Controlling time from Naruto

Chapter 515 Maple Night: Next, it is my turn

Heroes Association Headquarters.

At this time, the entire director is chaotic, all the staff and associations are all attached to the headache, and the headache looks at the movie on the central screen.

The picture is presented in the suburban scene, a group seems to connect the clouds and the earth's storm, as well as a thunder intertwined ocean, in the constant impact explosion.

Dragon roll VS Rayt God!

The S-class hero of the Heroes Association took place in the internal battle. This picture naturally should not be played to the outside world, so it was made very early.

But even if this is the same, the Heroes Association is now a picture of a picture. After all, the two S-class heroes are quite bad things. Whether it is injured, it is very troublesome, and now the S-class hero is quite important to the association. It is necessary to deal with a variety of disasters.

"Can you contact them?"

"The moment is too big, and the drone is not approaching, and they don't answer the phone, and we haven't ignored the voices of drones."

Several staff members looked helpless on the screen on the screen.

"The ability of horror ..."

"The level of the super power of Rayt, I am afraid that it is much higher than the evaluation, and it can be against the dragon roll."

The head of the Heroes Association is open with a cold sweat.

Another supervisor next to it: "The dragon roll has not been exhausted, and her super power is more than this extent, but the power of Raythe should also exceed the heroes of the S-class ... Yes, find a sweetheart Yet?"

The staff next to himself responded: "The satellite has not been positioned to his position, I don't know where to throw it, maybe it is already dead."

"The Signboard of the Hero Association is a geeks ... Why didn't anyone aware of anyone, this negative impact on the association can not be cleaned."

A supervisor is unparalleled.

The sweetness is not only the hero of the first A level, but he is also the highest hero in the Heroes Association, and it is also the card of the Heroes Association, contacting the people, pulling the popularity and the investor's link.

Other heroes either strength and popularity is not enough, or it is the existence of dragons such as a special alone, and do not care about the development direction of the Heroes Association.

All operational principles, development routes of the Heroes Association, are almost all of the sweethearts, and if they see the Heroes Association as a company, then the sweetheart is a position of the CEO.

Such a person turns into a geeks, but it is not only the influence of the weather, and even the development strategies and operations of the Heroes Association will revise again.


"This time does not hurry to deal with the problem of sweetness, it is playing, how does the S-class hero not can make people worry ?!"

There is a headache that is unparalleled with a headache.

boom! boom! boom! ! !

The giant stone in the sky is in the wind, the tornado manufactured by the dragon, hits it in the direction of the maple night, but all is smashed by the Thunder.

At this time, the maple stood in the center of the Thunder, bathed the lightning of the sky, like the god of the thunder.

"It is indeed very strong super power ..."

Through the hurricane and thunder, he looked at Maple Night. Her eyes flashed a serious look, two small hands were in the middle of the center.

boom! !

The violent tornado is fried, and the rotated countless stone, the speed is surprising to the ultimate, and even a streamed stream.

These stones have been broken under the rotation of ultra-high-speed, and they have become a more small stone, but the attack power has become more huge, enough to break the mountain!

"go with!"

Dragon rolls are pushed forward.

The tornado is completely explosive, and the rotary countless gravel is set to the maple night.


The light of the maple night flashed, and the Thunder of the sky was more than ten times, and the dazzling white light covered the whole area completely covered the crushed stream.

When the light in an instant is like letting the whole world have eclipsed, when the light is gradually dissipated, the figure of Maple Night is re-exposed. He is still inserted in the pocket. It seems that there is no extra action, and the look is still Condolens.

There is no scar on him, and there is no damage to a silk jacket.

"This guy……"

"Let's take my attack."

The dragon rolls have a slightly, and there is a whistler in my heart.

At this moment, she has no despise for Maple Night, and the man in front of me is not her strong, and can block the trick, it will not be much weaker than her!

"It seems that you are already fine."

Maple Night looked at the dragon roll, gently took the hand from the pocket, said: "So next, the turn is me."

Although it is aware of the power of the maple night, he heard the maple night, the dragon roll is still proudly snort, slightly raised the chin, and recovered the small hand, and the double hand stacked in the chest, just see the maple night. , Said:

"Although come up!"

With her voice, the Maple is rushing on her and opens forward.

The radius of the sky once again reproduced, and a Thunder is no longer to cover the area he floating, but thinking about the position of the dragon roll to bombarded the past.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! ! !

A touch of lightning is highly condensed under the maple night, the power is concentrated, and the light is bright, like a bright white whip, pumping out from all directions.

The dragon rolled down, closed his eyes, so floating there, and downamed in countless white thunder.

Bang! ! !

White lightning is in an instant crack.

Just see the green fluorescent fluorescence, spread from the dragon roll, turned into the vastness of the vastness to hit the four sides.

Because it is defense, and here is the outskirts, there is no need to take over the problem, so the dragon roll this moment has raised her mind to the highest limit!

The bright light is constantly pumping into the radiance around her, but the power is similar to weak, and it is unable to break the film-like defense and pierced in.

"this one?"

The dragon roll baths in the center of the rays, and the two little hands extended to the top, and made a good action like just awake stretching, and looked lazy to see Maple Night.


Maple Night lifted his hand and gently applauded, said: "It is very amazing power, but ... you have already made it full, I haven't expected it."

With the fall of the voice, the maple lifted the left hand and the right hand at the same time, from the left and right sides of the left and right sides, and the body of Chakra was poured out.

Snapped! ! !

Two bright lights are condensed, and they have nearly ten times more dazzling than before, it seems like a long thunderstorm, and I put it on both sides of her mind power barrier.

That's like a film-like super power barrier, it is twisted under this pumping, then like soap bubbles, he is cracking!

This hit let the body of the dragon rolls all solidified there.

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