Controlling time from Naruto

Chapter 556, South China Soul Street 78

The body of the corpse, Jingling Ting.

Here is the intake trip stationed by the 13th team of the guard. It is a towering building. It seems that the Huanghuang is also majestic. From above, it can see a lot of death in black and death.

One of them in the gate of the 'five' word, here is the team of five team rescue teams in the Third Team of the Tria, one in a room in the center of the team, a man wearing a black white captain It is bored to be on a piece of mat.

He is the current five team captain.

Pingzi Zhenzi.

"so boring……"

Pingzi is on the mat, his head is on the floor, and a look of a hundred boring look.

In the absence of Pingzi Zhenzi, pass through a door in the room, it is a small office, a man in the office is sitting there, holding a book in his hand. Reading.

This man wears a pair of eyes, the face is a warm male expression, which looks very peaceful. He is the five-sector of the five teams - blue dye!

"... After creating the signs of the corpse and the virtual ring, the virtual king left this world, Ling Wang left, guided the soul to enter the corpse, and set up a world today."

Blue dyeing looks at the content of the book in his hand, whispered in the heart, showing a thoughtful look, said: "Flazder captain, what is the world before the two kings?"

"How would I know."

Pingzi Zhenzi turned a white eye, said: "Isn't that a book for children? Do you see what you have ... I don't know if this world is created, but the virtual king does not exist, virtual I have never heard of this kind of thing over there. "

Blue staining helplessly put down the book in his hand, helping glasses, said: "Pigeon captain, your name is too disrespectful to the spirit of the king."

"Cut, no one is heard, let him bite me!"

Ping Zi Zhen was cut, and the mouth was smashed.

He is too lazy to manage those things, he only wants to give him boring life.

The deputy team leader is so honest, although it can help him help him deal with the wells in the team, but there is no fun.

Seeing the temper of the Zhenzi, the blue staining shook his head, repaining the book in his hand, re-calming and gentle, looks with peace.

Just when the blue dye continues to look down with a book.

! ! !

The sound of the alarm is awkward in the team.

Blue dye immediately put down the book, turned to the outside, and stood up.

Pingzi Zhenzi also jumped up and jumped on the squid, and he called outside: "Hey, what happened, what happened ?!"

A dead god rushed in, rushing to the picnic and rapidly reported: "Ping Zi Captain! It is a warning from the Eight Fan! Saying that there is an abnormal pixel fluctuation in the soul street!"


The squat is smashed and said: "It's just an abnormal fluctuation, there is no need to pull the alarm."

The dead god is overflows a cold sweat. "No, the news from the Eight Fan team said that it is not usually the kind of abnormal fluctuation, but has never seen type ..."


Pingzi Zhenzi is slightly bright, said: "This is a bit meant, let's take a look, he to see, you will come together,"

"Yes, picked the captain."

Blue dye should be, close the book in his hand, and walk out with the flat.

Several people came to the team of the Eight Question Forces, at this time, the captain of several other teams has also rushed over and gathered in the team.

"Suddenly pull the highest alert and find any abnormal situation?"

He is currently in the night of the four maple categories, and asked a few team members in the hall.

The six team leader, who came into the hall, the seven team captain Erychuan Luo, the five team leader Ping Ziman and others have also seen it together.

"Dear captain, please come here!"

The vice captain of the Eight Funcing team opened his head down in Qihu, and took the crowd to the building and quickly came to a room full of various monitoring screens.

The atmosphere in the room is depressed. It can see many of the eight team members, the forehead is covered with cold sweat, even the captain of the Eight Fan team is also a look of lifting.

"Hey, what is going on?"

Ping Zi Zhenzi asked in Jingle Chunshui.

Jingle Chunshui stared at several of the monitored screens, the sound of the sound: "The corpse community has an abnormal pyrovolus. This volatility is unprecedented. It has never had such fluctuations before!"

"Oh? How big is the scope."

The four maple garden is laminated in the chest and looked at Jingle Chunshui.

Jingle Spring water took a tone, his eyes were lighter, and he looked at the many captains behind him. "The whole corpse!"


Slim street.

South 78 district.

At a shabby residual broken wall, a golden ray is silent, and the figure of the maple night appears in the golden light, gradually become clear.

"finally reached."

Looking at the nearby timeline gradually became clear, the fluctuation of time gradually became smooth, and the maple didn't swear, and the eyes were brushing all over the sky.

At a glance, I saw countless buildings and saw the northwest of the southeast of the Southeast Street, which was separated from the southeastern part of the southeast, and Jing Jing Ting at the highest central office of the corpse.


It is also because Maple Night uses the perspective of the eyes of God's eyes, and does not enclose his breath in the first time, causing him to completely stabilize the fluctuations in time, the whole person completely appeared in the corpse The breath of the body caused dramatic fluctuations at once.

The corpse and the virtual circle, some percent of the part is to shape it with his strength, after millions of years, when he once again, it seems that it is the same, this part of this part is Start shaking.

Maple Night brow one pick.

He stepped on his own breath, but the body of the corpse was triggered, but it didn't instantly gentle, but it seems that a drop of water falls on a calm lake, screaming countless ripples.

Many buildings have been shocked, and a river river has a lotus flower, just like a shaking whole world.

After a few minutes.

The shaking of the world gradually calm.

"Well ... Time is not the story of Kurosaki, but it has already arrived at the part I am familiar, just here."

The light gold gloss in the eyes of Maple Night gradually converges, and it becomes flat again.

He lifted his hand and was putting Lily, but suddenly, what is obvious, slightly surprised, and I have seen it in some directions.

In that direction.

A girl holding a baby is looking around.

"what happened……"

The baby's baby is her sister. She is sent to the south seventy-eight districts of the soul street after the death of her sister.

Because it is already the most close to the edge of the soul street, so unusually confused, even the water sources that can survive the soul are very lacking. She is really unable to survive with my sister and can only suffer the decision of the sister.

However, when she had to leave her sister, the whole world was suddenly shaking, and the rock in front of her appeared the jitter visible to the naked eye.

Is it because I have to lose my sister?

The girl hugged the baby a tremble, and the whole person was stiff for a while, and I didn't know what to do.

"what are you doing?"

When a girl lost, a voice came from her back.

This voice did not scare the girl, because heard very sunny mildness, the voice of the fierce people who had encountered before and before.

"No ... nothing ..."

The girl is toned, some is a stiff answer, and turns a little bit.

It is a silver hair that is a silver hair, a handsome youth wearing a black kimono, next to a girl who looks like she is almost very big, growing with red eyes.

Because the image of the maple night has a huge difference with the people who have encountered in the chaotic seventy-eight districts, the girl is briefly smashed, but after the reaction, she hit the sister of the arms and slightly slightly. Some panic escapes far away.


Didn't wait for her a few steps, the weakness of the body made her feel soft, the whole person fails to stand firm, fell to the front ground, but she didn't touch the ground, but when I fell to half, I was taken by half. Wand up.

After the maple and night, he took the girl and smiled and smiled. The right hand was put behind and then took out a white hoe and handed past a girl.


The girl stayed.

Her eyes flashed in a hesitation and hesitated, but finally reached out and took the past, and eaten on the side: "Thank, thank you ..."

The corpse is different from the world, and even if you only drink water, you can survive, but in the seventy-eight districts of the soul street, even the water source is extremely rare, you need to fight for the battle to get, you don't have to say that the food is precious. .

Maple Night is smile, gentle and sunny face makes the girl stay, then she heard the voice of Maple Night Inquiry: "What is your name?"

"... ... ..."


I heard the girl's answer, the maple nights showed a good song, and the girl in front of him looked almost the same as Lily, but the appearance is very like the dead wood Lucia.

Although he did not directly use the ability to understand the future, he also had some judgment on the girl's identity. Under the query, he got an answer.

Dimming wood true - the old sister of the dead wood.

of course.

At this point of time, I just came to the corpse world. I haven't met the sisters of the dead wood. Now I have no dead wood this last name, just just a jealous and Lucia.

Since the girl is a jealousy, then the identity of the baby in her arms will undoubtedly, it is still in Lu Qia.

When I was thinking about the maple, I had already eaten the steamed bun.

Everything in the corpse is a spiritual composition, and the food consisting of Liezi is also digested after the soul is eaten, and the lack of spirit is quickly supplemented, and some yuan is restored.

"That, that ... are you dead?"

I'm asked to the blushing night and asked carefully.

In this place in the Slim Street, you can take out food, and you look clean and tidy, you should not look at the dead god of Jingling Ting.

For residents of the soul street, even if the death of the Terrier 13, it is also an absolute big person, and each is a sinister knife, and it is eligible to live in Jingjing Ting.


Maple and night smiled and shook his head.

I am so surprised to watch Maple Night, said: "That ... have you come to the corpse?"

This question asked her some hesitating, because she came to the soul of the corpse, she should not have precious foods, unless they sent him to him.

"Calculate it."

Maple Night Strike Suspend.

If it is the corpse of 'now', then he has just arrived.


I heard the answer of Maple Night, I couldn't help but Zhang Zhang.

When I arrived at the corpse, I didn't know here. Most of them didn't know the precious food here, so I gave her so precious food.

I think of this, her eyes suddenly became somewhat dodge, hesitate to escape before the maple, I don't know the precious food, or I want to give maple night compensation.

After a few seconds.

I looked at Maple Night, Tao: "That, since you just came here, I will take you with you here."

Maple Night looked at her laughter and did not refute, said: "Okay."

I was a little slight, and I was introduced to the maple night, said: "This is my sister Lucia ..."

"My name is Maple Night"

The maple night smiled and touched Li Lili, who had never spoke, said: "This is me, um, my sister Lily."

The scorpion is slightly surprised, but the maple and lily feel like a little feeling.

She didn't ask the death of Maple and Lily, and there were few people in this world who will ask other people to die, because it is new.

I'm hugging Lucia to gently owe the night, then go next to it, and said: "The corpse is here, in addition to the central Jingling Ting, there is a total of four regions in the northwest of southeast, each region. There are 80 communities, also known as the soul street. "

"Generally, the closer is the soul street of Jingling Ting, the smaller the rankings, the better the living environment, this is the south seventy-eight district of the soul soul street, is the very edge of the area ..."

When I said that I saw Feng Night, I showed a bitter laugh on my face: "So our luck is very bad, allocated to this area."

"Do not."

Always follow the night of Maple, Lily silk, suddenly said: "Your luck is actually very good."

I'm helpless, helplessly: "Indeed, if there is a hundred-tenth district in the back of the seventy-nine districts, our luck is indeed good."

Lili sidelic looked with a look, she didn't mean this, but she didn't continue to say.

I looked at Maple Night and I continued to go forward. I have been a very shabby house. I opened the door and then continued to explain to Maple Night's Southern Seventy-nine districts, said:

"The corpse is very big, much is much more than the world, because the life of the soul is much longer than the people 's life in the world, and most people who die will come here, plus it here and marrying , So the number of souls living here far exceeds the number of people in the world. "

"Although the seventy-nine districts are very remote, the number of souls living is very small, but there are also a quantity of the total population of the world, so this area is very big, and the words will be a long time to go to another. Area."

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