It is true that it is officially settled in the ghost team.

She directly became a postgrade captain, and she owned her own genre title. It is called the genre with 'Jianzhu', not a breathing method, but a single cultivation of swords.

Maple Night Professor did not deliberately to shape her, because the realm of Maple Night has already reached the extent to which all swordsmanship is attributed to a level, so he is the most basic sword, direct refers to the top of the sword.

Maple Night did not ban the truth of the truth, this is also the root cause of the truth. Because Maple Night tells her when she leaves, I can use any way to pursue my swords, I will not be again Do any guidelines and restrictions.

Swordsmanship in Truth naturally learned from the pillars of the ghosts.

As the presence of the premium, each bit is in this world with a talented person. Their swordsman is not more than true, plus their swordsmanship this is very high, just can't find the direction of the sword, therefore It is almost just a realm of higher level swords, and they have benefited a lot, and each started a higher level of priests.


Compared to the whole staff of the ghost team, the ghost one has started a large-scale action that has not been seen many years in this time!

Action almost covers all regions of the whole world, and all places have almost all ghosts.

All ghosts follow the ghost king ghost danceless will, looking for swordsmanship of the swordsman genre and eradicate.

The people of the swordsmanship, in strict sense, only one person is only true in this world, so the ghost search is mostly reactive, but the actions of ghosts must be accompanied by bloody and death. There are various tragents everywhere.

Therefore, members of the ghosts have basically innovating, even if they have seen a higher level, numerous colors are still busy in the world, clearing the ghosts.

Some homes hide in the city of the city.

This room is fully enclosed, and even the seal traces made of blood ghost.

There are a variety of bottles of pots in a wide range of bottles, which can see a variety of herbs and strange colors.

Everest is not comparative seriously, staring at a modulated medicine in front of it.

"Well ... The ratio does not seem to have a problem, which can give the ghost to degrade, but the effect is somewhat poor, this level is far from can't be paid."


Just as the pearl research, there is knock on the door.

Then, the Shuran came in, and the body can also see a little blood.


The increasingly history is in front of the bead.

Everest Look at him: "Is there a survey?"

"Well ... According to the survey, the ghosts who have recently started frequent action seem to have received the superior order, asking them to search and kill the swordsmanship."

"Swordsmanship? What is it?"

Everest is strange to see.

The more and more confused: "I don't know, the low-level ghosts don't seem to be clear, just receive a vague instructions, I specially went to investigate some results."

The pearl eyes flashed a few times, said: "Such a large-scale frequent action can only be from the casual person, and it is very important to see the crowd. That is to say that the swordsmanship has been produced. The threat, let him feel dangerous ... "

Speaking of this, Zhu Shi slightly, and finally shook his head.

"Forget it, we are not suitable for contact with humanity, let them contain the wedning energy, so there is no tricks, there is no trick to come to me ... He is more history, recently reducing out time, medicine is also a week. "


The increasing voice is low.

Everest bowed to the medicine bottle, and the figure of the maple night was appeared in the mind.

I haven't mobilized all ghosts for a long time ... Suddenly appeared in the swordsmanship ... Will it be related to that person?

Forget it, those are not important, early completion of the drug that can be eliminated, is what she should do now.



Maple Night is sitting the most edge of the roof.

Everest and the Sutang have not tied to this, the spells and nunches of the blood ghosts that are getting the Shu Lang are also completely shameless, and there is no role.

In his a pair, he reflected the overshoot of the whole world. The ghosts around the world were reflected in his eyes, and the killing of ghosts and ghosts in each area was presented in front of him.

Have human beings are ghost.

The ghost was killed by a ghost.

Just just put it in the world, it caused a huge change in the whole world, and if they were odd, they were swayed.

But all this is not in the eyes of Maple Night.

Today, even if it is the collision and war of the two worlds, it is not necessarily able to make his inner, want him to focus on, at least to rise to the horizon level.

The reason why it is sitting here, is also purely because of a long time, there are some .

"Sign a little ... accelerate some."

Yifeng night overlooks the world and whispers.

Then he waved his right hand.


The whole world is like a slide, and it has started acceleration in front of him, and it is more replaced with the night.

Everyone in the world has nothing, and it has not been affected. It is only a person who has accelerated the time in Maple Night.


Just join the ghost team, has passed a year.

In this year, the overall strength of the ghost team has a huge progress, especially the numerous collections of the ghost, almost all rose a level!

But the improvement of strength does not have the decline in casualties, but in turn, the number of deaths has reached the most in decades.

Because the ghost is in the casual order, the action is extremely frequent, even though the ghosts are hunted around, but they are also constantly making new ghosts to kill the human swords for him.

The two sides formed a mutually pulled situation.

This year, a big-scale battle, there is a post-level existence of five ghosts, and six in the 12th!

Among them, the threeware of the string, the string ghosts!

In this battle, the three people who are string are killed, and the five columns of the ghosts are also killed, seriously injured!

This is the most tragic battle for decades. It is also the biggest battle, which also makes the ghosts aware of the horror and power of the string!

If they all pass the true guidance, I climbed a realm at the sword level, and the strength has been greatly improved. I am afraid that five people have to be completely destroyed by the three string!

The ghost still plays the wind.

True, this year is also practicing breathing, and finally found a breath 'water breathing'.

Since her own level is very high, the practice of breathing is also very fast. In just one year, they have completed the practice in the total concentration, and they have reached the level of 'quasi-column level' at the level of the breath. It has been greatly enhanced.

Therefore, she made her in that battle, and one person blocked the newly promoted string.

However, it is just to block it.

After overcoming the weakness of the neck and absorbs more unspeakable blood, the improvement of the improvement is a bigger than the one-year breathing method, and the two are flat.

One battle until dawn, the nephew and other people retreat.

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