Controlling time from Naruto

Chapter 392 John and White Beard

Great route.

New world.

On the wave of the sea, a boat that raised a sail is slowly sailing.

The sea is calm, the climate is warm, but it is strange that there is no knowing that the cherry blossoms from wherever the floats are sprinkled from the sky, falling in the shipboard and sea water.

"I didn't expect the new world to have such a beautiful scenery."

Robin came out from the cabin, seeing the cherry blossoms sprinkled from the sky, couldn't help but show a brilliant look, reach out of the small hand, caught a few petals of cherry blossoms.

This thought may be the phantom under the light, and the result did not expect to start the actual touch, which made her surprised to pinch the petals in front of him with his fingers.

"It's really cherry blossom ..."

"It should be the strange climate in a great route from a island."

Maple Night came out from her back and looked up to the sky.

In his perception, the petals of these cherry blossoms are indeed a piece of petals, but such a scene is to make him think of a person's ability, but that person does not exist in this world, but another world character.

Maple Night opened the round and rounded eyes, and his eyes took the nearby sea, and quickly saw a island that appeared at a very far away from the direction of the cherry blossom.

Cherry blossoms are floating from the island.


"The climate in the new world should not be so safe."

Maple Night recovered his eyes, he also reached out and took a flower petal, put it in front of him, showing a thinking look.

After leaving the windless, the sea area re-entered the new world has been more than ten days. It has almost no storms and other natural disasters in more than ten days. It has always been calm.

It is reasonable to say that the New World's climate should not be so safe.


At this time, Maple Night looked at the petals in his hand, notice what it was, his eyes flashed, showing a surprised color.

Under his ga gaze, I saw pollen contaminated on the petals. It was penetrating along his fingertips, just like toxins, but because he had a six body, these pollen penetrated into it. It is immediately annihilated by the six power in his body.

Maple Night refined, flew out of the flower petals, turned to look at the other side of Robin who was bathed in the cherry blossom: "These cherry blossoms are poisonous."


Robin slightly, then quickly felt discomfort.

Her palm of her hand, bare neck, arm, etc., with petals, all have a hot spicy burning feel.


Robin looks tight, and quickly retreats to the cabin, but the whole body is still the feeling of being applied to the pepper, let her look out a pain.

Maple Night Looking at the sky sprinkled petals smiled, said: "It is a half-half of the great route, and what we can happen ..."

He walked into the cabin and stopped the Robin who was going to find the water, and the fingertip filled with a green gloss, slipped over the neck and shoulders of Robin.

Robin can feel that the fingers of Maple Night bring a cool, all stabbed shackles, after being slippery after being swollen by the maple night, no longer tingling.

"All right."

Maple Night Finally grabbed the little hand of Robin, put her hand in the palm of the palm, and the green light flashed, and cleared the toxins in her palm of the cherry blossom.

It feels that the abortion of the body disappears, and Robin is relieved and said:

"Mr. Thank you."

Recalling the finger of the maple night in my mind, the picture of her body, her cheeks embodied a faint blush, like a few pieces of sakura petals.

Maple Night has turned around, standing in the cabin, rushing out the outer sleeves, a hard wind flying out, swept all the cherry petals on the deck, falling into the sea.

Hallow, whistling,

The large amount of cherry petals over the sky is also scattered.

"This is the sea in the second half of the great route."

"It's really dangerous ..."

Robin walked behind the side of Maple Night, looked at this scene, whispering slightly, said: "It seems that you have to be cautious."

Maple Night turned to her, gently smiled, said: "This big sea is indeed very friendly, cautious is true, but don't have to be too cautious, because I am."

In this case, if it is a general person, it will only be arrogant, but in the laughter of Maple Night, let Robin's cheeks have a little cute little red, and the eyes also flashed a touch. Color.

And just when she wants to say anything.

Maple Night suddenly looked at the direction behind her, and the eyes flashed a slight light.

"what happened?"

Robin, turned to the back, but only see the scene in the cabin.

Maple Night Wats the cabin, looking to a direction in the sea, and then got a slight look at it, and he returned his eyes and said: "Nothing, I saw a pirates."

On the sea, there is a large triangle, a large triangle, a large triangle, a large triangle, a row, a ride, a wind and waves hanging on the sea.

On the deck of the ship.

Many people are standing there, they are covered with a cloak, with a mask, completely isolated and sky-flying cherry petals, and some people come back and fell back to the bucket, scouring the petals falling on the deck.

"It has arrived in the sea of ​​toxic cherry blossoms, it seems that the country 'toxic cherry blossoms should be not far, John's captain."

"Well, advance in full speed."

The captain of the One Pirate, John stands on the foremost calm opening of the deck.


The nearby crew members have a sound, pull the rope, and the sail is full.

They looked at the captain of John's eyes, they took a little awesome look, because their captain is one of the legendary characters in the sea.

Captain John!

One of the crew of the Lockhaft, with the beast, Bigmom, White Beard, Golden Lion, etc., is the crew of Rocks, the reward is 21 billion 37.9 million peel, is the legendary existence One!

Since the Rockshair group is more than ten years ago, after the fight against the CP0, Navy Heroes and the Roger Tuanjun tripartite, Locks himself was completely divided, then the rod is very split. I dominate the sea.

However, after the split, Rocks once a crew, almost everything has become the existence of the sea shock, and Cairdo and Bigmom don't have to say, white beard and golden lion, but also with Roger, weigh the previous era. exist!

Just when the ship hangs full of sails.

In the top of the sail, one is slightly surprised to see a telescope to look at the sea, put down the telescope in his hand, shout below:


"I found a medium sailboat in the direction of one o'clock, there is no hanging banner, which may be nearby business boats, just on our route."

I heard the report, John's captain picked up a telescope, looking at the sea in the distance, after reading an eye, she put down the telescope and said:

"If you don't want to pay attention to other directions, it is just in the direction of the direction ... If you let go, you will suffer from the condemnation of fate.

"Well, then before I see white beard, I will move it first, catch up with it, don't let them slip."

He is going to see white beard.

According to the intelligence he master, the White Beard One Piece should now be stationed in the island of toxic cherry blossoms.

I have encountered a merchant boat in the half road. If he may be too lazy in other directions, it is just on the route that can only say that the other's luck is not very good.

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