Miss Dean was still as young as before, while Xie Yunfei slowly grew into a boy.

Not to mention the top grades in the school, but it can also occupy the middle and upper reaches. The rest of the study time is used to do odd jobs to supplement the orphanage.

Originally, Xie Yunfei thought that his daily routine with Miss Dean would go on like this. However, on the second day of Xie Yunfei’s eighteenth birthday, Miss Dean suddenly disappeared. He heard that she later succeeded her to manage the orphanage. The dean's words, she seemed to be taken abroad by her family.

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