Controlling time from Naruto

Chapter 690 Mira and Lisa Na


Maple Night looked at this scene, but did not speak, but he shrugged, and the girl who was rescued 'Wantati paired his eyes, rushing to Wenyi finger.

That is, this time, I have already awake it to Wenyi looked up to the girl, the way to live: "Sister, my sister ... The one, just the worms have been lost in my face, Maple Night brother help me Clean it, not what you think. "

A young brow wrinkled, glanced at the night, still did not believe in: "Is it threatened? Don't be afraid, have a sister here, he can't do it?"


Wen Ti Zhang opened his mouth, I didn't know how to explain once a time.

Maple Night Looking at this scene, helplessly shook his head, said:


With the voice fall, he walked forward, then the whole person disappeared in the same place, and immediately appeared behind the girl of the white hair, and patted her shoulders.


It's so gently shot, immediately let the girls are full of butt, as if electric shock is general, trying to resist the resistance, and the whole person fell down.

Maple Night The girl took the soft passion, standing there, looked at her, lightly: "You really don't tell, Miraj Sterfus."

This looks more aggressive and completely unreasonable, dress up like a small mixed-to-peer girl, is the young time of Mirajie, the future of the fairy tail.

It is worth mentioning that.

At this time, Mirajie is still the same personality like a small devil, not the future of gentle and black sister.


The Lisha and Alfman next to see this scene are exclaimed, some panic and fearful to see the maple night, but it is still quickly coming to the Mira.

Mira, which is helped, is still unable to stand firm, and it is slightly trembling, as if I have just experienced a pleasure of dozens of joys, I have a violent breath.

She looked at Maple Night, and said:

"You ... how do you know my name ..."

I just disappeared and instantly appeared in an instant, as well as gently patted on her shoulders, which is obviously not a means of normal humans.


The man in front of me is obviously a magist guide!

And under this close observation, she also found that it was only because he suddenly didn't pay attention, that is, this man has a little too handsome, or even more than she used to fantasize the future boyfriend.

"Just know a little bit."

Maple night smiled and smiled, said: "So re-introduced, my name is Maple Night, is a magist guide, here is my sister Weni, also a magist guide."

Wenyi looks at Miramia with a simple and unconventional eyes.

Mira opened his mouth.

Lisa Na and Alvesman also looked back in Mira, and the eyes patrol a few eyes in Mila and Wantati and Maple Night.

"That, this is ... what is going on?"


After a while.

Lishana and Elffman finally figured out the situation.

That is Wenyi scream because of the caterpillar, the movement of Maple Night is just like Mira, which is not far away, misunderstanding that the maple night is a criminal of the trafficking girl, so I immediately shot someone, and finally came out. Oolong.

"The same action, there is still a loud sound, how can it be misunderstood, how to see the appearance of mansalers."

Mira hurts, two small hands are stacked in the chest and open the head.

Lisa Na is overflows a sweat, can't help it:


Seeing Mili refused to admit mistakes, she quickly went to Maple and Wenrti, said: "I am very sorry, my sister didn't figure out the situation and brought you trouble."

Maple Night glanced at Mira, but not angry, but in turn, the Mira, which will be proud of the proud character, is not concerned: "Nothing."

In fact, he can also understand the character of Mira's character. After all, she is my sister, takes responsibility to protect your brother and sister, not strong, she is a strong mask to cover the gentleness. Inner.

"Do you are the villagers here?"

Ai Lusha asked Lisa, asked Lisa Na.

Lisa Na is nodded, said: "Well, I live with my brother, we are coming out to collect ingredients."

Ai Lusa Shen Sheng: "Have you ever encountered an abnormality in these days?"


Lisha Na slightly wonderful way: "What kind of exception you refer to."

Ai Laza is solemn: "Exception in the sense ... We received the delegation of the Magic Commentary, saying that this area has a trace of demon activities, so come here to investigate."


Lisa Na opens his eyes, revealing a fear of look, said: "evil, devil ?!"

She looked at Maple Night and Ai Lusha, flying quickly, and then some bad responses: "I didn't find anything in these days."


Airewa looks slightly, "" You don't have to be afraid, we are here. "

Maple Night looked at Lisha, followed: "Since you have no abnormalities here, then we will leave."

With the voice falling, he greeted Zhu Biao and Ai Lusha, and took Windy to turn around and walked in the north of the jungle.

"Hey you……"

Mira saw that Feng Night was so awkward, and couldn't help but turn his head to look forward to the back of the maple night, reach out and want to say something, but the discourse is a card shell.

In the end, she was a little annoyed, said: "The hateful guy ... what is angry, I have to become a magic!"


Lisa Na and Alfman have seen the helplessness in each other.

It has been used to it for the character of Mira.

Lisa is hesitant, said: "Sister, they said that there is devil near this, I don't know if it is true, I don't have to lie to us, do we want to go back to the village first."

Mira briefly thinks, said: "Well, let's go back first, there are some spare food in the house."


She noticed that Lisa and Alvesman had a little fear, could not help but quite chest, said: "Don't be so scared, even if there is a devil, I can also knock it! Another!"

Mira's look made the tension in Lisa's heart, although Mira is stubborn, but such a sister is still peaceful, let her smile and nod.


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